🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th April 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 13, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th April 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Angel Therapy Oracle today. 

Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN.

Come on a journey...

Come on a quest....

The journey of your Spiritual Awakening...

The Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul...

The journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity.

Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant. ‘Trust what you see in your mind’s eye as well as with your physical sight, for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching and guidance.’ 

Right now, you need to trust yourself. Right now, you need to stretch yourself. Right now you need to grow yourself. Right now, you need to continue to walk in pure childlike faith and incredible, hope, trust and deep aligned action every single moment of every single breath. That vision you hold near and dear to your heart, that vision that has called forth in your awareness, that vision that, hearts longing - is sooo close to fruition - that vision, that has ALWAYS guided your pure open loving heart, is not only so close to fruition - however, I am getting the message that now is about reminding yourself to trust this vision of yours. In a sense of this has always been your guide, your vision, your intuition, that thing that has always longed your heart and been the driving force behind all of your actions to date - to trust in this. In a sense that if you’ve been feeling lost or behind in some way shape or form, to remember your vision - that thing that ALWAYS used to drive you and is the thing you ALWAYS used to talk about, that you LIVED for - that thing, that one, that vision of yours, that HEART and SOUL of you, that makes up all of who you are, is still there, is important to continue to follow, to pick it back up, to REMEMBER that this thing, this vision - IS what you re here to do. Whatever you need to do to get back into alignment with your Vision, because this is the answer to your ‘longing’ to your ‘what’. Surround yourself with people who are going to support you to rise into your vision and do not speak to anyone, who does not understand this world and all that your vision brings into your life about it. Be selective with who you share that with and only come into alignment with your vision. That is all that is required now. The other message I am getting here, which might sound the same, but your visions that you are having, those ‘glitches’ in the matrix so to speak, that you are having in front of your eyes - are not something wrong with you. You are literally seeing ‘reality disintegrating’ in front of you and this is your sign that you are ‘lifting off’ from your old reality, the old paradigm of how you are and have been operating from, and you are moving into a new energy, a new era, a new paradigm of being. Take extra care of yourself right now and stay grounded as possible, right now your Vision is guiding you and your reality is shifting, because your intuitive gifts have always led you Home… you’re arriving. Continue to trust, follow and live, from your Vision. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now. 


Card #2: Goddess. ‘Express Your Divine Feminine Energy, embracing it’s magical intuition and nurturing qualities.’ 

Mermaids,  Hermetic Law, Sensual Goddess Self, Extra Self Care, Loving On Yourself, Goddesses, Angels, Fairy Land, Your Intuitive Gifts - have these things been in your awareness recently? I am sensing that you’ve come into another layer of you, another piece of who you are and what you are doing here, you are realising that loving on yourself putting yourself first and deeply listening to the calling of your Soul - is rapidly important for the fruition of your Life Purpose. You might be shaking your head at yourself at times (which I wound’t recommend btw!) of.. that you feel you’ve been doing it all backwards all this time (in a way) and that why didn’t you do this sooner, or why did you always do it like that before and gah, but you are here now and feeling that rapid movement forward, those big shifts forward, that it feels like that. However, I feel the Goddess has come to you today, to remind you that no, all those pieces that you WERE have been about two things - gaining that distinctive wisdom from those experiences that has set you apart from the others IS why, because they are deeply important for your Life Purpose Gifts. The other, is this incredible magical synchronistic flow, that completely is synced up with - DIVINE TIMING. I feel that before now, you just weren’t ready, you hadn’t walked through those Wisdom Initiations that you needed to prepare you to be able to handle the next level of Service, the next level of Purpose, the next level of your Wisdom Initiations that now allow you to truly embody your Goddess Self, that allow you truly embody your Feminine Self, which is - your Divine Intuition, the core of who you are. That open hearted, kind, loving and deeply honouring their worth person that you are are at your CORE. And with that - are there more ways in your life that you can uplevel? That you are needing to lift the bar and up your game on right now? There is always more, of course, however, what comes to mind as the next thing to work on to up your game on? To honour your worth, even more? Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now. 


Card #3: Solar-Plexus Chakra. ‘It is safe for you to be powerful and take charge of your life in positive ways.’

Are you taking your power back? Or giving it away? DON’T LOOK BACK right now is such a strong message of this card for you today. Have you just left a toxic situation, or simply one that just wasn’t in any resonance with your Heart, Soul and the direction you were being guided to take in your life? It feels like whatever you have just walked away from - or are making a decision to completely walk away and not go back, let alone look back - is a Life Purpose direction calling for you. If you have felt like the Earth is shifting out from underneath your feet, if you have felt like nothing has changed, but everything has changed, if you are questioning everything you a re doing and still not making sense of anything it is so important to understand that right now, let alone what is going on in your own personal life, there is a huge cosmic waves, deep planetary alignments and meteor showers on their way. These provide substantial shifts and life direction changes that you ‘didn’t see coming’ that are sooo important to heed to right now. The Solar Plexus, is all about alignment, trusting your intuition, purpose, empowerment and listening to the wisdom you have gained from your past. Right now, take your power back and stay here. The cosmic energies are poised for the highest alignment of your Life to birth, take place, solidify and ground into the normal part of who you are as a person. Remember to trust this whole heartedly. You are here for are a reason and the crumbling you’re experiencing is happening because you are here for more, you are coming into ALIGNMENT - even though it seems like everything has been stripped away from you. Keep going. Don’t stop. If you’ve felt the time warping and time not feeling the same as it did six months ago, let alone 5 years ago - know that you’ve shifted and we are shifting, that you are right on course right now, even though it might not feel like it. You are recalibrating and you are definitely, definitely worthy of a lot more than you’ve allowed yourself to settle for. TIME TO RISE precious one. This card, the image, looks very similar (in a way), to the Phoenix, rising from the ashes. Be the Phoenix. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now. 


Card #4: Ascended Masters. ‘Powerful, loving and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you.’

You have a powerful team around you right now - if you’ve felt alone, remember, you have this angelic support around you. Know that the steps you are taking are correct for you, no matter what anyone says around you. I think you know this, deep inside you, however, something might have knocked that through you a bit. Sometimes we are so clear on something and deeply trust ourselves and know what others say is a projection and blah blah blah, however,  it does still hurt for a bit, and yet we continue you on. Speaking of ‘projections’ - is there a project that wants to ‘project’ out of you? It feels like you have been getting ideas recently about a new project that is going to support and sustain you in ways you hadn’t thought of before, or hadn’t considered taking it to the next level (in a way) and that these ideas? Is the ideal time to act on them. Learn new skills, expand your awareness in an area that is going to teach you the skills to take it to the next level. I am also hearing ‘Protection’ for you. On this card, is a big white beaming light, pouring out into all directions (expansion in all directions right now for you?) And this ‘Protection’ is deeply what I am hearing for you about it. You are protected in all ways right now, you are protected in all avenues, in all your endeavours, in all your choices, in all that you choose to do right now. So not only are you supported by the Angelic and Cosmic Realm right now in all your choices, but you are also Protected in all that you do. If you have been worried about an outcome, don’t be. Just continue to focus on where these ideas are leading you and continue in the choices and actions that support that, because your unseen support right now is strong. Perhaps you feel that synchronistic flow, perhaps you feel that support. This project is important to ‘project’ from an idea phase into a more solidified, grounded - this project is important to birth. It feels deeply in alignment with your Life Purpose and is important that you take steps in this direction for yourself. Trust yourself, you have so much and way more support than you realise. You know what you have to do, so continue to trust yourself and do it beautiful one. The other message here is that if you have felt like your Guides have ‘disappeared’ in a way - it isn’t that….. it is that they know that you are at a level you can trust yourself on this one, because YOU ARE YOUR GUIDES - YOU ARE YOUR INTUITION - that is why you ‘can’t hear them anymore’. You have becomes them, you have BECOME your intuition. Even the more reason to take action and brith this project, that is the basis of the foundation of your Life Purpose that is calling you forth. Walk forward in deeply aligned trust and action, it is time. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now.


Card #5: Crown Chakra. ‘Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine Guidance, sent in answer to your prayers.’ 

You are receiving accurate wisdom, it is so important to trust yourself on these ideas right now. At the Crown Chakra, which is associated with the colour purple and is that top of your head, deeply connected to your brain, when the Crown Chakra is activated, so too, is the Base Chakra, which is associated with the colour red and is deeply connected to Life Purpose, Trust, Safety, Sexuality, Sensuality, Money, Physical Home, Physical Relationships. I am getting the message with the Crown Chakra - is there something or someone right in front of you that you are needing to pay attention to right now? Is this a career path that has opened up? Is this a piece of your Heart and Soul that has pulled you into an ‘unexpected alignment’? With the Crown Chakra and the Base Chakra so intricately connected, we can come into deeper trust with the ideas we are receiving (Crown), when we look at healing and working on our Base Chakra. Sometimes the most potent ways we can heal our Base Chakra is to stop procrastination and actually just do the thing. There comes a point where we don’t need more training - we need to put ourselves out there and do the thing we know we are meant to do, but keep avoiding. Sometimes the best way to heal our Base Chakra, is to tunnel vision focus and block everything else out (in a way) to get the thing done. Sometimes the best way to heal our Base Chakra, is to put yourself first and dedicate your time, your energy, your life, to you - not leave yourself last anymore. Your Base Chakra - is how you take care of your finances, it is your book keeping, it is tending and caring for your most intimate relationships around you - including yourself. It is nurturing your home and caring for your Heart - by actioning those things your Heart and Crown are calling forth from you to do. There is a Full Moon on this card, that is jumping out at me and I feel that by the next Full Moon (two weeks away), you are going to have even MORE ideas pouring in. You will start to get agitated and depressed, if you are not implementing these ideas, so get that Base moving and take action. Sometimes we think we need to learn how to do the thing, but what most don’t even get past the thought of that is and never realise, is that the more you actually TAKE ACTION in that direction, you are SHOWN the way forward from there. Remember - you don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Same applies here. You can’t see that train of thoughts awaiting to come in from Spirit/Your Intuition, if you are not moving that first thought out the way and THROUGH you, by pulling it down through your body and through your Base Chakra aka - ACTION BABY!!! Sooooo… what are you still reading this for? Go take that next step beautiful one - you don’t need to know the whole picture - especially when you don’t see it right now - know that Spirit has a line of thoughts, ready to guide the way, but they can’t come through if you are…. Still reading this! Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now.


Card #6: Past Life Issue. ‘This situation has basis in one of your previous lifetimes. Ask your angels to help you remember, release, learn and heal from your past experiences.’

Hmmm, I am not feeling like something is ‘wrong’ in your life currently (in a way) - that you are in a reasonably good place.. however, you are also conscious of a particularly reasonably big… block that you may have. Perhaps you have done something, but not done it properly…. Perhaps you are someone who never finishes anything….  Perhaps you get a bit successful and then sabotage it, but then perhaps you just have something in your life that is good - but. All these things keep happening with it and you’re like what is actually going on here?! Perhaps… all these fears keep surfacing and almost… paralysing you? You know what I am going to say right? Past Life Issue. Working with my Past Life Meditation, takes you on a journey to release, unlock and undo any binds, any vows that were made in your Past Life, to help you move forward again in this lifetime. Sometimes people move forward and then they hit walls and nothing shifts it… like a Past Life Meditation that integrates the reason it all happened and is happening now. This isn’t just a normal regression that leaves you in the trauma of it (which infuriates me when people come to me in this state from a previous Healer!). My Past Life Integration and Healing Meditation on my website (you can find it on the Audio Meditations page) actually heals you and unlocks the block holding you back in your right now everyday life. Alongside that right now I feel you are on the precipice of HUGE change in your life and right now - you can feel this. However, as mentioned, you are conscious of a particular block here in your life and you know it relates to this ‘door opening’ all the avenues of abundance for you and this card has come to you today to show you that you can use the Past Life unlock to help you catapult you forward into receiving all that you desire.  This will help shift fears so you can function in everyday life and can support walls coming down to let love it…. Let alone movement to ground you into your new life that you have been working. On and planing for… what seems like a life time. I am also getting the message for you to not give up to your true vision at this time - which is the one that led you to where you are in the first place right? Trust. You are definitely on the right path… clearing out the blocks along the way - that’s all. Nothing ‘wrong’… just clearing for the full manifestation of your dreams into reality. Love xxx Transcendence Reality Society Enrolments are now OPEN. Come on a journey, come on a quest, the journey of your Spiritual Awakening, the Fine Tuning of your Empath Sensitive Heart & Soul, the journey of the reason you were born, to accelerate your Life Purpose, accentuate your Psychic Abilities and give birth to the Reality that not only changes your Life to come into full alignment of your truest self, but to be part of the movement, that Awaken’s the Consciousness of Humanity. Drop a ❤️ below, for all the details as Enrolment is open now.