🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 1st September 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 01, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 1st September 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there today from the Indigo Angel Oracle for you today.

It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension.

Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey.

Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras.

Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Authority.

You’re not cursed, you’re not crazy, you’re not too emotional, - you just need to know how to hone your gift. Meaning - whatever you are fired up about? This is part of what you are here for - to help destruct the old system - to bring in the new. This Authority card - well, so many of us are starting to buck up against authority in ways our Earth has never seen before. Many of us through lockdown have had enough and are starting to fire up - however, that fire is best channeled into constructive means. Do research, find out the truth, don’t get fired up without knowing or sharing the solution at the same time. This is a time to draw into your inner authority and share that to the world from a grounded, solidified in who you are and what you know, in a way that will help shift humanity, not shame, blame and spread more fear - that the authorities are prodding you to do just that! And it is working! (for some!). I am also getting the message for you - where are you leaking your power? What just came to mind when you read that bit? That… is the answer to you shifting your entire reality - it is almost like everything else is aligned, but that one piece for you - so… it is the first day of a new month today - ready to make this day, the start of the best days of your life - by changing that one thing, taking your power back over that one thing you know has been quite ‘eating away at you’ for months? This is going to shift you rapidly! Have you felt like you’ve been blocked recently? Or ‘why isn’t it happening yet?’ - that thing on your mind, that has been eating you up for months, but you bury it over and over again? That. That is what will shift you rapidly - so, are you ready to FLY? It only takes a choice, every moment, to lead you in that direction - so which direction are you walking so you can then run then fly? Or… choose to FLY? Right away? I am also getting the message that perhaps now is the time to learn about the systems more? What and which ones have you been turning a blind eye to? And, who comes to mind to learn more about them with? Its time to reclaim your power and return to the divine sovereignty that you are - without hating on the world at the same time. Rise, rise to your own inner authority and watch the world change around you. Love xxx It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey


Card #2: Love Yourself.

Hmm, a few messages here, I feel like you have come into a place of deep empowerment in your life - you have started to take radical responsibility for your life and are awakening to more and more of the solid foundations that are a non-negotiable for you that enable you to create the life you dream of, however, I am sensing that you have been doubting yourself recently? Have the world issues, knocked you a bit? Thrown you off path so to speak, however, you know you have been deeply recalibrating? But you have still been doubting yourself? But you know? Argh, bit of a confusion basket in a way - BUT - the key here, is that when you are working on something or know you have to do something and then someone or something will happen and THEN knock you - don’t let it. Sort out life and keep going. I am also sensing something with your Heart. What is with your Heart? I am wondering - are you blocking your heart with the full expression of who you are - by denying what is in your heart? Of what you have always wanted? What is it from several years ago, that is back around, back in your field, that is back in your awareness, even back in your physical presence? Do you love yourself enough - to allow yourself to have the full expression of you? The full expression of your heart? That thing you have been denying yourself, and I am getting the message there are two main things that you have been denying yourself for a long time - isn’t it time to love yourself enough, not treat yourself like a little child who never could have what she/he wanted when she/he wanted, because you were denied this as a child? Don’t you see, that now, you can fully claim all of you, all of your beautiful hearts desires, by giving yourself permission to just have the thing? Do the thing? Receive the thing? Because you CAN? And anything else that comes into that - you just simply walk around babe, you don’t need to deny yourself any longer. Loving yourself, means having ALL that you are, receiving ALL that you are, BEING all that you are and that your heart longs for. It is time, to allow yourself this level of receiving. Choose it, go after it, make it happen, receive it, BE IT. Love on yourself, and let yourself receive it, by choosing what your hearts desires want anytime, as a non-negotiable. Now is not the time to doubt yourself, but love on yourself. Now is the time to RISE into the greatness that you are. Your automatic self love is turned on, when you choose you, when you choose your hearts true desires, so isn’t it time, to choose you? Love xxx  It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey


Card #3: Learn Something New.

Ah, this is interesting! But - I feel like you have already had your eye on something? What has been holding you back from learning something new? That you have been holding back because of? Time? Resources? You know that money shows up when it has a purpose to? And that you are the only one that creates your time schedule? There is ALWAYS enough time in the day to do what you need to do - it just depends if you are going to choose to do it? When we sit down to do anything - ESPECIALLY something new - there is ALWAYS distractions - the first 10 mins is like distraction heaven! Your mind wanders, you need to get up to get that extra glass of water or cup of tea, you need to just check your email again - yep! Distractions are NORMAL - especially that first ten minutes is the hardest. If you set a timer for 25 mins and know that the first 10 minutes, you will find it hard to concentrate and get into it. When you can be aware of this - you will find it easier to PUSH through that part and then get into FLOW! Now, flow might come on faster than that sure, and maybe you never have any distractions - but most people do! So, know this is normal and that this can help you to push through that part and do the thing. Setting a timer is a psychological aspect that helps us to get it done. We can ‘switch off’ to everything else and know that we are just doing the thing for 25 mins. Then we can get up and do something else. Sometimes, we get into super flow by then and when the timer goes off, we reset the timer for another 25mins or we just keep going. Or, if on that day, we don’t want to do the thing - we can get up - fulfilled and in alignment, with a sense of grounded energy, because we have done the thing we know we are meant to do EVERYDAY. So, what is that every day thing for you? What is the ‘Learn Something New’ everyday thing? Is it a course? A program? Is it an exercise regime? A meditation program? Is it connection with someone? What is that for you? Remember, whatever it is, you are being called to take time to learn something new - commit to the thing - just 25mins a day with a timer and see how fast you self worth and confidence in self increases - why? Because you’re doing the thing you know has been tapping you on the shoulder for AGES! #itstime Love xxx  It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey


Card #4: Make A Wish.

Ah, so much positive energy in this week’s Tuesday Tarot, must be the Pisces Full Moon! Which is VERY in alignment with this card - Make A Wish and watch it come true. I was watching/listening to Pam Gregory Astrologer’s Forecast earlier today and she was reminding us about how an Architect puts pen to paper and draws the house that then manifests into physical form. THAT - is what I feel this card is reminding you of. Journalling, writing your reality into existence - being SO mindful of your thoughts and feelings and super conscious of what reality you are CHOOSING via these means. When you can consider that we yes, physically take pen to paper and make a house appear for example - you have to remember that us, as Human Beings, in this reality we live in? Out THOUGHTS ARE OUR PAPER! I am getting the message to remind you of this but also the fact that - we are in accelerated times now. This ain’t the 19th Century anymore! (We ain’t in Kansas anymore sunny Jim!🙃) That means that we are only increasing in Light, in Energetic Power and we are AWAKENING to that fact, as a collective. That means that your thoughts have more power - whether you are unconscious to them or conscious to them. This also means that by consciously choosing your thoughts and being so conscious of what you are thinking, and CHOOSING - you can literally turn your life around. YES this means you have to take action - but when you are conscious of your thinking, you are then also conscious of what you are choosing through your behaviours and your actions and therefore you become a conscious creator of your reality, not a reactive one that is just getting towed along by the collective choices. You are actually able to take the reins of your life and literally Make A Wish and co-create it to come true. Whether that is taking action on something or stepping back and allowing to receive something, whether that is doing the inner and outer work to shift you into deep alignment to receive even more of what you want, whether that is joining a group who is also consciously working on making their dreams reality or actually shifting their consciousness to serve Humanity at a higher frequency, What is it, that you need to align your every single thought - to be in deep alignment, with the thing, that brings your Heart ALIVE? If you could wish, for anything in the world - what would that be? Now.. your ONLY task is to CHOOSE your thoughts, and your feelings every single moment that pull you into alignment of LIVING that way, How, would you be feeling, thinking, and living, if that were already the case? BE that now and if you turn around and tell me that oh Hannah, but I am not there yet - I ask you, what steps can you take TODAY that PULL you into alignment of that life? Do that everyday, UNTIL you’re there. THat’s how, you Make A Wish and co-create it to come true. Let NOTHING stand in your way. Align, align, align. Love xxx It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey


Card #5: You Are Special.

Hmmm a bit of Self Worth coming up with this card - have you been doubting you are good enough for the thing? Or keep thinking you can’t do the thing because of money, or something other thing that has stopped you, which is only in your mind? You might turn around and say, ‘Well, no Hannah, this and this and this thing stops me.’ And I turn around back to you and say, ‘Oh, really? That is interesting!’ Things only stop us if we let them. Sometimes things take longer than we expect but the question you need to be asking yourself is, ‘Have I given up hope too soon? Have I given up taking action because I am not clear on what to do with this situation? Have I stopped, because I think I am not worthy enough or that everything stops me when I start?’ THAT. That is your key. You are deserving enough to have ALL the things you want - but the question is - do you let yourself have them? Or did you decide a long time ago that you aren’t good enough so why try? And when those things stand in your way, well. You let them stop you. You take it as a sign that you aren’t supposed to, or perhaps you are worried about what your other half would say. And yet, you are dying inside and constantly look at those wildly succeeding in what you know you can to, but simply choose not to because you don’t want to rock the boat of some kind. Have you felt more of a slump recently than ever before? That you get excited and picked up by life with something for… a moment and then BOOM back down to what feels like further than where you even were before? This… YOU ARE SPECIAL - where did you decide along the way, that you won’t bother? What’s the point? Who cares anyway? Where did you decide that no matter what you do, no one notices anyway, so what is the friggin point and yet, inside you are sad, your Soul is suffocating and seemingly melting away and have waves of sadness that you are not ‘there yet’ or in the relationship you want and why aren’t you? Because, somewhere along the way you decided that you shouldn’t be/can’t be. So, it is a simple as finding that point and choosing that you ARE special and you ARE worthy of these things and you won’t let ANYTHING stop you. You choose to walk away from anything and anyone that isn’t treating you as the special divine being that you ARE and decide, from THIS MOMENT ON that you are worthy of everything you see others have and choose to take steps to make this happen for yourself - no matter what it takes, no matter how long it takes. And those things that try and stop you? You simply keep going and know that NOTHING is going to stop you this time, because the only thing that does, is yourself. You are choosing to see that divine specialness inside of you now and honour it like you wish you always would’ve had been. You are Special beautiful one, you have a gift and a HUGE heart… don’t let anything shut it down. Let yourself see the Divine Specialness that you are. Love xxx It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey


Card #6: Archangel Michael.

Ah, this is an interesting card, given all the information that has come to light this last few weeks right?! 🙃 “The Truth Seeker” - that is what has come to mind, deeply with this card. I am sensing that Archangel Michael is asking YOU to seek out the truth. Not ask him. Not ask someone else - but for you - to come into deep alignment with what the truth is for you in this situation. I always use ‘of 100% Light’ when asking ANYONE in the spirit world for any information no matter who it is - you could also ask that of your intuition, which allows you to connect to the highest resonance of Light and truth that is available to us - beyond what any cap of limitation has presented, we can go ‘beyond the realms of time’ and pierce the dimension of 100% Consciousness, of pure Source Energy - you just have to know you can, why? Because it is available to you if you choose - regardless of what ANYONE says - you can simply change the vibration by pure choice of where you are tuning into - of 100% Light Frequency. I am wondering if you have been confused about something or scared of something or wondering what to do about a situation? “The Truth Seeker” is a strong message from Archangel Michale with this card for you today. Question everything, research everything intuitively until you find what resonates with truth and if you can’t find it in one sitting move onto something else that you are needing to get done and know that the information will surface for you at the right time and that you will know heart and soul when that soul resonance 100% Light truth is shown to you, because you will FEEL it. “The Truth Seeker” is at your doorstep, I feel that there has been information shown to you recently that may be confronting and our trained reaction is to shut anything new down - why do we do this automatically? Because it confronts an entirely new perspective of reality that shatters into pure oblivion EVERYTHING that we have ever known previously - of what we were born into, indoctrinated into and that… is a big bubble to burst! So, be gentle on yourself dear Lightworker, dear “The Truth Seeker”, for when you find new information, or it is presented to you - be open. You WILL be recalibrating and 99.9999999% of the time, that is extremely uncomfortable. But if you have been asking for answers in a world that is constantly and rapidly shifting from underneath our feet that is so unstable - “The stability you find is on the inside.” - Regan Hillyer. That. That is where you can find the solidarity of “The Truth Seeker” that is within you and when you tap into this Source, you are open to new information, but constantly with your “The Truth Seeker” radar on. I am sensing that there is a lot of new information that will be revealed to you over these coming weeks especially it will be like download, after download from tapping into this well of pure Source energy within you and this, will guide you through so many what ifs over these next few weeks especially (yes I said it all twice!) This is an important message for you, you have been asking, and now trust what you intuitive receive from 100% Light - for YOU are the ultimate connection to pure Source energy, no one, no entity, no outside being, but YOU. Trust You. Dear “The Truth Seeker”, it’s you. Has been all along. RISE. Love xxx It is time, for us to RISE TOGETHER - and in thus, rise with the ever increasing light quotient that is being infiltrated into and on our planet through this this powerful time of Ascension. Over this next nine weeks, we are embarking on the Crystalline Chakra Journey. Nine weeks of awakening and diving deep into the Consciousness of each of your Chakras. Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/crystalline-chakra-journey