🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th September 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 14, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th September 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from The Secret Language of Colour Cards. 

Remember when you felt free?

Remember when you had fun?

Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way?

Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right?

Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again.

You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before!

You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right?

Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Lavender. ‘Body, Mind & Soul Connection.’

Hmmm, do you feel a bit disconnected lately or do you feel like FINALLY all the pieces, all the things, are starting to come together - even if you’re not entirely clear on what ‘that’ is, but you can definitely feel it, there has been a shift right? Does it feel like layers are peeling back, but it is more like they are dissolving, for what seems like the first AND final time? It feels like you’ve had a big shift and you are also shifting more as well - I feel there is more to come (there is always more to heal and yet, this feels like another chunk and -  you’re free!) - so keep going. Lavender is also deeply connected to calm and relaxing - but deeply connected to the Crown Chakra (new realities, new light, new energy, new ideas) and I am also getting the message of a strong connection to your nervous system. Have you been working on 'calming’ your nervous system consciously and/or working on releasing trauma from your system? I am also getting the message about your childhood - specifically around 12 or 13 - this is such a significant age in childhood development - I am wondering if you ‘lost yourself’ ‘didn’t know what to do’ ‘shut down’ or found that you were ‘ahead of your time’ and so dimmed your light so to speak? It feels like whatever relational to that age is also what Lavender with the body, mind, Soul connection is specifically healing you right now. Even 16 years of age too. It feels like now you are reclaiming your life back - a life you never had, a life that ‘got taken away from you’ a life you… well you just didn’t think you’d end up HERE. But I also see that you’re doing the things to heal, doing the things to change your situation. #iseeyou. I am also getting the message strongly about Archangel Metatron, that he is around a fair bit helping you at this time. Archangel Metatron helps you to focus, helps with children and inner child healing, helps you to feel safe and I am also getting the message he is helping you shift old stuck beliefs about the major situation/issue/thing that you have been dealing with lately. I feel He is around helping you to heal your inner child and the wounds associated with children/childhood and the beliefs - that have created the reality you find yourself living in right now. Have you been working with affirmations and working on changing the way you feel about certain things in your life? Archangel Metatron and Lavender are helping you heal this Body, Mind and Soul connection and that? That is what keeps dreams alive - that is what keeps you focused,  on track and dedicated to doing YOU without worrying about what anyone else thinks. And that… is where your ultimate, Body, Mind and  Soul connection come in, where you can be all of you - without the childhood hurt lingering around. You’re done with that now and ready to finally feel balanced, whole and complete.  That…. Makes for the inhale of what Lavender brings. To your body systems. Relax. Breathe. Be. It’s all going to be okay. Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling


Card #2: Gold. Attract Abundance. 

Hmmm, SHIFTS PLUS right? It feels like you are feeling more abundant than you ever have before AND some abundance/financial things have improved and at the same time they haven’t. They have and they haven’t. And, you feel way more abundant than you did last week, last month, last year = something has changed and phew! You are grateful to say the least I feel like it is an opportunity, a door way a new idea, a new avenue and I am getting such a strong message to trust this - which I know you are - but I also wonder if you are like - yes, yes, yes! But then doubt almost creeps in and although you are good at ‘catching’ that - there is still that piece around trusting whole heartedly that this IS the doorway and you are ready to GO right? I feel you are smart when it comes to opportunities knocking, but let’s be real, you know you created them! You are a manifesting Queen/King AND you understand the power of holding your vision, doing the work AND jumping on things when they arrive in that divine synchronistic timing that is oh so potent because you know that being in that is a choice AND you ALSO created that space to be able to do the thing because you trusted your intuition and still do. I am getting the message something about your home and to trust the timing of this - it feels like there is an ‘open doorway’ with something regards to your home? Also, have you been working specifically on money mindset? If not, or if you have - time to really amplify this at this time, it feels like you are in a potent vortex and everything you do right now is amplified beyond ‘normal’ - so to diligently work with money mindset and expanding your vision for your ‘abundance’ and what you would do with it. I am also getting ‘diligence’ strongly - what are the details of money that you are not paying attention to that needs some more attention? Are you needing support with managing money or learning about money in some way? Gold is also deeply connected to anchoring your Higher Self into your body. How can you strengthen the connection to your Higher Self? Meditation? Doing what you LOVE? What is that for YOU? And how can you make that stronger for yourself? I feel that this strengthening is going to allow more information about your Life Purpose to come through for you - can you feel it sitting there? Can you feel something about to drop through, but you are unsure of what exactly? Of course you can! The stronger your connection to your Higher Self, of course it is going to come through at the perfect moment - but to ‘receive’ it - right now all you need to do, is to build that connection with your Higher Self, which strengthens your intuition and allows you to completely follow your Life Purpose - which I also feel, is shifting to an entirely new level for you right now. Continue to strengthen your sense of self, do ALL the things that allow you to do this. For this, is what ‘Attracts Abundance’ in all the ways you require, desire and is an absolute non-negotiable for living the life you WANT. Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling


Card #3: Yellow. Purify Your Body. 

Hmmm, have you been feeling like - interference is the word I am getting. You will be fine, but then feeling copious amounts of overwhelm or agitation or feeling good then just - hang on, what is going on here? You heard Yellow - Purify Your Body.  And yet, you know this too right? Perhaps you have started a detox, but not consistently. Perhaps you are thinking about adding more things into your diet, or taking some away that are not supportive of your constitution and make up and you just plain know you need to cleanse your body. I am also getting energetically too. Have you dropped or lessened your energetic clearing practises? It feels like these are waving their arms saying - don’t forget me!  When we are busy or feeling good, then we tend to drop them, and we need to continue with these, to AMPLIFY the good feelings, rather than wait until something bad happens. Yellow, is also deeply connected Solar Plexus, which is your Self Worth, Self Esteem, Self Respect, Believing In Yourself,  Trusting Yourself and I am wondering if you have been feeling confident or like you have ‘lost’ confidence in some way? I wonder what detoxing/purifying your body and your confidence together means for you? I know you know, when you don’t feel good in your body, you don’t feel good in your confidence, in the ‘skin you’re in’ right? The more you can cleanse your body and exercise, is going to increase your confidence in self, is going to allow you create joy in your life again -  because…. You’ve kind of lost that  right? Life has got you down a times - somewhat a lot and now, you’re CHOOSING joy right? But, you’re still trying to find what that even is and… phew, sometimes you just want to walk away from it all. I am  wondering if you have woken up feeling a little off and overwhelmed when you just felt good again - first check - what did you eat? What have you eaten? And - do you need  to purify your body? AND - this can also mean cleaning your HOME! Does your home need a spring clean? Or even a clean?? If the answer is yes, the message I am also getting for  you here with this card and maybe you already know what I am about to say! It is time for consistency. It is time for discipline around your food choices, around your detox methods. Pick a timeline and stick to it. It is only for a period of time because you are setting a time. Things feel better when there is an end date. You can do this! And, what, are you  worried about feeling  crap whilst you detox? Tired maybe? Let’s be real here, you are tired and feel  like crap anyway right? That is why your Soul led you here, because you can be free of it, and gain your self confidence, trust in self, amazing body and crazy loving life self back again. And that, is worth the time for a detox right? It is a tiny blip  in time compared to the bigger part of it. You can do it! I believe in you! Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling


Card #4: Watermelon. ‘Have Fun With Your Inner Child.’

Sometimes we’ve forgotten how to have fun. And when we do, we may feel guilty. Especially when we look at the world in certain places and think gah… how can I be happy when they are facing the worst  time of their life? Reality is that  life is happening - whether people are suffering or whether they are thriving. I am getting the message that right now - you are being called to be super selfish in what you require and desire to do with your life right now. Want to bunker down and stock up for survival? GO DO IT. Want to go out there and live life as it was your last days on Earth? GO DO IT. The point here is to HAVE FUN. FUN - looks different for everyone. And sure, it may be tricky to do the ‘fun’ you used to do - but there are still ways. Not everywhere on Earth is locked down, not everywhere is going through chaos. And reality is - that even when the world was ‘normal’ - there was still poverty and violence and all sorts going on. But you didn’t let that stop you living your life right? I am getting the message to get creative in what you CAN do, rather than what you can’t do right now. Inner Child Healing of course may be in call with this card coming to you today. Have you been feeling like things haven’t been going your way, feeling sad or just don’t know what to do anymore? Or that you are feeling trapped - go to Inner Child. It might not seem like it can help the situation you are in right now, whether that has to do with your freedoms being taken away or a broken heart, but it is your Inner Child that feels everything the most, and it CAN shift things - fast. Consistent Inner Child work is always more beneficial. A bit like going to the gym to lose weight and get fit. One session ain’t going to do much, it does, but it doesn’t. So choose some consistent healing time with your Inner Child for the real shifts. Watermelon, well there are MANY healing benefits for your body via watermelon and this may be calling you too! Also, this card is very ‘pink’ of course like Watermelon and I am getting the message for you to be gentle with yourself. Cry if you need to (tears release the stress hormone cortisol, so healing and purposeful), let yourself rest when you can - or consciously take time out for that - OR - maybe you are needing to get something done and it is time to block everything out and do the thing. Just like when you were immersed in something as a child and din’t want to be puled away from what you were playing with - this may be your sign to get that creative passion, spark and totally absorb yourself in something you love - your Inner Child calls you to that now. It’s time to let the fun in, even when the world is changing. The world changes anyway. Create your world. Because you CAN. Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling


Card #5: Green. Revitalise your Nervous System. 

Calm. Calm. Calm. What is going to allow you to RELAX? Sometimes we don’t even realise we are stressed out. Our nervous system gets fried from coffee, from being around technology too long, from a conversation that makes you sad or upset, from environments that don’t make you feel safe and the biggest part about this? Is that we are so accustomed to living this way, we don’t even realise it. Hence why I always say, as an Intuitive Healer when someone comes to me with issues - I always check in what their sleep patterns are like, how much sleep have they had - because sleep is soooo healing and yet, we barely get any and function as though being ‘fried’ stressed out and all other things is normal when it is just not. Are you needing to retreat from the world, to calm your nervous system? Are you scared of that? Will that make you cry? Or feel reprieve from your current situation? I am wondering if you even realise you need this time out? Or to at least ‘revitalise your nervous system’? I am sensing that perhaps there is an issue going on for you that you are trying to analyse until  the cows  come home and yet, what is going to ‘fix’ it - is for you to focus on ‘revitalising’ your nervous system instead. This could look like, getting more sleep, getting more exercise, retreating into nature for a time OR doing the things you LOVE. Sometimes when we are so bogged down in the mundane, we forget how to live. We forget what we love and then find ourselves in negative situations that require stimulants that then fry our nervous system more and then we  end up in a big shaky emotional mess not knowing where to pull ourselves up from. Honey, breathe. And then breathe deeper. You’ve got this. You can do this. And you can recover from this more than you realise, faster than you realise, bigger and better than you realise, but just take some time out (or ALL IN) to allow yourself to be replenished. The faster you step into doing the things FOR you, that YOU LOVE again - alongside dedicated self care, you will be up and flying again in no time. You CAN do this. You CAN heal - for ultimate health IS your natural state. Now, what are 5 things you can do to nurture yourself and revitalise your nervous system right now? More sleep? Nature time? Sunlight? Sea salt bath, or time at the Ocean? What is FUN to YOU? Go do that. And repeat until you feel better. The world can wait. Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling


Card #6: Jade. Take Action. 

These ideas you have? Don’t think about them one moment more. If you have to write your ideas down, you may as well let them go forever right now. Stop writing lists. Take DAMN action! THIS is Jade’s strong message to  you today. Enough planning, enough thinking, enough training - now is the time to DO IT. Sleep? You can sleep when you are dead baby. You ain’t got time for that! I feel that you have an opportunity on your doorstep that requires your immediate attention. Like drop ALL things not related to the thing and just do that thing - or things - that is on your mind. Yes, you can do it all. Yes, you can meet all the requirements and deadlines. Yes, you can meet your financial goals - AND BEYOND. Yes, you can have it ALL. Yes, you your ideas about your spiritually based  career are correct, yes, you are right to take this course of action - honey, do you need anymore confirmation - wait on - the Green - Jade - it is Green - that is your HEART - YES it is okay to follow your HEART and let your HEART lead you, guide you and let in ALL the things FOR you. I am wondering, what that has to do with your Home as well? They say, ‘Home is where the Heart is.’ - Where is that for you? And the the biggest question is - do you TRUST that answer? Breaking out of the cage, out of the patterns, routines and ‘safety’ of your Home that  you have been living in is a big deal. And is the number 1 reason why people don’t just pack up everything and leave on the whim of intuition when their Soul calls it and then wonder why things  become stuck, stagnant and things don’t manifest for them and then they give up on their dreams and just stay in the same routines, which - hey, some people are okay with. But if you are not and you are wanting that freedom that your Heart is calling forth from you - but you are not listening - are you wondering why… people aren’t listening to you? No one is listening to you in  your business, no one is listening to you in your life in  your world like - gah, why aren’t these people waking up already?!?! THAT. ALWAYS back to YOU right? You know this! So, where are you not  listening to your HEART? Because when you do and step into the freedom and flow that your Heart provides - everything changes. Everything just - works. Everything, becomes magic again. But that all begins from you - TAKING ACTION! So, what are you waiting for?!?! Love xxx Remember when you felt free? Remember when you had fun? Remember how you were someone and then - everything got in the way? Whether that be World stuff, heartbreak or some other major thing in your life stopping you. And… you let it right? Without even realising it. And yet - you can feel it OPENING again. You can feel the light, getting in through the cracks, but you still sit there, wondering which way to go, even though… you KNOW that your SOUL is CALLING you where you always wanted to go and wondered why you didn’t think of it before! You just need, that guiding light, that trust, that confidence back in yourself, right? Click here for all the details, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/soul-calling