🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 6th August 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 06, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 6th August 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find your number, to see which Archangel has a message for you today ❤️

Sooo excitedly CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT this month!!!! 🥳💃🥂August marks a powerful 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳  

To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! (usually $3333!) If you want deep support, guidance and taking your skills to the next level in your personal or professional life, Goal Reacher Program is the one for you ❤️Click here for all the details before this Celebratory price ends.   

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑 

Card #1: Archangel Jeremiel ‘Overcoming Difficulties - The worst is now behind you and you are surmounting to any previous challenges.’

I am getting the message for you to remember back to 2017, early 2017 - what was going on there? I feel like you were very clear in what was going on, you had a vision even, goals, dreams and then something - threw you in 2017? It was a whole new adjustment to an entirely new reality? A whole new ball game? I am sensing though, even if it was late 2016, you had a lot of drive, passion, movement - things were starting to really shift. It may not have been easy, but I feel like it was a deep moving into something completely new, that - you have been working towards and still ever since? I am getting the message that right now, you are being reminded of your ‘why’ - why did you start, why did you begin what you set out to do, of what and why and where you were headed back then? I feel like this is an important and imperative part of back then. That something has deeply, deeply shifting this past 3 weeks for you, something HUGE, has changed recently and I am getting the message that it has deep connections ‘back to your roots’ of where this began. Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel of ‘Life Review’ - he is deeply connected to the Third Eye and seeing past, present and future all at once. I am getting the message that ‘the cycle is complete’ - so whatever was going on in late 2016 and early 2017 - you are currently ending the cycle that began back then. This next few weeks are going to see you move forward in HUGE leaps and bounds and I am getting the message that now is the time to trust yourself more than ever as you move forward and head into a complete different reality that you didn’t see coming right now - these next few weeks? You will be moving into a territory that ‘doesn’t have solid ground’ - your entire reality direction has changed and shifted and right now you are walking ever more forward into the ‘dark path’ - not one of no light - there is more light on this path than you have ever experienced, but you are walking forward on a path over these next few weeks, that you cannot see - meaning the Unknown? That is your new best friend. I remember I used to always walk around saying, ‘No plans’ - someone would ask me what I am doing and I would say ‘No plans’ - and this led me through a path of complete trust and extremely huge divine synchronicities that just I would not have been available if I had not had this ‘No plans’ space going on for me - this COMPLETE TRUST IN THE UNKNOWN - when you can get comfortable walking the ‘path that you cannot see’? This - this is the path that leads you to your highest destiny - of just remembering who you are at your core - is that what 2016-2017 was for you? Remembering you and all your dreams, hopes and wishes, before this last few years have somewhat clouded you perhaps? What are the gifts from back then? How do they relate to supporting you in the right now - in remembering your destiny? Remember who you are and remember this path. It is easy to get distracted - especially when you are so close to breaking through to your new reality. Now is not the time to get swept up in the wind of other people’s voice’s and opinions or what they think you should do. Now is the time to clear your path more than ever, remember who you are, what you are being guided to do and walk the path of your destiny. That Unknown, that space ‘you cannot see into’, that - one that you have no idea what is around the corner? That. That is the path of your destiny. Don’t let the winds of other people’s stuff start clouding your space now. I am sensing this so strongly for you right now. Shake off everyone else ideas, voices and suggestions of what you should do. Clear your path and focus, remembering that  what you want - lays in that unknown path that you need to protect without any interference. Trust the unknown path. The one, where all your synchronicities lay, leading you to the space, you have been awaiting the signs for all along. Love xxx OMG CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT!!!! That is 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳 To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! Usually $3333 and then I released it at $1297, nope! For the month of August ONLY to Celebrate, you can receive Unlimited WhatsApp Support via text message & voice message, Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮, 3 x Distance Healings, 6 x 30min Intuitive Healing Coaching Calls Plus 1 x Cracking the Code Session where we uncover your unique Life Purpose Gifts, so you can start sharing your true self with the world. This is one power packed program that won’t be around in this capacity anymore after this Celebratory release, so if you have ever wanted to propel and move forward towards your dreams or are just needing a bucket load of support whilst you go through one of the hardest times of your life that you KNOW is leading you to the direction of your dreams, now is the time to jump in. Click here before this Celebratory price ends. 


Card #2: Counsellor. Archangel Azrael. ‘You are a natural born counsellor and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.’

Ah, you already know this on some level right? This desire to serve, heal, help people? Is real for you yes? You can feel it in your bones and I feel like you’ve been getting signs and/or things are being released from your field faster than ever before, whether you have suddenly lost your job, your direction, your relationship - whatever has ‘dropped off the face of the Earth’ - has suddenly brought you forward into a space of wondering what next, where to now, what has this all happened for and I am sensing for you that it isn’t the time to try and figure that out right now. Right now is a time for you to reset and rest for a moment because in about 2-3 weeks things are going to be all go and right now is a gift of space in time where you can just be you and totally let go from all restraints, restrictions and just allow your entire reality to guide you one step at a time. If you have had the nudge to heal, teach or be of service in a way you haven’t done before now, not officially anyway, I am getting the sense that now is the time to start stepping up and out in that direction. You are being called of service and it would be wise to follow this calling, whether it is a directive flow in a new direction of career path, taking a new course of study or moving to a location where your Soul is calling you to go - I am getting the message that these are all related to your Life Purpose coming into deep alignment and awakening with every step forward you take now. It is like you can’t not do this now, you are deeply being pushed in this direction. I am also feeling like - you actually have the tools right in front of you? You have a sense of what you need to do? You already know this? This isn’t new information to you, is it now? I feel like there is a part of you scared to step into this new reality and that is a normal feeling! Yet, this path - there is so much light here, so much new direction that you are deeply familiar with it at the same time. ‘You are a natural counsellor’ - you already have this gift, it is time to put it to deep service, that is, why everything ‘has been falling apart around you’ in the first place - because you cannot not, walk this path anymore. Are you ready to deeply trust and move in this direction, now more than ever? Love xxx OMG CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT!!!! That is 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳 To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! Usually $3333 and then I released it at $1297, nope! For the month of August ONLY to Celebrate, you can receive Unlimited WhatsApp Support via text message & voice message, Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮, 3 x Distance Healings, 6 x 30min Intuitive Healing Coaching Calls Plus 1 x Cracking the Code Session where we uncover your unique Life Purpose Gifts, so you can start sharing your true self with the world. This is one power packed program that won’t be around in this capacity anymore after this Celebratory release, so if you have ever wanted to propel and move forward towards your dreams or are just needing a bucket load of support whilst you go through one of the hardest times of your life that you KNOW is leading you to the direction of your dreams, now is the time to jump in. Click here before this Celebratory price ends. 


Card #3: Patience. Archangel Jophiel. ‘Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realise, still, they need nurturing and patience.’

I am getting such a sense of ‘just be okay with where you are at right now’ - not in a, ‘give up your dreams, goals, desire and lust and drive for life - no, don’t release this, but I am sensing that right now? You are walking through important lessons right now, important paths, people, situations and life events that are fuelling your Life’s Purpose and are crucial elements in you staying on track for the fulfilment of what you are here for. Sometimes, when we are ‘not where we want to be’ or we feel this unsettledness of life or this, impatience at times, and this can come because there is something ‘not yet done’ something ‘not yet in alignment’ - we are not sure what, but we can feel there is something MORE. It is this space of not being entirely fulfilled, knowing there is something more, not knowing what that is, and this is where the Patience card comes in. As sometimes we don’t even recognise there is something more and this Patience can turn up as a sign that whatever is needed to be released, gets to be, but sometimes that is a time of just being present with where you are in such a deep, internal space. If you are feeling confused at this time, always check - ‘Am I carrying someone’s energy’? Am I, not listening and trusting the call of my own heart? Confusion comes in when we are ‘fused’ with someone and I am sensing this may be going on - clouding who you really are and doubting your own abilities in what you know to be right and your path/calling. It is like, you are giving your power away, by awaiting them to tell you what you are to do - yet - when you release yourself from their energetic field? Oh, the clarity SHINES through! I am getting the sense that around you - a lot of people are shifting in/out/around your field and it is like you are seeing people in a different light right now - something you haven’t seen of them before - but in seeing this in them - what is this reflecting back to you in your reality… about you? I am also sensing that something ‘is around the corner’ for you - that, you have been wondering about for quite some time - so if people, situations and events are leaving your field quicker than water drains through a sieve - let them. Let them leave, let spaces between you and what you once knew, to grow larger and more expansive, because in this space, that is left, in between you and what you once knew? Oh, there is deep, deep power about to surge through your life - that is and will be, your new renown energy, sustainable energy, that you have been looking for all along. I am sensing that a new gift, or part of yourself is being reclaimed, birthed and starting to be understood about and by yourself more and more at this time yes? Perhaps new information about your gift or who you are, and what you do with your gift, what you’re uncovering and learning about yourself in this aspect of consciousness and who you are - is becoming very conscious right now. Perhaps past ‘mistakes’ you’ve made are becoming apparent and you are releasing more and more of who you are, more than you ever have before. Trust your path beautiful one, now is not the time to doubt what is going on right now, but to lean deeply into it and trust it forever more. This path that is opening to you - is the path you are meant to be on. All these gifts that you are starting to awaken to at this time, is imperative that you follow what feels right for you and leave the rest behind. ‘Patience, your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realise’ - your gifts are opening at this time, trust what, who and where you are guided to expand on your gifts with and about. Trust exactly where you are right now, your time, is coming. ‘Let’s get settled’ is the sense I ma getting for you. Set up, settle in, create from your heart, follow your heart and know that whatever you are walking through right now, is exactly the skills, understanding and resilience you need for the life you are about to walk into. Trust. Trust. Trust. Love xxx OMG CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT!!!! That is 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳 To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! Usually $3333 and then I released it at $1297, nope! For the month of August ONLY to Celebrate, you can receive Unlimited WhatsApp Support via text message & voice message, Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮, 3 x Distance Healings, 6 x 30min Intuitive Healing Coaching Calls Plus 1 x Cracking the Code Session where we uncover your unique Life Purpose Gifts, so you can start sharing your true self with the world. This is one power packed program that won’t be around in this capacity anymore after this Celebratory release, so if you have ever wanted to propel and move forward towards your dreams or are just needing a bucket load of support whilst you go through one of the hardest times of your life that you KNOW is leading you to the direction of your dreams, now is the time to jump in. Click here before this Celebratory price ends. 


Card #4: Archangel Metatron. Prioritise.

Focus, focus FOCUS beautiful one! Archangel Metatron is the FOCUS Archangel and the one who is here to guide you to the fulfilment of your destiny! Archangel Metatron is also the one who is here to support children, especially children who are tapped into the higher realms (ADD/ADHD etc) - these children are super tuned into the Higher Dimensions and if you don’t have children and you are reading this - the message here is FOCUS and GET GROUNDED. Exercise and I am sensing that regardless - exercise is a HUGE impactful space for you in this next 6 months - if there was anything you need to focus on? It is this! Getting super healthy and exercise is strongly coming through for you. This message may be coming through really strongly as there is big change coming up for you I am sensing and the exercise? Is what helps you stay grounded but exercise is also what helps you ground all the esoteric and spiritual information that you are receiving from the higher realms. It helps you to stay tapped into Source and actually bring those messages and guidance to Earth, rather than staying up in your head and having 50 things on the go and not finishing any of them and feeling super scattered, a solid routine of exercise is what will enable you to still have those 50 ideas and things on the go at once - but actually bring them to fulfilment. I am also getting the message about your home - but electronic devices - do they need a clean out of old documents, files or emails that have piled up? Or have you just cleared all this out? If you are feeling low in energy, stagnant or wondering what step to take - this exercise, combined with cleaning out all that no longer serves, ‘spring cleaning’ out all the bits and pieces that have been sitting around for ages, awaiting your attention - these things? THEY need your focus, not anything or anyone else right now. It feels like you have a STRONG mission and you have somewhat been denying your path for a bit now? What ‘threw’ you in August last year? I am sensing this is a bit of a ‘clean up’ since then, even December I am getting the message of too. Time to get organised - Archangel Metatron is deeply awaiting to support you in this FOCUS and getting on with it. I am also sensing that you’ve been doing a bit of this ‘clean up’ of sorts already? Also - that you are ready/about to do more of it too? ‘What else can I release from my field’? Is a really strong message that I am getting about/for you too - you can be asking this as you are cleaning up, cleaning out and allowing this powerful Archangel to guide your FOCUS to what needs cleaning out. I feel like you may have had a wave of this in the past few days and that this card has come as confirmation that whatever you have been thinking about letting go of, or have just let go of - is a sign and DEEP confirmation for you that are indeed on the right path right now. I feel like you already have been getting this message - but maybe haven’t known where to start, yet this past 24-48 hours has seen even more awareness of what you have to do and be released, is becoming so, so clear to you. Is there something that has been on the back burner for quite some time? I feel like this is an important message for you to get cracking, clean up, organise and clear out what no longer serves and DON’T LET ANYTHING distract you sooo close to the finish line. It is like you have been distracted for a few months now - no more of that, it is TIME beautiful one. Time to release who you really are, release - your creations out into the world. Whether that means finishing something or learning something new in the direction of what you are wanting to do in the world? Time is now. GO! FOCUS! Love xx OMG CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT!!!! That is 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳 To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! Usually $3333 and then I released it at $1297, nope! For the month of August ONLY to Celebrate, you can receive Unlimited WhatsApp Support via text message & voice message, Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮, 3 x Distance Healings, 6 x 30min Intuitive Healing Coaching Calls Plus 1 x Cracking the Code Session where we uncover your unique Life Purpose Gifts, so you can start sharing your true self with the world. This is one power packed program that won’t be around in this capacity anymore after this Celebratory release, so if you have ever wanted to propel and move forward towards your dreams or are just needing a bucket load of support whilst you go through one of the hardest times of your life that you KNOW is leading you to the direction of your dreams, now is the time to jump in. Click here before this Celebratory price ends. 


Card #5: Nurture. Archangel Gabriel. ‘As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now.’

I am also hearing, ‘Nurture your dreams’ - I am feeling to keep them close to your chest, close to your heart, close to your lips and only whisper them to those that speak gently and softly to your ‘baby’ right now, is a strong message coming through here for you right now. You don’t need to tell the world what you are doing, you just need to do it. It feels like something has deeply shifted for you recently and about to shift in a big, big way shortly and I feel like - whatever you have just moved through and away from, some ‘reality change’ - is and can come with grief that - remember ANY change, brings up the grief cycle, so even though you know it is needed change and you may still want it, but the pull and drive to walk away and walk right into deep alignment of your own damn life, of course grief and sadness still comes about because.. it is CHANGE. This card, is also deeply related to the Sacral Chakra, so whatever is going on right now - is also gestating your dreams right now. This next few months is going to see rapid shifts and radical shifts in your reality and/or your perception of reality is changing in a dramatic way. I am hearing the message too - ‘don’t beat yourself up’ - have you found yourself doing this a bit recently more so than you have before? I am getting the message that this is a part of the release going on. It is almost like you have been living in this reality to date, have been walking along in a space of ‘it’s just how it is’ and now - you’re waking up to this reality of ‘Argh, how have I been in this for so long?! No wonder I haven’t been feeling myself?!’ - Yet - here I am getting the message - just be kind to yourself - you don’t know what you don’t know and we wake up when we wake up. Be kind and gentle through this process as this? This has had to happen, this entire reality shift, this stage, this process, has had to happen and in this way - for you to ‘get it’ and to move into the space where you can receive at your next level of LIFE that you have been working to create all along. It seems there are some messages coming through from the other side for you too  - if you have  deceased loved one on the other side I am getting the sense that they are guiding you through this process - have you been sensing them recently? Have you called upon them to ask them for help and/or reassurance? It feels like there is a strong presence around you and they are coming through to let you know they have heard your calls for help and - everything is going to work out fine. You will receive the help, support and everything else you need to make this reality - the one you have been dreaming up come true. This little clear out and change - has shifted you into a completely new direction, but it hasn’t come without the direct support and help from 1000 and more spirit helpers of 100% light guiding you through this entire space. Even though you may feel ‘alone’ you’re not… and won’t be for much longer. Hang in there. Be gentle and know that the more you deeply care and nurture yourself right now, the more support you attract by your side. Everything’s going to be okay beautiful Soul. Breathe out deeply…. Love xxx Do you need deep support, care and just to be ‘held’ in a deeply supportive space that totally has your back and enables you to flow with deep freedom in ALL your feelings? The hurt, the sad, the happy, the joy, the what the fucks and all in between? Did you know that, to deeply celebrate 3 huge amazing years of never missing Tuesday Tarot, I have been guided to release my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program with unlimited support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings, distance healings and so much more, for $997, when it is usually $3333? Click here for al the details, this offer is only available during August to celebrate a powerful 3 years of never missing a Tuesday Tarot for you.


Card #6: Life Review. ‘Archangel Jeremiel’ Take inventory of your life and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.’

Ah, Archangel Jeremiel has come up twice today in Tuesday Tarot - lots of ‘Life Review’ going on. Releasing people, places and things from your field, moving in new directions, making sure things are in alignment before you move forward. There is a big golden glow behind this Archangel on the card and I am hearing ‘Golden Egg’ it is like you’re about to crack the big Golden Egg right now - there is A LOT of Light around you at this time, more so than ever before. I am also hearing the message for you that if things feel like they are at a standstill they aren’t about to be anymore beautiful one! So get ready! Yet, I already feel like you have been right? Getting ready? I wonder if you feel like, ‘Um, so what now?’ In a way? It feels like so much has cleared out for you recently and this space is quite new for you - even though you are getting used to it, but there is also a space here where you are wondering, okay, well, what is next? Almost like you have been busy and pushing for sooooo long that there has been this divine ‘space’ for quite some time now, it is almost like you are waiting for it to fill again. I am sensing that it is going to fill again - but in a different way. This is a different level, vibration and frequency that you have been recoding into your system have you not? Be okay with this right now, this you ‘questioning’ it - is you feeling how long it’s been since you have been in ‘doing  mode’ this and these feelings and sensations are the space in between the space where you are coming into REALLY accepting this new reality as your new normal. I wonder if you feel like you have been ‘busting out’ lately - or ‘wanting to bust out’? Like you want to climb out of your own skin or something? And it comes in waves? And I wonder if you notice a ‘wave of tears’ that follow that too? With each release, with each wave, with each - reaching back to the space where you know you belong, with every remembering who you are and what and WHY you are releasing as you do so - you are literally shedding your skin right now with these waves each ‘breakthrough of the wave’ - allows you to deeply come into your own self an extra mile more. You are being guided to go ahead with your plans right now - if it is not meant to be it won’t happen OR it will feel DEEPLY out of alignment and you will feel it to your core, so don’t worry about making the wrong choice - you cannot make the wrong choice and you can ALWAYS CHANGE YOUR MIND, no matter how far into saying yes you went and then wake up feeling off and all funny realising you don’t want to do that thing and say, guilt made you say yes - you can change your mind and say no and feel INSTANT relief by getting back on the right path. Your Life Purpose depends on this right now. When we feel anxious all the time or overwhelmed it is usually a sign that we are not on the right path and are not facing a reality of truth that our intuition is guiding us to take AWAY from the things that are making us feel that way. The question is, do you trust the path that….. feels most peaceful? Are you… willing to? Love xxx OMG CELEBRATING 3 MASSIVE YEARS OF TUESDAY TAROT!!!! That is 3 consecutive years of NEVER MISSING A TUESDAY!! That is A LOT OF TUESDAYS!! 🥰🥳 To Celebrate, I have been guided to offer my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997! Usually $3333 and then I released it at $1297, nope! For the month of August ONLY to Celebrate, you can receive Unlimited WhatsApp Support via text message & voice message, Unlimited Psychic Readings 🔮, 3 x Distance Healings, 6 x 30min Intuitive Healing Coaching Calls Plus 1 x Cracking the Code Session where we uncover your unique Life Purpose Gifts, so you can start sharing your true self with the world. This is one power packed program that won’t be around in this capacity anymore after this Celebratory release, so if you have ever wanted to propel and move forward towards your dreams or are just needing a bucket load of support whilst you go through one of the hardest times of your life that you KNOW is leading you to the direction of your dreams, now is the time to jump in. Click here before this Celebratory price ends.