🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd February 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 02, 2021

🔮Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd February 2021

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Work Your Light Oracle. 

There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces…

There is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time.

At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now.

Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here.

Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Get Grounded. Empaths. Highly Sensitives. Connect with Nature.

Has something deeply knocked you lately? Something surfaced that you didn’t know was sitting there? Like a veil has opened up and you are like Whhhhaaaattttt??? Yep. That one! You are soooo sensitive right now - ten fold what you usually are - but what this actually is, is what you have known, dear sensitive soul, what your HEART has always told you as the truth that you ‘brushed off’ you didn’t want to ‘see’ it, believe that this was REALLY happening - let alone the fact you kept getting shut down at the same time.. realising… knowing, that they had their own beliefs, life experiences and you somewhat looked up to them, saw them… on a pedestal that OUCH friggin hurts when it falls down in front of your face like woah… so… wtf. 😭 side swiped, angry, waves or rage that… seems to have been buried for the last 2-4 years - like you have been capped, even though it all felt right at the time and everything for a reason, blah, blah, blah - seriously but how can this be?!?! THESE are the feels right now. The energies right now are rife for truth telling, truth seeking and removing blinkers that have been too far in the space of not wanting to see the truth in front of you because it TOTALLY shatters your ENTIRE reality and then… well… now what? Babe - HUGS!! These are the feels right now! The energies are so, so strong for sensitive empaths - that is you! #ofcourse. This card has come to you today to make your self care, self love and getting OUTSIDE your highest priority right now. Walk with the intention in every breath, to be gentle with yourself. If you are busy - this means talk gently, be there for yourself with every thing you have to do, with gentleness, in the way you speak to yourself, wrap yourself up with love and just be present with self. It’s rocky energy right now and will continue to be so until late February when the energy will shift again into a whole other realm again, so for now, know that sooo much is shedding from your life and there is nothing you can do about it (which I know you probably feel and know right now) - this is a gift in letting go of control. It’s not easy, but the surrender, the divine love, the divine softness with boundaries that comes into that? That… that is the reality you have been searching for all along. Breathe, cry,  ride the waves, get outside in nature as much as you can. Allow nature to hold you, reset you (a minimum two hours deeply resets your energy), and let yourself drift for a time… it’s okay, your intuition has your back. Let go, continue to stretch that faith right now. Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #2: Take A Break. ‘A life’s work, not a season. Get off the treadmill.’

Okay, step back, release yourself - STOP trying to figure it out right now. Just breathe and know that the clarity is coming. It can be SUPER hard in this space when you can’t see ‘how’ - but honey, hasn’t the Universe ALWAYS had your back? I am sensing you are in the midst of MASSIVE change right now and the message I am getting for you is stop trying to figure it out and just get clear on what is right in front of you instead. Now that sounds contradictory - however, I also feel it makes sense to you. In a sense that… there are things you need to do to get organised right? There are things that are ‘left undone’, needing tidying up, that are ‘hanging over your head’ - get these things done. The ‘how’ about the big stuff, the most pressing stuff that is on your mind - know that the Universe has your back on this one - it always has… If you feel too stressed out to stop right now - number 1, just focus on the most pressing issue, because that is going to take the pressure off number 2 plan a break coming up soon. I am also hearing ‘release’ - what is it that you are needing to release? I wonder if part of the overwhelm is that you have placed unnecessary pressure on yourself? Have you set deadlines? And… are they self made deadlines? So.. change those deadlines, because you’re the only one that has set those! Don’t change the goal, still reach them, but it feels like you have put timelines on it that may be putting half the pressure on too? When we release our own timelines it enables the Universe to step in not only with the divine timing/timeline, but also your ‘letting go’ energy creates a ‘surrender’ energy that is a relaxed energy that allows EVERYTHING to come in… everything that you have been trying so hard to bring in - will turn up like magic - in divine timing. You can have what you want, have ALL the things AND not have to push anymore.. because that IS what you are releasing here right? The forcing, burning out paradigm? Stepping into more freedom and flow… which is why you began in the first place? Exhale beautiful one.. and… again…. Everything is going to be alright. The Universe has your back - even if it doesn’t seem like it right now and things have fallen away that you didn’t expect. Trust this space… the flow is coming. Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #3: Play. Have Fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious. 

Ah, this is a lighten up card. Couple of things here - I feel like this is confirming the way you are allowing more fun and freedom in your life? You are conscious of bringing more JOY in, in 2021, even if the world stops you at your feet.. ah nah, it ain’t stopping you right? You are ALWAYS finding a way now.. JOY is your priority right? CHOOSING it baby! Yes? It feels like your cup is full and are conscious of keeping it that way! TIME FOR YOU NOW BABY!! I feel like there are sparkles around you - lots of light, you have shifted sooo much and are deeply protecting this space you have around you… so so much. You can have your champagne too! 🥂 I am also getting the message - to journal to ‘count your blessings’ and maybe you are already - but in a very conscious way. In this space of ‘good’ sometimes we don’t journal because we are feeling good and yet, this is THE most powerful time to be amplifying these feelings with calling in MORE!! Or…do you get stumped with that? Whilst it is about PLAYING and enjoying it yes, remember to continue to create more of this - MORE PLEASE! 🥂 Hey, maybe you’re celebrating with Apple Juice - this is still a celebration! I am also getting the message on this card - where did someone take the piss out of you? Where did the ‘fun’ get taken out by the sarcastic sense of humour, that was actually humiliating and degrading? That hurt your feelings and was where you shut down the joy, the fun - because it was actually hurting you? Did this ever happen to you growing up or at some other point in your life? ‘You can’t take a joke!’ - argh sooo infuriating!! This may be bubbling up under the surface there too - you have fun but then something comes in, or washes over you - ah, it isn’t actually okay to have THIS much fun… better get serious again! No - this is just that humiliation coming in/surfacing…. That caused anger that you had to suppress way back when. Release this baby and Joy will be your 99% underlying normal beautiful one, rather than just a surface, fleeting one. Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #4: Dance. ‘Do something to shift your vibration’

Argh - have you been stuck in a lockdown that is doing your head in?!!? Sooo frustrating at times right? Yoga - has yoga been on your mind?  That is something you can do to ‘shift your vibration’ (or dance 😉) that can truly shift your vibration. I am getting the message - the re-writing of your neural pathways. Have you just moved house or travelled somewhere recently? If you feel like it is all falling apart - that is because it is! Things that were keeping you stuck/trapped or in a ‘closed’ state - because there was already enough to do - or ‘people in your space’ - now is a ‘space’ a ‘breath of fresh air’ even and I am sensing that this new ‘space’ you are in, is deeply surfacing all the things that are simply just ready to release out of your vibration, your body, your life… because it is just no longer needed. Remember,  that change, isn’t an easy process and the re-wiring of neural pathways feels like heavens and hells gate to walk through. I am wondering if you have had headaches or neck pain recently? Or not being able to see properly or vision impaired when you are not usually? Feel like your intuition has been blocked? ‘Do something to shift your vibration’ - you are either already starting to ‘move’ or this is your sign TO MOVE. Whether that is a new exercise regime or moving house or state - even going on a big road trip changes you as you cross different energy fields and Ley lines on our Earth, there is big change occurring or WANTING to happen through you right now. Yoga, exercise or driving, flying or travelling somewhere - even if it is just driving a different route home - is going to shift your vibration. I am sensing there are waves of energy ‘crashing’ and then ‘flowing’ through you right now and you are finding it hard to find your footing. Know that you are in the midst of a huge life change right now, that your vibration is deeply - DEEPLY shifting and that you WILL find your ground, you will find your footing - just like you always do. Go easy on yourself beautiful one - and find your ‘thing’ (exercise, dance or otherwise) that is going to help support you to anchor in this new vibration you are experiencing in your body. Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #5: The Crumbling. ‘What are you clinging onto?’

What haven’t you let go of? What are you just STILL waiting around for it to turn up and realise they’ve done wrong and make it all better and want you back? Dreaming. That ain’t going to happen. What year is it? 2021… and what year did this happen to you? I feel you are deeply stuck in the past with this one beautiful Soul and it is time to let it go. They ain’t coming back and if they were - it wouldn’t be any good for the both of you! It was meant to break up when it did but you still holding onto to it, like its back then. How do you let it go? You grieve it! You howl your eyes out for… months… THAT is how you let it go. Be angry,  be upset - it is ALL part of the grieving process, but until you actually face the grief of when they left you… or you left them… nothing will ever change. You won’t find ‘the one’ or someone who doesn’t reflect to you all the things you are still holding onto and making it about them - until you let this one go babe! You are safe as you walk into the depths of grief that not many travel. You are safe as you let the past go and honour who you really are and what you REALLY want. Because, when you REALLY think about it - they were some parts of what you want. But I bet, they didn’t 100% treat you the way you wanted, nor deserved to be treated right? But there is something about them that made you love them anyway right? And perhaps in that instance, you never felt so much love in return right? You though ‘love could conquer all’ but that reality was greatly shattered and you’ve been trying recover ever since from it right? You haven’t been able to let it go no matter how hard you tried over the years, it just doesn’t.. hasn’t worked and so you think that there is still a chance you are meant to be together because of this right? No honey. If you were destined to be together you wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. But what this ‘mess’ is teaching you right now is what is most important to you. Love. Whilst you feel you may never receive that love from anyone else again and that has been confirmed by the following relationships you’ve had since then, what that love back then showed you is a reference point for love. It showed you what love can be like… and that… was a long time ago now and now… now? That love can expand into greater depths… you are greater love than what you experienced back then and when you can expand into the love that you ARE - you will also find that there is more, greater love out there for you…. oh, the gift of that love back then,… showing you how expansive love can step in for you… if you’re willing to step forward into it. Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #6: Protection. ‘Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul Retrieval.’

There is a total Solar Eclipse on this card. And…. April/May last year, when those intense Eclipses were happening are deeply coming to mind. And do you know what about that time frame? Ah… 9 months baby! BIRTH ME HEAVENS GATE! #huge Phew! MASSIVE energies right?! ‘Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul Retrieval.’ Funny about that - we just did Soul Retrieval in Unhook Me (Which you can still jump in and watch the replays if has been calling your Soul!) Back then, was big energies in Releasing the Dark Mother and right now, this last 2-4 weeks has been a drop bomb of that at it’s core again. It is hugely releasing from the collective right now, so if you’ve been feeling floored, feeling like you’re crawling out of your skin - wanting to burst out and bust out and scream your way out of your skin sheath - yes, those feelings! It is HUGE energies right now collectively - but for you personally - it is like a sieve moving through your energy field, aura and life and taking away all the old trauma from your system - it is no longer required to sit in your body and life. You are literally birthing an entirely new reality right now and this ‘Dark Mother’ energy - just cannot stay in your reality right now. It is literally ‘screaming/piercing the veils’ energy as it is coming out of your system. Have you noticed a lot of crows or ravens in your awareness this last 2-3 weeks? They always symbolise the end of an era, the end of a cycle, the death and rebirth cycle. ‘Let it come as they go’ is what I am hearing for you. There are massive waves flooding through your system and then withdrawing back as if there is nothing and no one there. Like you are screaming at the top of your lungs and no one can hear you. However, your Soul can hear you and it can see the deep work you’re doing to release the layers of the facade that have been holding you back.. that you placed upon your true self all those eons ago.. because no one was hearing you. You moved into a hidden away part of yourself, hiding away because you thought your voice was invalid, unimportant and didn’t matter anyway. ENOUGH! ENOUGH! She screams as the curtain falls to the ground. You matter and your voice has a Sound that this world needs for the healing ground. You are loved, you are cherished and most of all by your Soul - come dear one, step out of the Shadows, the world needs your Love and Light to Shine bright…. Let alone your own Heart, awaiting the sound to anchor your Soul to this world. Truth be told, you’re protected as you rise into the greatness you were destined to become. There is a lot of Glastonbury energy that comes with this card for you today. Deep past life trauma is also being released from your system and I am sensing the main people in your life right now that are ‘causing you issues’ and/or ‘helping you expand’ - had a great role to play in your life back then, just like they are now. The question is, are you willing to walk through the sand? To flower like the lotus in the mud? Release, let go and RISE dear one. You were always going to anyway. #itstime Love xxx There has been an INTENSE energy this past month or so and with this, a lot of dark threading energy releasing from the field - like a huge ‘rah’ waking up through the ethers, standing up and shaking off all the pieces… there is a breaking of bonds through the ethers from all of time. At it’s core, it is the Dark Feminine that is releasing right now. Yes, the Patriarchal has been in control - and yet, beyond that, they have been ‘controlled’ by the Dark Feminine and THAT is actually what we are dealing with here. Releasing From The Dark Mother Grid has arrived - free yourself from the core that has been at it’s essence all along. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid