🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th May 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 10, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th May 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Angel Therapy Oracle for you.

You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now.

You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for.

You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not.

Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘ 


Card #1: Release. ‘Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your Purpose.’

Hmmm what do you feel ‘meh’ about? What is a drag to turn up to but you do it because you’re obligated to? What is not a fuck yes, but you keep going anyway because you think you have to? What is scattered in your life and makes you feel topsy turvey? What makes you confused or is something you dred? What do you question and then know it isn’t right for you but continue anyway? Gah, a little bit exhausting isn’t it? This is your permission slip that it is okay to let go of anything that pulls you away from your Purpose! But! “I don’t know what my Purpose is Hannah!” I hear you say. Well, if you weren’t doing the things you didn’t really want to do, you would have space to find what it is that you do want to do. Sometimes the scariest part about releasing what is no longer working is having the courage to be in the space in between. But it is in this space, that you have the space to get clear on what you really want, because you’re probably very clear on what you don’t want but it takes a bit of recalibration to have what you do want. Let yourself dreams and then dream some more - remember that space? Of you? Of having and doing what you want - have you forgotten who you are? Be okay with the space, it allows you to find you, be you and remember what you’re here for. You won’t die in the space, but it can feel like it whilst everything is being stripped away. You’ll feel lost and confused…. This is everything just releasing from you. The cloak of who you e been hiding under is being removed. Your skin is shedding. It’s okay to RELEASE, so that your Soul can be UNLEASHED. Shed the layers, release the webs and be okay hanging in the infinite nothingness until the path becomes clear for you. Because it will. Trust. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 


Card #2: Integrity. ‘Align yourself actions so that they match your values and your inner knowingness of what is right for you.’ 

Hmmm, has something been niggling you? Perhaps you’ve tried something and it hasn’t worked before? But you’ve also shifted and changed and of course you’re trying something new? I am getting the sense not to drop your standards here and to recalibrate into this higher frequency because you deserve it, are worth it and this is more the space you desire to be in - so don’t drop your standards, don’t lower your levels - but rise to meet the bar you set for yourself. It’s okay to display who you are. Hold that standard for yourself and rise to it. I am getting the message to remind yourself how wonderful you are, the experience you have under your belt and the value you have to offer - because you do 100%. I am also getting the message for you to refocus back on your mission and what you decided to turn up to doing everyday - do you remember what that is? You spoke deeply to yourself not too long ago and committed to be this better version of yourself. Anything stopping you at this moment in time is your own self doubt rising. Burn that shit to the ground and rise in the knowingness and deep worthiness that you deserve all of this life that you’ve been dreaming about. I see you rising through the muck right now, like you’ve broken the glass ceiling and have pushed through to a whole new level and in this space, it is new and any doubts are just the old threads disintegrating and dropping off you - don’t fall down to that level with them, that level almost killed you and you’re past that now. You’re safe as you rise to claim all you desire, the love, the wealth, the home life, the work life - a life you love and care deeply about. I am also getting the sense to come back to grounding into your reality as it is now with deep care, awareness and gratitude of who you are - with the awareness of this reality you’re able to transform this reality into what you’ve always known in your heart is meant for you. Live into that. This is what you’re born for. Only do life from a place of integrity and deep alignment of your Soul. What feels good? Do more of that. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 


Card #3: Throat Chakra. ‘The Angels are helping you lovingly speak your truth.’ 

Right now, you’re in a recalibration space - breathe deeply babe - you’re in transition and it can feel like no one is around you anymore. It can feel like you’re still stuck, still doing everything on your own and you’ve been trying, moving damn fucking mountains ffs and still - you feel like the Universe is against you! Sure there have been wins but ffs when will this ALL shift!? Honey - hang in there! AND - this transition space - you’re not IN the shit anymore - you’re deeply away from it - and now in this ‘cushion’ of transition - sometime we forget to recalibrate at this point because we’ve been ‘running’ and ‘striving’ to get away from it all for sooo long - that’s all our focus has been in a way, but now, now you can start to focus on where you’re actually going and whilst some structures have landed and other ones haven’t landed yet - now in this ‘cushion’ you have space to call in, affirm, journal, create and put all your focus on this next phase and stage which is calling in what you want from this ‘cushion’ ‘transition’ stage - rather than from a running away stage. All stages were and have been necessary and required because it’s just how life has been. But now, you’re in a place that allows you to come out the other side of it all. So breathe deeply - this Throat Chakra card for you today is about the necessary recalibration and alignment to your true self - yes Throat is about speaking your truth but honey it is about LIVING it, and being honest with your truth and the truth of that is you’ve come into alignment you’ve ‘arrived’ at a place you can now spring board into alignment because you’re not out of alignment anymore (all the toxic crap you’ve walked away from, done all the work for and to now have left behind). Breathe deeply into that Heart, because it’s here, you’re being given the space to springboard deeply into that - you’re heart. Live and let fucking live because it’s your time now. Now go get clear and put all your focus into your next level. That’s what this space is for. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 


Card #4: Solar Plexus Chakra. “It’s safe for you to be powerful and take charge of your Life in positive ways.”

Okay, you may be on the verge of this or about to step into this or needing to step into this or you are in this now - you’ve broken the glass ceiling and are here - right now this is about being safe in your power. You’re owning who you are but most importantly- you’re feeling safe in owning who you are. In a sense that you’re more confident in owning who you are, voicing it, living it, claiming it - you’re not hiding who you are anymore - at all. And this, is deeply taking you into the next level of your life - faster and more rapidly than ever before. And you’re here for it! You’re on fire with it 🔥 it’s not out of arrogance or doing it to prove you’re good enough to anyone, but you’re shifting to a place where you are just doing the damn thing and that - is the magnetic energy - everyone has been looking for - including yourself. You’ve finally shifted into your power. You finally feel safe in shining your light, in receiving attention, in understanding your gift and your power when you receive attention and how to transmute that to elevate you, your life and the reason you’re here. You finally feel ‘balanced’ (whatever that word is!) but you feel…. Grounded in it. You’ve found a space where you can be and do and have you and come into the place where you are you - amongst it all. You’re you because you’ve created this… you’ve let go of threads and webs that were not you and you’ve found you amongst all the things and the biggest part about it is you feel light, joyus and you again in it. In your way, in your time, in your place, in the way you do it - not anyone else. The other biggest part? You feel safe in it. That’s why, you feel the most peace, because you’ve landed in the safety of it all working out (like you’ve always journaled about!). You don’t hold on so tight anymore, you’re not controlling it all anymore. There is a delicate balance and deep resounding trust. Not just in that it is all ‘going to work out’ because that’s inevitable and just a by product of the real reason - that you’ve come into a place of deeply trusting yourself. And that, doesn’t come, without a deep love for self. That requires you to feel safe, being with yourself, whole heartedly, dedicatedly and into a place of pure essence - your Soul has BIRTHED. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 


Card #5: Sacral Chakra. ‘You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods and energies right now. Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations and relationships.’ 

Your Home Life. And have you been feeling bloated? Or easily put on weight when you never have? I am getting the message for you about happiness and alignment. You know how Buddha is sometimes seen with the big Buddha belly? That - happiness - is found deep in the belly - in the sacral chakra. That deep Buddha contentment, comes from deep in your sacral chakra. We eat food and it goes into our stomach - our sacral chakra. What are you stomaching? Or not stomaching in your life? What are you not happy about? Have you had stomach related issues surface? Usually this is because something is out of alignment in your life - but also, because you are eating foods that don’t do well in your body!! Can be quite a simple fix really!! Stop eating the foods your body reacts to! However, most of the time you’re in an addictive cycle with the foods you’re addicted to - because it is covering up the fact you’re not happy in your life. That Buddha belly on your will go away - when you’re truly happy! Because when you’re happy you don’t crave the foods that cover up feelings that are uncomfortable and that you don’t want to feel, because you’re sustained in ‘peace, love, happiness’ by energy - rather than trying to connect to that source via the foods you’re eating or whatever it is you’re consuming in your life (can be toxic relationships too). Your Sacral is a big connection and portal to Source - you were born through a stomach (womb) and this is your ultimate connection to your Mother - to THE Mother - Source. How’s your connection to Source? You know the best way to Source is through your happiness right? Grief also sits in the Sacral and sometimes to refind happiness there is a place of going through grief… but you might have moved through this already… and now is about finding happiness in your Home life - in all areas. Are you? Are you happy at Home and in your life? Which is the birth place (womb) of all things you’ll create in your life - right? It all starts at Home. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can. 


Card #6: Goddess. ‘Express your Divine Feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities.’ 

Magic. I am hearing Magic. And - are you in my Goddess Codes program?! Maybe this is your sign of not ;) But also, your Magic - this is about your Magic. What does that even mean? This is about what you love, about letting yourself have and receive what you love, this is about your passion and your purpose - which is what you love, could love, do love, am love. Lots of Love right? Are you in this loving space in your life? Do you love - yourself? If you are looking for love - the answer lays in loving yourself first. You may know this, but do you? Do you truly love yourself? This is the magic, the magnetism and divine counterpart you’re looking for - first! But, I think you know this one - but do you practise it? Do you look the mirror and tell yourself you love you? Can you even look at yourself in the mirror? It’s where everything begins. It’s where the MAGIC begins. It is where LIFE begins. If you don’t see yourself, then who will? If you’re not loving and doting on yourself, then who will? If you’re not in love with your own life, then how can anyone else be? If you can’t stand your own company then how can anyone else? Your Magic begins here. Your  trust in self to create a better life for yourself including your own body, career, love life, starts here. What’s the one thing on your mind that you’ve begun that you need to complete or continue on with? Maybe you have bursts of it, but then stop and struggle to start again or it’s on your mind? It’s only because you are starting this new cycle of actually doing it. Those bursts of doing it will get longer and longer and then you won’t even think about doing it because it’s just who you are right? And then this creates a whole new energy and magic in your life that… we’ll create life right? I am also hearing, ‘let down your walks, but replace them with boundaries.’ I am also hearing that ‘you’re safe as you venture into this new area of your life’ for it deeply feels this is something you’ve been working for all along right? Relax into it, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, you’re safe here and this is where you can exponentially expand and accelerate beyond anything - you’ve just needed this grounding stable base to do that and… you ARE. See how amazing you are, because you are dear Goddess/God. It’s time, it’s your time. It’s your time to shine that divine Magic that you ARE. Love xxx You know you have a gift. You know you’ve deeply dropped into the space of your divine heart. You know you’ve come to a place where you won’t allow things to stop you, drag your down anymore and you’re at a place where looking forward into the love, abundance and deep blossoming of your Life Purpose is all you care about now. You’re done with holding onto resentment and dredging up your past. You’re here for the fame, for the glowing reverence for your life and what you came here for. You’re ready to FLY and Life Purpose Accelerator is calling you to ignite the true wealth, activation and core Soul calling because you cannot not. Life Purpose Accelerator is a 1:1 12 months Mentorship with me, send me a message for all the details - I’ve come into true alignment with how to support my clients in this space, if you thought you couldn’t before, send me a message, because you actually - can.