🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 10th December 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 10, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 10th December 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today for you from the Ascended Masters today. 

Intuitive Coaching Immersion - taking you to your next level - the fast track to the full manifestation of your dreams: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Amaterasu. Come Out Of The Closet.

Ah, this card is pretty clear! The sense I am getting for you is - what have you been hiding? What have you been creeping around in the closet not telling people? What have you been hiding, what have you not been doing - that you know you should be doing? And I am getting the sense that this is about something you used to do all the time and was a big way you connected with people and yet, you are not doing it anymore? I am getting the message that you might feel resistant, might feel ‘tired’, might not want to do it anymore - yet, this is such a crucial and pivotal part of what you used to do, who you used to be and is what people knew you for. This isn’t about going back to old unhealthy behaviours, this is about stepping back into the joy, the aliveness and the fun of why you began doing it all in the first place - this is you - this was/is your heart and soul and made you who you are today - this card has come to remind you to step out of those closed doors and get back it the spotlight beautiful one! I am also getting the sense that this is the answer to your question that you’ve been asking about - if you been feeling blocked or not sure what is happening, wondering why things ‘aren’t working anymore’ - it is this! The answer to your question lays in you stepping back into this part of you and doing this/these things that you used to do. I am wondering if you feel like you don’t have time for this anymore? It may seem like it - yet, this will GIVE you more time and leverage your time - you will be spending your time where you have been NEEDING to spend your time. Yes there are always other things to get done, yet this I am getting the strong message of is this thing you stopped doing, that is a big part of how people connect with and to you - is so important right now. Especially as we come into this Christmas period - this is your opportunity to rise from the ashes so to speak and get back to the flying Eagle that you are! I am also sensing something about food and that if you’ve had any issues with food or other addictions lately that seem to have ‘flared up out of no where’ - when you stop avoiding doing this thing you know you need to do - this will go away all by itself as if by magic. Why? Because the addiction has only been the avoidance mechanism to cover up the feelings of not doing the thing you know you are meant to be doing - so… what are you waiting for beautiful Soul? Time to do the thing you are resisting the most! EVERYTHING will shift when you start and commence back to this with consistency - so what are you waiting for? Love xxx Ready to skyrocket and launch your entrepreneurial spiritual business? I have built my online business from the ground up, have taken myself off government benefits and now have a multi-six figure online empire that continues to grow with effortless ease and trust me, I had no business plan in place when I began! An intuitive one yes - and I followed it every step of the way. It isn’t easy that is for sure and it ain’t for the faint hearted - yet, when your Heart and Soul KNOW you HAVE to do this no matter what, you do it no matter what stands in the way. It is why I have been guided to open my Intuitive Coaching Immersion, that can fast track you to the manifestation of your intuitive dreams and bring them to reality, rather than just being a vision and fumbling along the way. Uniquely, intuitively guided for your specific Life Purpose path, with me by your side for 6 deep months of ultimate transformation, Intuitive Coaching Immersion is open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #2: Osiris. Father, Husband, Brother, Son.

Ah, the Divine Masculine. Hmmm, have you been having issues lately with money, feeling lots of fear or anxiety, or wondering what is ultimately going on in your life and not being able to figure it out? This card has come to you with your answer - the Divine Masculine healing is being called forth. I am wondering if you actually feel safe with the Masculine? You might immediately say yes - yet, do you REALLY feel safe? Can you deeply RECEIVE the depth of a Male? Or do you feel smothered/uncomfortable/inferior or otherwise around a Male? Do you notice you step into certain roles or patterns with Masculine energy? Are you… too much in your Masculine dominating energy? This is common for driven, independent women, and is to our detriment as it blocks the very thing we are trying to receive. Yet, underneath is the fear of actually not feeling safe. Safe to receive, safe to just be who you really are, safe to be held, safe to - be taken care of. When there are issues with burnout, feeling alone, yet having so many around you, issues with finances - there is a Masculine block here. Meaning - you usually at a very young age, have had to ‘suck it up’ and get on with it, you’ve had to hold the family together because something fell apart, your world was ripped apart, things were taken away and you felt unsupported, uncared for and unloved. And so to survive and feel good enough, to BE good enough to receive the love and acceptance you so desperately craved, you had to do all these things for everyone else - this is your stepping into the over doing Masculine energy and it is.. exhausting! There is an inflow and outflow of energy to EVERYTHING in life. You inhale and you exhale. There is day and there is night. That means - you receive, and you give. Yet - you aren’t very good and receiving? Perhaps you have been working on this, but something still is amiss here and you are STILL exhausted right? If, when that incident from when you were little has not been dealt with, felt and deeply cared for, tended to and released from your energetic system, which usually entails some deep howling grief to surface and come out of your system - nothing will shift. You have this awareness now, you can allow it to surface - know that Hannah said it is safe to feel this hurt you’ve stuffed away, this ‘not been loved for who you are’ - and feel it fully, so you can start to let in the love, acceptance and worthiness of being just who you are. Let alone start to receive - energy so you can stop being so darn tired and burn out all the time and constantly turning to addictions just to pick you up/keep you going. Whatever ‘fell apart’ when you were younger - is your ‘world falling apart’ - is your support/survival mechanisms. If you feel like currently, today, your world is falling apart - think back to when you were younger, and let your mind show you which events created the core patterning of what you are ‘repeating history’ of right now. Clear it at the core and your entire reality will shift. You just have to be willing to GO THERE that’s all. So, can you? Love xxx If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel, if you’re ready to actually let IN the support you KNOW you need to advance and fast track the manifestation of your dreams - no matter which stage of your Life Purpose you are currently in - Intuitive Coaching Immersion is for you. With me deeply by your side for 6 months, unlimited access to me of voice and text message 24/7, let alone deeply guiding your unique intuitive abilities to amplify your next level of being in service to the world AND your own life, Intuitive Coaching Immersion intuitive guides you to birth your Life Purpose to the world - because you ain’t like anyone else on the planet and your Life Purpose isn’t here yet either. It is in this space, you draw through the trust in your own intuition to Earth what has always wanted to come out of you. Be surrounded by those that lift you up, not tear you down. Click here for all the details as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #3: Thoth. Write.

Ah - has Egypt, or Lapis Lazuli been strong for you lately? Even, Europe may have been on your radar more than usual? Ibis’s perhaps? Have you been randomly seeing laptops around the place, when you usually don’t see them? Have you been wondering what is next, but don’t seem to find time to sit down and figure that out? Thoth is beaming through to you that WRITING is your answer! Has that been on your mind? I feel like you have been having many aha moments recently and it is super strong, especially this past week that you almost feel like you are in super flow or something, with all the synchronicities going on. I feel like this is a strong message for you from Thoth - to put these ideas down on paper. Even if it is not writing a book as such - but to put pen to paper with all your ideas that you are receiving about what you are to do - because.. you have been receiving lots of them right? Within these aha moments, things are pouring through for you? And/or you have been achieving lots, finishing lots of things off on your ‘to do’ list that enables you to move deeply forward on your Life Purpose path right? This pen to paper - can be in a document on your computer - or on an art sketch pad, where you can visually see the layout of what is streaming through you. Lapis Lazuli is deeply connected to Egypt and I feel that this information that has been coming through you recently - has deep ties in the Ancient Lands and what you used to do on the planet with regards to your gifts and Life Purpose. Trust, deeply trust the messages you are receiving right now - for Thoth is coming to you today, to make sure you are conscious of the depth of truth of these messages - however, this is normal for you right? In a sense that you DO trust these messages because they light you up like never before yes? The Full Moon on this card is also jumping out at me and towards the end of this week, our last Full Moon of the year is coming up. I am sensing that you will have even more aha moments and realisations that will stream through for you, so to keep your pen and paper handy. Make a dedicated plan for 2020 that enables you to get the basic structures of these happening so you can continue to expand your vision and actually ground down these ideas into significant structured steps that bring your vision and ideas to life. This Full Moon for you, may also see you releasing things you didn’t think you were going to release or so soon, yet, when it is time, it is time and I feel that this is going to shift you in exponential ways - because you can’t take it into 2020 with you! Be okay if things shift out that you weren’t expecting so soon - your Soul has called this forth and these powerful downloads and information that has strongly been coming to light for you - is your Soul saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH already! Time to clear out and get on with it! It feels like a significant time for you to deeply trust your intuition more than ever before as well right now - this card is confirming for you that the messages you are receiving ARE correct - please continue to trust! Love xxx Ready to take it to the next level? To take all those crazy out there ideas and wildly follow your passion no matter what matter is going on in your life? Ready to push EVERYTHING aside and make it happen no matter what? Ready to take MASSIVE action and become the you, you know you’ve always been born to be? Intuitive Coaching Immersion is OPEN and is your deep 1:1 6 Month transformational container that will shift you and your unique bundle of ideas to the next level - you DO have an important mission and it is time to get on track with that! Click here for al the details as applications are open now - do you REALLY want to be in this same position this time next year?? https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #4: Saint-Germain. Work Your Magic.

Ah, texts have stated and questioned whether Saint-Germain, Merlin and Archangel Raziel are the same person/being! Saint-Germain is a Master at manifestation and turning base metal to gold. He is the alchemist and translates the esoteric information into human conscious understanding so you can shift and transform. He is a Master with Sacred Geometry and transforming your reality into your dream life - if you choose it! I am getting the message here for you about choosing it too - choosing your dream life, not asking, wishing or waiting around for it to magically drop into your lap - that doesn’t happen! The Universe is waiting for you to take action THEN the Universe jumps in to support you. And so - what are you questioning, waiting around for to happen BEFORE you do the thing? The Universe doesn’t work like that! Have you been on the verge of jumping into something, committing to something, stepping up in a big way, but haven’t yet? Are you ready to take the leap, even though you don’t know HOW the rest will come to support you? You do know, that the how is shown to you, once you take those crazy out there steps to manifest your dream reality? I know you know this already - yet, you’ve been scared to take the leap? Saint Germaine - Work Your Magic - has come to you today, to give you the confirmation, that you DO have what it takes (yet, you know this too!) And the Universe is poised and waiting to support you! You just have to take the first step. I am also getting the message something about your home life/boundaries/neighbours too - is something going on for you? That you feel a bit argh at times? I am wondering if you are needing to set stronger boundaries for yourself? Have you been needing to increase your values and what you will and will not tolerate anymore? I feel like this is a strong message here that yes, its is safe and perfectly normal for you at this time and has been urged on by your powerful Spirit team supporting you in your next up level in your life. Whatever boundaries you are needing to implement, whatever is no longer tolerable - has been spurred on because you are ready for the next stage of your Life Purpose. These boundaries that you are setting may be uncomfortable - but what is wanting to birth out of you - requires you to do this, so you can move into the next stage, without this influencing your life anymore to date, because until now, it has been so much so on the subconscious level that when you step away from this for a time - you will notice a difference when you are back around it - and maybe you already have been sensing this too lately. Trust these next steps, trust these stronger boundaries in saying no to demands on your time and energy so you can take the next steps on your Life Purpose without things distracting you anymore. It’s time beautiful one and Saint-Germaine has come to you to say YES to the thing you know you have to do but have been hesitating on because you don’t know how. Brush that off right now and don’t let that stop you anymore. You are completely supported - you just need to take the steps FIRST and watch the Universe move Heaven and Earth to jump in and support you. It’s time to spread your wings and FLY beautiful one. Love xxx Ready to JUMP? That next move, that next step - don’t let fear get in the way - your streaming brilliant ideas are needing to be birthed and are meant to be shared with the world, not kept in your secret journal! You have a gift beautiful one and it is time to share that with the world - your SOUL is calling it forth and you have felt it in your bones, increasing in strength for quite some time now yes? Intuitive Coaching Immersion is your guide post to your next level in grounding down that information, structuring it with the intuitive structure that is uniquely designed for how YOU bring YOUR gifts to the world - no one else’s. I didn’t build my multi-six figure online empire by following anyones’ structure and your Unique Life Purpose is counting on you to trust your intuition to do the same! Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where I guide you to fast track your intuitive ideas to manifestation into physical reality without making the same mistakes I did - so you can fly higher and faster and get you living your purposeful life - the reason you were born. Click here for all the details as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #5: Kuthumi. Stay Focused.

Is something pulling you off path? What do you keep getting drawn into that is draining the life force out of you?! Where you are you needing to say a stern NO and completely shut that damn door? I feel like you have been moving forward on your Life path and have been making big changes, but then something pulls you back in and distracts you? It is almost as though you have made a big life change, then are feeling somewhat lost in a sense (remember - you are ‘lost’ because you are RECALIBRATING! SO therefore you’re not lost 😉) and almost ‘don’t have anything to do’ - so you recreate these drama’s or such to keep you occupied and you get pulled back in, stressed out to the max and wonder what on Earth is going on right now yes? When moving through a huge life change it is soooo important to honour it with a ritual or three 😉. A simple ritual is two circles on the sand (or dirt, or leaves in circles) and stand in one circle representing the old life/old cycle you are moving away from and stand there for as long as necessary and honour all the things that have happened (bring them to your memory, let your intuition show you what memories etc). Let yourself cry if you start crying and just honouring the past of what was. Then, when you are ready, step into your new circle, that is honouring your future and new cycle, your new life that you are stepping into and spend time here, pulling all the pieces of your Soul into the now, from the past and your future self and your future vision of self, pulling that into the now, reclaiming all of you from all different directions in time and space, reclaiming your power, by pulling all of you, into the now. This can seem like simple ritual - yet, don’t underestimate it’s power! We go through so many life changes, changing job, changing car, moving house, relationship break ups, relationship celebrations, deaths in the family, new babies in the home and these are HUGE significant changes and we as a society (generally) just have to get on with it. Yet, in ancient tribal days and tribes still today, honour and mark such significant events with a ritual honouring the depth of what it takes to under go such changes. I feel like this card, with Kuthumi - has come to you today, to remind you of the enormity of change you have been through, in this past 9 months and what you have been through leading up to this change. It’s not easy and when we are stepping away from such a huge life change - it can be EASY to get pulled back into that chaos because that is what you are USED TO! Remember, letting go isn’t easy - yet, the feeling the grief of the changes is what enables you to let go completely to be free to manifest the life you want which is…. The reason you made the changes in the first place right? Free yourself of your own chains and do the inner work to release yourself energetically from this place. Stay Focused - prioritise on what is important and don’t let the distractions of your past pull you back in (but grieve as priority so you don’t energetically get drawn back in!). Get comfortable with this space that has been created from these changes, because this is the peace and calm that you made the changes for in the first place, because your Soul had, had enough of the life force draining environment which is what you brought you here today yes? Stay Focused beautiful Soul - heal, grieve, ritualistic let go and make bold steps in the directions of your dreams. You’re free now - remind yourself of this - your Heart’s calling awaits you 🕊 Love xxx You CAN fly beautiful one, but sometimes with all that emotional baggage still sitting in the way, it can be super hard to hear what is your Soul, what is your Intuition, what is your Heart’s calling, what you think you want to do, what you know you have to do and then all those things that stop you ARGH! Confusion right?! HUGS!! I know this feeling!!! It is why I have been divinely guided to open Intuitive Coaching Immersion! 6 Months being deeply guided, intuitively and Soulfully 1:1 with me, as we strip you of this confusion, emotional baggage and all the trauma of your past once and for all. Yes, it is COMMON for people to come to me and tell me counselling dines’t work and I say I KNOW! I hear it ALL the time and so many shift in a VERY short amount of time what they haven’t been able to for YEARS thus - leaving them FREE to live out their Destiny and create the life of their dreams - even when they are not clear on what that is - because of all the baggage in the way! Intuitive Coaching Immersion clears all this out so you can create the life you are Destined to live - on your terms, in your way, and your way only. Click here for all the details as Intuitive Coaching Immersion is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion


Card #6: Krishna. Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation.

Ah, are you feeling torn? Bittersweet feelings going on right now? I feel like you’ve been enjoying something/a space/a time - yet - you are also worried about something and wish it was different? Yet, you know you can’t change it right this second, so you almost push those feelings down? I am getting the sense that is a no brainer and well, der Hannah! That - everything is in divine and perfect order and.. want to say - with hidden blessings you will soon understand. I am also getting the message to consciously write out a gratitude journal - yes, you may already write a creational reality journal - yet, I am getting the sense here that a gratitude journal for this next period of time is super important for you right now too. I feel it will pull you out of your ‘current state’ faster than you think possible! I am also getting the message something about the water - and the crystalline grids - have you been working with these? Or becoming more aware of the Light content on the planet and how that correlates to your body? To your mind? To your Spirit - to your entire life? I feel like you’ve been working with Light frequency activations more frequently and that this card is coming to you as confirmation of your work with these light frequencies, whether that is with water, sound, sacred geometry or other ways you have been called to use this and to continue to trust where your Soul is calling you in being guided with these learnings right now, they are energetically upgrading you more than you are consciously aware of - keep going! I am also getting the message to spend time visualising/feeling your future self - so again, yes, you may already journal your reality into existence, yet, the message here is strong - to spend time also cultivating those feelings within your body so you can pull your future self into the now faster. Have you been wanting to manifest something in particular? Something quite ‘big’? This is your sign - spend time, along side you other manifestation practises - of visualising, seeing and feeling what you would be doing on a daily basis, had this dream life, this ‘big’ manifestation piece already be here in current reality. What would you be feeling? What would you be talking like, dressing like, thinking like, acting like, who would be around you in your reality, what I going on? And feel the feelings of what is happening in those moments. Set a timer and continue this feeling visualisation practise until the timer goes off - DAILY - try it for 30 days and see what rapidly shifts in your life - this is the strong message coming through from Krishna for you today. Find the Blessings in your current situation - your gratitude points and lead into your visualisation practise as I am sensing all these light frequency activations you’ve been doing, plus this - is going to exponentially shift you - especially as we move through this Dec-Jan portal that is creating our reality for the next - eternity! Which life do you REALLY want to be implementing into solidification for… the rest of your life? Your choice… you ALWAYS have a choice, and it begins in your mind and heart cultivating these feelings. TIME TO RISE precious Soul! 🔥👑 Love xxx Amplification of your intuitive abilities - TICK! Deep alignment and manifestation of your Life Purpose into physical reality - TICK! Intuitive structures and definitive intuitive plans to suit your individual Life Purpose that is birthing through you? TICK! Intuitive Coaching Immersion is OPEN and is your 6 months to birthing your new reality and shifting your entire life to meet you at your individual Life Purpose that is ready to birth through you. Building my online empire to a multi six-figure company that had no business plan, yet, only the intuitive business plan - Intuitive Coaching Immersion is where I fast track you into deeply trusting your intuition to birth what you are here to do. When your Life Purpose is as Unique as you - you ain’t fit into any ordinary coaching program! Click here for all the details for Intuitive Coaching Immersion - it’s your time to RISE beautiful Soul! https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-coaching-immersion