🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th April 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 19, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th April 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the White Light Oracle for you. 

Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment.

You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are.

You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time.

Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon.

You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Pearl of Sharro. 

I feel this card has a strong message of using your magic essence in this situation. I don’t mean magic of darkness - I am talking about the magic of your LIFE. Your life force essence - your joy for life. Your happiness. Are you happy? I am wondering if you are trying to manifest a new life, or a new friendship circle, or a new world for yourself? I feel this card is signifying a big and successful change coming up for you and this card is asking you to stay in your joy, stay in your happiness, stay in the gratitude of life, to bring this about to successful completion. I feel it is ‘in the bag’ and ‘of course’ it is happening for you. However, your magic, your essence, your divine spark of love, your grace and deep reverence for life and all you have created - is what is going to bring this into full manifestation for you. It feels like ‘the worst is now behind you’ and the darkness that once waved through your life, has been transformed into light. I feel you hold a lot of personal power and this is part of ‘using your magic’. Your energy is what will create this - hence the joy, love, gratitude and essence of life - stay here a while. I am also hearing about boundaries for you with this card and it feels that now, more that ever it is so important to adhere to these boundaries to protect your energy and your light. You have made some big, bold and huge moves recently and this is ‘rattling a lot of cages’ as you are freeing yourself, you are reflecting to others what they can do too - however, some are not willing to unlock their own cages and so are ‘screaming’ at you to let them out of the cage. But you know, only they can do that for themselves. I feel there is a project you are needing to work on solidly too right? It feels that this is important to put energy into every single day from now on. This - will also support the manifestation of your life purpose because ultimately - when you ‘sit back and marvel at your dream life you’ve created’ - ultimately - you would be doing the thing now right? So, you know the deal - boundaries in, protect your light, stay in your heart and joy and watch the purity of your essence and divine heart - transform darkness to light right in front of your eyes and the world shift to match your beautiful life that you’ve always known is yours to claim. It’s just - time. Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 


Card #2: Telepathy of Terra Mater. 

First thing of all - clear your energy. Chakra Clearing and Clairsentient Sponge Clearing is in call asap. You can find them in my Clear and Activate Pack for free on my website. Next thing is - get clear on your goals and/or reassess them. It feels like there are strong messages coming through from your Higher Self at this time and it is important for you to clear you vessel (physical detox as well perhaps?) And give yourself permission and space to - have your own energy back! This card is deeply about following your Life Purpose and that there is no ‘set path’ of your purpose - meaning there is no guide book and it is definitely not a straight line. It will turn, change, evolve, come back around and expand some more. It will feel like you’re off path at times, wonder why bad things happen to good people like you, wonder if it is worth it and question why you are even doing things. The reality about your Purpose is that you cannot not do this thing, so of course you’re meant to do this - and you know it. You can try and walk away from it for a bit and you do - but you always come back to it. However, it is not that you have walked away from it, it is that you have been learning other things in other directions and expanding where you want to go ultimately. This ‘coming back to it’ - the ‘deviation from said apparent path’ isn’t a deviation at all, but a necessary initiation into the next phase and evolution of your path. You will ‘come back to it’ with a renewed sense of passion and understanding - after you’ve been ‘in the dark’ about it for a while. You will even wonder if you can ‘trust this path’ again at times, because well, it hasn’t been a straight line now has it or a bed of roses! More like thorns most of the time! But still, you come back to this every time. Because it is your path. It is your Life. It is your Life Purpose. You are not normal. You are not here to fit into society and when you realise the gift and essence of who you are, you will walk those wavy lines with confidence from this moment forth, because you know your path, was always meant for you and you don’t have to worry about figuring it out anymore, you just... allow yourself to flow with it, directing and guiding it then knowing when to let go of the reigns and let God take control. In these moments, you know… you have arrived. That the destination is always the journey and you start to walk forward in gratitude, because you did it. You trusted again and again and every time it has become easier and easier and now… you lead yourself, like you want to be led, You surround yourself with those also leading themselves and you find that you life, somehow, has become, what you have always dreamed it to be. You just, didn’t know it was right in front of you, this entire time. Until now. Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 


Card #3: Ain Soph Aur. 

As soon as I saw this card, I heard, ‘Unweaving the webs of your life’. I feel at this time for you, there are a lot of old threads you are releasing and untangling from. I wonder if your life feels like a great big mess in a way? Almost like you wonder if you are ever going to be able to sort it out or move forward away from the untangled mess? This card is your ‘yes’ card and I feel that you are extremely close to releasing yourself from these restrictions in your life that seemingly have had hold over you for a long time right? I am hearing as well to remind yourself to stay connected to your heart - in your choices - even when it doesn’t make logical sense yes? It feels like you are going to be (or have been recently) presented with an opportunity or pathway that is important to trust your heart, not your head in this point in time. Can you ‘detach from the drama’? It feels that this new pathway is going to lead to a lot of success (perhaps you have also been experiencing this success too) that, anything that is not in your highest light, you are simply walking away from without any ‘drama’ - or more so, worry if you have done the right thing, because you know in your essence you have definitely done the right thing. And this is new for you - saying no to what is not aligned and taking action on what is a yes for you. You also might be at a new level of this at this time in your life and I feel this is a whole new version of yourself emerging at this time. This card is also your sign that if it feels that this issue, this heart break or this wound can never be healed or if it ever will because right now it doesn’t feel like it, this card is your sign of faith, that yes, it can and you are being led to a better life right now. Right now though, in the midst of it, it may feel like it never will, because you’re walking right through the thick of it and that is why it feels like it will never end. Know you are in and walking through it - not long to go and you will be stronger, happier and wonder why any of it happened in the first place, you will be so free of it. However, in the mean time, let yourself feel all and take extra care of yourself. Get outside in nature, or the garden, spend time away from your usual activities and come back to your flow, your zone, your heart. Stay connected to your heart in whatever way you can right now - meaning do you things you love and beautify your home and your life. Step out of the ‘misery’ and remember that your life is determined by what you think and feel predominately most of the time. You are purging right now. Because…somewhere along the line, you asked for a better life right? So let yourself trust and be guided through the muck right now. You will turn a corner and you will feel much better. You are exactly where you need to be right now and are on the right path. Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 


Card #4: Yeshe Tsogyal.

The first thing that came to mind is the Fairies - the Fae, when I saw this card. I know they were very strong in our Full Moon Ceremony and leading up to it - have they been strong for you lately too? When the Fae are around, manifestations and magic are abound! I personally feel the Fae are deeply mis-understood and their magic is deeply taken the wrong way. The first two sentences in the guidebook for this oracle literally say: “You shall overcome all obstacles. Success is imminent, so stay connected to your path no matter what and continue to apply yourself.” Have you shifted recently? Has something ‘come together’ for you? It feels like - especially with the Fae around too - this is deeply in manifestation mode and as Yeshe Tsogyal says - Success is Imminent. Sooo if you have been worried about a situation, if you have been wondering if the leap of faith in deep action mode you’ve been taking and are about to continue taking is ‘worth the risk’ I say yes - it sure is. This card has come to you to shake off the shackles and honey - stop doubting yourself already! You know that your mind is so strong and you’ve done a lot of work to train that baby - but this, is not the time for doubt - but for full force moving forward in the direction of your dreams, because I will say it again - as Yeshe Tsogyal says - Success is Imminent. Like if you needed anymore confirmation - there is really nothing more to say, but you can read this card again, to boost you faith, to head solidly in the direction of your dreams, because it’s real now. Its tangible. And if you look at all the work you’ve done to date - now is the time for really owning that fact and the momentum you’ve created in yourself to get you here - it carries you now. Relax into it, and go for your dreams. As Yeshe Tsogyal says - Success is Imminent. I said it again for you 😉 Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 


Card #5: Bath Kol.

I am getting the message something about your voice. Are you needing to speak up about something? Are you being called to sing or use your voice as a tool for healing? Create meditations, use sound healing techniques or something else? Something is being called forth for you to create sound and use your voice in some way. Perhaps it is simply declining and invitation you have received from someone, perhaps it is speaking your truth to someone, perhaps it is singing to heal you and the world, perhaps it is recording your voice, perhaps it is about channeling your voice into a book or blog or something else. I wonder if you have felt overwhelmed or like everything is tugging at you and trying to pull you down lately? This is because you are shedding an old layer of your life - one that has been ruling you for quite some time and - it is almost like an old spider web breaking - but different to that - tricky to describe. Almost like an old jacket that is disintegrating from the elements of the weather because it was left out in the sun to dry - wwwwaaayyyy too long. Is that how you feel? Hung out to dry? Wrung out? And some? Bath Kol is your reminder that you’re clearing out a lot right now (similar messages through some cards today!) And to be gentle and come back to your heart. There are huge solar flares and big astrological activity that is going on right now. This is contributing to the feeling like you’re skin is shedding, your energy field is literally being blasted with solar energy that affects your magnetic field. If you’ve been extra tired or emotional or feeling intense - like super intense pressure - welcome solar flares baby! Use this energy how you will - channel it how you will, if you need to sleep, sleep. If you are urgently decluttering, declutter - but do it with joy. If you need to cry, cry. It feels whatever energy you do it with behind it - is being anchored into a new frequency right now. For example if you’re crying and berating yourself because you’re crying and feeling like something is wrong with you, you are leaving this imprint on your system so to speak. However, if you are crying and deep in your grief, whilst giving yourself full permission to do so and loving and being gentle on yourself at the same time, you are imprinting ‘love and care’ so to speak. If you are decluttering with hate and resentment and anger because you’d rather being sleeping or doing something else, then that anger and resentment is going to be imprinted on everything and you don’t want that now do you? So if you must declutter - do it with love. Make sense? I feel for you that by following your heart and the voice of your truth in all that you do - ie, the truth that you want to do a particular thing and doing that instead of what you don’t want to do - your voice comes alive. Because your voice is your truth and we don’t want to block the doorway to your heart and soul right? Your vibration heals, your tone, your energy is a gift and this initiation that you’re in right now - you’re almost there. Hang in there, big things are on the doorstep for you. Trust. And use your voice beautiful one, it’s divine. Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April. 


Card #6: Beta of Spirit Wolf. 

Hmmm, have things been hectic for you recently? Big changes? Like massive life changes? Annnddddd, have you had time to recuperate from that? Have you been able to STOP and take time out? Self love I am hearing right now and being able to take space in your day to just be.. do you do that? It feels like at this time it is important for you to consciously create and take time out. It feels like this message from Spirit Wolf is that you have all the resources you need around you at this time and to drop into the relaxed state about that. Have you been feeling stressed more than you usually do? This ‘stopping’ can definitely be the literal taking time out, however, it can also be about allowing your nervous system to relax and of course on holiday and a break is when that occurs (usually) however, this also feels about consciously choosing your energy, telling your nervous system to relax, telling your nervous system that you’re safe and can relax. Sure there are many breath work and breathing techniques, let alone yoga, detoxes and other methods that can allow your nervous system to relax, but I feel speaking to yourself in this way at this time is really important and potent for you to be able to move through what you are in right now. I also wondering what confrontational aspects you are facing right now? Is it a challenge in your home or workplace environment? This is where Spirit Wolf is coming in for you. Telling your nervous system to relax, changing your energy, approaching the situation with different energy and ‘not letting it get to you’ like it used to and also using discernment about whether you even need to say anything or whether you just need to act and do your thing without declaring to the world what you are doing? It feels as though you are coming into a new evolution of yourself and about to emerge into a new period of your life - a new book - not just a new chapter. Spirit Wolf is bringing to you the nurturing energy of calming your nervous system - you’re not running anymore, you don’t have to hide anymore. You have time and space to heal, let yourself relax (we can still get stuff done, but not in the fight or flight mode) and discern your next move. Do the thing, and just show the world. Your recalibration has been essential and a huge initiation into your next phase of your life. Get ready to fly beautiful!! Love xxx Magic is in the air - the air is different for you and Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is here to unlock that cage, shed the skins of old and allow your light to shine on the world. You know you’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. You’ve done a lot of deep work, you’ve been wandering around somewhat aimlessly and know you used to be that driven, beautiful confident Goddess - you want her back and she is ready to be led, by you… you can feel the alignment, it is what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. Send me a message for more details, as there are still a couple of places left for April.