🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th July 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 12, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th July 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards for you.💃✨

Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness.

Where the Magic happens.

Where the transformations occur.

Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated.

Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified.

Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else.

Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘


Card #1: Vesta. Home. “Your household is improving, either through a move, or a healthy change in the occupants.” 

Have you received upgrades to your living space? Or does your living space feel old and outdated all of a sudden, even though you have shifted things? Or perhaps you haven’t and all of a sudden everything feels old, when you were comfortable there? Has there been a change in the occupants? Has someone left or you have had a new addition to the household recently? I am getting the sense that these changes have come about due to deep internal shifts from yourself or someone in the house hold. I am also feeling something about a ‘karmic family shift’ or something, tricky to describe, but it feels deeper, more - bigger than you. This doesn’t just  involve you, but everyone in your family that you have been connected to. If you haven’t experienced a big change in the household recently, I feel that you are due for one, more so, one is coming up. Some big news, or a move of house, or a big internal change in the family system dynamics too. Vesta - also relates to the Sacral Chakra and men have a Sacral Chakra too. Sacral Chakra relates to feeling nourished in your Soul - have you been happy in your body lately? Your Home is a reflection of your body and your body a reflection of your home. This is a strong message from Vesta - to come back to your body. To your home. To YOU. The answer that your looking for, comes in deep connection to yourself. Is there something you used to that you gave up? That you haven’t done for a while? Yoga, running, exercise, some sort of sporting or community club? What did you used to do that you need to bring more of that back into your life? Do you need to move house  to be able to do that? Is there a space in your life that you are missing and longing for that… brings you back to you? I feel that this ‘change’ = as we know - begins  with you first. How can you reconnect back to your body and your life to bring your inspiration back? Remember and notice what changes are going on for you recently and… that are about to come up. I feel that you are being given a huge gift right now. Of being shown what is really important for you and for you to be able to create in your life. Beginning with your body, your home and giving you a huge redirection change right now. The other message I am getting for you is be present. Be really present and notice the signs that Spirit is sending you through Animals, birds and the wildlife that comes to you over this next week - if they haven’t been already. Big changes are happening for you, get ready for more and stay connected to - or reconnect to your body to allow these upgrades to take place for you. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #2: Damara. Guiding Children. “You are good at helping, counselling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.” 

There is a child in your life that needs your attention right now and that could very well be your inner child. I am sensing this is what this card is more about actually and it feels like it is time to pay deep attention to your Inner Child for a time. Perhaps you have already been working on your Inner Child, or thinking about it and this is your sign to do this. If you have been feeling lost - connect with your Inner Child - if you have been feeling alone - connecting with your Inner Child. They are the ones that have all the answers and are guiding you to the answers to your prayers. I am also hearing this ‘childlike faith’ - what did you just align to for your July goals? Did you forget about them already? Is there a part of you that is not sure ‘how’ and that is why you ‘forgot’ about it already? I am hearing this ‘Childlike pure faith is your ‘how’’ and that it is so important to stay so connected to this at this time. Your Inner Child has all the answers but sometimes we don’t connect with our Inner Child because of the hurt that is there - or the wisdom that is there! I know right?! THAT one! I am wondering if you have been feeling like you have been ‘squeezed’ or ‘chased’ into a hole lately? Or have been feeling stuck, stagnant or something else? Hmmm, are you waiting for something? For some news? For the go ahead? What if you already had the answers inside of you? If you already had what you are asking for - what would you be doing? I don’t think you would be waiting around and worrying about what you are right? No, didn’t think so. So, pick yourself up and act as if - get on with it as though it has already happened, because…. You know how this works. If you are feeling resistance - your Inner Child has the answers to this too. You can find the Inner Child Meditation on my website, under ‘Audio Meditations’ Other ‘simple’ ways to connect with your Inner Child - is to simply do what you love, have fun doing life and make time to connect with friends who light up your Soul at this time. Have you been having fun lately? Is it time to do more of what your Soul loves? Love xxx  Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #3: Butterfly Maiden. Transformation. “You are experiencing enormous change right now, which brings great blessings.” 

It feels like there is something inside of you that wants to come out. It has been heavily on your mind. You get agitated if you don’t do it and some and you are constantly coming back to this one thing that is your next step - but you aren’t really dedicating time to it - are you? Everything and everyone will still be there when you put everyone and everything  on pause so you can do this yes? You know this. The dishes will still be there, the cleaning will still be there, the office duties will still be there - everything! All of it. But what won’t be - is your time. You can never get back time! I feel that there is a big black cocoon around you and this is causing you to feel like you are going backwards, like nothing is moving forward, like you are at a standstill - but the reality is that you are moving forward, if you would only just see it! There is a big black cocoon around you and you are about to bust through to a new level, a new you, a new life that you - ultimately have seen for a long  time! I am wondering too has there been a life change on your  mind in relation to diet at all? What is it, that has been on your mind of shifting your diet so it is more aligned with your Soul? I feel that this ‘Transformation’ card has a big part in your diet - or is it lifestyle? Which would be both of course too - but I know you know what has been calling you. This is your ‘breakthrough’ moment in time, to make a choice and just commit to it. It feels like there is always something getting in your way - until you choose not to, until you decide that is enough now and just do the thing that you know your Soul is calling you to do 100%. The trajectory of your life will change, when you make these Soul calling decisions, that have been on your mind for quite some time. Usually I would say, go easy on yourself, be kind, be gentle, however, for this life change? I feel that disciplined yes and no around your lifestyle choice, strong boundaries and ‘this is who you are now’ is required at this time for you to ultimately receive all that you are here for. I feel that within a week of you committing to this new way of being - as if by magic - EVERYTHING you have been asking for will come into your life - everything will happen at once. I feel that these are the answers you’ve been looking for, this is the answers to your prayers - come into effect from your decision to change your life in these strong, clear, decisive ways. You already have the answers, you just have to enact them. Make a plan with it, set a date, commit and go for it. You never know who is going to turn up on your path, when you say ‘YES’ to the life of your dreams - today. Right now. The Light at the end of the tunnel - your ‘wings’ to fly out of the black cocoon, lay in your decision to say yes and choose this lifestyle - now. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #4: Sige. Quiet Time. “Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.” 

Stay there until you are clear. Move your body until you are clear. Journal until it drops in. Have you been feeling extra tired or cranky lately? It feels like you simply need more sleep and more you time. More alone time. There is a phase in life where EVERYTHING changes. Nothing is the same anymore and everything feels old. I am also wondering if it feels like nothing is working anymore? That is because your life is going through massive upgrade and recalibration and the thing that fixes this? Going for exactly hat you want in life! When these ‘waves’ of your life come through it is important to realise that this is a timeline portal window opening - to the life you have been working towards. It is sooo important to keep this in mind when it feels like things are old or not working - because you are being directed for a huge recalibration shift. Like - physical recalibration shift. I feel that you are clear on what you want and what you are required to ‘do’ to receive that, but you just haven’t quite stepped into that yet. The thing that will shift EVERYTHING? Go for your complete dreams. No settling, no second guessing, no - nothing. Just… letting yourself ONLY have what you really want IS the answer. When you go into your quiet space - that is what you are going to be shown and I feel it is so important for you at this time to trust what is trying to come through you - what you REALLY want to do. If you release something and it is just meh - well, stop that and do what you really want to do. If you don’t take this window of opportunity and align to it now, nothing will ever change right? If you don’t take the risk, step up and step into who you know you are here to become, then why are you doing any of it at all? I know you know this stuff and it feels so important to choose what you really want at this time. Remember, people will judge you anyway and the reality is, is that when you step into doing what you REALLY want to do - the  right people see you. The right clients, the right windows of opportunities will show up - if you do. The unaligned life is hard, makes you cry all the time, not want to be here or do anything and more. When you say yes to what brings you alive, even when you have NO idea what you are going to do in this moment to get there - all you know is that it is a YES - then, you have come into alignment and ALL the steps are shown to you along the way. But… you know this. And you just needed the reminder right? So, if you already knew what you wanted and what you wanted to do - the real question is, do you trust yourself enough to follow that and step right into it, right away - now? The only ‘Quiet Time’ is the space to drop more deeply into you - into who you are. Because you’re damn right wonderful! Now, own that beautiful. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #5: Mother Mary. Expect a Miracle. “Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.” 

Ah, this card is quite straight forward, but - do you trust it!? And are you allowing yourself to trust what you are asking for is on it’s way to you? That it will show up? Or are you straight back into stress and freak out mode about it all? I am also hearing about ‘asking for help’ or ‘taking the help that is offered to you’? Is there someone on your mind to help you at all recently? Is there ‘help at hand’ but you’re not taking it? I feel there is so much in front of you and around you, but you are not allowing yourself to ‘take it in’? Expect a Miracle - isn’t about wishing and hoping. It is about a clear cut knowing that what you are asking for is already done, is already happening and of course in your reality this is how it gets to be - why? Because it wouldn't be in your vision, in your awareness or in your thoughts, feelings or your mind just wouldn’t always wander back to it, if it wasn’t meant to be. Of course, there are things you need to do, choices you need to make and ways of living that need to happen for everything to line up - but you already do those things. Yes? Yes. And yet, the only thing you don’t do is hold the mofo line! Hold it. Stay strong and clear in your boundaries. Don’t waver from what you know is right for you, from what you know is true for you. Don’t let anything or anyone pull you down, bring you down or tell you anything other than what you know is right for you and… hold the line! You know what you are wanting so EXPECT it to turn up! And it does and will and always has in the past - but you have to HOLD THE LINE. Also, do you feel like it is a hurricane around you right now? That everything is pulling and tugging at you constantly and that you are losing more frequently than not? Breaking down crying, or tired or just "Wtf!? Why am I always getting pulled away from what is important to me right now?!” It feels like there is a big change coming and hey - this miracle - well, isn’t this what you’ve been asking for? And so the change I feel - that is like a hurricane around you right now, is like a vortex you are being pulled out of - your old life, clinging on for dear life if you want to put words to it like this and yet - you are rising - rising out of the ashes so to speak and so this is where it feels like a hurricane around you because you are rising, your vibration - it is like you have shifted to another dimension within this reality and why you are at the centre of this hurricane and everything around you is super chaotic right now, or so it feels. I feel that staying grounded, staying deeply connected to yourself as you ‘rise from the ashes’ and meditating to keep your centre as everything in this vortex changes, as you rise to ‘your next vortex’ is what is going to allow this miracle to be magnetised to you - because it is already yours… you’re just rising to meet it right? Trust, stay grounded and “Expect a Miracle.” Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card  #6: Receptivity. “Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others.” 

Have you felt at your limits lately? Have you been ‘forced’ to stop? Sometimes when we are not listening to the cues when we need to take time out to stop, rest, rejuvenate or recharge, will be ‘forced’ to stop by getting sick or something else. Is this your sign to stop? I am also getting the message about your Heart - is there grief that needs to come out? Is there choices you need to take that will enable you to “Follow Your Heart?” If you were doing just that, what would your days and nights look like? If you truly trusting each moment and choice of what it meant to ‘Follow Your Heart’ what would you be doing? This doesn’t mean throwing all responsibilities to the wind, but it does mean of tuning in - what would be different in your reality? I am sensing that there is something trying to come through you, a new reality to be birthed - but you’re holding it back. You’re not letting your Heart shine - or Lead. What is missing? You are. Your Heart is. A HUGE  part of receiving - is Following Your Heart. This IS what CREATES - this is what RECEIVES - your Heart. If you are not listening to and following your heart in every single choice - how on Earth are you supposed to receive what you are asking for, when your Heart is so intricately connected to your Soul and your Soul is what speaks through you to create what you’ve always wanted, what you’ve dreamed of and are longing for - why would you not follow that when that is how you receive all you’ve been asking for? To follow that desire? If you feel you ‘can’t’ then remove all the things that are saying you ‘can’t’ replace it with ‘I can’ and see what comes up to show you how you can? What is it that comes to mind that has been on your Heart and Soul now for quite some time, that you need to put into action so you can… receive? Where do you need to trust, follow through and honour your heart, to receive all you’ve been desiring for quite some time now? Where do you need to follow this and ‘stop’ what isn’t working, so you can focus and create what is working. To re-find that if you feel like it is lost, perhaps you may need to just Follow Your Heart for a while to re-build that trust in self back up again, because ultimately, that is what you have lost most and is making you most upset and depressed right? You have the brightest light, the deepest might and the biggest heart… and yet, you don’t even have it open to yourself right? OUCH. It’s you. You underneath of that which ‘you’re looking for’ and how to get there? Follow what you love. Do what you love. Make yourself laugh and be happy again. THAT is how you find and receive all - you’ve been searching and longing for. It’s time… to RECEIVE - YOU. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness. Where the Magic happens. Where the transformations occur. Where the Initiations are Walked and Celebrated. Where the Intuitive Guidance is amplified. Where you get VIP Access to everything before anyone else. Where you enter Reality Awareness Inner Circle, click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society