READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 11, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨

Scroll down to find your number today to see what The Secret Language of Colour Oracle has for you today ❤️🔮❤️

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Orange. Nurture Yourself.

Ah - well, do I need to write more about this?? 😉 Nurture Yourself. It feels like you have been giving to a situation in a big, big way lately and whilst it doesn’t feel overly draining or ‘hard’ - which for you - is actually new in a way? Like, in a sense the message I am getting is that you have been ‘stretching’ yourself in a new way. Has there been a new situation you have been in, in your life recently? Or you have started a new regimen or program or something? It feels like you have been pushing yourself, but not pushing yourself so much - more - just stretching yourself into a new environment, a new space and this card? Comes as your reminder to nurture yourself too. The clear message I am getting is take a look at your past week, and your past month and how much time did you actually have for yourself? And then, this upcoming week - even today - when can you schedule time for yourself? And if you find yourself saying, you don’t have time - that is not true - we don’t have time for ANYTHING - but we are ALWAYS prioritising EVERYTHING. Of what is important to you, is what you are prioritising  - so if you haven’t had much time this past week, or past month - how important are you to yourself? Again - has your mind just gone with excuses/the reality of what has just been this past month? Okay - so being mindful of this - as you know, we can’t change the past - any of it… and this isn’t about ruminating about the past, this is about you taking charge of your future and doing something about your schedule. EVEN just 10 minutes in the day, to consciously stop and repeat in your mind, this is time for me, I am rejuvenating myself in this moment, breathing life in, refilling my own cup.’ Simple. Done. It might not seem like much right? Yet, when you CONSCIOUSLY take these 10 minute breathers - and you are consciously allowing energy IN - you are refilling yourself. And you don’t feel like you are giving giving giving and burn out. When you consciously STOP and put your feet on the ground even and just be conscious of your surroundings and allow nature IN for example, you are filling your cup up. Now, whilst these 10 minute breaks are good and important, the message here too is - what is coming up this next week, this next month? I am getting the message to schedule time in your week, literally schedule time in, to take some time out - half a day a full day, a full weekend - whatever works, yet the message here is clear, turn your phone off/silent for this period of time and literally be with YOU! Or maybe it is getting in nature, hiking or more, but the point here is PLAN something - literally schedule it into your next month, every week. The thing about actually scheduling something IN - is that when ‘stuff doesn’t go to plan’ or ‘you have a big emotional dealing with unexpectedly’ - when you don’t have something planned in, you fall apart in a big, big way. When you have something planned in though? You’re able to handle it, because subconsciously you know you have this time out, this break, this support coming up. It is the same with booking in with a counsellor, healer or otherwise - when you have the support booked IN - you subconsciously know you have this support and can ‘deal with it in this space of your counsellor/healer’ and so you can get through, have a strength about you and more. If you don’t have this support booked in, you feel abandoned, life feels hard and everything is ‘what’s the point’. So - is there some sort of support you need to book yourself in for? Even just scheduling your next month, to allow time to nurture your own cup in a deeper way every week? It is at a place in your life right now, where things aren’t slowing down - AT ALL - it is speeding up babe! And you know this don’t you? The thing is we burn out and more, when we are not sure when the break is coming up and the message here is that when you have say, this next month planned with these time outs, you can keep going at your pace - and these rest times coming up, enable you TO keep going. Because you know you need to and have to right now don’t you? So - what time slots do you need to schedule into your next month for you now? Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it:


Card #2: Purple. Develop Mental Clarity.

Ah, these cards seem to be very clear in their messages! I wonder, if you’ve been in my free facebook support group - last week, we just delved into the Crown Chakra/Claircognisense Spiritual Organ, which is just 1 way you receive your intuition and in this card today - I am wondering if you have been or need to start a new meditation routine? I am wondering, if you are feeling clouded foggy or almost, ‘not yourself’ recently? This is deeply related to the Crown Chakra/Claircognisense organ and I wonder if you have had a zillion thoughts going on in your mind recently this mental clarity, it is almost like 2 messages for this card - like one is you are actually very clear, but another part feels very clouded - and the message I am getting about this - is that actually you ARE very clear and switched on/tuned into the truth, yet actually what is happening is that you are doubting your own thoughts/intuition and THIS doubt is what is making you clouded. So with this - what is it that you keep receiving the messages of and then keep doubting those thoughts? What is the intuition you have been getting but ‘brushing it off’? Usually we do this, when we don’t want to hear/believe the truth of this message and/or don’t even know how that is possible, so don’t take much notice of it? But deep down, you know it is right? I am also getting the message about physical body movement and energy - can you, have you been or do you move your body regularly? When we are stuck in our head, not trusting our thoughts and more, is because - we are stuck in our head and trying to figure it out. When we move our body, it gets us into our body. The Crown Chakra/Claircognisense Organ, is deeply connected to our Heart. And our Heart? Well that also knows the truth. When you doubt yourself, your thoughts and your intuition - there are MANY reasons and factors that come into play of you not trusting your intuition, however, the part here is that your mind will always talk you out of what your Heart knows. So if you are receiving messages in your clear thinking Claircognisense and then your Heart is like YES!! Then almost instantly you start doubting yourself - just take notice, does your mind then start talking yourself/your heart out of that brilliant idea you just had? Archangel Uriel is DEEPLY connected to the Crown Chakra - to your Claircognisense, He is that brilliant idea, that out of the blue idea that comes like a lightning bolt idea, so if lightning is physically around you or a storm is brewing and you feel that electrical energy around - Archangel Uriel is also around, He is also associated with the colour yellow. What ideas, are you not paying attention too? What ideas to you keep brushing off? What is it, that you keep getting the same message over and over, but are brushing it off - simply because you don’t see how that could possibly happen right now? The message here - deep with this Develop Mental Clarity message for you today is: do you TRUST your Heart? Because your brilliant ideas, they are DEEPLY aligned with your Heart - and you have haven’t you - been opening yourself up spiritually lately? You’ve been increasing your spiritual practise, and connecting more - so now? Now is not the time to be doubting the messages you receive! ESPECIALLY when you don’t know ‘how’ to do it - because honey? That isn’t for you to figure out - that’s God’s job…. do you trust that you will have the resources to do the thing - you are being intuitively guided to DO? Do you really think, that Spirit/Intuition/Your Guides/Life Purpose - would not also provide every resource you need to get the job done? The part comes in trusting that you are fully provided for BEFORE it shows up. That’s walking in faith baby! You wouldn’t be receiving your Divine Intuition for no reason babe… Even when it doesn’t make logical sense, but you just know you have to do something - do you trust it? Remember, when you just take the first step, the rest is shown, turns and provided for. So what is it? That you…. just need to do? Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it:



Card #3: Aqua. Experience Peace & Calm.

Ah, what a card! The water! Crystal clear like the Bahamas! I am getting the message - focus on the Light - the light sparkles on this card are deeply jumping out at me on this card and even though the water is crystal clear on this card, if something in your life feels ‘off’ or something is going on that you are not aware of - immediately pull yourself back to the Light. This does not mean denying the reality of what is going on. What I mean when I say, focus on the Light - and even ‘see the light in the darkness’ ‘see that light spark within that person’ - again, this does not mean denying the reality of the situation that is going on. As tough love, can mean protection orders, strong boundaries and deeply leaving situations, people, places and things that are no longer in alignment. Yet - what I mean when I say, focus on the light within a situation or someone that light spark - means that this light - even gives you super clarity on the next steps you need to take, which can mean protection orders and more.  The light brings light to the situation, the light, switches on the light in the dark room - so you can see the paperwork you need to do, rather than ‘doing it in the dark’ for example. What I mean by this is that when you focus on that light spark within that person, that you are in the middle of an argument with for example, is that you bringing your awareness to the Light spark within them, changes the energy focus - and we all know what happens when we change the energy focus on things. Now, yes, this takes practise and again, holding space and copping abuse, are two very fine lines that you need to get clear on and distinguish for yourself (If you haven’t listened to my free audio on boundaries yet, please do so here: ) So - when you are focusing on the Light spark, even within yourself, you expand this light into the space, you expand this light spark - you switch on the light and the darkness cannot stay in the light. The peace and calm quickly returns, the person loses their train of thought, they are not able to keep going in a sense, because of this light. Again, yes this takes practise - however, the message here through Aqua today - is where has your focus been? Have you recently walked out of a situation that is not peace and calm even though for some time it has been and this has almost come ‘out of the blue’ and like seriously, what just happened? I am getting the sense that you have been going along fairly well and this ‘knock’ if you may - is just stuff coming up that cannot stay in your vibration anymore, because of the fact that you’ve been working a lot on increasing your vibration, light and more. I am also getting the message for you - that there is a lot of help in the spirit world around you right now, way more than you are aware of - have you been tuning into this help? Have you physically been asking for signs about this? Because this? Is your confirmation for you and if you aren’t aware of the bigger picture at play here, then this is your sign that you are way more supported than you realise right now. You cannot move forward with this still going on in you life and this what is happening right now? Is the LIGHT WORKING AT PLAY BABE!!!! It feels like, recently and I am getting the message of 6 weeks ago - something was activated, something shifted, something happened - what was going on 6 weeks ago? - and THIS was a CORE activation of your Life Purpose - if life has felt fast paced and full on since that time 6 weeks ago especially THIS Is the reason why! There are MASSIVE thing going on behind the scenes that the Spirit world is working out/sorting out and more for you right now, again, sooo much help behind the scenes has a lot to do with why this is going on - so - message now too - is that when you bring your mind awareness TO the Light when you are n this situation which is the card message I just spoke of - what you are doing when you do this??? Is activating ALL The spiritual support/help and guides you have around you right now! So - this whole focusing on the light thing, has way more power than just that - it is like you call up your back up when you do this 😍 Can you set reminders on your phone, to remind you, to focus on the light? DO you need to meditate more frequently, to strengthen your connection to your massive tonne of spiritual support that is by your side right now because your  Life Purpose has been DEEPLY activated?? Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it:



Card #4: Violet. Create a Balanced Life.

Ah, there are 2 Purple card today! And, as I mentioned in Card #2 we have just gone through the Crown/Claircognisense Spiritual Organ in my free facebook support group last week! And this Card for you today? Violet? The Balance?? When I created/channeled Lightfilled Yoga - as soon as the Crown Chakra was activated through the Crown Chakra Class, the Heart Chakra automatically aligns/activates and this thread is deeply connected = reconnected consciously (it is never not connected! Just our conscious awareness of the connection). The point here, is that at the Crown Chakra - it is all about Balance. If you are too open, you burn out, don’t have boundaries and take on other people’s energy. If you are too closed, you shut yourself out from the world, suffer depression and people around you reflect your closedness and you experience a ‘hard’ life. The perfect Balance? Is knowing when to say no and when to say yes. It is being VERY clear on what your Heart and core being values are - for when you are not, you say yes all the time to people because you are just not clear in what is important to you. You may think you are, but if you keep saying yes when you mean no - this comes into asking yourself, what are your values actually? Have you literally taken time to sit and write them down? If you are not that clear - that you can actually write them down and have them staring in your face - especially if you keep saying yes when you mean no, then, this is something I would be highly recommending you do. You know how draining it can be say yes when you mean no right? And then - what happens - is that you are so open and help everyone and then burn out then - get resentful and pissed off and shut down at the world - you’ve just swung from the two ends of the spectrum of the scale right now/just then with that - do you see this connection? So this Balance card? I feel strongly the main message is here, getting VERY clear on your values as this? WILL create a Balanced life. It will help you switch off your phone when you need too, it will help you sleep better, it will help you attract loving relationships into your life, that also respect your boundaries, because - right now, if people are treading over your boundaries and you are feeling upset and hurt about things, honey, the only reason this is happening is because your boundaries are not strong enough and this stems from being VERY clear in your values. How do you find out what your values are? What is important to you? When you have spare time, what do you find yourself doing? What do you wish you could do all the time? What makes your Heart come alive? When you were a kid, what did you wish to be when you grew up? Some of these may seem like silly questions, yet, these will help you get clear on what you value. And when you are clear on what you value, then you can dedicate and create your time schedule aka your life - to what is most important to you AND protect your time and energy with due diligence care of putting YOU first - which is the most important part of Balance, for when you aren’t tending to yourself first, indeed will you be put out of Balance. A Balance Crown, deeply in alignment with your HEART - is what dreams are made of aka your Life Purpose. Are you… clear in your values? Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it:



Card #5: Tangerine. Be Spontaneous and Have Fun!

Ah! It feels like - you have just had a lot of fun right?? On the weekend maybe? The yellow in the centre of this card, is yellow, Solar Plexus - taking back your power, owning your power, increasing self worth, self esteem, trusting in yourself, honouring yourself and your values, your boundaries - whilst this is Solar Plexus, this card is mainly Orange and Orange is the Sacral Chakra, that place where you are nourished to your core - that deep, Buddha belly style contentment. It feels like you have deeply nourished yourself lately, that there has been a lot of contentment and joy from just doing something fun and out of routine for a change. It feels like you have been deeply listening to your intuition, your inner guidance lately and taking extra care of yourself. It feels like you have been acting on your intuition, putting yourself first and stepping into deep honour of who you are. This Spontaneous and Fun card feels like you have stepped into a new you almost - you have really done a lot of work recently that has enabled you to feel this depth of confidence, healing and joy - deep, underlying joy and contentment. I am also getting the message about a detox/cleanse or fast - have you just started this? Or about to? Or have been thinking about it? This card today for you - feels like it is coming as deep, deep confirmation of the alignment you have just stepped into with your Life Purpose and more. It feels like so much has been shown to you recently, but you have acted on your intuition very quickly, trusted it and shifted along side it. It feels, very, very positive, even the cleanse/fast, has been/is good for you. It almost feels like a ‘final touch’ to the huge inner changes you have been doing lately - it does/also feels like you have completed a huge chapter in your life recently and this has also propelled you into deep alignment with your Life Purpose - did you go away recently too? It feels like this was needed after the hectic fast pace of life that has been for you AND I am getting the strong message, that if you are worried about finances, even though you have been feeling quite good and a lot of underlying joy more than ever before - if finances have been on your mind, this card has come to your side, to let you know that all is okay! You are more deeply supported than you realise right now and actually ‘open your eyes to what you do have’ is the message coming through and focusing on THAT, rather than the other and if fears are strong - talk to them! Talk to them, so they clear and of course, ask Archangel Michael of 100% Light to help you with this situation in releasing your fears about it and I am getting the message be mindful of any intuition you receive when you ask for help about this. It feels like you are attracting A LOT of good things into your life right now, so totally focus your awareness on this, as you have been and are doing amazing - your Sacral belly fire is deeply grateful of all the nourishing things you are doing to support yourself right now. Keep going and TRUST what you are called to do, even when it doesn’t make logical sense, because you’re right on path babe, this card is a strong message of this for you today. Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it:



Card #6: Silver. Be Persistent.

The message eon this card? Is strong. Silver. Reflection. What is being reflected in your reality right now? I am getting the STRONG message for you - that WHATEVER is going on - whatever is being reflected in your reality right now is a HUGE distraction from your Life Purpose. Have you felt Archangel Michael’s presence around you stronger than normally recently? Because he is showing you that it is time to leave this unhealthy situation. You have already been getting signs of this lately though haven’t you? This Silver - Silver is reflective - just like the Moon. What is being reflected to you? I am sensing that you have known that more information was about to come to light - that - you kinda knew this was coming, but you haven’t wanted to notice the signs, believe it is true? It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when it does! Yet, Archangel Michael is STRONG in this, and Archangel Haniel, is also very strong - She is deeply connected to the moon and Silver and the power fo the Moon Goddess plus Archangel Michael’s energy, this Be Persistent - is Be Persistent on your LIFE PURPOSE - not Be Persistent with the very thing that is distracting you from your LIFE PURPOSE! I am getting the strong sense that you have made leaps and bounds progress on your Life Purpose recently and these distractions may have ramped up at the same time. Perhaps you thought they were supportive at the start, a compliment even, to what you are doing - yet the message is clear here, Be Persistent to your LIFE PURPOSE, not what is distracting you. Have you let some things slide recently? Do you feel like you a bit behind with your work or project, or something else in your life, because of this? This card has come with a very clear and direct message that it is time to refocus, restructure and reschedule your time, boundaries and what you are doing, who you are serving, where your focus is and deeply, deeply come into awareness of what is truly being reflected to you in your life right now. The message here is clear - YOU ARE SEEING THE TRUTH ACCURATELY. The reflection in your reality is CLEAR - do not doubt this! The question here is, do you have the courage to act on on the truth you are being shown. Do you have the courage, to trust yourself over - no matter how good the outer reality looks? Can you trust the truth that you can feel in your Heart - which is the truth of the reflection you are being shown? What is more important here? Your Life Purpose? Or what it is that has been distracting you from such? It may mean you need to walk away from a person, situation, place or thing yes. So, can you trust this? It may also mean - you don’t need to leave altogether, but to deeply reassess your boundaries and how and when you are spending time with people and/or this distraction, to what you need to really do with your time and energy. Be Persistent - with your Life Purpose. What action, truthful, courageous action - do you need to take, from this reading today? Love xxx I received the intuition to close the Life Purpose Mentorship Doors - THIS WEEK! So if it’s been calling you, doors are closing on Friday/Saturday (depending on where you are in the world). We are currently in the Crown Chakra, Third Eye is next, then Ears and we continue on the Chakra journey through Rapid Ascension Awakening. PLUS with live weekly Lightfilled Yoga classes, activating your physical body through each chakra, let alone weekly Intuitive Life Purpose Group Coaching calls every week and the plethora of Life Purpose Awakening tools INCLUDING the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose, which is a way of BEING and a lifestyle, that steps you into great alignment moment by moment, so you are deeply connected to your reason for being born on this planet, your SOUL will be calling you to this and you will deeply know you HAVE to be in this for this very first round of Rapid Ascension Awakening… something BIG is being born. Is your Soul calling you? Click here for all the details, or you can send me a private message if you have questions about it: