$1,111.00 USD

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➳ This is 1:1 support with Hannah for 30 Days

➳ Voice and text message via Telegram 

➳ Psychic Readings (Via Telegram)

➳ Intuitive Guidance, pin pointing exactly what is going on, what has you stuck, doubting yourself and of course, all the pieces to reclaim who you are.

➳ 1 x 1hr Zoom Video Call

➳ I will intuitively accelerate the pieces for you that are missing, that you are ready to reclaim, and give intuitive guidance on ‘how’ to do that, step by step. 

➳ I come in and give direct intuitive guidance about what I see happening in your life, what needs to shift and change and what you can be supported by when you ask me questions about a situation that is happening for you. 

➳ There is intuitive work to do of course, whether that be intuitive healing, activations, meditations and deep diving into past lives, future lives and recoding inter dimensional realms - we cover ALL of this

➳ If you want unlimited 1:1 that doesn't have limits, access an all areas pass to all courses, all trainings, activations and meditations, then Life Purpose Accelerator is more suited for you. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator.

**All payments are in USD
**USD$1,111 equates to approx AUD$1,750
**GST Included

**Payments may show on bank statement as Stripe or New Kajabi