🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd December 2020

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 22, 2020

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd December 2020

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Beyond Lumeria Oracle 🧜🏻‍♀️🔮

In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021.

The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose?

Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Our Ancient Future.

Ah, this card came up in our Full Moon Ceremony! AND it is the front cover of the entire deck this one, Our Ancient Future. Deep Lumerian energy (of course that is this entire deck!) however, I am getting the sense for you that right now - you are reclaiming all lost parts of yourself from…. a long time ago. Are you intuitive gifts amplifying? Becoming clearer? Welcome to the dawning Ages of Aquarius - where the ‘air’ sign, activates the highest learnings and divine light of service, through a switched on active light frequency within you. You are not dormant anymore, you are… active, awake and aligned. A long time ago in this current life time - have you just arrived back somewhere that is home, or feels like home, that you.. left a long time ago? Or have you been thinking about going back to somewhere? Going back ‘deeper’ - into previous lifetimes, going back further, back to your original home, your original roots - is what is going on right now. Reclaiming lost parts of yourself that have been buried, forgotten, shifted out, locked away. I feel that this reclaiming parts of you - is a deep remembering of who you are, becoming all that you are, who you were born, reincarnated in this current lifetime - to completely fulfil this mission. Have you felt alone, or lonely recently? This is your signature program right here - right back to the core of you. Think…. feel…. When you were ‘home’ - what did you used to do, that you - are not doing anymore, right now - or that you gave up? You gave a part of your Soul when you did this. Your answer lays in reclaiming these parts of you… you know, the ones that you did so naturally and happily and carefree before you became conscious of it because of what people’s words said to you that shut you down to blend in and be good enough. But you are good enough And the more you reclaim all these parts of yourself by IMPLEMENTING - and living them again - you will naturally feel happy, whole and in love with life again. And who knows - from this state, 'the love of your life’ might just walk into your life because you are HAPPY again. Remember - happiness and wholeness first THEN life will be good again. It begins within you - you’ve heard this before. The place to ‘look’ is these long forgotten parts of your life. Remember back to your happiest days and pull these aspects out again that make you happy and go do them! For example, with me, when I stopped taking drugs and ‘left the party scene’ my heart - was deeply still in festivals and live music - it is my heart and soul. And so it was an adjustment to continue that happiness with music and dancing in different ways than raving non-stop every weekend. Today, music is still a big part of my life and I very consistently have music in my ears when doing - anything. And it brings my Soul alive, makes me feel joy and connects me to my flow. This, supports my entire life. What is the Ancient Wisdom from your lineage, your Soul lineage, that is here to support you? To be reclaimed, relived, dropping all inhibitions and allowing your Soul to fly free again? Have you been drawn to watch, read or learn about a new culture recently? Or saw something that moved you? This… is reawakening these aspects of your inherent bloodline into deeper levels of activation. You have been changed and now, it is your duty, your divine responsibility to embody these - for these are who you are and this, is the Ancient Wisdom for our Ancient Future to be reborn - THROUGH YOU. Own it. Trust it. Live it. Now. Love xxx In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose


Card #2: The Infinite.

Have you been feeling deeply in flow? At Peace? In another world? Another realm? A quantum field feeling? Just feeling different? Like everything is okay, going to be okay and that you are so grateful for what has transpired, because… you are here now? The scarab beetle is also jumping out at me on this card and I am sensing there is a new birthing taking place for you right now. A complete reality shift - you are doing something you have never done before, with incredible faith, strength and courage that you didn’t even know existed in this well deep inside of you, that has surfaced ‘out of nowhere’ in a way - you are ‘here now’ and there is NO going back to what was. You are changed, different and continually walking forward in a level of faith, that you have not expanded into before but this… is normal now. This level of ‘blind faith walking’. This is a dimensional frequency that enables you to manifest at rapid speed and it comes from - your connection to the divine. Do not let anyone ever tell you, you are too sensitive, too much, too - anything. You have a gift and you are awakening to the next level of your life. Something has felt off for WEEKS and something just hasn’t been sitting… right. And now… you are FREE it feels like! You have pushed through sooo much upheaval, wanted to give up more times that you can count, have lost some, loved some, gained some and so much more you could.. write a book about it I am getting the message that right now - it is a time to celebrate, acknowledge and give yourself a divine ritual celebration to truly honour and mark this occasion. You have stepped into another reality because you have chosen to look deep, deep within, knowing you have been worthy of sooo much more and so you have shifted to levels beyond what you could’ve ever realised before. The Infinite - the Scarab Beetle, it feels like for you, from this place of deep, ultimate, connection to self, to this new level you have stepped into, will show you things about reality that you didn’t even conceive of before. Ideas for your business to implement, expansion in all directions, reality shifts that just keep on coming and ‘pressure cooker moments’ that take you to your next level rapidly BECAUSE you look within, ask for help from the right people and above all, trust yourself. I am also getting the message that you have created a lot of space in your life (or are about to experience it any day now) and this space I am getting the message for you is extremely significant in receiving your ideas, your next level implementation of self, your new life basically. The more space you can create away from the busyness the more you are going to receive. I am also getting the message that these feelings of this ‘new reality space’ you are feeling, this entirely new feeling that is your normal now… has been the result of DNA upgrades and shifts. Have you consciously worked on that in the last few months? What you are feeling and shifting with now - is because of this. Keep trusting the practitioners and guides you are being drawn to work with - for this energy frequency is the entire reason you are here, and are to guide others with just by you… being you. Continue you on precious one. Love xxxIn 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose 


Card #3: Trust Your Innocence.

Oh beautiful one! Have you been blaming and accusing yourself of something you didn’t do? Or had no control over? Please don’t be hard on yourself when you are #1 - not to blame and #2 - that energy and hatred won’t help anyone! What WILL help, is getting the anger, frustration and ultimately sadness out, because this is what is underneath that frustration. Maybe something didn’t go to plan, maybe something didn’t work out the way you had hoped, maybe you are being blamed for something that is not your fault, maybe you are just beating yourself up because you are angry about a situation and then thinking you did this! No honey! Now, I am all for taking radical responsibility for shifting your reality however, in this case? You are not to blame! So shake it off, literally go outside, jump up and down and move your body, shake your arms and shake it off! Sooo important! When we get blamed for something, we carry their energy. Literally like they vomited on you. I know, gross right?! But seriously, that is the energy we carry when we get blamed for something and then.. you wonder why you feel like shit for ages right?! Soooo important to clear your energy and the movement is. powerful to get back to you right away. I am also getting the message that this, also has ties into 2007, 2008 and 2009 for you. SHAKE IT OFF!!! Not yours to carry anymore. Stop blaming yourself! I am also getting the message that you are opening like a flower right now. As beautiful as a flower (your energy) and you are being stretched in your faith like no tomorrow. However, you are not panicky about it anymore you are just… moving through the motions with it all.  Something has deeply shifted inside of you, however, these waves of the old patterns surfacing - isn’t that you have gone backwards.. it is that it is another layer to shift, but also that you are catching them as they rise and choosing a different reality and THAT is the pure innocence coming out in you - your divine power of the pure innocent you, that you are. This card also relates to your Inner Child. You never did anything wrong, there is nothing wrong with you and if you are struggling to feel like you can ever moved past anything or let it go or that Hannah, easy for you to say - the key piece is finding the right support. There are many people out there that do not have the capacity to hold what you are capable of, let alone what you have been through. That little child within you, is just waiting the right support to come out and bloom into the you that you are. Whether that is a new home or location and/or the supportive person/people around you… that sometimes takes a fair chunk of alone time to create space to then find the right people. Trust this space yes? It is okay to be alone whilst your life shifts to your new level that… the right people begin to start coming into your life too. Trust, trust, trust I am hearing for you. I am also getting the message - an ex… have you been hurt by an ex, just.. recently? Let your heart cry and purge the anger from them - did they blame you for it all, when you… put in your all? SHAKE IT OFF! And come back to the Innocent you. Just because they don’t understand your Heart, or that you gave your all, doesn’t mean you have to wear their projections, judgements and shame about it all! ‘It’s not mine, it’s not mine, it’s not mine!’ - Is a mantra to repeat when you are shaking off their energies! I am also getting the message, that, don’t stop making your plans or. avoiding certain parts of town, because of the bad memories. Shine beautiful one, reclaim that space, it is yours too you know and allow your whole self to be completely unmoved, unknocked by their thoughts and feelings. The more you stay centred in your beautiful huge, loving open heart and be all of you, regardless of what they think, you will see they will either stay in their stuff or shift with you. Either way, is not a reason to not live your whole life as your whole self for another moment longer. Trust. Love, you’ve always been open hearted, innocent and pure. Claim this back now. The Universe is counting on you to do so. It can only deliver your dreams and desires through your pure open innocent heart. Love xxx In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose


Card #4: The Portal Keeper.

The Gate Keeper, The Threshold, The Doorway, The Overture, The Long Awaited Mission, The Opening, The…. Portal Keeper. New Beginnings, New Awakenings, New Feelings, New… lots of things. And a tonne of ‘I am not tolerating this anymore’ - lots of new boundaries, new ways of being and implementing your life - OR that you are realising just how much you need to kick yourself into gear and get shit done for good now. For real. The Portal Keeper. These are the things that streamed through as soon as I saw this card for you. I feel you are on the precipice of huge change, but actually, there is a big piece that you have shifted through and are about to shift through that you, haven’t done before. This ‘doorway’ - a lot has moved for you and there is a strong theme with this card to get organised. Get so, so clear on things - on every area of your life - the physical, and the spiritual. Do you feel like you’ve just had another spiritual awakening, or shifted to the next level of your life? Or wondering why it hasn’t happened yet? When we shift, it can feel like everything is at a stand still. At this point, it is all recalibrating. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming as old emotions surface out of no where and you can’t stop crying - or it can feel like total bliss and like everything is finally coming together at long awaited last. The strong message about cleaning up your life and getting things organised, is that this is going to support the next doorway to what you have been waiting and hoping for to happen. However the ‘block’ if you may, or the ‘waiting for it’ - is the clean up. Whatever is unfinished or has been put on the back burner - must be tended to. Make it a point before you start anything new. It will shift your energy and create a clear slate and clear space, for the next stage of your life and welcome in 2021 with a clean, clear energy space to create what you really want, not just…as life pulls you along. Where do you need to create time, make time for yourself and your projects/finishing off things? Life will continue to happen, but it is up to you to carve out time in your day, to make happen what you want to happen.  It isn’t that we don’t have enough time, whether you are working full time or not - it depends on where we prioritise our time and energy. There is always enough time to get everything done - especially when we use affirmations like that 😉 Rekindle your connection to yourself, make time for yourself. Do you. It feels like this is a doorway for you, a portal, that is taking you to the realm of your life, that you’ve been working on for some time. If you don’t feel ‘there yet’ - clean up your life. Every part of it. Finances, food, health, home - everything. Take a life overhaul if you may and you’ll find your energy come back and… that portal open wider, so you can completely step into you. Finally. Love xxx In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose


Card #5: She Of The Lotus

This card is deep in Shadow Work. And I am getting the sense here for you that - what parts of you have you rejected and ‘thrown the baby out with the bathwater’? And what parts do you need to reclaim? It feels like there is also a piece in your life here,  where you have just… reclaimed all parts of yourself? I feel that there is a message here for you - are you angry at someone? Are you resentful or upset because of… someone in particular and have somewhat closed yourself off to them? I feel this is two fold right now for you.. the piece you have buried away/denied… may not even be conscious right now because you have put it off for soooo long - what is that? What is that, that you think you just can’t do, or keep putting off because you think that you need to be qualified and ‘better than you are’? It isn’t about waiting until you are perfect, because no one is. The key here is that when you start - you get better and better, you don’t just instantly ‘be amazing’ - you become it and that comes from deeply taking a step each and every single day - not waiting until the right time, or that you are good enough now. We ‘fumble through doing the thing’ - to become good at it and become self sufficient in what we do. Where are you needing to step up and out and take yourself to the next level by… starting today? I am also getting the message that there is a reflection in front of you that would benefit you to reach out and ask for help, learn from that person/mentor and let yourself fast track, by working with someone, rather that doing it alone anymore. I feel there is expansion here for you - if you were to ask for help, instead of trying to fumble along. All we need is that guiding light to shift us, and continue to shift us. Put yourself around people who are living the way and where you want to be and become. There is gold deep in your Shadow parts, the parts you reject, the parts you cover up with addictions and support mechanisms and sometimes we need support to dive deep into them to find them. Know that, the slight willingness to look within, will always show you what is there. It just takes courage… to do so. I am also hearing surrender. Stay focused, but surrender. Don’t try and figure things out right now. Right now is not the time for figuring things out - it is the time for holding that vision, taking steps every single day - without worrying about the how. The energies are super poised for rapid manifestation… just stay deeply connected to your heart with this vision, whilst taking action.. knowing that the details - are being taken care of and figured out by the Universe right now. If you feel stuck - look within - your Shadow, the parts of you, all of the parts of you that make up the entirety of you - has the answers. This is a time for you to shift, to receive support and take your life to the next level. Are you… willing to do what it takes to make that happen? Start today, there is no more time to waste. Love xxx In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose 


Card #6: Gracious Receptivity

Ah… so. Much. Gratitude. It feels like you are walking in another realm right now and nothing can stop you. It feels like you are in another world, it feels weird, different and strangely, so deeply at Home. This… is all the work you have done to date, coming together… all that you have been working on and through - manifested into form, shifted, transformed and completely obliterating the old reality you once knew. You, dear Soul, have come Home, to you, to ‘the one’ you always knew was there… you. It may have surprised you and yet at the same time it hasn’t, because you knew, deep down, it was you, all along who had to take the reigns, who had to stop pushing in directions that just… were where you didn’t want to go anyway when you were really honest with yourself. It feels like you have let go of so much. So many layers, from emotional, to mental, to physical, to spiritual - so many pieces that just weren’t aligned have dropped away and you chose to let them all go with ease, grace and flow, because this is your new normal now. You have chosen for it to be easy and although that was a muscle you had to work on strengthening, you are getting better every single day. Even though you are in a state of gratitude 99% of the time these days and pull yourself back up there when you ‘drop’, this card, specifically mentions about a gratitude practise and I am wondering if you have that - or need to start writing/implementing it back through a written practice? Has that been on your mind? Journalling, mindset and gratitude? Even though you do it and it is a normal practise for you - do you need to write it or ‘up the practise ritual’ of it? I am also getting the message, has a new goal just become apparent to you? Or that something is manifesting faster than you expected or planned originally? I am getting the message that to ‘make this happen’ ‘pull it into reality’ this card has come to you today, as the answer to your prayers, to your.. ‘how’. This is the answer to ‘how’. Visualise it, give deep gratitude for it - be in it - to pull it into the now, to amplify this manifestation process for yourself and allow the next chapter, no, book, into your life. If you are not in a constant state of gratitude, something is out of alignment in your life. If you are in a state of gratitude, your Heart is open, grounded and deeply centred into the full manifestation of your dreams, your heart and Soul’s Life Purpose. The more you can stay in this state, the higher and faster all the synchronicities will not only rush in to support all of your desires, however, this will become the normal for you. The more you are in this state, the more you can give to yourself, to the world and to the reason you are here. Follow the gratitude trail, create one even… and allow that to be your guide. Follow your Open Heart. It knows the way. Love xxx In 2021, The 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose begins on the 12th January! Over 12 months, through the entirety of 2021, we are commencing a journey to Awaken Your Life Purpose for free! My gift from me to you, to deeply come into alignment with your Life Purpose over 2021. The 12 Divine Steps to Awaken Your Life Purpose, covering one step per month for deep integration and alignment into your Soul’s destiny - are you ready to Awaken Your Life Purpose? Click here for all the details to join us for this 12 month journey (don’t worry, it is easy to implement in your busy day to day reality): https://www.realityawareness.com/12-divine-steps-to-awaken-your-life-purpose