🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd August 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 03, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd August 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Indigo Oracle.


It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!!

The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS!

This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss.

If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Love Yourself. 

I think that many hear this term, however, they don’t quite know what to do with it either. Loving ourselves is not something taught in schools, nor usually from parents who raised us they also didn’t love themselves (mostly!). Regardless, I feel this card has come to you - that you have come more into who you are and are YES loving yourself more. I feel there has been a bit of up and down to it lately though, that you love yourself, then something happens and kind of knocks you - however, I feel overall, you are starting to FEEL this loving yourself piece more deeply than you have - especially over these last few years. I am also getting the message for you that there is a particular relationship that you know is past it’s used by date that ergh just makes you feel that cycle come back all over again. I am wondering if it is here that you need to amp up the self love, have stronger ‘no’ boundaries and also - where you are needing to take extra responsibility with and for your life with this piece? For example, are you going back to a ‘comfortable’ relationship because you are familiar with it - but mostly - because, well you DO want a relationship. There is a difference between being alone out abandonment feeling alone and feeling alone and just not wanting to live your life alone anymore. Both have two very different energies and my sense is, you wouldn’t be here at Reality Awareness, reading this card for yourself today if the message wasn’t clear. It’s okay to want a relationship, be in a relationship and not live your life alone anymore.  Where along the lines was that made to be a bad thing? Erase that now. And rewrite your life. The other piece here for this Love Yourself card you have chosen today, is what are the things that you once loved?  I feel that you have either forgotten or taken something  for granted that you actually loved and it is time to bring that  back - in a new,  upgraded way. For example if you loved music and still kinda do but it’s not doing it for you like it used to, new good quality headphones and new music for example can lift you and remind you who you are.  Perhaps you love being at home, but something feels stale about, so refurnishing or moving home could be on the cards for you. How can you revive, what you love, to upgrade the love for self, love for life and just…. Feel love again? Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels


Card #2: Health

Health - in many ways. Of course, I am getting strongly about your physical health - but the other one - mental health - have you been..  in a dark place or struggling to stay in a light/positive minded place this last 24-48hrs especially? Number 1 - the world is in a very tricky/unstable place right now and to stay positive minded 100% of the time is quite simply unreasonable. So, go easy on yourself! However, this is also about taking responsibility for how you feel and your mental state. That - begins with taking care of your - you guessed it - your HEALTH! So - back to it then! Mental, Physical, Spiritual,  Emotional Wellbeing begins with you. And the very first number one factor to shift them all at once is exercise. Some will say diet and food - and yes, this is a very big factor, however going from an ‘unhealthy’ food intake to healthy food intake is 100 times harder when you are not moving your body. From unhealthy food and beverages affecting your brain and mental state, to let alone how sluggish you feel in your body, sure healthy food and beverages are going to help feel better but the fastest and highest priority is exercise and body movement and I don’t want to hear that you’re in lockdown and can’t move. You can do laps around your house or  jump up and down on the spot to get your lymph glands moving and yoga doesn’t take up much space at all.  Yoga also gives body and mind connection, so it amplifies the connective process to your body which fast tracks healthy food intake. Now, if you’re coming from a sedentary lifestyle I wouldn’t try doing it all at once. Commit to one thing - exercise daily - then move to the other pieces and add them in slowly. Or of course do it all at once if that is what works best for you - but move your body above all else - first. I am also wondering if you’re still thinking about something in your past? If yes, we usually do this if we haven’t grieved the situation AND - the other piece is we simply don’t believe we are worthy to have all our desires met. Including the relationship, the dream life and all the things we want that are better than our now. I am sensing that your health, is tied into your worthiness somehow. Maybe you actually don’t believe you can have the thing or be the thing or have the life you TRULY want. And I am sensing - you have actually realised this lately - that as much as you say you want all these things - deep down you still don’t believe it is truly for you. Sure, you want it, but for it to actually happen?! Ha! Dreaming you say right?! THIS - is exactly it AND there is a direct tie to your health. And, that would ultimately make sense. If we are not feeling healthy or good in our body, we ain’t going to accept the good things in life #fact. We will consciously or unconsciously push them away. So again, step #1 - move your body. Then, move to the other pieces and at the same time, check in with your belief systems and what you are actually believing about what you deserve in life. Because drawing this card today? Shows you that… you’re ready to actually start having true health, wealth, and abundance in all areas - including meeting, being with and/or growing the relationship of your dreams to a deeper more connected level. It begins - with you. Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels


Card #3: Acceptance. 

Hmmmm, are you nursing a broken heart? It feels like there has been a big change recently and something you’re still processing? What - makes you sad in your world? What has shifted and changed that you thought was stable and going to just be there? What has changed recently that you thought would just be okay now you’ve shifted through something? Or moved? And now - the world,  your world seems like it is falling apart again? Most important thing to remember is that processing change in your life takes time.  We go into shock, denial, step into roles of taking care of everyone in the process - and life - just the logistics of even doing life with the change is what takes precedent because our society has been trained like that = does not mean it is correct! So - gentleness and support I am hearing strongly for you about this change. I am also g getting the message strongly for you that right now - you have a gift of space to re-write your life.  You have moved,  shifted and purged A LOT of old crap out - good - because now there is SPACE and in that space - you can #1 - get comfortable with space, because in SPACE is where new things can come into your life and #2 - you get to choose and re-write the life you really want. Now you have an opportunity to finally have all the things you really have been wanting for like your entire life now is the opportunity to create those things and work on THOSE. You’ve done the hard yards of pain and trauma and now time to create life without those things which brings me to the next message is that - it is okay to not know what you want. It is okay to feel lost at times and in a space of complete nothingness that is just meh and blah. Because this is your recalibration point - your internal compass needle is still spinning, finding it’s way right now and everything you once knew has completely fallen away and you may very well be in a space of nothingness and meh but also have moments of clarity and insight and a FUCK YES to this thing that lasts two minutes and you wonder if you’re even meant to do it anymore. I am getting the strong sense that clarity is coming and also - to remember that a lot of people on the planet have been and are being injected with graphite/nanotechnology right now and that is having a ‘heavy metal energy’ affect on those that are not - we, us sensitive empaths or whatever you want to call yourself - you sense and feel things and you are feeling this collectively - always important to remember this so much right now.  So - get healthy, detox heavy metals from your body so you are not an energetic match for it and know that it is okay to be STILL recalibrating right now, because I think you are judging yourself a bit harshly on that one and just be okay with the meh as hard as it is for go getting ‘Controlling’ achieving get shit done people like you and me. 😉 It’s okay to allow yourself time for your compass to truly find YOUR unique true north right now, it might not feel like it with the sense of urgency that continues to wash over you at times, but you do. Trust. Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels


Card #4: Apologise. 

Where - do you need to soften? Where - have you realised that… I want to say, you did wrong - but not in a bad, bad, sense - but in a sense where you have realised you judged that person wrongly? What was actually going on? Is that you were shifting through a pretty dark portal in your life - you ‘hit a wall’ - but actually you were shifting dimensions in your life! You were working through to your next level - you were working through the hardest part. Now, it may have felt like some people abandoned you in this process and perhaps they actually did! And yet, this hardest part - was/is the breakthrough part that shifts you to your next level. At these times we can judge others harshly, feel like everything we've done is a waste of time, feel like we want to walk away from it all and what is happening in this space is SURRENDER... a SOFTENING... an OPENING... to another dimension. Let's face it, you do a lot of internal work, you do the damn work day in day out it is just who you are. And because you're this sort of person - naturally you continue to rise, shift and create an incredible friggin life! AND - that comes with the old life dropping out and away from you - that Earth falling away beneath your feet - hitting brick walls and wanting to walk away from it all - you're SHEDDING THE SHIT baby! Hang in there! Although I feel you've just moved through a big chunk, a big portal right now of it all. So, this Apologise card coming for you today I feel is a softening - stop being so hard on yourself! AND others.... AND releasing the guilt/shame that you feel from judging others and yourself as you walked through one of the darkest days of your life right!? I think people call that the Dark Night of the Soul - we have many of them - we are AWAKENING to the next phase and evolution of our life in these places. I am also getting the message here if there is an abusive situation that you are needing to walk away from - I ain't about to tell you anything new right? This is your confirmation sign, leave that toxic environment, there are better more stabilising opportunities on the horizon that won't come in unless you let go of what is no longer working anymore. This could apply to a stale career that you are recalibrating from or an ex lover that is still clinging on (or you are) - time to let it go. Overall, be kind to yourself,  you're still recalibrating and the world is going insane. Go easy, gentle and know that you've just shifted and every time you feel those darkest days - you're breaking through the hardest wall that the Diamond, is just on the other side. And we all want Diamonds now don't we?! 😉You've got this I believe in you. You CAN - because you always do. Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels


Card #5: Compassion. 

Ah, this is coming straight off Card #4! The gentleness, the kindness, the go easy on yourself - and - I am also hearing this more so for others. When we feel powerless about world situations - we look for some to blame - it is natural. 'If everyone gets the jab, then we will be free.' - No, they have already said that isn't the case. And yet - those that are feeling totally powerless WILL blame someone - they have to - it is the only way they gain a sense of power, of their inner child, deeply feeling at a loss at not just the freedom being taken away (toddler tantrum anyone?!) and those that are pointing the finger are only blaming others to satisfy their inner toddler who is trying to regain a sense of their entire world crumbling down around them - rather than actually comforting (COMPASSION) their inner toddler and letting their inner child/themselves actually break down in tears about wtf is actually going on with this world. Until one grieves the huge changes our world is constantly going through right now, they will continue to be internally held 'hostage' by their inner toddler blaming, pointing and disregarding anyone's feelings in the process. So, if you are breaking down in tears at times about it - know you're right on path with this, as it is an important part of coping with the change you are witnessing and experiencing the world in right now. The Compassion card has come to you today to #1 - have Compassion for yourself - you have been knocked off and everything has changed -  who let go of you recently? Who did you lose? You are still grieving this loss for one, plus the world stuff 'getting in the way' of normal activities, I am sensing for you to really cry cry cry, because unless that wailing grief is felt, it will sit there stagnating and rising up as dark judgement towards the world stuff and all the people 'not conforming'. Go inside, tune into your Heart, let yourself feel the Compassion for yourself and reconnect to this for as you do - you reconnect to the Compassion for Humans. I am sensing whatever or whoever you have lost recently, is causing deep abandonment to surface, and the inner toddler is missing his/her mum/parent (so to speak). When the World drops into chaos, your Inner Child needs you more than ever - this enables you to stay grounded, stable, clear and in a state of Compassion, rather than judgement that only feeds the separation and divide agenda - and that, honey, is not who you are now is it? Spirit - doesn't want you dividing Humanity, that isn't your purpose is it? No, didn't think so. Drop, drop drop into your Heart, with Compassion for self first, for forgetting the main pieces that bring your Soul back to the Oneness that which you are. Compassion, gentleness, softness, forgiveness and give your inner child a break, they need you - not harsh judgement from your own self. Reconnect, now. Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels


Card #6: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael with his flaming SWORD OF TRUTH - HONEY - you have just stepped it up a notch! You have SHIFTED BIG TIME yes? You can feel it - like a wave of deeply fresh energy that gives you the lease of life you were HOPING would come back - but you also felt how real it was that all was lost and dusting your hands off as you walked away from it all right?! But now - RISE SISTER, BROTHER - RISE dear one! You have felt the call - you are shifting, moving, changing and RISING BIG TIME. You may literally be moving and changing things in your home and decluttering. You may be in a purpose work flow like never before. You may be feeling your intuition in such a strong way like never before and the more you work on the connection with your Soul and Spirit - you are feeling such a synchronistic divine flow that - makes you want to stay here forever right? Something has let go recently, or you have worked through something BIG and you can feel the RISE happening now. Also - what is your biggest priority to work on right now? It feels important to make a time to sit down and do this or do a bit each day, which ever way works best for you to do. But - get it done as priority it feels for you - and yet, I am not telling you something you don't already know. Plus have a plan, map it out and take the steps - turn up to the steps you have mapped out and don't let anything come in the way of them yes? There is always plenty of time and you are never too tired to get your purpose work done - they are just sad sop excuses beautiful one - nothing - NOTHING should come in between you and your purpose work - not even your 'tiredness' - you can sleep when you're dead baby! #seriously. How important is it to you? Yes, you LIVE for this - so make it priority! The fire has RISEN, Archangel Michael (of 100% Light) is by your side, your time.... is not near - it is HERE. Also - have you had pangs in the back, upper. shoulders, middle of your chest/neck this last few days? There has been a collective. gripping and unhooking going on energetically AND the biggest Earthquakes have been recorded on 29th July (USA) that we haven't had for many years. This has truly shaken things up. The Earth is 'letting go' - from deep, deep within - the quakes that came, were from deep beneath and made the plates shake in places all over - which again is unusual in the sense that it just hasn't happened like this for a while. The back of the Heart/chest and aches through the neck/back - are this ungripping/unhooking process happening. Also - if you know of someone who would've gossiped about you or 'stabbed you. in. the back' metaphorically - this is that releasing from your back. Archangel Michael is right there cutting away and clearing the crap... because y our Heart deserves and functions better when it is open. You're safe to continue to RISE. Time is now. Love xxx Oooooh IT HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time to take a Journey through the Shadow of the Archangels!! The long awaited, deeply needed in human consciousness right now - The Shadow of the Archangel Journey takes us deep into the integration of the Light and Dark aspects of a figure of deeply embedded consciousness that has been around for EONS! This is going to be one awakening journey you won’t want to miss. If you want to make sense of the current world fiascos and be part of the solution,  then The Shadow of the Archangels is for you, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels