🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 19th March 2019! 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 19, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 19th March 2019! 🔮  

Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier today to see what the Magical Messages from the Fairies have for you today ✨🔮🧚🏻‍♂️🔮✨

APPLICATIONS CLOSING SUNDAY NIGHT FOR OUR GOAL REACHER PROGRAM 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings and Unlimited in between support - 3 Months you and me beautiful one! If you're wanting to move fast on your goals and bring them to fruition, this is the one for you. Click here for all the information before this closes ❤️

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑


Card #1: Daughter. “The answer to your question involved your daughter.”

So, of course, first of all if you don’t have a daughter, then this will relate to your Inner Child and/or someone who is like a daughter to you. I am getting the sense that they are such a strong part of your Life Purpose - that, even more so right now, something is coming up for you, that is deeply related to your Life Purpose involving them. What is that? What has been gently dropping into your mind recently? What has been on your mind? What has been gently tapping you on the shoulder - that actually has been a life long dream? It feels like this is a part of this, to do with your daughter and/or someone who is like a daughter to you. What is that for you? What is that, of your childhood ‘dreams come true’? I am also getting the message of - what is that, that you have forgotten or thought it wasn’t possible or that you didn’t see ‘how’ so you had let it go, because, well you can’t see how? But deep down, it was and still has been sitting there, it actually has never really gone away, but it has, more so recently, been surfacing and you’ve even been talking about it, not knowing that, that was about to come out of your mouth? Yes, your daughter, yet, I am getting the sense that your Soul is deeply guiding you right now, more than ever before and this is a sign for you to pay deep attention right now - to what your Daughter is talking about, ‘out of the blue’ conversations that you have with her, Inner Child work and the messages your Inner Child has for you - are deeply valuable guidance right now leading you onto the next important steps of the awakening of your Life Purpose. Are you listening? What is it, your Daughter (or the person like a daughter to you) keep speaking of? I am also getting the message of some grounded long term plans - what is this message coming through for you - that you need to ground in and take action on? What is the plan you need to actually book, put into action - so that this talking about it, isn’t just that? You start to solidify your reality right now to bring these childhood, life long, long term goals, to fruition? This is the strong message for you dear one, children, are deeply connected to their intuition unless they get shut down in it, which most adults have had in the past. Are you opening to what your Daughter is speaking to you right now through this deep inner connection to self?  Because she is only reflecting what you already know deep in your heart too right? What is it that your Daughter needs help with? And/or that inner part of yourself - are you, taking deep notice, as this is a strong message to take notice of this divine intuition that is pouring through your child right now. Listen. Take action. Now is not the time to waste or doubt for one moment more. Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.


Card #2: New Home. “Moving is a step in the right direction for you.”

Well, this card has a very obvious message for you - yet, I am also getting the message for you of a sense of a longing or ‘belonging’ with/to a home. I am wondering if there has been movement for you recently, that you are wanting to move, but haven’t been able to or you are already thinking about moving and you’ve only just moved? I am sensing that there is something coming up for you, that will change the course of ‘moving’ and what that means to you? I feel that yes, moving is definitely a step in the right direction, there is definite signs and deep underlying - like energy under the Earth, that ‘It’s time to go’ movement for you, you can feel this can’t you? A change in your energy, something has recently just all of a sudden changed and you’re ready to go? It feels like you became settled, or ‘Oh, maybe this isn’t so bad,’ or ‘This is okay.’ When actually your Soul is crying out for more, for actually NO this isn’t okay! TIME TO GO! I am wondering what that is for you? This card can also signal a change in career and life direction change that comes with that career change. It feels like you have been contemplating this for a while and I am sensing that yes, it is time to move forward in the direction you know you have to, even though it is a little intimidating, you might be feeling a little like argh, how am I going to do this? Yet, you also deep down know that you will exactly proceed and succeed with this - say yes and figure out the details later right? That is what I am sensing this opportunity and career change is signalling for you. With your Home also - if you have been worried about how it is all going to work out I am getting such a strong sense of, well actually, it does work out - miracles happen and life can change overnight, change, in a split second - you know this right? For good things too yes? Remember a time when you were stressing about a situation and then it came through for you after all? That is what I am sensing is going on for you here, that to remember in the past when it all changed and turned around, ‘overnight’ - to draw on this memory and then also to focus on, what are you doing after this event has happened? That feeling when you have already moved and settled into your new place, what will you be planning for/working towards then? THIS is where your focus needs to be - the next thing after the next thing. I am also getting the message, what part of your home needs decluttering? There is one area standing out to you more than another? It feels like, for whatever reason is and has a significant effect on what you are working towards. Perhaps you will find a memory there, perhaps something will spark and idea you had forgotten about or didn’t see until you cleaned that area out, and I am sensing that this movement in energy will begin to move the energy, which then affects change in other areas that you didn’t know were even connected. What movement is going on for you? Home, career? Both? Whatever the change is connected to - this is a very positive and life transforming move for you, trust it, follow it all the way and you may just very well see how rapidly your dreams can come true when you are trusting your intuition every step of the way. Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.


Card #3: Let Go. “As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires.”

Ooooh, what is ‘nesting’ for you? What ‘egg have you been sitting on’? I know that sounds strange, yet the Fairy sitting in the nest in the tree on this picture is strongly jumping out at me and I am wondering what you are sitting on, that you don’t even realise you have the answers for? I am sensing that you are looking outside of yourself for the answers, but you already know the answers deep within and I am wondering if you are struggling to trust these deep answers for you? You know deep down, you know what is ‘going to happen’ you know what action to take - so why are you doubting yourself? It feels like there is something you’ve been working towards for a while that hasn’t quite happened yet - but honey - you already have the answers and know deep down what to do, yet, where is this doubt coming from? Is it because there hasn’t been any physical outside movement yet so to speak? Are you struggling to notice any signs that yes, this is happening for you? I am getting the message to take a look back 3 years ago - you have definitely made progress right? I am also sensing that there is a part of you that is wanting confirmation of doing the right thing, but honey - you’ve always done the right thing. It wasn’t like back then ‘Oh this is the wrong choice, I am going to make this choice’ - no, you don’t do that. So any questioning, doubting yourself - you can just choose to stop that right now. You’ve never made a wrong choice and anyone that says that to you, well, they shouldn’t be allowed to stay in your energy field, let alone life! That is their perception of you and they are judging your life from their own disappointments, fears and doubts. Brush them off now, jump up and down, shake off all their thoughts that are stuck in your aura now! That is not you! What egg have you been sitting on? What have you been tending to? What do you know deep down in your heart that is meant for you? This is a strong message for not looking outside of yourself and for releasing the worry, fear and doubt about yourself, your hearts calling and what you have been working towards for quite some time. You wouldn’t have started and come this far if you weren’t meant to keep going! Don’t give up now, more so let those doubts talk you out of what you are being called to do! I am also getting the message something about travel - are you being called to travel somewhere? Have you been thinking about travelling overseas somewhere? Even for a ‘quick trip’? What has been on your mind about this ‘quick trip’? It feels like important break throughs are happening right now with your Life Purpose and this ‘egg’ you’ve been sitting on. Don’t look outside of yourself, you already have the answers, you just need to work on strengthening that trust, faith, that deep down inside of yourself that - is about to have a this break through and that is why all these fears etc are coming up. The egg is about to crack open - don’t leave it now, tend to it, deep inside you - you’ve created this egg, now continue to see it through beautiful Soul. Remember, you wouldn’t have come this far if it wasn’t meant for you! Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.


Card #4: Winter. “The answers to your prayers and affirmations are fully realised in the winter months.”

Mmmm, this card is self-explanatory as well, however I am getting the message that ‘You are coming out of the winter of your life’ It feels like you have been through a very dark patch recently, it has been hard, dark and wtf and seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel, however, it has just been getting better and better and better every single moment in time recently, still some tricky spots, but on the most part, life is starting to get easier, and moving through what was one of the hardest time of your life, even this past 3-4 years. Yet, this ‘Coming out of winter’ phase of your life, feels like you are still waking from your slumber so to speak, you may feel ‘slow’ with what you are moving through or moving towards, but you are okay with that. You are aware and feel like you don’t have to rush, you don’t have to stress about things anymore, you just need to turn up to this next day and this next day and allow yourself to be fully present with what you are being called to do - in this moment. I am sensing a ‘let go’ of sorts from you, you are over the striving, pushing, masculine phase of your life and are ready to just allow life to be easy now. You know this is a choice and even though the grief, tears and more, still come in waves, it is like you have birthed into a whole new reality, coming out of this ‘Winter of your Life’. I am getting the message to be gentle with yourself, walk gently, talk gently to yourself, be kind to yourself and go slow. It is okay to honour this time, this new birthing of you and ‘get to know this new you’. I am getting the sense that this is a time of everything changing and nothing being as it was. You are building a new relationship with not only yourself, but with life in general and for those who have recently passed over to the other side, you are building a new relationship with them as well, they may have gone in the physical, but they are still there and it is just that the type of relationship you have had with them has changed. Trust in this, trust in this ‘time’, this ‘slow’ time, for you will see it not only supports you in the now, but in this new energetic structure you are building the foundations for the rest of your life. Life will never be the same again and this is an adjustment phase. Be gentle, walk gentle and treat yourself with the utmost kindness right now. You are birthing a whole new world for yourself.Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.


Card #5: Spiritual Teacher. “Your Life Purpose involves teaching others about healing and spirituality.”

Ah, this card is also self-explanatory! However, I am sensing you have been doubting your gifts, doubting yourself recently and this is a sign not to! The other strong message here is that it feels like there is something you are needing to come out with - there is something wanting to birth out of you, something your Soul is calling you to do? Is that stepping up and out with your Spiritual Gifts? In turning your passion into your profit? Is there something you are needing to chive to someone that you have been suppressing? What is it, that your Soul is urging you to do? The other message coming in here is - what is out of alignment with your life currently? I am getting the message for you that if you have been agitated, tired or just wtf is happening that something is deeply trying to gain your attention to release from your life. I am wondering if you’ve been ignoring your intuition about this? Any agitation is that something is out of alignment and wondering what the slightest thing for you about that is/could be for you? With all of this, the strongest message is that your Soul has something it wants to say to you, to the world, to someone in particular and I am getting the strong sense that you have been ignoring it, or thinking you aren’t worthy of taking action on what your Soul is guiding you to do. You do know, your Soul has your back right? That sometimes even when you do speak your truth, that you are shaking, yet, the empowerment, the energy, the flow that starts to follow you and flow through you as you start opening this powerful channel called your throat and honouring your deep hearts truth about this situation that you unlock something from deep within that has been trying to come out for years even. I am sensing that for you, there is another layer to this, another part of your gift, is strongly starting to surface and I am getting the message that it would be best to take some time in quiet solitude and reverence for your being, to deeply connect regularly to this place for a solid chunk of time (7-14 days) so you can gain all the details of this next layer of your Soul birthing into the world. I am also sensing that it may seem out of the blue - but gosh, does it bring you alive! Oh yes! Trust this aliveness, trust this calling, trust your Soul, it is deeply speaking to you. I am getting the message that opportunities are starting to pour into your life right now, a lot of ‘yeses’ are going on in your life and this (7-14 days) soul connection is important for gaining those individual important skills, that your Soul has for your next level. Important pieces of the puzzle so to speak, your soul has the answers and is eagerly awaiting your quiet consistent return to unlock the next level layer, for it is time to birth this within you to share with the World. Your Soul Speaks - are you listening? Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.


Card #6: Holiday. “The answer you’re looking can be found during a vacation, retreat or getaway.”

Ooooh, have you been thinking about travel? A getaway? Overseas? Even, just to another state in your local area? I am sensing that ‘the answer can be found during a vacation, retreat or getaway’ is what is going to bring you alive again. Even just planning, making a decision and booking something, changes everything, changes your entire demeanour, gives you hope, lifts you up and changes your entire energy frequency. If you have been ‘losing hope’ recently, the answer on this card is clear. I am also getting the message here for you, to think outside the box with ‘your answer’ and the strongest part of this? Have you been committed to your internal work practises? You know that this is where the miracle lays? Within your dedicated committed, internal work? The ‘hardest’ part about internal work, is journaling about what you want your life to look like, feel like, be like, when it is not there. This is the most crucial time for you, as this is when you are opening to the opportunities, the possibilities to come into you, rather than dwelling on what you don’t have right now, what happens with your energy, is that you are opening, rather than closing. Yes, be authentic with how you are feeling, but as they say, ‘It’s not what happens, but what you do about it’ - so what are you doing about it? If you are consistently doing your internal work, then great, keep turning up, taking deep care of yourself and keep moving forward. If you are not consistently doing your internal work, then yes, start here. Create that which you desire - yet, consistency is your key. Whatever you do - do it consistently. Any dropping of those things that you know are creating your reality, keeping you sane, taking care of yourself and doing what you know you have to do to from your Soul’s calling are only sabotages and distractions. If you are feeling tired, depressed or anything but in flow - what have you dropped that you know you need to take care of yourself? You have a Soul’s mission - are you listening? What overseas adventure, what travel, what road trip, what - is calling you that relates to a holiday, retreat or getaway, even just for one night - that lights you up and brings your Soul alive is calling you? Trust when it is a YES, even when you don’t know all the details - are you ready to gain your energy back and come into deep alignment with the deep awakening and complete alignment of your Soul’s purpose? Trust, beautiful one, deeply trust. Your aliveness is all you need to follow, your Soul already has everything worked out in the Divine plan, all you need to do is turn up to the next step. Follow what brings you alive and only that. Love xxx Applications closing soon for Goal Reacher Program! If you’re ready to deep dive, shift out it ‘being hard’ and move into freedom, flow and the life you know it is supposed to look like, Goal Reacher supports you with 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers for a life transforming 3 powerful months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher applications are closing soon.