🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th March 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 12, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th March 2024 

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Herbal Astrology Oracle 

When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing.

 It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online.

When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Lemon Balm. Nurture. 

You need rest. You need calm. You need periods of rest, quiet and calm at this time. It feels like you've been really busy, non-stop busy and are - your nervous system needs this quiet. It feels like whatever you can do to switch off your flight or fight at this time - the stability of consistency in you creating a sacred space and time to do this - is what you need right now. Your physical body needs it, your soul needs it and your mind needs it. Your Soul is ready to pass on new information to you - but this space of quiet, rest and deep internal stillness is required for you to receive it. Has your sleep been disrupted? By creating sacred space during your day on a consistent basis - you will find that your sleep improves, for your Soul is trying to communicate messages and at this time it is ‘waking you up’ and disrupting sleep patterns - because there is not just your ‘soul messages’ coming through - but an entire frequency is ‘trying to download’ into your body and the strong soul guidance pouring through your body ‘is only part of it’. The most important factor you can do at this time, is to make time for you for this quiet time to receive the next phase of your entire life - an entire chapter is trying to open the door on your life, but you’re ‘ignoring it’ by not making this time for your sacred meditation/receiving time. I am also getting the message that you are needing to set boundaries about something at this time too - is it so you can have this sacred space? Is it a habit or way of living that you need to change? Is it the way you receive clients or have clients in your space? Is it the standard of living that you have for yourself that needs to shift? Is it more stricter sleep times and sacred night time so you can recharge and… receive the soul upgrades that are trying to come through for you? Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #2: Pau D’Arco. Metamorphosis. 

Change, change, change - an entire perspective in the way you work is shifting right now - in how you present to the world, in what you want to do, in the standards you hold for yourself and your life - you are literally transforming into someone you never thought you would do - but it is happening very effortlessly at this time. Like magic - like you are being pulled into a transformational vortex and you can’t stop it - the transformation ‘is out of your hands’ - it is happening and ‘it can’t be stopped’ - or more like, you can’t live in hiding anymore, your truth is revealed, you’re coming out of hiding and this is who you are now. It is like, all you have been doing to re-work your brain neural-pathways, re-patterning and changing your subconscious - has reached a tipping point and flick of a switch almost, in that you are this now. It is all the work you’ve done - is now reality. This means that you - if you haven’t already - come out of the cocoon and realise your wings. This means your external reality must shift to match who you are now and where you are heading. You can’t dream your cocoon into existence - you must get out of the cocoon and stretch those wings to realise who you are. Card #1 spoke about boundaries and I am getting this here for you too. Where do you need to raise your standards; update your wardrobe; move home - I want to say change everything about you. Now - you have been feeling like everything around you ‘doesn’t suit you anymore’, it is as though you’ve stopped caring bout any of it too. And it feels like it all needs updating or a change or you simply just don’t… jell with it anymore. This is a deep sign of huge internal re-calibration and shifting Metamorphosis change. I want to say you’re on the cusp of a huge major breakthrough - so if everything is falling apart and falling down, know this is why. You’re shedding old layers of consciousness that no longer serve you and because of this - it will create ripples of change in your life. There is only one way up from here - up. The flowers are about to bloom and flourish in the purpose of your mission, become who you’ve always said you are and use those beautiful wings of yours - because everything about you is beautiful, despite what those not in alignment with your new self have said - they were never meant to come with you - that is why you went into the cocoon and became who you’re meant to be. Your new family… is about to show up. Keep the faith. Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #3: Palo Santo. Guardian. 

You are guarded and protected through this time - so even if you feel unsteady on your feet, these waves that you are feeling? Are not yours. Sure, you might be going through a huge change in your life - but, the strong undertones of feeling that you are feeling - are not yours. Check your energy, your who you’re connected with online, check who you just spoke with, check who has been constantly on your mind and clear your energy, cut your cords and re-centre yourself. There is something hugely going on around you that isn’t you. Yes, you’re protected from all types of harm right now, but there is something deeper here too. This card is showing you, you have a lot more support around you than you let yourself acknowledge. I am also getting the message to ASK for more support too. And - is it that you need a break to support you? I am wondering if you have had contact from your Spirit Guides or other Celestial Beings in the last week that you remember? In your dreams or going to sleep? It feels like you’ve been receiving a lot of intuitive guidance and ideas and… have you been implementing them? I feel like you’re stepping up through a vortex of something that you’re highly unfamiliar with - but you are pushing forward - allowing this current of new energy, ideas and inspiration take you - because you can feel it is leading you where you want to go - even though uncomfortable, this is a feel the fear and do it anyway feeling for you - trust this. You may get push back and kick back from those around you and I want to say GOOD - because this is clearing out of your field, anyone who have been hanging onto your energy and draining your light, rather than lifting you up, they have been ‘secretly’ (unconsciously) sucking your light dry. And yet… they can *only* suck your light dry - when you let them. Or - more correctly - when you are holding back and hiding who you truly are and what you really want to say. The more you step into your authentic self and say what you really want to say, post it online, do your thing, be who you really want to be and go do that - the more protected you are, the more in alignment you are. The best form of protection comes from your divine grounded, self assuredness, trust in self and the mission your purpose has given you. Follow your intuitive guidance, you’re being led to the path of your purpose, listen and pay attention to the guidance your Spirit Guides and showing you - it is real. Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #4: Rose. Love. 

Have you been missing or pining an old love or ‘vacant love’? Have you been breaking relationship patterns or have they been re-activated and you’re freaking out cause you can feel it and not ‘stop it’? Have you been feeling a lot of peace in the energy in your life and around you? I am feeling there are two ends of the spectrum here and wanting to speak first to the piece around trying to gain attention from the place where needs will never be met. This is a deep core mother neglect wound. When you are running at effect of this wounding you will feel ungrounded and act out behaviours that when you’re feeling fully whole, grounded and compete - you just wouldn’t do. When you are running at effect of this mother neglect wound, you will be racing to the finish line running down the grand prix track in a bikini hoping that the one you love would notice you and making a fool of yourself at the same time and yet, you’re just full of grief because your deepest fear has been triggered - the one where your mother left you alone in the house and just disappeared and you didn’t know where she had gone let alone what you did to make her leave like that and that you are still reeling the effects of it - or the one where you could never do anything right and anything you did following your heart, being your true authentic self was met with utter destruction to your light - your heart and the very essence of who you are. It is time to heal this neglectful abandonment mother wound. You will know if this is ringing true for you - you will also feel a pang with this let alone the cord struck about the current love relationship - is actually a reflection of how your mother or parental relationship was/is. Deeply work with your inner child to heal this point on your timeline to shift the current relationship that this trigger has deeply been activated from and your entire reality will shift. Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #5: Yarrow. Harmony. 

You’re - feeling a lot of peace. You’ve come to a place where things are finally feeling on track and balanced… for a moment! You know this is a space where you’re deeply acknowledging how far you’ve come and not only can you breathe for a minute - this is a new paradigm vortex you’ve stepped into. I feel like you’ve arrived at a new frequency and/or paradigm of your reality and there are certain realities and life circumstances you are seeing with a new perception (have you been doing specific Third Eye Chakra work recently?!) This work can also bring abrupt shifts in perception that you feel deeply at peace with or rattled and need to step away and integrate for a moment (or more)! I am feeling such a paradigm shift - this sense is very strong for you - you are holding two realities at once - the full spectrum (like a true Mystic!) - the light and the dark and in the middle… is the peace - but it is this divine balance (have you been specifically working on relationship expansion?!) as this Harmony is stemming from a deeper space. Gosh, this is such a ‘deep’ message for you and I guess ultimately - Harmony. Peace. Deep Quiet. Is pure alignment of purpose. It is the embodiment of Soul in true alignment of your unique Life Purpose and I feel this is ‘why I am struggling to articulate’ this message for you - because - this message is for you to tap into, for you to listen to your Soul, instead of outside sources. You’re here reading this because for a moment, this Harmony and Peace, became uncertainty. And yet, you’re certain as soul! You’re deeply feeling it and the only reason you doubt and dropped that for a moment, is because this ‘peace and harmony’ is somewhat foreign to you from your upbringing and you’re just landing another layer of *this* - what you truly want - this Harmony, this deep soul led purposeful alignment - is here and you’re safe in this. Now remind your nervous system of this and go and enjoy it. Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #6: Tulsi. Wealth.

Everything can change in one single moment, in one single breath. I am getting the sense here for you to remember this. Overnight success comes from years of dedicated consistent work - are you? Yes, you are. I am sensing for you with the Wealth card a few things - I am hearing diversify, collate your data, and where do you WANT to focus your time and energy, because it is here. You are expanding exponentially and that is why it can feel a little unsteady or nerve racking - but exhilarating forward movement at the same time right? But the thing you feel the most fear about right now - about what you’re letting go and and what you’re stepping into is - this is why you began in the very first place yes? I also getting the message to remind you every time you doubt or feel like you’re going off track - to remind yourself of your biggest picture vision. This, will keep you in alignment every single day and not get pulled into other people’s drama’s nor get pulled off path to creating something that is a ‘waste of time’ - sure it is amazing work, but - it doesn’t overly contribute to the big picture vision, so your dedicated focus to honing your time and energy everyday on this and *only* this, is going to deeply serve not just your community, but your Life Purpose Legacy too, so keep this daily/morning reminder and keep the world zoned out until you’ve worked on this. Or, if daily isn’t viable, block out days of immersing in it, then come back to the world, the world will still be there when you get back. This dedicated focus is where your true wealth lays. Sure you can make moolah doing all sorts of things, but your Legacy work? Is where the deep wealth lays that pulls not just you, but the entire world into alignment. That is, what you are doing it all for in the first place anyway right?! Pull yourself up out of the drama, straighten your crown and focus. This is your magnetic power and what you’re known for anyway so may as well give it your all. Love xxx When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the depths of the trauma that is surfacing, to make sense of the ‘losing your mind’ feelings and some and the level of ungroundedness you feel is simply because of this ‘trauma’ surfacing. It is frequent on solar flares, schumann spikes, hitting a certain age in your life and a relationship trigger, whether intimate, family, friend or social online. When you’re ready to arm your psychic toolkit to shift the shit instantly and be trained by the best in the world so you can continue the path of your Life Purpose Legacy without a glitch, Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy