🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 21st May 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 21, 2019
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 21st May 2019 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today, to see what messages are awaiting you there today 💫
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Archangel Jeremiel. All Is Well. "Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand."
No matter the outside appearances, all is well. I am getting such a strong sense of, breathe out deeply - it’s all okay. I am sensing that whatever you are worried about, whatever next big leap that is on your mind and that I sense you’ve have already begun the process of, ‘All is Well’ is your card of confirmation. What are you wanting is correct, what you are needing is correct, what you are asking for is correct, what will unfold will happen. I am getting the message though of ‘don’t compromise’ - don’t go for less than what you think you can get, simply because you think you can’t have what you really want now/yet? Don’t let yourself drop your standards, lower your thoughts or compromise for what you really want. Have you even asked? Have you even found out more information? The card from Saturday night’s Full Moon ‘Cards for Humanity’ in the ‘future’ card, was about rest, relaxation and no need to force or hurry things. Take your time. Meaning - don’t settle because you can get it now, if you have dropped your most highest choice, the one you REALLY want, don’t settle for this! Again, have you even found out more details of the one you REALLY want, before making a decision? I am getting this as a really strong message for you right now. There is no need to hurry or force decisions. I am getting the message that you can have what you really want, you just have to believe you can and again, don’t settle! That message is strong for you - have you been working on your self worth lately? Not tolerating things that you usually would’ve in your past? Are walking on and forward into a clean slate and not bringing/dragging the past with you? What is done is done and there is no turning back? I am getting the sense that you may be feeling a sense of uneasiness going on deep inside, but this is because you are treading new territory right? Walking a path you haven’t walked before, because for whatever reason you weren’t ready or thought you couldn’t? But now you are getting signs, that actually this may be possible? There’s this sense that you also deeply know you have shifted realities after so long of being ‘stuck’ that things might actually be able to move forward now, even though you have no idea how, but you are trusting more and moving forward anyway - so, this card is a really strong message to you that ‘All is well’ - it is all working out in your favour, so do what you can/need to do to relax into it, be confident and know you are moving forward, that this new reality shift that you are feeling IS correct, right for you and you can reach for the very top, your highest version of yourself NOW, not in another 2-5 years time. Time is now. Live it like it is beautiful one, you do deserve it after all. Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.
Card #2: Archangel Azrael. Comfort. "I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal."
Have you been in a fair amount of grief recently? Lost someone you love, either through death or relationship break up or otherwise? When Archangel Azrael appears, he is the Archangel that brings two worlds together, he helps Soul’s cross over to the other side after they have left physical reality and he helps loved ones left behind with their grief (and the Soul’s that have passed over, their grief too). With this card turning up for you today I am also sensing that if you have recently lost someone due to death, this is your sign that they are communicating with you and it is important to trust your intuitive guidance around this. If you ‘start thinking abut them’ - you are receiving messages that they are near. If you ‘feel the wind and start thinking of them’ - you are receiving messages that they are near. If a wild animal turns up and crosses your path, draws your attention or it is all that you can hear - you are receiving messages that they are near. If you have dreams about them - you are receiving messages they are near. Meaning - they are communicating to you! People brush this off and don’t pay attention to it, but how you are sensing them, in ways I have just mentioned (and is not limited to btw) - this is exactly how psychics receive messages they are near for you, so don’t discount how tuned in you are. If something ‘freaks’ you and you are like, oh, is that so and so (the name of your deceased loved one) - YES it is is! Remember this. You wouldn’t start thinking about them if it wasn’t, so please trust your intuition, this card is strongly this for you! They are communicating to you through your thoughts, feelings, ideas, things that ‘move in your house’ - please don’t discount it, they have led you here to this card to please believe in yourself, to believe in the messages they are communicating to you - which may just be, ‘Hey, I am still here, I see you, you’re doing amazing and I love you. I am sorry I am not physically here for you anymore, but I am still around and you are sensing me correctly, don’t brush it off, I am trying to comfort you as best as I can from back here. I still deeply love you.” It’s real beautiful one, don’t discount it. Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.
Card #3: Archangel Azrael. Counsellor. "You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance."
Hmmm, I am getting such a strong message for you to stand deep in solidarity about the profound effect you have upon those around you = it is time for you to assume your leadership role in a big, big way. There is something you are hiding, an aspect of yourself that has been deeply wanting to come out lately, you can feel it right? A deeper layer of you - that the surface layers have been stripped back and this part of you wanting to come out. I am sensing possibly a fair bit of frustration but peace at the same time, because you can feel this deeper part of you emerging and are ‘waiting for it’s full birth’? I am also getting the strong message that there are leaders around you - that you even look up to, that are actually being led by you. It feels like you think you are ‘under’ them, but actually, what is going on here, is that you are guiding people like them more than you realise. I am also sensing that this is your sign to not delay what you are here to birth, do or release any longer. If there is something you have been thinking about but keep feeling like you don’t have enough time, or that everything else is pulling at your energy about this, don’t delay any more. Put energy into this endeavour today, for even just a tiny bit of energy into this space, is going to open up a whole new reality for you. And we know what a tiny bit of energy into something everyday does, creates a whole new momentum. You are a natural born counsellor and many people benefit from your guidance.’ is real and you already know this, this is your time to assume your leadership role beautiful one. If there is training that has been on your mind, extra study, courses or working with someone you deeply resonate with and know that this is your next step, the signs are clear, don’t delay beautiful one, for this card coming to you? Is that there are ‘leaders’ around you who are actually leading because of the work you are already doing, it is time for YOU to step into a greater capacity of yourself to lead in a bigger way, because it isn’t for them to be led by you in this way, but, by what you are about to do. Ready? Don’t delay any longer beautiful one, this is the sign you’ve been looking for. Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.
Card #4: Peace. Peace comes from remembering that only love is real. "Peace comes from remembering that only love is real."
Hmmm, have you been feeling, out of time lately? Have you been feeling like, you’re here but not here at the same time? Have you been feeling like you don’t fit in, but you already know this, but you have been almost ‘acknowledging that’ and ‘owning it’? And from this, you have ‘removed yourself from the pack’ in a way? It is like ‘you have been kicked out’ yet, you have come into deep realisation of what is really going on here and you have done the work, working through HUGE amount of rejection, deep feelings of abandonment, but deeply seeing now, what the bigger picture, the message was about the entire situation. Doesn’t mean you don’t have pangs of sadness, but they are seemingly minor these days, because of what and how much you’ve worked through and with this - comes this sense of Peace. ‘On the other side of the wall is Peace’ ‘As you step through the threshold you come to Peace’ ‘The light at the end of the tunnel is Peace’. I am wondering if you have felt a sense of aloneness recently too? Lonely, alone, but it is more of a Peaceful alone in a way? You have stepped into a whole new field beautiful one! All this deep inner spiritual work, all this space within yourself, this is what you have been working and doing all this work for! You’ve ‘made it’ and this alone space, is not that you are lonely, but there is….. space. Energetic space and you have been working a long time, to clear out this stuff that has been in your space, in your energetic field, about what has been going on, to create such space. I am sensing this ‘out of time’ feeling you have been feeling is that you have stepped into this space, this field of ‘ultimate creation’ but it isn’t that you are creating. It is that you are the timeline between the creations. You are the energetic recoder that puts everything back together. You see, sense and know a lot more things that a lot of other people do and think that they do. Yet, don’t let them confuse you honey, you’re much more aware than you think you are. Take them off the pedestal, you are only confused if you are doubting your own intuition about the situation. Step out of their field and back into your own - this Alone Peace that you are feeling, is what you have been working towards your entire life. It is, your purpose for being. Don’t discount it now you are here. Your evolution of the reason you were born, has only just begun. Trust, keep moving forward with every minute step, for the light, is being shown to you, seeping through the cracks and you are very well on your way. Continue to trust this space, you have arrived. Time is standing still for you, because you have leaped into this space, that is, where you were meant to be after all. Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.
Card #5: Archangel Ariel. Courage. "Be courageous and stand up for your beliefs."
Hmm, this card, Archangel Ariel, she is also the abundance Archangel and I am sensing - have courage in what you are about to walk into, trust and step into as you are divinely supported in your endeavours at this time. There is no need to worry, stress or figure out ‘how’ - just trust this next step and keep turning up, don’t stop UNTIL. You wouldn’t be being given this information, guidance/intuition if you weren’t meant to find a way to bring it to Earth, to Earth your reality in what you have always known in your body, mind and heart for a long time. ‘Do what you can, with what you have’ - the epitome of Life Purpose. I am also sensing if there is something you are needing to voice and ‘stand up for what you believe’ then now is your time. Yet, I am sensing that this? Is actually part of your gift that you are needing to actually ‘live’ in a way of - what your divine Life Purpose is, what your message is, what your being called to in service of the divine and what you are here to do, the reason you are born, is being called THROUGH you right now. This ‘standing up for what you believe and speaking your truth’ is in a big, big way. What is it that is wanting to channel through you, create and live? Yes, you may need to voice and have a conversation with someone close to you that you need to get off your chest, stand up for ‘no more! This is enough’ and finally say what has been busting to come out of you for a long time, yet there is also something deeper here, in a way that your truth to your tribe, your people, in service to the divine, is actually what is needing to come through you at this time. If you need to voice your truth to someone, set boundaries and walk away, then do so - because this? Creates space for your deepest truth to come out and be of service to the divine, of your Life Purpose, of what you are meant to do. And that comes with having the courage to walk away from what is no longer in alignment, because when you actually reframe it to, walking towards, what IS in alignment, you suddenly realise you don’t even need to log back, because you are not going that way. You wouldn’t be walking away for no reason, you are walking away because of what you are walking TOWARDS. KEEP this as your focus. Feel the grief yes, but know where you are going and why, even if you are not clear on the details, (yet I am sensing you are actually), that this space in between, is your clear and clean out time. Trust this space. Archangel Ariel comes to you today giving you the confidence to say no to what is no longer in alignment so you can say yes to what is. Your beliefs make up who you are and what you are deeply being called forth in this time and space, is who you are, to align deeply with what you believe. This will give you more energy, aliveness, you will look more youthful, you will be stronger and happier and… inspire others to do the same. Trust where you are being called - into deep alignment, you are supported 100% of the way right now with all of this. Do you, trust it? Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.
Card #6: Prioritise. Archangel Metatron. "Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organised and motivated."
Anything else right now? Is a distraction! I feel like you are this close to birthing something HUGE in your life right now. You may feel like you already are, yet I am sensing that something is on the brink of a woah, didn’t see this coming, but #ofcourse at the same time to birth in your reality. And ANYTHING at this point, IS a distraction to your divine Life Purpose and where you are headed beautiful one! Take heed of this call, of this message, it is deeply important. Think back to…. August last year - what distracted you at this time back then? And then think to November-December, what was going on FROM the August event? I am sensing that this past 1-2 weeks things may be coming in ‘similar’ to that time and I am getting the message that as much as ‘distraction’ comes to mind, it is also that this is a ‘next level’ of this, not in a bad way, but also in a sense that you have a new awareness on board, you have come to a new level, new layer, new YOU and this entire new reality that you ARE - is birthing a next layer, hmmm, it isn’t even that, I can’t put into words what I am sensing is coming into you and for you shortly (good things) - just, this card FOCUS is also a huge message to keep focused. Yes, let things in but don’t let them BECOME a distraction to what you need to do. Last year, it distracted you. This time, you can stay focused AND have the things too is what I am sensing. Stay true to you, stay connected to you, stay ‘busy with you’ (not busy for busy’s sake) but dedicated to you - others will come to you, be with you, without you dropping yourself for them, in fact, it is actually what draws not only them, but every good thing to you. Do you. Stay connected to you and stay focused on your priorities and your desires. This is a crucial, elevating and pivotal time for you right now, don’t let anything pull you down or distract you off course. Keep your priorities straight, that crown straight and keep going. ‘Elevate’ keeps coming to mind - and your priorities, your vision, your dedication and commitment to who you are and where you are going that the ‘fall out’ last year, made you come into this commitment and dedication to who you are now and where you are headed now, so stay focused on this - this, is what is birthing your next reality/level that I can’t put into words, there are no words to describe the sense of what i am feeling for this ‘next birthing reality’ that those words don’t do it justice to what I am sensing! Ah, know I am repeating myself, just, yes, you think it is good now, it is about to get better - but this FOCUS and dedication IS what pulls that reality IN for you. Stay you, guard this space (guard in self worth honouring guarding way) for this, is what you have been working for after all… I think a word that almost does it justice is ‘FREEDOM’. Love xxx Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Answers, Unlimited Support for 21 Days Straight on the 21 Day Shifter Program. Get answers right away, clear out deep energetic blocks that have been sitting there for eons, that it seems like no one can fix you or you can ever have shifted before, that everyone says something is wrong with you, there isn’t beautiful one, you just haven’t found the right Healer who gets the deep dark depths of your Soul, that only fellow Healers travel as deep as you. #igotyou 💜 Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program.