READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 19, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨

Okay!! When intuition drops in - I listen!!! 

I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week!

Not next week!

So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night! ✨🔮✨ 

Scroll down to find which number you chose earlier today, to see what message is wanting to come through from the Fairies for you today - the Fairies were only here two weeks ago, so I am curious what is going on for you that they called to you again today. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Son. “Your son is watched over and protected as he explores his world.”

Okay, so I am getting 3 different messages for this card here. 1. is if you have a son, the message I am getting is ‘let go’ - it feels suffocating almost is the message I am getting, he is needed space and it would do you the world of good to just step back. Now - you can step back, whilst still expanding your heart into the space. BUT, that doesn’t mean you worry excessively about him, and try and control what is best for him right now because ultimately? The ONLY person who knows what is best for him right now - is him! He is wise enough and connected to his own Soul and Intuition and they are guiding him exactly as he needs. There are things you may WANT for him, but are they what HE wants? If no, then you are not being very supportive of his own heart’s calling (said with so much Love). So take a deep breath, hand him over to your Angels, to his Angels - talk to his Angels, and let him make his own decisions - because he is going to anyway, so you may as well be supportive of what his own Heart is calling him to do. That is how people feel loved. By supporting their own choices, not trying to control or change what they know is the right choice for them in their own Heart. 2. I am getting the message of a Step-Son - but do you have child of your own, and also have a Step-Son? I am getting the message about your child, is being affected in some way from/about your Step-Son. Not in a freak out ‘bad’ way - but enough that this message is coming through right now, because I am also getting the message that intuitively you have been getting a message about the dynamics and impact that your Step-Son is having on your own child. Now, this is about bad, wrong or blame here. But it is about reconnecting with your own child and making sure that they are truly feeling okay? Because the message I am getting is that something is ‘off’ and it is wise to catch this emotional discord now before it grows. Now, children (or anyone) only open up and talk when they feel safe. So no point directly going and asking them unless you already have a closely bonded open communication with your child. I would focus on connection time/special one on one time and allow the conversation and communication to naturally unfold. You will know what to do from here. Number 3. Is I am getting the message about a baby - born or unborn, or not even aware that you are about to be pregnant. But it is a Son and I am getting the strong message that they are here to impact the world in a big, big way and your utmost dedication and support for their own choices is important for them to feel supported to fulfil their important life mission here on Earth this time around. I am also getting that at 4 years of age for them, will be an important aspect of their Life Mission at this point for some reason, so keep this in mind, be open to allowing them to guide you and most of all - TRUST THEM. They’ve chosen you for a reason, remember this. Love xxx Okay!! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!


Card #2: Whom Do You Need To Forgive? “As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.”

Ah, now when this card comes up, I usually get the message of self-forgiveness and working through your own feelings authentically, as when you do this, you naturally come into a state of forgiveness that is true, real and authentic. It is all well and good to say that you forgive someone, yet, when you are still seething underneath, that is not true forgiveness and only breeds resentment, which turns into physical illness. The strong message coming through this card today though, is about a relationship with a female that you have - who just came to mind as you read that? THIS is the person you are needing to forgive. And I am not even getting about ‘forgiving’ as such - but more of, can you just drop your guard and see the other person’s point of view? Drop the head honcho, ‘Im right, you’re wrong’ attitude, drop back into your heart - and actually feel what is there? Because - there is grief there isn’t there? You are sad about situation that has recently happened (I am getting the message of in the last 6 weeks, something happened/shifted) and when you are sad about something and don’t let yourself feel the sadness the grief? THAT is when your walls come up to protect yourself from feeling this grief, hurt and pain about the change in relationship and that is when you will be in the ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ attitude, because you are simply - just trying to deal with the situation and that is the best way you know how. And honey, I am here to tell you there, is another way - that actually shifts the energy between you and for the entire situation and most of all? FOR YOU - so that you don’t keep attracting people who will ‘break your heart’ ‘love you and leave you’ ‘leave me again’ ‘use me for all I’ve got then run and dump me’ - notice these patterns here? Thoughts and what you experience right? This is underneath, what you are really feeling about the situation? Even though you think you’ve moved on from it and aren’t really hurt, but just ‘getting on with life’? This card has come to you today, to actually let yourself feel the grief of this situation to be able to work through and heal it authentically beautiful one, you don’t want to keep repeating the same patterns do you? Be gentle, drop into your Heart, what is really in there? What is your Heart REALLY feeling about the situation? If you want to work 1:1 with me to work through your grief and the reality of the situation, please send me a message. Expand your Heart, let your Angels hold you. Feel it, all. Love xxx Okay!! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!


Card #3: Love Life. “The basis of your question involves your romantic life, which is now changing for the better.”

Hmmm - have you been forgetting your relationship recently?? I am getting the message you’ve been sooo focused on your mission and what you are doing, the little delicate, but one of the most powerful parts of your current life is deeply needing attention. Have you been ignoring it because you have been too busy? Or you simply don’t know what to do to spark that relationship back to life? When did you last have a date night? And bring the spark back, like when you first met? What part of your relationship is feeling stale? Have you been using journaling and affirmations to shift your relationship spark back to how you really want it to be? Or have you been focusing on the lack of what is currently in front of you? Now, this is different from reassessing the current situation. In a sense that if it is feeling stale for you, the most important thing you can be doing right now - is to work with journalling and bringing your relationship to life this way, PLUS doing whatever you are intuitively guided to do to physically bring the spark back. I am getting the message strongly of physical affection and sexual intimacy. And even if you are not in a relationship, how long has it been since you’ve had sexual intimacy with yourself? Deep, committed loving to yourself? I am getting the strong message with this card that it is time to bring this sacred space back into your life - whether you are in a relationship or not. This is important in activating the Base Chakra, that is deeply connected to your Home, Finances, Security and feeling Safe, Life Purpose and your Physical Reality. When was the last time - you made love? If you are in a less than satisfying relationship or are single - I want you to fall in love with yourself. Love YOU again. Bring back the spark in relationship if you are in one, and if you aren’t - light up your own life - love YOU again and find the spark in your own life, because when two sparks align? FIRE BABY! ;) The old age saying, if you don’t love yourself, no one can love you either. So where do you need to start loving yourself and taking extra delicate, powerful, sensual care of yourself today? Love xxx Okay, so this always seems to happen lately! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!


Card #4: Let Go. “As you surrender your need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires.”

Hmmm, this card has an obvious message and the other message I am getting for you here is asking for help, letting help in, hiring help, or some form of help! Where do you need to let go of control, in essence of trying to do it all by yourself, and actually just hand it over to receive the help you need? I am getting the message that singlehandedly trying to do this on your own, isn't’ serving you right now. Yes, you needed to do certain things to get where you are, but you’ve done enough AND I am getting the message you are VERY clear about what you need to do and to hand over, and where you are going - so what is stoping you? And in answer to that question, I am getting the message of fear, but fear in a sense of - you’re not wanting to get hurt again as I feel you are about to do something similar that you did last time and in this sense, you are worried the same outcome is going to happen. Yet, the strong intuitive message coming through for you - is ‘rest assured for a positive outcome’. What I am hearing is, ‘Honey, you have done the work, you have made HUGE changes (this is strong, not just little changes, you have accelerated your changes! #massive) and what you are about to walk forward into is more aligned, more on point, more targeted - more you’ve totally got this now.’ I am getting the sense that what happened in the past about this same/similar situation is that YOU, yourself were in a different place and space and what has happened through these changes, is that you have become soooo clear about who you are, what your destiny is and are making the changes to align even more to that. So the strong message here is don’t fear, just trust, that you’ve done exponential amount of work, that you can now trust in handing over precisely what you need done and it will get done, the way you want it, as of course, you lay out very clear steps, because that is who you are and what you do. So, the question is, do you trust that you’ve made enough internal progress and what happened last time, is that you just weren’t clear in yourself and so reality reflected that including the people you had close in your sphere last time? Do you trust that you are so clear now (because you can feel this within you, I know you can) - do you trust that who is in your sphere now and about to walk into it, is totally aligned, with the new you? The - you, you’ve always been on Earth to become? Love xxx Okay!! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!


Card #5: Debt Paid Off. “The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life.”

This card has obviously meaning - AND CELEBRATION!!! ;) Yet, what I heard straight away as soon as I saw this card for you today, is ‘Karmic Debt’ - and along with this? I am getting the sense that you have shifted soooo much internally (especially this past 18 months is coming to mind for you) and what is happening now? Is that whatever is physically still here from your old life? Time to go! Karmic Debt has been paid off, your job is done, let it go, move on - time to go babe! Are you ready? Hmmm, I am getting the message there are a couple of loose ends you need to sort out and the other message with this? Don’t put them off - get to them - like this week! Tomorrow if you can. I am getting the message to super organise your schedule, so that if you had to go tomorrow - could you? This is how organised and ready I am getting the message for you to be. So, what comes to mind, no wait, what was the FIRST thing that came to mind when I asked that? If you had to leave tomorrow - could you? What do you have to do - what is the thing that comes to mind to sort out - so if you had to leave tomorrow, you could? Whatever is on your mind now - make this a priority to do, like tomorrow ;) I am also getting the message - 2 other messages here - 1. is that if you literally just have walked out of your old life and into a new life, what energetic threads have you left behind? What needs to be cleaned up, tidied up, finished, cut loose - unspoken words perhaps? What is it that is lingering in your energy, mind and body that you haven’t entirely cleaned up and finished, what is that, still connecting you to your past? Are you not wanting to let go of it? Do you have unspoken words in your Heart and Throat that you haven’t voiced? Do you currently have a bit of a sore throat? What is your Heart wanting to voice? Speak the words of your Heart and your sore throat will go away within the hour. Do you REALLY want to drag that past into your moving forward future and recreate same patterns and experiences because you haven’t voiced how you really feel or what you need to let go of? Do you believe you are worthy of having - what you really desire, hence holding onto the old, even in your Heart, because you don’t feel you are worthy of getting anything better? As soon as you drop into the depth of your worth, your new life, feels totally free and ‘normal’ - because it is all feeling a bit weird right now, right? #trust. The other message here is literally about financial debt and I am getting the sense of money entering into your life, or your debts have been paid off and I am actually getting the message of - both! So, again, the original question - are you ready? Time to stop reading social media and go get ready dear one! #celebrationtime Love xxx Okay!! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!


Card #6: Vegetarian. “A new way of eating gives you more energy, greater health, clarity and stronger manifestation abilities.”

Hmmm, I am getting the message this card is coming to you as a confirmation of the new food choices and lifestyle you have recently been engaging in - YAY! Whatever you’ve been doing - and I m getting the message here of trusting your intuition about what you need to eat, when, when you need to fast, juice, cleanse - that it is exactly 100% correct what you have been and that you personally have been needing to do for your unique body and lifestyle and I am getting the sense and message to fully trust yourself with what you need to keep doing with your body, food and the lifestyle that you live. I am also getting the message to remind you about body movement - to remember to move your body in this process - have you been exercising/moving your body? It is important to do so, especially with diet changes as your body undergoes a detoxification process - the exercise helps shift the toxins out of your body, even though you might not feel like moving, it is important to heed this message if you haven’t been exercising is the message I am getting for you, to compliment your dietary change. I am also getting the message that right now, sacred ritual is so, so important for you right now. What are you currently working on? I am getting the sense that this dietary change, that has been intuitively guided for your own unique individual lifestyle, is important to truly honour the shift in change that you are undertaking. It is also Solstice in 2 days and this sacred time leading up to this shift in dynamics on the Earth, the darkest/shortest hour/day and the lightest/longest hour/day on Earth - depending on where you are on the globe - is a powerful, powerful time, especially conjunction with our First Quarter Moon, which is where you reassess your goals, your ‘seeds’ that you planted at New Moon, what needs changing, adjusting to, what needs tending to, are they still on track and is there anything else you need to be doing to support this shift? I am also getting the message for you specifically with this card, to anchor in these new lifestyle changes with something positive for yourself, in a sense that the Solstice is a powerful time to honour what you are doing in your life, to ‘set the tone’ for the next 6 months, so perhaps some kind of sacred ritual and ceremony for yourself? This card is HUGE confirmation for you and for you trusting your intuition with exactly the steps you need to be taking for your individual life - so continue to trust in this okay? Love xxx Okay!! I got the intuition to close the doors to Awaken Your Psychic Senses, this week! Not next week! So, if you’ve been wanting to get in, then now is your time! Doors will close at midnight Friday night AEST, so Thursday midnight if you are not in Australian timezone. Click here to jump in before this closes this Friday night!