🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 17th December 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 17, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 17th December 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message the Mermaids and the Dolphins have for you there today 🔮🧜🏻‍♀️🔱🧜🏻‍♂️🔮 

Applications are closing this week Intuitive Coaching Immersion, your 6 Month Deep Dive into birthing your Unique Soul Purpose Creations to our Divine Planet - the reason you are here. Click here for all the details before this closes this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Time To Move On. “It’s time to let go of the old and worn out so that the new can come in.”

It’s old, it’s old, it’s old, let it GO! What are you hanging on to? What just… broke? Or did you break down? I feel like whatever you have just let go of or are purging out of is OLD! LET IT GO! Allow yourself time to STOP and let it come out - this is a crucial part of the purging part to shift you to the next level. When you cry, you also create a space, the old stored emotions are leaving your body and it is so crucial to allow this phase in your life right now. Just like the Moon, has a full phased and an empty phase, a Light phase and a Dark phase - these are the natural cycles of life. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!! LET IT GO! PURGE IT OUT! You are SAFE to do this by the way. If you have been physically sick, or you have been releasing emotions of any sort - allow them to come. I am also sensing you have been feeling changes in your home too, like your home feels old, or things shifting out of your home that are also old, like you want deep ‘sea change’ but you are also not sure where at the same time. Know that when you feel this, when you want to leave, when you want to move, when you want to ‘run away from it all’ or things or people feel old - you are shifting to your next vibrational level. Yes, you may have a big shift and purge out, you may declutter and at the same time, you may just be wanting to leave and move home or go SOMEWHERE other than where you are now. This - is a deep reflection of wanting to run away from feelings that are surfacing from deep within your system/body and vibration beautiful one. Stop, take a deep breath and know that I said it was okay to FEEL 😉 It isn’t comfortable it isn’t nice, no. Yet, the power in being able to consciously be with your sad and uncomfortable feelings - is a deep training in mastery of your reality, your emotions and stepping into being the ultimate creator of your reality with being able to witness this entire process consciously. This gives you the strength, stamina, skills and deep grounded self awareness so that in ‘emergency’ situations you are able to ‘handle the chaos’ - because you are ‘comfortable with your own chaos’. Now, of course that isn’t ‘why’ you are solely consciously feeling and witnessing what is going on for you deep inside your Heart, yet, it is a by-product of being able to do this. You become stronger within yourself, you become more intuitive, grounded and clear - because you are able to consciously feel and release your emotions, rather than burying them, which makes you ungrounded and not able to think clearly in any situation in your life. Know that right now, you are clearing out this last decade - but also - patterns that are OLD and you are safe to release them, for it is what you have been doing all this work for in the first place - so you can let in more joy, freedom, Soul fulfilment, abundance and love right? Trust, let go, release. Let yourself be free - choose it, live it beautiful one. Love xxx This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #2: Helpful Person. “Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be, and initiate contact.”

Ah, well this card is quite straight forward and easy to understand - yet do you know who that person is? I wonder if you feel like you have no one or are not sure who the person is to reach out to? Perhaps there is many people you could, but choose not to and perhaps there is someone you can, but you also choose not to because you are scared to? It is important to remember that, you are the only one that can open and close doors for yourself and the other message here I am getting is - do you let that closed door stop you? Imagine you are in a room full of doors to choose from. You choose one and it stays shut. So you sit down and sulk and feel like no one is there for you - yet, there is an entire room full of doors that have the possibility of opening - do you even try? Or are you still focused on the one that didn’t let you in? Yes, of course, grieve - as you know, I am big on you feeling your pains and releasing them from your system! However, the message here is clear - do you let one closed door - be the breaker for giving up on your dreams? Or are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams happen? Even if you have to climb the walls and get on the other side of the door through the roof? Are you THAT determined to make your dreams happen or are you still focused on that closed door? Imagine you are in that room - what other way can you make that door open to the pathway of your dreams? Are there air vents in the room? Can you pull that off the wall and climb through there? I trust you deeply understand the analogy I am giving you here. Are you going to let one ‘no’ stop you? Are you going to give up on finding a way to make your dreams happen, on making that thing happen you so deeply heart and Soul know you HAVE to do? What is that thing you know you HAVE to do, but have given up because you don’t see how that is even a possibility for you when you seem like you have exhausted all your options? Have you reached out and asked them? Just like the card says? ‘Think of whom that might be and initiate contact’ - have you? This card has come to you as a sign to not give up on your dreams, this is a crucial element in pursuing your Life Purpose goals and Heart’s callings that you KNOW you have to do in your life or you will never sleep again right?! I know! And ANY Entrepreneur will tell you that they have wanted to give up many times along the path and ANY successful person will tell you that those closed doors are just another sign to find one that is open. Are you really going to let it stop you from doing what you Heart and Soul know you HAVE to do? That you WILL find a way, because you know you are meant to do it? What is that for you? Are you sure, you’ve scoured that room and exhausted all possibilities? Ask your mind - what other options are there to make this happen? And continue using that sentence like a mantra over and over UNTIL the solution comes to you, as there is always a solution - you just have to be open to asking for it and then receiving it. So have you? Love xxx This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #3: Tranquility. “Make time to relax, be still and enjoy your solitude, indulging in my needed self-care.”

Ah - have you been able to do this or does it make your more angry and frustrated seeing this card because ‘OMG don’t you know it is almost Christmas Hannah and everything is crazy and I just feel so worn out and there is still so much to do?!’. I feel like you have just come out of a period of ‘downtime’ that you have shifted through - in the past few months, moving into a new way of reality - this is a stepping out of an old paradigm and into the new and letting it free you of your past. I feel like you have been working hard and shifting and changing your reality but there has been some intense changes just these last few months - but it is more of an internal change in shifting of an internal state of being - one from fear and unrest to one of peace, calm and a grounded sense of self - more secure in who you are and where you going rather that a reactive space of fear - is this how it has been for you? I am getting the message that you have been riding waves of ‘old’ - of the old surfacing of how you have been behaving and showing up in the world, yet you have also been consciously watching them and shifting out the patterns - it is like you have been seeing the higher picture - of all the why’s and how’s and all the little pieces of the puzzle coming together for you, even though all may not be 100% clear - you are still seeing a lot more than what you ever have done before, ever do and ever feel you have in the past - so much is being shown to you right now. I feel like this Tranquility card in general is an overview of how you have been putting yourself first these past few months especially - this last year even and how you have been shifting - this card is a reflection on how much you’ve been shifting, by choosing you, putting yourself first and the changes that are coming from that. I feel that this card is confirmation of this for you today. I am sensing that this Christmas period will be tricky in a sense that stuff may surface that was unexpected - but a welcomed clear out as you know what is shifting out from underneath to enable your next year to be even greater than ever before. If you are still struggling with feeling like you are actually making any real progress - I feel that it is important for you to recognise that this card has come to you to bring your deep conscious awareness that stepping out of a pattern of putting others first to changing that to putting you first and all the fall outs, all the changes in relationships, life in general, career, work and how you even feel inside is a process and doesn’t happen over night, especially when it is something you have been doing your entire life - you have x amount of years to undo if that makes sense? So if you have only been doing this for the last few months to a year or so - be easy on yourself, be gentle, knowing that you ARE making progress, even when it feels like two steps back (or ten right?!). I always say it takes 18 months to fully birth a new reality. 6 months, it shifts and hits home so to speak and then at 9 months a big shift, then another 9 months to ground in this new reality. 18 months. So, be okay with riding the waves in between this when you have committed to changing your entire reality to match the desire of your dreams you know, see and feel in your Heart and Soul. Keep going and know that putting yourself first IS working and IS making progress in your life. Trust, and keep doing you - because you’re amazing and deserve the incredible life you dream of creating. That Heart and Soul desire wouldn’t be with you otherwise. Trust. Love xxx This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #4: Wait. “Don’t rush into action right now. Bide you time for better results.”

Ah, this card - I feel is more about ‘Patience’ than wait… in a sense that what you are wanting to happen, what IS happening - IS happening - so hold faith that it is. You don’t need to rush, you don’t need to push, because it IS happening and manifesting in your reality, so don’t put fretful, stressed energy into it - pause, breathe and trust that it IS happening for you, because it is. I feel you have ‘put in the hard work’ you have ‘put in the hard yards’ - and it is yours, it has already happened in truth, so trust the divine timing of these last pieces being put together for you. I am wondering what else you need to prepare to make it happen too? Mindset/journaling comes to mind - have you been aligning your energy everyday to make this happen too? Or have you let that go now you are ‘so close to the finish line’? 10 minutes a day makes all the difference when it is a committed consistent routine to this for you yes? So, trust that making time for this even though you are ‘so busy right now’ - is imperative to fuelling the manifestation of what you have been trying to make happen now too. I am also hearing ‘just around the corner’ = meaning you don’t know what is just around the corner (in a good way) so have faith that you are being shown every step of the way right now and that everything IS coming together for you. There is a sense of urgency because that is the nature of this time of year - Christmas is just around the corner too 😉 And everyone is in hurried energy mode - so don’t get caught up in that Christmas collective - choose to remove yourself for the collective hurried mode to set yourself free and back into your own energy of what it is you are working towards creating, manifesting and aligning to in your life. You can still get everything done for Christmas AND stay in your own energy bubble at the same time, if you choose to be conscious of it. I am also getting the message for you with this card of ‘Wait’ - that you will be shown more information soon. It may seem like there is a block or wall up right now but what is actually going on is a shift in consciousness for yourself right now - you are rapidly changing energy frequency and that may seem like a bit hard and challenging right now, yet ‘just around the corner’ is a shift, a change, a physical change, a feeling of everything being different and this ‘Wait’ is the Patience sense that I was getting for you, that you are moving through something big right now and to 100% trust the timing of these changes. I am sensing that by mid January, things are going to be so super clear and on track for you that you are ready to ‘take on the world’ in a different way to what you have ever done before, but this is going to create a solid foundation for you in a very grounded and stable way. I am sensing that this time right now until then, this, ‘Wait’ - is that - it IS happening for you - can you drop into trust that this is the case and that you are being called upon right now to walk through this tricky feeling of this divine Patience that enables you to stay grounded through these changes. I feel you are cleaning out and from deep, deep inside you and your physical vibration is shifting in a big, big way internally right now - which enables that mid next month to come in if that makes sense? So if Patience isn’t your strong point - ask yourself, ‘Do I trust the timing of what the Universe is bringing me?’ Instead of stamping around on how you are not good with patience - ask yourself if you trust the Universe and if your answer is yes to that, then you can also know… that you are a Patient person who deeply trusts in Divine Timing 😉🥰 Know that everything always works out and your manifestations are deeply coming to fruition. All you need to do, is stay in deep trust and gratitude, that the Universe has your back - even with the timing of everything coming in for exactly what you have been asking for. Love xxx  This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #5: Empowerment. “You’re more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful.”

Are you needing a change of scenery? Change of support system? Change of - something? Needing change? Needing to create a structure and system that actually works in your life, not just… going along with what is? It feels like you are being called into deep Service - but you are feeling like you have everything all over the place and not sure where to start, even though you have been working on it? I am getting the strong message about you needing to be grounded in a sense of what is streaming through you. It feels like you have brilliant ideas - but are you making the time to ground them? If not - what is going on in your Heart that is needing to come out? Is there heart break in there that you are not feeling? From… an even that happened about 3 months ago in particular - and then also in 2013 and 2008 - what are you clearing out of your heart and life from these crucial time frames? For some reason I am getting the message that you may feel blocked or weighed down and/or are purging out LOTS this past month in particular - from these core events that have had a hold on you energetically since them. It is not that it is bad or wrong, or you didn’t do it right, it is just that it is time to energetically release this because all the lessons and shifts that you need from those karmic relationship webs of systems and ways of being are being released and purged from your life right now - you’ve learnt what you’ve needed to and now is the energetic release to set you free into your new paradigm of not only consciousness but entire life. I am sensing a big change coming up in February, that could see you move state or country or the change will feel as big as that, even just an event that solidifies the new paradigm that you have been working on since these past events, gives you this new lease on life, this new sense of who you are really becoming and your purpose becomes super clear int he world even as you go through the change, you see clearly now all the ‘whys’. I am feeling for you this card of Empowerment has come to remind you that you have all the tools, all the power, all the resources you need to make anything you want happen. If it is money you need, money needs a purpose to turn up and when you commit then the money shows. If it is a new environment - the same goes - when you commit full heartedly - then it shows, but not if you are deep underneath unsure because you don’t know how. Is that what is holding you back energetically? What paradigm are you releasing/stuck in -  from this time frame of your life that I mentioned - that has this hold over you energetically? Or have you just released it/become conscious of it so you can release it? Big Sacral and Heart Chakra clearings going on for you? And what is in the middle of those two Chakras? Your Solar Plexus - the seat of your Self Worth, Self Esteem, Personal Power, Feeling Good Enough, Feeling Confident - Deep in Empowerment. This clean out that is going on is feeling your Empowerment. The other message I am getting here for you is to deeply trust in yourself. Your sense of belonging in the world is not dependant on others validation nor approval. When it seems like no one is watching, or paying attention to your message - they deeply are and it is so important to remember this, especially as you shift out of your old paradigm. Life is about to become amazing as you are already noticing inklings of it showing themselves to you. Continue to trust in this, you are on the verge of manifesting and entire reality you’ve only ever been dreaming of before now. With deep, Soul undertone trust, continue to empower yourself beautiful one, you are right on path for the full manifestation of your dreams. Love xxx This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #6: Morning Affirmations. “Say positive affirmations each morning, to open the gates of manifestation.”

Do you feel like you are going through HUGE change right now? Do you have a solid commitment to your affirmation/journal/create your reality routine? I am getting the sense that the changes you are going through right now are the by-product of all the internal and mindset work you have been doing. Remember, when you do a huge chunk of internal work (whichever you use and have been using, that works and resonates for you is what is important here) - and you have done a huge chunk of time with this - your physical reality at some point MUST shift to catch up and change to match your new internal vibration yes? So if things feel like you are wondering what an Earth is going on right now - your physical vibration IS shifting to match and catch up. Don’t try and stop it, but flow with it. Find your groove with it, trust it and allow it to crumble away if you will, as this is the clearing out so the new can come in. I am also sensing that you have also been thinking about a new routine, a new reality, a new opportunity, a new, change in direction in some way shape or form and this is also the direct results of the manifestation of releasing the old from your life from your old self, your old patterns, your old… ways. I am getting the message that your ideas, your thoughts, your feelings - pay attention to them, that which lights you up, for this is what has been coming forth from your intuition, your Heart, your Soul as you have been working with positive mindset and shifting out core blocks as they surface - have you not? Remember, when things feel like they are falling apart - they are actually falling into place. You can’t build an incredible oasis paradise on a block of land that still has the old building on it can you? No, you have to knock it down first - so allowing this crumbling and change of your current reality to fall away, knowing full well that this space you are creating is where you can begin to build your dream life, knowing full well - that the support is available to help guide you through this tough time. There are always different people available for different jobs - when knocking down old buildings is a certain team of bulldozers that come in for that and clear the old away, then there is the different team that builds the building of your oasis paradise in the way that you want it - that team is different to the bulldozing team. Do you have the right team around you? The supportive people - that have already built their oasis paradise? I am also hearing the message you don’t have to do this alone and, the message of you are not alone on this journey precious one - there are MANY that have walked this path before you. I am also getting the message to remind you to ask your Angels/Spirit Guides and Ascended Master support team that is deeply around you - do you connect with them regularly? I feel like you know they are there, you feel them, but forget to ASK them for help at times. They are there with us yes, but you need to ASK them to help you before they can, for they don’t interfere with free will. Just like the Mermaid on the image is rising from the depths within, is surrounded by a big school of fish - I feel you have a big Spirit team of support around you and to ask them for help with what you need right now. ‘Spirit team of 100% Light, that are guiding my every divine step of my unique Life Purpose, please help me right now with fill in the blank, please, thank you’ - I always like to add on the end, ‘this or something better, thank you,’ that way I am leaving it open for the highest to come through. Remember to ask, remember to stay committed to your manifestation/alignment practises and know, that reality is shifting to catch up and match, your new level that you have just shifted into. Love xxx This is the final week for applications for our Intuitive Coaching Immersion - where you will set solid intuitively led, guided and channeled Life Purpose foundations that sets you up for a powerful life to be lived, fully on Purpose with what your Heart and Soul is calling you to do. Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where you increase your intuitive abilities, trust yourself, connect to your Angels, your guides and so much more, to deeply birth your zillion ideas into an intuitively guided structure to support you to with your Uniquely coded Life Purpose Blueprint. No one can birth what you are here to do, but you. Intuitive Coaching Immersion enables you the deep support to completely trust and take divinely guided action on what it is that is trying to stream through you to shift the consciousness of the planet and live your life the way your Heart and Soul desires at the same time. Click here for all the details as applications are closing this week: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion