🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 11th February 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 11, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 11th February 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Ascended Masters for you. 

This is the FINAL DAYS for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, send me a message to apply for this 6 Month Immersion of Intuitive Healing to sky rocket your gifts and abilities to the next level. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: El Morya. Clear and Shield Your Energy.

Ah, I can see you and I also see you - not in an offensive way - but how a dog/animal shakes off the water from their coat - I see you shaking off a whole pile of energy, black soot, dust, dirt and all this energy that… is not yours! Who have you been hanging around the past 3 days, I feel like they have possibly been helpful to you, but energetically, they are not aligned to you - anymore. I feel you already know this though and that you are just dealing with it - however, this energy is something to be noted. I am also getting the message something about your home - the energy in your home, is it that - or is it that they are in your home? Or who or what is in your environment? Clear and Shield your energy comes in anytime we need reminding that we have forgotten to clear our energy more regularly than we should, that there is a situation coming up that you need to take extra care building your energy strength up or that you are in an environment that is not conducive to a healthy energetic productive flow for yourself… I am also getting the message something in particular about your Solar Plexus - have you been working on this? And, I want to ask you - has something happened that has knocked your self esteem lately? You were feeling good and confident about something and then it has come in and knocked you in a way that you… are still recovering from? I am also getting the message for you that - actually the Universe could see you in a path that - is not 100% satisfactory to what you thought you wanted - there is something better on it’s way in simple terms and that what has been going on - has also depleted your energy and in this state - that is when we are open and absorb ANY energies more so than when we are feeling strong and confident in ourselves. I am hearing that you are tired also? When we are heading down a path that is NOT where we are meant to go, but we keep forcing and doing it anyway - THAT is what exhausts us. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go and trust that you are guided and yes, we need to take action and do the work - however, when you are forcing something - so that you will THEN be good enough and can THEN feel confident, because now your persona has this thing and ‘this is what you do’ - this is backwards - we must feel confident and strong in ourselves FIRST - THEN the thing shows up. I am getting the sense that this clear and shield your energy card - whatever you have been doing recently has not been in 100% alignment, yet you have pushed because you thought ‘that is what you were meant to do’ - however, in that, you have been rejected, knocked back and left yourself feeling more confused - ask yourself - have I been waiting on this thing, to ‘feel good enough and be accepted in society’ - BEFORE I feel good and worthy? (big Solar Plexus basis there). The key here and is your divine message - come into a place where you are worthy - simply because you EXIST - and be here, feel this, and work on this now - not when you have some outside source to validate your existence. You are worthy - of everything you desire and want - not what you think you SHOULD do either by the way - but what you just WANT to do - this is your HEART speaking and when you allow yourself the permission to do this - you step into the freedom and power of loving, being your wholehearted self which allows you to naturally feel good enough and with this - THAT is when your energy is strong and you naturally fall into complete alignment with all that you are born for in this lifetime. The key question here - is do you trust yourself enough, to you believe - you are worthy of this, simply because you exist? Love xxx These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx


Card #2: Artistic Expression. Paul the Venetian.

The first question I want to ask you with this card is - where is your Heart calling you? Where - or what? Artistic Expression is obviously that - however - to come deeply into your creativity you need time and space to allow it to come through you - and I actually feel something is wanting to come through you quite strongly - are you taking time out to allow this to come through? Have you been receiving ideas to make it happen? I am getting the message about really making time to allow this to come through. What do you need to cut out of your schedule to allow more time to do this? I am also hearing - that you have already been getting this message to create more time to focus on this, and maybe you haven’t done this yet? Do you have a plan - or is it just something you need to do? When you ‘solidify’ this plan - your next step will come through. No point in continuing searching for ‘what it is I am meant to do’ - when you haven’t followed this first part of your intuition about what will create the space for it to come through. As I always say, until you action the thing that is on your intuitive mind to do, no matter how illogical it may seem - does your… Soul light up with the expansion of doing that? I am also getting the message that it may not be one or the other - it could be both… however, until you take the first step that will… still be on your mind. It is like a bucket full of water of ideas and that bucket gets heavier and heavier to carry around, which makes our muscles and arms ache (your heart, as your arms are an extension of your heart!) And gets tiring carrying that bucket of water around! However, if you pour that current water onto the project you have on your mind - then it is empty and you can ‘be empty’ as you move to your new destination or project - which allows you to - RECEIVE YOUR NEXT STEP 😉 The question is - are you fearing, have fear or scared about what you’re being guided to do? The other way to ask if you are trusting this space of the messages you are receiving to do, is - are you continually asking the same question? Because if you are - it means you are receiving the same answer, which means you haven’t actioned it just yet right? Now, within this, know that the courage to make what seems like radical changes to your life - takes a bit of time usually to come to terms with what we are being asked to do - but once we start moving in that direction? Usually we think why didn’t we do it sooner and how amazing it feels over here. This Artistic Expression is a piece of your SOUL - wanting to be expressed in the world - the question is - are you creating the time and space to allow that to flow through you? What has been on your mind? Are you actioning that? Can you? Your SOUL is speaking to you - are you listening? Don’t put it off another day - there is always enough time for everything you WANT to do - because we always make time for what is important to us - ALWAYS. The question is, are you choosing your Soul? These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx


Card #3: Hina. Freedom.

Do you feel free? Or do you feel stuck, stagnant and trapped? Where are you at, on the Freedom scale? I am wondering if your Soul has felt a big blah lately? A bit stagnant, stuck or worried more so than usual? Have you been doing things - or creating a life where you are free to do what you want when you want, or you have just been allowing life to lead you - instead of you it? Hina, is the Hawaii Goddess too, and her presence is really strong with this message (of course!) however, I am wondering if Hawaii has been calling you lately? And/or the Goddess herself? Have you just immersed yourself with Goddess energy lately? Deeply stepping into your power, taking your power back - allowing your intuition to lead you - no matter what other people say to you? Maybe you’re keeping quiet and just doing your thing, maybe you’re following your intuition in new ways and ways you haven’t done before and it is somewhat exhilarating to do this, yes? And I say - welcome to your new life! Once you have experienced and felt this? Ah, there is not going back, that is for sure! I am sensing you are deeply aware of this and feeling it already. I am wondering if you feel alone in it at all? Or are you surrounding yourself with like-minded people? Or still to find them? Maybe you are still majority in the old life you used to live and people are even wondering why you aren’t doing your same old behaviours - but it just isn’t you anymore, you super feel different and like - well, as I said, there ain’t no turning back - you’ve found - you right? Ah, what FREEDOM!!!! The Full Moon is deeply standing out to me on this card too - behind her and I am getting the message that if you are not already - but to come into deep awareness of following the Moon Cycles for a time to accustom yourself with the powerful energies in a conscious way so you can amplify your intuition and be even more in tune with energies around you, the globe and what you’re being guided to do. There is deep, deep power in conscious connection to the Moon and her gloriousness. The water is also standing out to me and I know in some parts of the world - there is a lot of water moving about. Water is deeply connected to your emotions and I am wondering if there is emotions/grief wanting to come out? Maybe you’ve been feeling it more so than not and have not been able to get it to come out? Or maybe it is flowing rapidly… yet - if it isn’t - know that - it will come in due time - just like the tide rises and falls, the ebs and flows - of the powerful Moon cycles - so to does your emotions - and to learn to ride the waves, instead of forcing them. Conscious awareness that something is sitting there - doesn’t mean you have to force it to come out - because your conscious awareness of it coming out - is showing you - it is already about to come out and that is okay - it is surfacing. As the Moon comes into her Fullness each cycle - so to do you emotions naturally come out at times - allow this - tap into this flow - and you regain your power, and sense of self even more. Freedom - comes from allowance of who you naturally are - in any given situation. The Freedom to be your whole hearted self - the question is - are you? Giving yourself full permission to be 100% you 100% of the time? I feel like this card is confirmation that you have been working on this and doing this quite consistently lately more so than not and a deeply celebration is in call for this. Keep trusting yourself beautiful one - allow the expansion of your Soul, the Full Moon and your Heart - to continue to guide the way. Your light shines bright when you do this. It is safe for you to be this powerful. Love xxx These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx


Card #4: Lakshmi. Flow of Prosperity.

The first thing that wants to stream through here is FLOW - are you in FLOW or are you disconnected from Flow? ‘Your thoughts are the valve that open the flow of prosperity’ and there is a STRONG connection and message here about your mindset and what you are thinking about money. Or anything for that matter! ‘You think you can, or you think you can’t either way, you are right!’ I am sensing this Flow of Prosperity card is VERY strong message that you MUST ‘take control’ of your thinking! We are never in control of anything at all - BUT - we CAN control out thoughts - meaning - we can CHOOSE to think what we want about ANY situation at all. Some people feel they don’t and can’t do that…. And well.. you’re right then 😉 However, this is a strong reminder that NOTHING Is created first without a thought. When you think about it - everything that ever is on this planet, from the table and chairs that you eat at, from the fork that you hold in your hand as you eat, from the book that was written to the movie that was produced or the building you spend time in - ALL of these things - were first thought of by someone - then they created it, or got someone to create it of them - but it originated from thought. Manifestation is a two way street - you think things, then you have to do things. Thought and action. Aligned Action. ‘What action will bring me closer to my desire?’ It could be posting that post, journalling those affirmations or moving your body to shift the energy to come into more alignment. The key here, with Flow of Prosperity - is where are your thoughts at? I sense this is a strong message about journalling consistently in your day to day life - make it mandatory. Then it becomes habit. Our lives are formed from our habits - and we can always push through the hardest part, to create supportive habits, rather than destructive habits. Do you have a journaling practise everyday? I am not talking about journaling about your day to day life and feelings, I am talking about mindset training journalling that creates your life and works like ‘magic’? Yes, you may think that is only a dream, or ‘only happens to some’ - yeah - to those who create their mindset every - single - day! So, are you going to choose to create the life you know you want and is a possible reality out of the zillion choices you have available to you? Just as your mind thinks a zillion thoughts a day - so too, is there this many realities available to you. It just depends which one you are going to choose. My business was built from this method, my life, is being created from this method. The HARDEST part, for me, with journaling about a reality that I was not yet living, with the finances to support my big dreams and desires, - the first part, was the hardest, and then it became easier. So, know that if it seems like it isn’t working - trust me, it is. When you think about how old you are - you have say, for example, 35 years of brain training the way you already think and that can take some undoing! So stick with it - and know that everyday you are spending journalling creating your reality - even when it doesn’t seem like it is working - come back in 5 years and tell me it still isn’t if you have been CONSISTENTLY - everyday, even when you didn’t feel like it, doing the work. I feel like this is a message to not give up, and know that when you are having hard days, or feel like everything is against you - that you are just about to break through to a reality that is brand new for you - birthing the one you have been creating all this time. Keep going. And be surrounded by those that have broken through those barriers and get it. Choose your thoughts, choose your reality - no matter what. Its up to you. Always. Love xxx These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx


Card #5: Jesus. Open Your Heart To Love.

Ah, this card has quite an obvious meaning right?? Yes, open your Heart to love, of course. However, whenever Jesus appears for me - it is always about Faith - stretching your Faith, knowing that whatever you want, is done - you just need to keep the Faith. This isn’t just about ‘Oh, yeah, think positive’ - no, it is deeper than this. It is a way of Life. It is an open Heart to your Divine Creator - in the Source and Elements of All Divine Creation - that you are ultimately supported and supplied for in your birth right - it is your Divine inheritance to have whatever you want in this life time - you just have to step up and claim it. I am also getting the message that it may seem like there is an opportunity that you have missed in the past and I am getting the message to not dwell on that as you are… creating more of that right? You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it as they say. What was that, from your past, that has been on your mind? I am also sensing there is another opportunity that you have also been presented with right now - which one - lights your Heart up? Are you - following THAT? It might not make ANY logical sense whatsoever, however, I am getting the message - this, Open Your Heart message - is more about you choosing your connection to Source and that? Is the thing that lights your Heart up. Are you going to open yourself up to that? Now, you might be like, ‘Hannah, I did that before and it ended me up in the shit, I am NOT doing that again.’ - yet, was your ‘thing’ - based in the truth of your Heart? And again, you might turn around and say to me, ‘Yes, I am not going to even try opening to another relationship as the last time I did that - it didn’t work out as much as my HEART felt it was supposed to!’. The message coming through here in response to these AND the basis of anything is that… and you may roll your eyes - because it’s so cliche - but the love - the connection is within YOU - not, found THROUGH someone else. You might think that you are all good with that and your connection is not based on that, yet, I ask you to check - are you relying on them, waiting for them to support you, to do things for you/with you? If you had to be alone - can you handle that? How do you feel being on your own? Your connection is not dependent on whose around you - your connection is dependent on how open your heart is to LIFE ITSELF. Do you feel generally internally happy with life most of the time? Or is most of the time a battle and dependent on circumstances around you? Can you be - the centre of the hurricane and deeply still and connected no matter what is/was going on around you? How OPEN to life itself are you? With a closed heart - you’ll only attract situations and people that reflect that closed heart of yours. If you are struggling in any area of life - whether that be money, relationships, love, home life, career - I ask you what is blocking your HEART? It is here, where your answers lay - in the depth of your Heart - not what you THINK you should do - for that is your mind and is limited in the capacity it has been trained in. This level of FAITH - is a FEELING of the strength of your connection to the Divine and that feeling - begins in your Heart. This isn’t about healing from the pain of all the relationships, trauma and hardships you’ve been through… this is about healing at the source and the core of the issue = your relationship to the Divine, to your Source, to your Creator. It is here - where you are needing to open your heart, to love - from the One True Source. Anything else, is but a fragmented reflected piece of this. Open your Heart - to theOne that matters the most - your true Home. The Source of all you require, desire and resist all at the same time. Know that, you’re safe in this space as you do this. You just have to trust the one that has been there, right from the start, has been there the whole time, awaiting your return and will be there, beyond the limits of this fragmented time reality. Love xxx These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx


Card #6: Ganesh. Yes.

Yes! Your Soul is correct! Are you trusting it? Are the first things that came to mind when I read this card for you! Have you been doubting the decision you made? Remember - whenever you make a decision - doubt ALWAYS comes up! It is what happens! You just have to keep on walking through. The key here is that if you were umming and arring about your decision of the thing you wanted to do for example - but you SOUL KNEW you had to do it then trust this and go for it! Feel the fear and do it anyway as they say - nothing changes if nothing changes as they say. I am also getting the message - that what you need - is already in your hands. What do you already have available to you - are you using that, to your full capacity? For example if you have been given tools, resources or other experiences - are you using all of these you already have? Everyday? Are you doing what you need to do - consistently? And the other message here is what is on your mind that you have been thinking is a good idea or that you know you have to do, but you haven’t done yet? I am getting the message that Spirit is urging you to do this and of course it will be the right time when you get to this and do it - however, it has been on your mind right? I am getting the sense that this is also leading you to something else - or the next thing will be birthed from this - and yes, of course right - however, the other part of this it is bigger than you think - the next thing that comes after it I feel is going to lead you to a destination further than you can see right now and I feel deeply excited about this personally for you! I feel there is so much energy there in this project/thing on your mind and that of course it is important you birth it. Are you putting aside dedicated time for it? Have you been, waiting for the perfect time for it? Time is now beautiful one - it sure is the right time and I trust you are planning for this too? Know that you are deeply supported in your ideas, no matter how out there - especially when they originate from your Heart and Soul - this gentle tap, tap, tap on your shoulder and the thing that brings you alive with a big YES - even though scary and will change everything (positively!) In your life - do more of that! YES YES YES! Says Ganesh 😉 Love xxx These are the FINAL DAYS for applications for Your Personal Intuitive Healer, where I personally guide you to tap into and fine tune your intuition amplified by 1:1 Immersion Days where we deep dive into Intuitive Healing and allow Spirit to be the guide of your Highest Version of yourself to be birthed, fine tuned, amplified and deeply on tone with the purpose of your life, your gifts deeply in service to humanity and every part that comes with that. Send me a message for more details if you KNOW in your Heart and Soul - you feel it in your bones if this is meant for you, as applications close in just a few days. Love xxx