🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd March 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 23, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd March 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to find what messages are awaiting you there from the Moonology Oracle ðŸŒ™ðŸ”®ðŸŒ™

These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close!

You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time.

This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Waxing Moon.  ‘The energy is gaining momentum.’ 

When I first saw this card for you - I feel lots of change happening for you and around you. I got the message of travel - are you wanting to travel somewhere, but can’t or are thinking about planning a trip, no matter what happens with world stuff, you’re planning it anyway? I am also sensing that there is something with this ‘The energy is gaining momentum’ card for you, that has been 12 months in the making. It feels like the seeds were planted 12 or so months ago and that right now, things are just becoming clear in your life. It feels like you’ve been recalibrating since then, that 12 months ago (in a way) and right now - ‘The energy is gaining momentum’ for you. It may be that some things are still not clear but you can FEEL this shift and change within you and it is deeply shifting you to where you have known and wanted to be all along, you just haven’t been able to do it until now. I am wondering if you have been re-structuring things, or cleaning out or about to make a huge life changing action in your life (because the internal decision has already been made) you’re just now, starting to move into the figuring out how to take that leap into physical reality now. This time right now, is potent for you to take action - however, I feel whatever action you do take (or are already taking) is different than ever before. This is not only setting your life on course in the direction you’ve ALWAYS wanted to go - you are also ‘doing’ it in a different way. The energy feels different for you. You are creating more space for your LIFE (which is why you did this freedom thing in the first place) and you are deeply coming into creating a solid structure in your life that supports you rather than drains you. I feel that people are ‘falling away and out of your ethers’ around you and to continue to let this happen (which I know you are) and I am sensing there are new people coming in - and quite rapidly. New clients, people ready to help you without strings, I am also sending a new romance on the horizon too.. wonder if that is your heart becoming full and nourished because you are in alignment and that is where the love comes from and thus, of course, attracting more loving people around you. I am also sensing that you’ve set strong boundaries recently and I am getting the message for you that with this ‘the energy is gaining momentum’ is because you are truly honouring who you are, truly allowing yourself to be seen, valuing yourself and honey? This is having a huge impact on your life right now - more of this please!!! ‘The energy is gaining momentum’ I feel that this next two weeks is crucial for you to continue to focus and remove all distractions for this next two weeks essentially whilst you are moving through this ‘tunnel’ as I feel that you will ‘pop’ out the other side from then with regard to what you are working on, have implemented, made a decision of and are moving forward on. The energy is gaining momentum - don’t stop now! You’re just getting started beautiful, not much longer to go, to finally see the results of what you have been working on, you’re soo close. Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #2: New Moon in Aries. ‘It’s time to take action.’ 

Ah, no more waiting around for the sign! You’ve already received the sign! What are you waiting for? Feel the fear and do it anyway - TRUST it will all work out because it ALWAYS has in the end right? It feels like there is something big holding you back - is it, what your partner will say or think? Or family? Or someone you know? Are you fearing moving forward simply because of what THEY will think? It is not important what they think, it is important that you move forward with what you are being guided to do, because within that, your path opens up. I am also wondering if there is that piece holding you back because you are not sure HOW to do it and I feel that clarity is coming, so don’t stress about the ‘how’ right now, clarity is coming. I am also sensing that even though people may have judgements about you to begin with, it will be short lived, for seeing how rapidly you shift and move into this next phase of your life, because I feel that you are definitely coming into a new era of your life - you’ve released the past and are deeply moving forward with the past you know you needed to take, it has lived in your heart forever! I am also getting the message of grounding - is that grounding these new ideas into physical reality? Creating a solid plan that enables you enact it? I am also sensing new environments - are you needing change? Needing to ‘ground into a new environment’? Or is it a new routine that enables you to solidify those plans into action? It feels like whatever it is you are needing to ‘ground into’ and perhaps that is a move house or move state, but that could also mean visiting a new place that lifts your spirits, or travelling to a local place that you know fuels your Soul. What is it that comes to mind as you read this? This new energy is going to revive your Spirits and allow you to implement these ideas that are not new, they are just ready to ground into reality. Time to TAKE ACTION beautiful one. Is that moving? Is that signing up for the course/mentor? Is that shifting out the old that has been sitting there waiting for your attention? (Is there rubbish that needs to go to the tip or old items to go to the good Sammys?) Whatever it is, the time is ripe for you to take action, no matter what. I feel this is an important opportunity for you right now to just do it and know you will be shown the way, the entire way - as you continue to take the next step. This could be your confirmation on the action you HAVE taken too :) Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #3: (Two cards actually came out stuck to each other for this one) Full Moon in Scorpio ‘It’s time to release negativity’ and First Quarter Moon ‘Your commitment is being tested.’ 

Hmmm, are you finding yourself easily distracted lately? I am sensing there is something that is surfacing - ‘Your commitment is being tested’ - are you striving hard for a thing and then you just… stop and get distracted? I am wondering - is it that you are needing more fun in your life? We can be working and working but with ‘no end in sight’ and yet, I am sensing that this card (s) have come to you to #1 - yes release the negativity in your life - and I ask you, is that negativity there, because you have getting bogged down in the monotonous everyday life? Of course, the negativity can be there from a relationship  or situation that you need to let go of, yes, of course it can be that. However, we can become super negative, which leads to apathy and depression - when we haven’t had fun in our lives. It can seem like everything is harder and just gah, meh over it! However - when you think about it, when you have had fun in your life, when you have been doing the things you LOVE - whether that is socialising, being active in a certain way, dancing to music - whatever YOUR thing is - if the same situation was dragging you down, or a situation happened that in your negative state you lose your shit - when you’ve just had the time of your life - does that stuff bother you? Nope! Not in the slightest right?! I am getting the message to bring this to your attention because anything that is going ‘wrong’ or is just plain boring and meh or something that happened that is irritating you, if your cup was FULL with all the things you loved doing it wouldn’t even phase you.. you would be in your heart and able to even hold space for it! ‘Your commitment is being tested’ - I wonder with this card, is there something that you said you would start doing on a consistent basis and you haven’t begun it yet? It is something that is going to - exactly that - bring more consistent fun into your life, even better health thus LIFE and you just haven’t yet? This - ‘Your commitment is being tested’ I feel is an answer to your question about how to shift out of your funk and be able to move forward again - WHILST staying in your heart - WHILST beginning to feel better about your life and like you are LIVING again, not just waiting until the time when. Because EVERYTHING is better when your heart is full of the things you love right? If you’re looking to release the negativity - simply move towards and LIVE the things that make your feel deeply satisfied and full. Not continuing to focus on anything else that isn’t that. So, what is that for you that you need to either plan to, or start living - today? Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #4: Full Moon in Sagittarius. ‘Look at the Bigger Picture.’

Hmmm, are you too focused on the now? It seems like you have a list as long as from here to the other side of the world that is some what weighing you down and making you feel unhappy? I wonder if you are feeling stuck at what the next steps are or feeling a bit blank or frustrated because, well, you’re doing this bit and you know you need to do this bit, but hey, some bigger picture clarity already would be nice right?! I am also sensing that there is something on your mind about travel, or something to do with the world, or the other side of the world? Is there someone on the other side of the world that has been on your mind? Is there travel on your mind? And/or - is something that is affecting you that you aren’t sure what is going on, this card, I feel is also letting you know that there are huge collective waves happening right now that are not always supportive when huge waves of light are coming in through the atmosphere. If you have been feeling tired or not yourself lately - that would be a definite factor. I am also getting the message that you need to ‘let go’ right now and stop striving, stop pushing and recalibrate into this new space that is going to allow you to ‘see the whole picture’. If you are not clear on it just yet, it is okay to wait and allow yourself to just be with the unknown - are you comfortable in that? It is a tricky place to be, however, I am sensing you are going through an intensely huge transformation right now that won’t really be complete until the end of September - so plan your time and make sure you’re living as well. You are in a different space right now and a very potent one that is allowing you to manifest your hearts desires, for within your heart, lays your destiny, for within the unknown is your door way to the limitless possibilities of the Universe and I feel that are you moving into greater and greater alignment. Your bigger picture is known by your heart. Even though the world might seem like it has all these restrictions and be plummeting into all this chaos - you are truly the creator of your reality and you can manifest a clear path, manifest the joy and manifest the freedom - if you so choose to dare find it. If you’re bogged down by what is in front of you - take it from a Hawk’s eye view, take it from a 5-10 year view and allow yourself to truly see what possibilities lay in front of you, not just the doorway snippet of what your routine brings you everyday. Where are you needing to step outside your comfort zone, to step rise above and see life from the Hawk’s Eye view that you have access to and FIND a way? Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #5: Full Moon in Leo. ‘Don’t let pride get in the way.’

Before I even saw this card, I heard ‘A BIG YES’ - so what was the answer you were looking for? I am sensing that there is something you are holding back from because you think that ‘your pride will be bumped off from’? Hmmm, does that even make sense? I wonder if you are triggered right now even reading that? It feels like a bit of a wall up to this opportunity that you have in front of you - is that because you’ve been burnt in the past? Is there an argument, or something that you thought someone did to you that was sooo wrong and yet, there is a part of you that you know you need to let go of this grudge because it has been on your mind and yet, you are like, ‘No way Hannah they should NOT have been allowed to get away with that.’ Of course I am in no way advocating abuse, but I don’t feel this is what this relates too. It feels more ‘simple’ than that or something, tricky to describe. I am also sensing, is there something you thought you had to do a certain way and now EVERYTHING is crumbling and you are like gah - what am I supposed to do now? I wonder if this is where the pride is coming in - you said you would NEVER do that thing and now you’re like, eerrr, this is now what I am being called to do in my life but gah, how can I when I said I never ever would? I am sensing that this is the break through you’ve been looking for - it does have all your answers and I am also feeling that it is going to require you to drop who you thought you were becoming and allow what is unfolding and the person you are birthing into, to come forth from within you. I am sensing that this time may be mighty uncomfortable for you but will serve you the most rapid and powerful transformations that will ripple into your life, to occur faster than ever before. This also requires you to soften, to open, to be vulnerable. What is it that makes you tense and close up? I am sensing that this is where you are requiring to open, to allow yourself this softness, because within here? Is everything you’re asking for. What is it that you need to soften to? To open up to? To let yourself create an entirely new reality, by dropping the front and trusting the crumbling that is showing you the way to the life you’ve always dreamed of living? Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #6: Full Moon in Pisces. ‘Balance spirituality and practicality.’

Is there a part of you that comes into a place where you just doubt EVERYTHING again? It feels like you have been consciously creating more balance recently with great success but I wonder that at times, it waves over you that you doubt things? I am sensing there has been a lot of ‘space’ in your life recently, which is kinda new for you after not having space for quite some time this last 1-3 years or so. I am also feeling that you have just moved into a new environment recently and I feel that this energy is somewhat affecting you and to be mindful of this. Please don’t doubt your VISION right now. Just because someone doesn’t believe in what you do, or doesn’t agree with the life you live, how you live it or they think negatively about it, that doesn’t mean you can’t do your thing. However, I am getting the message that now, more than ever you need to be mindful about who you are dealing with and to be super conscious of this energy affecting you and coming into you and your life right now. It feels like there is a big release coming, a big influx coming, it feels like you are about to shift to the next level of your life and to hang in there because it is coming! Have you been working on stability as well? No doubt probably because of the ‘Balance spirituality and practicality’ card. Also, have you been feeling resistant to something? Even just this last 24 hours? And leading up to that what were doing doing prior to that? It feels like this ‘Balance spirituality and practically’ card for you is for you to be super conscious of how much time you are spending working, playing, spending time on yourself and with and for the things that make you feel full and nourished in your heart and soul. So if you just had a big work week, are you truly balancing that with playing and down time or vice versus? It feels like this is a super strong message for you right now, to become super aware of this moving forward and obviously checking in right now. Doing this and keeping this balance focus is going to keep you clear, on track and not collapse again, because it feels like in the past you have because of this instability that you have allowed yourself to live in. I am also getting the sense that this ‘balance’ card - is the answer to your prayers = even though it doesn’t make logical sense because your dear logical brain (bless it’s heart) is always trying to figure it out, so you are safe knowing how it all works out, but sometimes that gets in the way of trusting your Heart’s Soul led calling in every moment you allow yourself to follow, for this synchronistic flow? Is what is calling you to drop back into. The balance of your own life, that fuels you, nourishes you and gives you the strength and courage to completely follow your heart, like you once did a long time ago. It is safe to bring this back now. Your vision and your heart, ain't’ there for no reason precious one. Don’t doubt yourself. Instead go forth in creating that vision, no matter how long it takes, just… with balance now. Love xxx These are the final hours for Trust Your Intuition before the doors close! You’ve felt the Soul calling, you’ve released what you knew what was holding you back and now you’ve been left in this almost limbo state, and yet, you’re ready to leap and move forward because you KNOW what it is that has held you back for all this time. This is your last call, before it is too late, click here for all the details before it is: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition