🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 15th October 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 15, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 15th October 2019 🔮

Scroll down to check what messages are awaiting you there from the Mermaids and Dolphins for you today from the number you chose earlier dear Soul! 🐬🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️🐬

Only 48 hours to go before Super Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition Increases! Click here to join us before this goes as you won't see this offered like this ever again after this time: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Mother Healing. ‘As feelings towards your Mother Heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.’

Ah, this card is clear yes? This deals with the Female line and lineage in your family, however, it can also deal with females in your life, whether that be friend, partner or something that you know that is female in your life. When we talk about Mother and Female/Feminine - we are talking about receiving. Are you feeling like you are receiving so much love in your life right now or are you feeling tired, drained, burnt out and just need a break? That you can’t give an ounce more of your time or energy or maybe you ‘have no choice’ so you bottle it all up, bury it inside and builds up resentment…. That can turn into an illness. In my Metaphysical Book - ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’ by Inna Segal, cancer - any cancer - has its roots in resentment. Resentment builds up when we continue doing something we don’t enjoy or love anymore, or we are constantly saying yes when we mean no. People tend to ‘look down on prostitutes’ - but did you know, that every time you say yes when you mean no, you are prostituting your energy out? Now, this is leading me into sexuality as well - sexuality - in a female - when you are shut down in your Base Chakra, everything in your life is shut down too. Base Chakra, relates to feeling safe in the world, finances, sexuality, home life, relationships, our physical 3D world. When we look at receiving - female/mother - is where the penis comes in, to create new life - to manifest desires into the world. If you are shut down in your sexuality and Base Chakra, everything suffers. There are many reasons why ones Base Chakra is shut down - but usually the Soul is not fully grounded in ones body, because there is so much pain and as soon as we start feeling our pain, we disappear out of our body again. The fastest way to get in your body is exercise. The next step is getting support to feel your pain and hurt and release it from your body. The best way to do that? Cry! Crying releases the stress hormone cortisol from your tears - it serves a definite purpose and function for your body to cry! It releases stress! Let alone the pain you are carrying from all the hurts, from feeling abandoned, from feeling alone and like no one is ever there for you that you are so tired of doing it all on your own! If you are feeling this way - Mother Healing is in call. Energetically, the Mother wound, relates to feeling abandoned at it’s core - so when you work through all the times you have felt abandoned by people and situations in your life - (especially when you gave your all right?) Then you can start to heal the Mother wound. How do you do that? There are many ways you can do it, 1. Is writing a list of all the people that you feel have abandoned you in your life and get it out of your system by writing Soul letters but safely burning them instead of sending them as a way to released. Along side this - is a CRUCIAL element - is CHOOSING to let it all go. We can do as many releasing and burning ceremonies as we choose to, as many healing processes and more - but if you’re not CONSCIOUSLY and ENERGETICALLY choosing to let it go, well, nothing is going to shift. Of course there is deeper work and mindset work that goes along with this too. Divine Step #10 - is it Wholeness - it is the WHOLE picture we are looking at, not just one thing - but the Mother wound? Is a big one. Being your own Knight in Shining armour, you standing up for you, you, being there for you in every way possible - is possible. You just have to WANT to do it, that’s all. Then action it of course. So are you ready to dive that deep into healing your Mother wound? To let in the love, support, time, energy and abundance that you are desiring, but feels like there is no end in sight to when or how? Are you ready to heal at your core? Love xxx How do you even heal deep at the core wounding and catch every aspect of it? How do you heal for permanent change? How do you even shift the subconscious, because you know that changing your mind, and clearing your energy is only a tiny part of it? Maybe you have done the work, the positive mindset, releasing every person that’s ever caused harm to you from your life and are STILL finding you attract the SAME damn relationships and abusive people into your life time and time again? Maybe you’re feeling like ‘it doesn’t work so what’s the point?’ Honey - positive affirmations and clearing your energy is the PREP work for healing deeper, healing and shifting your subconscious so you don’t attract the same relationships time and time again. The subconscious wounding, the clearing, rewriting and healing at it’s core - IS Trust Your Intuition beautiful one - THIS is where you shift at it’s core and heal through the deepest parts. THIS is where the permanent and rewriting your reality comes in - so you don’t continually attract the same type of people, even after you’ve got rid of the abusive ones from your life! If you’re tired of positive affirmations and clear your energy all the time - you may be feeling like it’s not working - no, you’re just super ready for the next step in deep healing, because without this ground work that you’ve already done, you can’t go deep. Yet - you’re super ready yes? Super Early Bird increases in 48 hours beautiful one! Trust Your Intuition IS where you change your subconscious, for deep, permanent healing. Click here for all the details before this increases: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #2: Play Time. ‘The Dolphins know the importance of playing as joy creates miracles and manifestations.’

Ah - do you play? Or do you feel like you don’t have time to play? I am sensing two messages here - that you are needing to make more time for play no matter how busy you feel you are and/or that you have just ‘let go’ of something, something has internally shifted within you - you are not wanting to push anymore, you feel like you are missing out on LIFE if you keep going the way you are going and don’t want to continue a long a path of striving and trying to be good enough, trying to please everyone and just feeling more resentful and burnt out in the process right? No more! And I feel like you’ve already shifted into this space, whether it has manifested/you’ve created time for it or not, it has started to move. How can you take more time off? How can you take more time out? How can you work less and receive more? Now - you don’t need to know the answers to these questions, but you do need to start asking them and let your intuition guide you with whatever comes to mind for you about receiving more. This ‘Play Time’ not only brings joy to your life, but it increases your aspect of receiving. ANYONE knows when we are playing and having fun, that things magically happen, because we step into a higher vibration of trust and flow rather than worry and stagnation. The energy of playing, creates movement, in a synchronistic way. So I ask you, what else do you need to do, to create more time for play? The other message here is that - maybe you have forgotten how to play? Or, that what you once enjoyed, doesn’t have the same ‘play’ energy that it once did right? It’s not fun anymore for you? I am also getting the message here, that this is same as what I just mentioned, but I am getting the message to ask you - what is it, that you used to do? Is it, was it, a health routine? Was it a style of eating, or you used to do something - that you stopped for whatever reason? Maybe you sacrificed your choices back then, to be able to move ahead and ‘stabilise’ something/take responsibility about something? You chose to let stuff go, so you could get ahead or something like that? I am getting the message to ask yourself, what you used to do? I am also getting the message of about 6 years ago - what was it, that you were doing, and/or transitioning into? Did you let go of some things - maybe you did it for other people to please them, you dropped parts and aspects of yourself, maybe you thought that is what you had to do or were guided to do at the time, so you could support yourself better or such.. yet, I am getting the message that these were actually really important things that you valued and made you feel really good within yourself. I am getting the message to write all of these down that you remember, or perhaps it is one thing and then write ‘why you gave them up’ and then write down the feelings associated with giving them up. For example - if it was to please someone else, then there may be resentment or anger sitting underneath there that needs to be released. If you’re struggling to release something or not sure why you ‘can’t get back to that thing’ - I am getting the message that this is ‘why’ if that makes sense? A bit of digging/clearing here will release the heavy burden of feelings that you are sensing something is just ‘not as it was’ will get you back to a space of emptiness - in a way that is lighter without carrying the burden of what you are sensing underneath here. Because you do, want to be able to feel that joy and Play Time again - that sense of freedom, like you once did right? Love xxx Ready to shift fast and get the deep support you need? To bring that sense of freedom back and fast? To increase your intuition and psychic skills and fine tune them so you can actually use your gift, not feel drained and depleted by it? Trust Your Intuition is your Golden Key for this beautiful one! The support, the steps to freedom that you have been looking for are right here, click here for all the details, as the Super Early Bird Investment increases in 48 hours the tribe of support is awaiting your arrival: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #3: Healing Heart. ‘You’re a powerful Healer. Keep up the great work!’

Ah, whilst this message has it’s obvious meaning - you are a Healer (you knew that right?!) I am also getting the message that - you CAN heal your current situation. Are you /have you been feeling powerless and wondering how on Earth everything is going to work out? That you almost feel like you are sinking further IN, rather than coming up for air almost? I am getting the message here - that you CAN heal this situation, you CAN turn this situation around and VERY FAST as well right now. What do you need to do to shift your vibration? To get back into flow? What are your go to methods for shifting your vibration, for returning to flow, for remembering who you really are? For - remembering you? Is it journalling, meditating, seeing a mentor, exercise, sleep or other methods of reconnecting back to self? I feel like you already have the tools to shift this - what is it that you have been worried about? Has worry, ever helped you before? Remember the times in your past when you had no idea how it was going to work out and it just did, as if by magic? I am also hearing the message for you - ‘there is plenty of time’ -  and you may not feel like it is, but when you start taking mini breaks for you, even just taking 5 minutes outside breathing the air in consciously, telling yourself in your mind, ‘I am consciously taking mini breaks for me’ you will start to shift the do, do, do energy with no end in sight, over time, things will start to shift for you. Mini breaks - start with what you CAN do and work up from there. If you are struggling to get back into an exercise routine, start with 1 day a week, as it is manageable - rather than, ‘I am going to exercise every single day’ - you discourage yourself when you miss a day, then feel bad, because you haven’t and it spirals down. If you pick, say, every Wednesday as your exercise day, that no matter what, ever Wednesday, even if it is a different time on that day, you get it done. Over a month - that is 4 days of exercise - which is better than none right? PLUS you will start to feel better because you are actually honouring the commitments to yourself. What commitment do you need to honour for yourself? Where do you need to start small and expand into larger chunks from there? This situation you can ‘turn around fast’ - only takes a small dedication to do so - and I feel like the floodgates will open and you will wonder why it was ever such a big deal to begin with. You won’t even look back, because everything, will have come together. You know that feeling right? Continue to stay with THAT feeling - because it has already happened yes? You know it beautiful one, keep trusting, it is ALL coming together. Shift your vibration, move, and come back into alignment - you wouldn’t have come this far for no reason. I am also getting another message here that you may have been completing and accomplishing A LOT lately and this card has come as confirmation for you that you ARE on the right path (you feel it in your bones anyway!) And that your Angels see you and how far you have come and The Other Side, wants you to know they are continually encouraging you and are proud of you precious one! Keep going! You’re doing amazing! Love xxx Are you ready to take your Healing skills to the next level? Or are you at a point where you feel like NOTHING works, nothing you have tried has done anything or you keep doing the same things to only get the same results? Are you truly ready to step into the Healer that you are? To shift out the core roots of why you keep attracting the same story and situation over and over again? Are you truly ready to own your gift and allow your Light to shine in the world? I am sensing you have already been getting asked recently if you do this stuff for work already? People wanting to book in healing sessions with you? Need you anymore signs precious one? Trust Your Intuition is your complete tool set to take your Psychic Skills and Healing Abilities to the next level for yourself and your clients, with full Accredited Certification available, Trust Your Intuition Super Early Bird increases in 48 hours beautiful one, click here for all the details, you wouldn’t be reading this far, if your Soul wasn’t calling you here! https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #4: Make a Decision. ‘Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision!’

Ah - this card - need I say anymore?! Yet - you are probably here reading this, are probably indecisive, because you are confused right? Not sure if you should take the leap or not? Not sure if you should say YES? There are a few things you can do when you are confused about which decision to make. Number one is that when you are confused you are ‘fused’ to someone - meaning - you knew what decision to make, then you doubted your own self and asked someone else and I imagine they told you all the reasons why you shouldn’t do the thing - right? When you are confused, you are ‘fused’ to someone energetically and/or have taken on their energy and are carrying all their reasons why you shouldn’t. The thing is asking someone else’s opinion, even asking oracle cards or anything is that it ONLY reflects your doubt. It then comes into why are you even doubting your decision? The thing about doubt - is that it comes from the mind. Think about it - when you feel something is right, what is the thing that changes that feeling? All your negative thoughts about it. The mind will ALWAYS talk the Heart out of what it wants to do with any reason whatsoever - it will find ANYTHING that is opposite or all the reasons why you shouldn’t do the thing you know your Heart comes ALIVE with thinking about. The key is to recognise, that intuition is not logic, your mind will NEVER figure out your Heart, as much as the logical mind says it can and will analyse every situation until it does, yet, to no avail. So then, we drop into TRUST. Trust in your own intuition, trust in your own Heart’s calling. Trust in your own SELF. Do you? Do you trust the illogical messages that brings your Heart alive and follow them? Or do you for a moment and then stop in your tracks in fear and stuck in flight or fight mode not able to shift to the next level? So, what is it that stops you following your Heart, your original YES? Wait - I didn’t ask your MIND just then 😉 Because if you FEEL into your Heart, it will come alive, it will flutter, even feel a bit scary at taking the leap of faith, no matter what your mind is telling you about the situation. The question is, do you listen to your Heart, or your mind? Which one, would bring you more Joy? Not, a mind response beautiful one. Notice the difference. And trust your Heart anyway. Shake off anyone else’s opinions and do what your Heart is calling YOU to do. The other question you can be asking yourself is that, if you were on your death bed dying and you look back on this moment - do you wish that you would’ve taken the chance and just done the thing? If yes, then…. Need you wait and question around anymore? When you make the decision and commit to it full Heartedly - know that doubt WILL come up. Walk right on through the doubt precious one… and know that when you do - the Universe backs you right up the ENTIRE way. Doors will open like magic, opportunities will drop into your lap, resources will turn up out of the blue to support the path you have chosen. Because you have full fledged to your path, all the way. Now, trust yourself precious Soul - the Universe is waiting for you to jump first and watch it swoop into support you the rest of the way. Love xxx Do you? Trust yourself? Or are you at a point where you are just not sure anymore about ANYTHING let alone trust others - or yourself! Phff! Trust yourself right? Never going THERE again Hannah, because I trusted my Heart once before and it got trampled on, so I am NOT opening my Heart again, let alone trusting it Hannah! Omg are you crazy woman?! I ask you then, are you feeling alone? Stuck? Like you are not sure what the point of anything is again? Burnt out and just done with.. why on Earth are we even doing this thing called Life for anyway? Like, what is the point? It’s okay beautiful one, I have been there too many times and I KNOW that feeling well! It like well why bother and I tried that before so NOT going there again! Yet - you can feel this longing, this pang inside you, that… kinda won’t go away right? It is this thing, that you can feel inkling open, but then you’re quick to shut it down again, because you just DON’T want to get hurt again right? Yet… it is this very shutting down that is blocking the flow of ALL things to you.. not just money, not just love, not just… well, all of life right? That’s why I created Trust Your Intuition - because being this shut down, comes from time and time again of getting your pure, huge, sensitive and powerful Heart hurt, by people who have not known how to support your intensely connected intuitive self right? So you hide away from - everyone? Trust Your Intuition is your go to, for not only the supportive tribe who totally get you - but EVERYTHING you need to shake off all those deep seated hurts and come alive again with the Love, that is aching to come out of your Heart, to be loved and to love again right? Click here, for all the details for Trust Your Intuition, as Super Early Bird Closes in 48 hours precious one, you deserve all that life has to offer you and it is time to remember that, own it and claim it beautiful Soul: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #5: Accept Heaven’s Help. ‘You’ve prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you.’

Ah, I am sensing with this card - that you have help at hand but are not using it? And also - that you have asked for help, but not letting yourself receive it - and…. Are scared about this? I am wondering what this scared feeling is for you? Is it that your life will change so rapidly, you are wondering how you will cope with it? Or maybe that hasn’t even crossed your mind, but you know that something is holding you back from actually doing the thing, taking that help - that you already have in front of you? Is there something there, that you are not using? The birds are jumping out at me in particular on this card and makes me wonder if you are feeling trapped and like you just want to flee the cage you feel trapped in, spread your wings and fly? Is there something you are feeling like ‘moving’ lately and you haven’t acted on that? Or is there a lot of movement and flutter around you? Hmmm, that Heart flutter again, that also came up in Card #4 - what makes your Heart flutter at the moment - and are you - acting on that? With this card, ‘Accept Heaven’s Help - get out of the way and let Heaven help you’ - are you trusting what makes your Heart flutter - that enables you to feel like you can open your Heart again and be happy again for a change? I am also getting the message about diet changes here. The water is also standing out to me on this card and the sense of depth of where the ocean goes to, how deep the ocean is and how many places one can travel in the ocean - the diet changes, the lifestyle changes - have you felt the pull for some big changes, but just haven’t acted on them? Or maybe you have, but have halted to an extent? I am getting the strong message for you to follow through on the guidance you are receiving about this. Trust your Intuition about following through with the changes you are being called to make, because I feel like this is actually leading you somewhere that you can’t yet see - sea - a bit like the ocean - being so deep and vast, that there is a lot more there that you can’t see, yet, is there - but ‘off your radar’ so to speak and I am sensing that this intuitive nudge you have been receiving about making this change that I feel like you know what I am speaking of that is your intuitive thing that has been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder for… quite some time now - even since this time last year, if not longer - that - when you do this thing, make this change - the ocean that you can’t see? Will come into focus, you will see new things on your radar, so to speak, that you can’t see right now. This card feels like a ‘breakthrough’ card - that takes two tango - you are being urged to make the changes and as you do so - more of the ocean will become visible and land in your reality - effortlessly by the way. New neural pathways will be created thus, creating a whole new reality - because the feelings you’ve been craving - are actually quite a different reality to the one you’d be living now right? Is that what you’re scared of? The change? But… actually what you crave, is the change at the same time? Ah, this contradictory reality we live in right? Feel the fear and do it anyway, get the support you need to make the lifestyle changes you’ve been long over due thinking about. You know this is the answer to your prayers and… this card is confirmation of what you already know. No need to keep searching - you just need to do - what you already know you need to do precious one. The Universe is poised and ready to support you. Love xxx Ready to take that leap of faith for the tap, tap, tapping to stop? Trust Your Intuition to the next level to support your lifestyle choices, business decisions and increase the opportunities in your life when you are clear, in tune and activating your psychic gifts and fine tuning your intuition right? If you’ve ever been getting the nudge to join the Trust Your Intuition tribe and have the option to become a Certified Intuitive Healer - now is your time as Super Early Bird is increasing in 48 hours and this is the last time you will ever see this at this entry level investment, click here for all the details beautiful one: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #6: Waves of Prosperity. ‘New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now.’

What you’re worried about - don’t be beautiful one! I feel like there is a big wave of opportunities and abidance about to wash over you now with this card for you here today - but I am wondering abundance if you have given up too soon? Even, on yourself? I am hearing self love and I am wondering what aspects of self love do you need to increase? Love and care for self? For trusting yourself over what anyone else is saying to you? I am also getting the message - that where do you need to retreat? Is there something you need to retreat from? Actually, this message is contradictory - because I am sensing to not give up right now, like hold that energy of your desires already manifested - it is already done, so what would you be thinking, feeling, seeing and doing had it already manifested? The retreat message, is more about where do you need to increase your self love and self care intake - so retreat into self love, self care and filling your cup up, more than retreat away from what you’re doing, if that makes sense? Hold the energy of it already being done - what would you be doing with your days and times had it already been completed? I am also getting the message to plan ahead, what would you be doing with your days, in a sense of what is coming up that you need to prepare for? I am hearing about a structured, disciplined plan and sticking to it - leading up to and past Christmas - are you that planned and structured about what to do/release/share/create/book coming up? I am getting the message that these waves of Prosperity are fuelled by your structured careful planning - not in a scrutinising critical way, but in a loving, supportive, structured way? That enables you to flow in between the structure? I am getting the sense that this is like a container that is a space for things to flow in - a bit like the sense of planing your meals out for the week, it takes all the energy of everyday thinking ‘what are we having for dinner’ to - already knowing and being able to use that energy for other things, like being present with your children, whilst the ‘structure’ holds the energetic flow of connection time - yes? So, what do you need to do, to create time to plan out this week, the month, November and December, so you can feel supported energetically with this plan (again doesn’t need to be meticulous!) But the rough plan, takes the worry and stress out of it and gives you something to work in. All good for being intuitive and flowing, yet, so important to be able to have the structure to create the container to hold that space to allow the intuitive flow to rise and be lit like a fire that flourishes in the right conditions. This card is deeply about support - are you current choices allowing you to feel supported in your life? If not, what do you need to do, to create that feeling? As, that feeling? IS the answer to your question beautiful one and with that feeling - the Waves of Prosperity are… already flowing, yes? Love xxx Only 48 hours remain before Super Early Bird of Trust Your Intuition increases precious Soul! If you’re wanting to get back into flow, return to your deeply intuitive trusting self, just like you once were, this is the space that reconnects you back to your power, your confidence and helps you to find who YOU are again amongst all the clouded mess and energetics of relationships that have dragged you down to date. Do you remember what it was like to feel free, clear and deeply in flow? You may have felt that in and out recently, yet - it used to be all the time right? Time to get that back honey!! Trust Your Intuition is your step by step guide to exactly this clarity, energy and flow you’ve been longing for in your life, click here for all the details before this Super Early Bird Investment increases in 48 hours: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition