🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 17th March 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 17, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 17th March 2020 🔮

Let the Angels Support you, ground you and comfort you, through this intensifying change that our dear Humanity is going through right now. Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages the Angel Therapy Oracle have for you there today. 

Click here for Archangel Metatron's Sacred Geomenetric Activation and listen to it on repeat to keep you centred and 'in a different realm' whilst firmly present with all this change: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Cancel, Clear, Delete. ‘Use only positive words and thoughts, as they’re rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the Angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking.’

Ah - as soon as I saw this card for you - the ‘Rapidly manifesting into form.’ - was beaming out - this is so strong for you right now - this rapidly manifesting into form is - have you noticed your reality almost speeding up in a way? That you’re calm and centred ‘in the eye of the hurricane’ as they say, but you’re noticing a rapid increase in manifestation - that things are happening ever so quickly - thoughts manifesting into form rapidly, your desires, ‘all of a sudden’ showing up? This Cancel, Clear, Delete, whilst this card is yes - allowing yourself to become super conscious of negative thoughts and ‘cancel’ them or ‘delete’ them just like you would delete on typing on a device - you ‘catch’ the thought and choose to cross it out, or literally press a imaginary ‘delete’ button and consciously choose what you would you like to think about this situation instead - for you are creating your reality as you do so! I am also getting the message for you, that ‘Things are on the upswing, the worst is now behind you, the hardest part is done.’ I am also getting the message that there are quite a few changes up ahead for you too - positive changes, although they may feel like life overhaul changes, they are positive in that ‘the ground work has been done’, with what you have been doing to date and this is about expansion to the next level. I am hearing the message for you to stay focused and trusting that everything always works out - but to continue to keep your focus head on - whilst allowing the Divine to lead you (which I know you do already!). I am also getting the message and I feel it ties in with this Focus message - you may need to stand your ground coming up soon, and I feel this is about implementing boundaries, trusting yourself and letting you know you are worthy of what you believe to be true for you, holding to that with deep love for self and others and taking action accordingly. I feel you’ve been working deeply on moving yourself to the next level in your life, with a tonne of ground work and you’re ready for take off for the next phase of your life. Stay focused beautiful, you’re doing amazing and your efforts are paying off in more ways than you can see right now. Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation


Card #2: If You Get Nervous Focus On Service. ‘Put your entire intention on answering the question, “How can I make the world a better place?” And the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.’

Ah - I also choose to use the question - What is the solution to this issue? Rather than stepping into ‘saving everyone’ - the Solution is a tone/vibration above that - in enabling you to see the entire picture, seeing the entire solution and how that filters down from the Spirit however - sometimes we are not shown the WHOLE picture right away. As I always say, we just take the next step AND - #lifepurposerules ‘Do what you can, with what you have.’ - epitome of birthing your Life Purpose. Instead of saying, ‘I can’t’ - ask, ‘How can I make this happen?’ Even if you’re not shown how right away, trust that the solution will present itself - if you are open to it turning up! Do you give up? No, you keep trying and trying and ‘make’ it happen. Taking that leap of faith is common and almost essential to birthing your Life Purpose. 99% of the time, I have not known how I am going to make it, get through or figure out how that bill will be paid. Do I worry? Sometimes! However, I know that I am meant to do this work for a living and there is no other way it can be! And with that - FAITH is my purpose, FAITH is how I live my life - Faith in the Divine to support my every need, even when I don’t know how, I continue to turn up and follow my intuition every step of the way, even when it is scary, not sure how and exciting all that the same time - that feeling - is the one to follow. “If you get nervous, focus on service,” - this card, this message, a lot of people seem to miss the CRUCIAL element to this message and ‘what it means to live in Service’ = a lot of people think it is about serving others. They give and give and give and give and burn out, get resentful, give up, throw it all away, become angry martyrs, depleted depressed and more gah! Exhausting, frustrating and tiring right?! However, the true meaning of this card? ‘If you get nervous, focus on Service’ - of SERVICE TO THE DIVINE 💫 Not in Service to others!! IN SERVICE TO THE DIVINE 💫 - One, could call this trusting your intuition - why? Because you are Serving the Guidance coming through, the messages coming through from the Divine. MAYBE your internal intuition - which is where the ‘Service’ comes through - in a sense you are the channel for Spirit/God/Universe - the only ‘Service’ - is listening to that - you are Serving it - you are RECEIVING the GIFT the Universe bestows upon you - by honouring and serving the messages from the Divine for YOU - no one else YOU. That MAYBE about sure, helping others in the community in some way shape or form, or healing work or whatever - however! Don’t mis-take the Service to the DIVINE FIRST! THIS first! You may be like, well, Hannah, I am, I do healing work and messages come through for others.’ HOWEVER - are you listening to the Divine for yourself FIRST????????? THIS is SUCH an important point that SOOOOO many people miss and they wonder why they are burnt out, stressed, people ripping you off, people shitting on you or whatever the story is and all sorts of other Jazz… are you LISTENING TO THE DIVINE IN SERVICE OF SELF FIRST??? Are you listening to the messages the Divine is telling you that relationship isn’t healthy for you and it is time to leave, or do you continue to stay? Are you listening to the Divine about making those life changes, or do you keep ignoring them, because you are scared of such a huge life change and in your comfort zone, but keep complaining why nothing is changing? Are you pushing and pushing and ‘trying to do good in the world, but you just deplete yourself and get angry and frustrated why nothing is happening?’ Are you TRULY in Service to the Divine? Meaning - are you even ‘servicing’ the messages coming thorough for YOU in YOUR life FIRST?? Because if you’re not, and this is said with so much love, but you are not in Service to the Divine. When you listen and trust the messages for YOU about YOUR life for what the Divine is telling you/guiding you to do (and btw, this is not a pushy, mean or harsh voice! It is very gentle and subtle and brings your heart ALIVE!) Then you are TRULY in Service to the Divine - AND others - because you are living example of what ‘Being in Service’ truly means yes? You can feel it in people who are living this way and people who are not. They are grounded, powerful, strong and deeply connected to their intuition and their life flows like magic. Is yours? Are you truly listening to the messages from the Divine? Not just listening - but acting on them? Or do you push them away… and distract yourself with serving others BEFORE you? Isn’t it about time, you listened and ACTED not he messages from the One, you claim to be so deeply connected to and ‘serving’?  #saidwithlove Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation


Card #3: Earth Angel. ‘You are a Lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about Love.’

Well - you already knew this right? Have you been holding a strong, grounded, centred, powerful vibration through this chaotic upturn that our Earth is currently seeing sweeping through Humanity? I feel that you are deeply CONSCIOUSLY being sooo aware of the current changes and so many isolations/lockdowns that Humanity is witnessing right now - yet - you are ‘doing your job as a Lightworker’ by holding the ground of the centred, higher vibrational vision that is flowing through you sooo strongly right now. It feels like you have ‘tapped into the Secrets of the Universe’ by the choices you have made in the past 2-3 weeks and have shifted considerably huge amounts in your own vibration and the Earth - by what you have chosen to do - which is follow your intuition right? You have been dialled into a higher dimension for a long time - but right now, it feels like it is amplified for you right? I feel like you are given glimpses right now at just how on point your intuition is right now, so much so it brings you to tears at times with how connected you are. It is like you have always known, but now more than ever, you are being shown just how on point you are. I am also getting the message that you are being asked to step up to serve in greater ways than ever before? I feel you have already been making changes, but this next 2-3 weeks coming up will be stepping it up even more than ever before right? I am getting the message to not delay the messages you are getting about doing the thing, talking about the thing on livestream, writing the blog/book, holding that vibration in your own body and not speaking to anyone, being with your family - whatever you’re being called to - TRUST it - but more so DO NOT DELAY beautiful one - it is the time when the Earth Angels are being called into service and to rise. You’re already holding that vibration, you’ve already been getting the messages, don’t hold them in - share them how you’re being guided to share them. I keep seeing like an incubator - but it has busted open - you are ready now - no need for more preparation - you’ve been doing that for so long and enough time has passed, you’ve passed the initiation beautiful one. I am seeing you ‘shake off your feathers’ - shaking off your big, beautiful wings - it is time you met your match and RISE into the YOU, you were born to be - you’ve been preparing for this - your entire lifetime precious one, but… I am not telling you anything you don’t already know right? What is then, what is - the next aligned, Earth Angel step you’re being guided to take? Trust this whole heartedly - there is no room for any doubt anymore. Just give your full focus to Trust and Love and let this be your solid guide. It’s time. Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation


Card #4: Indigo. ‘The person you’re enquiring about is an ‘Indigo’, meaning a highly sensitive, natural born leader.’

YOU’RE HERE TO CHANGE THE WORLD!! Yet, you already know this right? You already know that you’re a leader that is breaking all the systems down and changing them for the better. That you are CREATING something completely new on this planet right? Of course you do! Now - I am also getting the message that this card, may be for someone you are raising - meaning - yes, you are a leader, or that your child/ren are leaders and you are raising them as a conscious parent - so they can do what they came here to do on Earth - create new systems that function with the best interest of all involved. I am also getting the message about someone entering your field - that the ‘new systems’ will be applying to this - maybe you have just met someone or that you are about to and your world will shift and merge to be able to create a high vibrational relationship, whether professional or personal or both - that enables your Divine Indigo Leadership Spirit to flourish. I am also getting the message that Archangel Michael is working closely with you at this time, so don’t doubt any new messages that are coming through. Of course, check that it is Archangel Michael of 100% Light definitely as well, however I also am getting the message that another Being has been helping you strongly as well, deeply shift your internal vibration more than ever before - you FEEL different working with this Being - and I am deeply celebrating this! Time to let in more LIGHT I say! I am also getting the message about ‘structures’ for you - structures that hold more Light in your body ultimately - but do you even look and feel different lately? You feel you have changed, but you are also noticing physical changes for yourself too. These ‘structures’ also relate to your life - old patterns almost in a way - you are consciously choosing new patterns - conscious of the old ones surfacing and fears and all that come with that - but then ‘catching them’ and choosing what you want to believe/create/be in instead. It is taking practise, but you are getting stronger at this - and with your increased sensitivity of late, you are noticing how much focus you need, in a sense of - just how powerful you are and realising that increased need to choose your focus even more so. It is like you’ve known it for a long time, but now you are FEELING it and super conscious of your power. THIS has created new structures - this is the structure piece - this is the embodiment of what you’ve known all along it is like kadonk it has landed and now you are BEING it, LIVING it. THIS is to be celebrated beautiful one - because these new structures are not only shifting you to the next level - this is you, now dear powerful Indigo - not afraid of your power and ready to ‘take on the world’ in a way! We need people like you, deeply humble, but deeply owning their power, to rise as the change makers we are in the world. These energetic and physical structures - are also the container needed to allow you to receive the physical support that gives you the wings to embody your purpose - it’s time dear Indigo and I am deeply celebrating this with you! You should be proud of yourself! I am! What perfect timing right? Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation


Card #5: Crystals. ‘The energy of Crystals supports you and helps with your present situation.’

Hmmm, it is interesting the message with this card - of course Crystals and I will get to that in a moment - but the first message that came to mind for you with this card is - crumbling - is your world crumbling? Are there pieces of the puzzle that you are not clear on? Are you waiting around to be told the answer? Are you ‘left hanging by a thread’ and now don’t know what to do? Is there a part of you that feels abandoned? I am getting the message - YOU need to make a decision, not wait around for them to tell you the answer - because you know what? Ultimately? YOU already know the answer, you already know what to do - but you are seeking this outside advice because you don’t want to face this truth, this reality… this hard pill to swallow reality that… makes you crumble at the thought of it right? This crumbling is good - even though it DOES NOT feel like it - your world must dismantle - for your new one to come in - it is the way the world works - it is the way - reality works. You can’t bring in the new life - until the old one is gone. What is it, that you are ‘still hanging onto by a thread right now?’ Are you feeing tired and exhausted? Let down and drained? You want your energy back? Make a decision beautiful one - and once you do - don’t give it another thought, run full steam ahead wth the decision and know it is the right one for you - NOT OTHERS. I am getting the message strongly for you - this is not the time to be thinking about other people right now - and that might sound weird right, but right now - this is about you. You’ve given enough of yourself over this time and now it is time to make the decisions for you. You already know this though don’t you? Perhaps you were strong about it the last week, but then something happened and you caved again? Don’t beat yourself up - just know that you are doing the right thing for you and this card is coming to you to remember to pick and choose you - that is all. It’s time for you. No matter what you do, it won’t be good enough for the other person, so just… do you beautiful one. The ‘crumbling’ - the waterfall that this Angel is under on the card - the waterfall cleansing - clear your energy consistently at this time, especially when you feel more down and depressed or have just interacted with someone and it wasn’t pleasant. There is A LOT going on, on the planet right now - of course you feel this too - it isn’t ALL you beautiful one but you do need to do YOU to start reclaiming your energy ESPECIALLY in this most crucial phase of your unleveling right now. Choose you, only you and let the Angels show you the way, no matter how hard it gets, it WILL get easier for the long run, the long term goals - you must be choosing what you want to do at this point in time… okay, I think I said it enough - you, are going to choose you right? The Crystals - Hematite? Has this been calling you? Boji Stone? Amethyst? And Rose Quartz - these, can deeply help you stay centred and choose you right now. You can do it beautiful one, you deserve it - it’s about time right? Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation


Card #6: Workshops and Seminars. ‘Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.’

Hmmm, with the current world events - have you had your workshops/seminars cancelled? Whether you were holding them - or attending them? How do you feel abut this? Have you been feeling like you need to move online and then this happens? Or perhaps you already work online too? Regardless, I am getting a message here too - that something wants to birth out of you and this ‘incubation’ time is going to give you the space to do that - what have you been putting off because you are too busy? Not anymore hey? Allow sacred time is the sense I am getting, the world may be dropping into chaos as it awakens - but you have been giving space and time (something I am getting the message you have been asking for recently!) To be able to get this done - so, get what you need to do done, preparation etc - but then, cocoon yourself until this piece is done yes? I am also getting the message about being ready - so this time of ‘going in’ and getting it done - but be prepared to be bigger than ever when you come out/when the world ‘goes back to normal’ - which I am sensing, won’t be for a time yet, however, this is like the final stages for you to expand in the way you’ve always dreamed about. So, if you have never held workshops, but always thought you would - when you ‘come out/when the world goes back to new normal’ - are you ready for that? What would you need set up ready, in place, to launch this as soon as the nudge is there? So, not the setting up - that needs to already be done - that when you get the nudge ‘when the world is back to normal’ it is GO time and you can release it (not have to set it up). Are you ready for that? This is a strong message for you beautiful one! Don’t panic that you ‘won’t make it in time’ - you have the time, you’re being given it as we speak, so just… get it done. Trust your intuition on timing etc, as always, but now, you have a focus to get organised for yes? It’s time to rise in a big way right now beautiful one - BUT - if your workshops/seminars have been cancelled - just look at it as a recalibration - what gets to be improved? Are they meant to be streamed live as well and you never had that before? So, now you can organise so when you ‘come back online with your in person events’ - they are better than before yes? This is an exciting time of world change, one where the conscious Lightworkers - have known was coming for a long, long time, it is just… now is the time and through the crumbling, we RISE more than ever before. We were born for this, we chose to be alive in this lifetime for this reason… now, it is time to do what you said you came here to do, don’t waste one moment more. Give it your all, dedicate, commit and FLY beautiful one 🦅 Love xxx You want the best grounded, deeply activating support through this time as the world dives deeper into chaos? Everyone knows this is just the beginning and we’ve been getting the preparation messages for months. Now it has arrived. Archangel Metatron came through sooo strongly for me on Saturday morning strongly tapping me on the shoulder to channel this very different energy frequency activation that protects you through this chaotic change of energy symbolised by the world event changes right now, more oxygen into your system, allowing you to fully breathe into the Soul of who you are that this time, as the world spirals down in chaotic change - you, dear Lightbearer’s are the ones who are getting ready to rise. Allow this Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation to be your solid grounding activation through this time of deep, immense awakening right now, click here to let Archangel Metatron support you: https://www.realityawareness.com/archangel-metatron-sacred-geonemetrics-activation