🔮 FREE PSYCHIC READING 🔮Tuesday 4th December 2018

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 04, 2018



Tuesday Tarot is HERE! Tuesday 4th December 2018


Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you see in your minds eye, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just know, that you hear in your mind or that you just sense and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose for today.


Reading results will be posted at 3pm AEST/5am GMT/9pm PST 🌍🌎🌏


The powerful Goddesses called to be here today, from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue, which doesn't surprise me, seen as though the Triple Goddess & Triune God Healing & Integration Meditations are being released to the public this week... these are the most powerful healing meditations I have done to date, clearing ancestral dharma karma, clearing generational lineage - if you think you've done everything and nothings worked, this is the deepest, most powerful healing meditations I have ever released. Keep an eye out later this week for them.


Have you been needing deep support but not sure where to find it? If you want to step into my powerfully healing and shifting energetic field and:


shift your life

get out of your

understand why your life is falling apart

need help leaving that relationship you know you need to but don't know how to or where to start

increase your psychic skills, intuition

amplify your Life Purpose path

release the past ready for 2019


The 21 Day Shifter Program is OPEN NOW click here for all the details.


Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮

Unlimited questions and answers

Unlimited voice message

Unlimited text message


Whatever resources are required to help you shift, heal and activate, this powerful space will shift you, just by entering this energetic healing space, that takes you to the next level and get's you deeply on path for your Life Purpose.


Click here for all the details of the 21 Day Shifter Program that is OPEN NOW.


See you at 3pm AEST.


Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑