🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th October 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 12, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th October 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to find what messages are  awaiting you there today from the Mermaids & Dolphins. 

After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust!

21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. 

Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program

Love, Hannah  
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Self-Forgiveness. ‘Let go of old guilt and remember that you’re God’s perfect child!’

Honey, stop being so hard on yourself, you were only doing what felt right at the time. Even though now, some things are really becoming clear to you that you are like woah, seriously?! How was I even in that?! How did I even stay that long?! Why did I even think that was okay!? No wonder I feel so sick now, no wonder I have been a mess recovering thinking something is wrong with me?! Gah - HUGS honey and please be gentle with yourself and only surround yourself with loving people right now. You are in recovery mode and there will be some ‘shocking’ revelations that are revealed to you into coming  weeks that you will just wonder wtf. It’s okay, you’re out now. It’s okay to melt down during this recovery - whilst being extra gentle on yourself and allowing yourself to come back to the truth of who you are. I am sensing there is a well that is about to surface for you.  A well  of - who you are. An innate power that  you haven’t seen before within yourself - well, maybe deep inside a long time ago, that was deep inside you, buried and sometimes shows itself - only to you. But now you are finding a long forgotten part of you - the more guilt you  release and be you anyway - that -  feel the fear and do it anyway, we feel the guilt and do it anyway - you are coming out the cave. You do not have to hide anymore. You do not have to carry that level of darkness anymore - for that was never yours to carry. That was funnelled to you almost like a spiderweb and that… is what is releasing from you right now, so be ever so gentle with yourself through this time as you clear the webs of your past, remember who you are and allow parts of yourself out that you have never shown the world before. You’re safe, to come out of  your cave now.  Love xxx After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #2:  Time to Move  On. ‘It’s time to let go of the old and worn  out  so that they new can come in.”

Stop thinking about - yes, easier said than done. However, this is taking up precious  time and energy that you are needing to reclaim right now to bring back your innate  power - honey you are being called into service in a big, big way. I am also getting the message of stop thinking you need to do it any other way that what your deep inner Soul guides you to do? It feels like you have been influenced by some ideas recently or the last few months or years - that it feels like you are stripping away right now - that, also stripped away your Soul and who you truly are. It is like you are covered in webs of disarray disillusioned invisible clothes that have had direct influence into your state of being, your mindset, welfare, health - ALL the things and this has deeply drained your very essence that you are currently reclaiming right now. It feels like there is a strong message here for you to do regain that trust and confidence of self that you used to have, that spark you used to have. It is safe for you to reclaim this and be in this confident state that you used to be in. I am getting such a strong message for you to just do what feels right for YOU. Not what you THINK you should do - almost question anything that tells you, you need to do something that then instantly feels like it is forced, like it drains you before you even begin! That is your sign - um, not your path  honey! TIME TO MOVE ON. Use this as your guide post, use this as the piece that keeps you in ALIGNMENT to your highest  desires right now. Anything that doesn’t bring you alive, light you up and turn you ON - walk away. Move on. And bring back your HEART beautiful Soul - you have a big one, for a reason, now turn to where it keeps you OPEN. Love xxx After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #3:  Simplify Your  Life. “Eliminate  clutter from your home and  work  life to balance the flow of activities.” 

Clear out the clutter. This also means in your mind, body and Soul. When you look around, do you LOVE what you see in your home? In your room? In your office? In your  garden? In the mirror? In your car? Around you? If not, do whatever it takes to make it so that every room, every nook and cranny, every piece of clothing, every look in the mirror - that you LOVE. I am getting the message to let go. Let go of what you want - in a sense of ask for it, give it to God and get on with your life, God hears you and your prayers, your desires, your needs, so walk forward - creating love in your life with the above mentioned and start - living with what you desire. The epitome of manifesting your Life Purpose - of living your life now - is to ‘Do what you can with what you have - now.’ There is always a way to do what is right in the now. There is always a way to do what is important to you now. It is never about the money, but always about where we place our money. Many people can say they can’t afford it, but will go and buy their favourite wine or beer. It isn’t about the money, but where they value what is important and meaningful  to them. Right now - you can do what you want to do - so don’t say you can’t. Start saying ‘I can do this, how can I do it, I can do this, how can I do it?’ - even though you don’t know how - but what you are doing in this mantra is asking the Universe to show  you how. It is time to discipline your mind (with that mantra), it is time to clean up your life and turn your right now - into something you LOVE. Not waiting around until you’ve lost that weight and feel better in your body, not waiting until you have the resources to d o what  you love, not listening to others about what you should do with your life, but I feel this is time for you - to start eliminating the clutter from your life - in all areas. Removing anything that is not aligned anymore. It’s time to  return the love to your  life, starting with the little and big things and all in between. Do what you can with what you  have. You can do this! I believe in you! Love xxx After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #4: Healing Heart. ‘You’re a powerful  Healer. Keep up the good work!’

Honey, yes, of course you’re a Healer. That is why your heart aches and breaks so easily for the world stuff, for something little (or big) that someone says t you. That is why you're so sensitive to people or animals or trees being hurt. That is why you feel  so different - because you FEEL so much. You are Healer, you have a huge healing heart and honey, I ams ensign with this card for you today is that your Heart is in need of healing. There is something quite deep, big and old that you are healing from at this time. I know you know it is okay to cry, sometimes you can’t stop crying. But you, as a Healer, know that  your tears release the stress hormone cortisol, and that you also know you are healing from something quite huge, even if you can’t quite place your finger on the depth of it just yet, or quite what it is, know that you are healing and it is setting your heart free so that you can open and remember to love again. I feel you are awesome at being there for others (of course, you have a huge heart and is what you do naturally) and yet, for yourself is a… bit of a learning curve for you at this moment. I am also wondering if you have felt lost with what you are doing at this time? Or are needing to figure out your next step? Is that - becoming a Healer? Stepping out doing what you do best? Or is it working with a Healer to heal, be supported and gain clarity? It feels like you have the resources and opportunities at your door step at this time take the action you need to take. I am also getting the message to trust any messages you receive at this time, to trust  your intuition. It feels like a lot  of  important doors are opening for you -  even if it seems like some are closing - well of course, because you’re being guided right now to the most aligned path, your Life Purpose is calling young that is why so much has left your field recently, because of these new door ways, these new opportunities… are about to open right  up for you. Trust Your Intuition and take them. And watch your Heart heal 😉 Love xxx After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #5: Music for Manifesting. 'To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.’

Well, this one is obvious! Are you needing to listen to more music? Or dance? Or move your body in the way music makes you feel? Do you need to have music on to get things done? Did you forget this perhaps? That can allow you to get the hardest tasks done? Or have you found a whole new love for music in a different way recently? I am also getting the message that this card is about the ‘music of your Soul’. What ways is your Soul longing to express itself? What ways is  your Soul longing for you to remind you that you exist? What makes your Soul sing? What activities makes your Soul sing? I am getting the message something about travel for you - are you travelling or miss travelling depending on what part of the world you are in? I am getting the sense that this is about moving, about travelling, something is ‘shifting’ you, music - the movement music creates, but there is bigger movement for you happening underneath the surface it feels like? Do you feel that itchy feet, or moving vibes, even though you just settled but you know you need to move your body or there is something coming that is going to ‘rock your world’ and  change you in some  way  perhaps? But in a good way? You can feel it, sitting there,  awaiting to be  discovered, the question is - will you take the leap? Will you say yes? Will you take the first step and just go? Move forward, no matter the fear or outcome because it is something you just know you have to do? I am sensing that music is  your gateway to all your answers. Whether that is meditation music, music that moves  your  Soul or the silent time you take out as you hear the music  of your own Soul - music is calling you - act on that now. Overall, the main message here is the music of your Soul wants to express itself in creative ways - what is that for you? What part of your Soul wants to ignite and come out to the world? Are you hearing the music of your own Soul? Are you listening to the sounds of  your own magic? Love xxx  After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #6: A New Dawn. ‘The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on  the  horizon.’

Um - did you just get like a pile of information and ideas that… will SET YOU FREE?  Did you just get your motivation back? Did you or have you been receiving new ideas about your Life Purpose? It  feels like you have just had a huge wave of OMG THIS! Why didn’t I ever think of this before?! Have you done some clearing work recently as well?As this  - I am getting the message to stick consistently with this clearing work for a time, it feels like thick, old stuck sickly cords almost are being removed from your life and it is  working! Of course right, because these new ideas are flooding in right?! It feels like this is relational to an old ex or career even and its like the more you cut cords (so many on  you it seems) the more clarity you are receiving and the more motivation you are receiving to… well be you again right? It feels like this person from your past, even though it’s been done and dusted for a long, long time, you didn’t realise how much they have had and still do have an energetic hold on you right? You have begun clearing and have you asked - ‘What do I need to do to completely free myself from this situation?’ What comes up when you ask that question? Maybe the ideas that have been coming to you have been enough already, but maybe more comes through when you ask that question too right?! I am also getting the message to stay focused. Stay innately focused on what it is that you are desiring right now. Anything else that pulls you  away   from your vision - your goals - your right now goals and vision and your future goals and vision is pure distraction and must be avoided at ALL costs. Keep clearing your energy, keep cutting your cords - even to people you don’t think are influencing you or are close friends - they need to go too. You can still connect with them without carrying their shit and unconsciously influencing you right now when you need to stay ultra focused. A New Dawn has broken - so stay focused here. ‘The worst is now behind you.’ Go make your dreams come true honey, you’ve realised you are at the stage where you can do that now… stay - focused. Time is now. Love xxx After my livestream last night I had so many messages  from people in resonance with what I shared. This morning in my meditation flow I received the guidance to open my 21 Day Shifter Program for $222! As always, I trust! Not sure how long this  will stay! Until my intuition guides me otherwise I trust! 21 Days of voice message, text message, intuitive guidance, support, psychic readings, personalised psychic development and intuitive upgrades to your body systems to help you function, get back on track and free yourself from there shackles that no other counsellor, healer or helper has been able to of freed you from before. Click here for all the  details, I am not sure how long this will stick around! https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program