🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th March 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 19, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th March 2024 🍂 🌷 Equinox has arrived - a pivotal shift in energies, an old part is dying and a new part is being reborn 🍂 🌷

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Saltwater Oracle 🌊🐬

Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose?

Holding on to hope that those around you will finally see and support your vision?

Sharing your deepest dreams and passions, only to be met with dismissal or ridicule?

Realising you're alone in a crowd, surrounded by friends who no longer understand you?

Dealing with heartache over long-time relationships that fail to support your journey?

Facing skepticism from those closest to you, leading to self-doubt and dimming dreams?

Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place?

Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance?

Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you?

Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Mother Of The Nile. You are in your Divine Feminine Power. 

People will be triggered by you. Stay in your power anyway. People will unfollow, unfriend, block and try adding you as a friend again - stay in your power anyway. This card has come to show you that you have reached a dangerously high level of I don’t give a fuck and I will do it anyway. It feels like something has deeply shifted, healed and you’ve let go of something, cut ties with - a deep old aspect of the feminine - Divine Feminine Power - Divine Feminine Healing. I feel that this has been an exponential shift in what you’ve grown into and out grown at the same time. In this space of significant Divine Feminine Power is that you are holding the polarity in extremes. You will be experiencing all the dark and ‘hard’ aspects of life at the very same time of the light and ‘easy’ aspects of life - stretching you beyond capacity and you’re in a period of extreme rapid growth where everything feels on fire and as calm as the ocean - all at the same time. This ‘middle path’ we will call it, that you are walking right now - has huge expansion capabilities - what are you allowing to come into your life right now as you ‘walk this middle path of considerable expansion’? I am getting something about moving - do you need to move your body or move house? Or you just have moved house? Or country? The Gold jewellery of her’s is standing out - what is it about gold jewellery to you? And Gold itself is about strengthening your higher self and allowing your highest timeline to be walked. It feels like this card, is a card of don’t settle for less than you know you are worthy - but it isn’t even that, it is, what are you doing this for, why do you want to, what is it that you even want to do? Take a look around your current reality - this what you are creating right now - is it up to standard? If not, what are you wishing for? Are you taking steps to that, can you change it right away or very soon? With this ‘middle path, power energy’ it is important to realise this is such a window of your divine essence - the highest divine essence that can come through - will you allow yourself to walk this path and stay here? Your highest self is calling, will you answer? Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me


Card #2: Sea Snake. You are in a space of embracing your Psychic Senses.

You’re way more intuitive than you realise. And your dreams - your dreams are so strong for you at the moment and you wake up wondering where you’ve been and feel like you’re been in another world - um, because you have. The dream state is other worlds, where does our Soul go when we go to sleep!? - Dream travelling is real. The realms are real, the worlds are real - they are alternate timelines all existing at once - is our world even real if we go to other places when we sleep? Deep questions yes. Remember, when deciphering our dreams, it takes practise. Honing your psychic skills in other areas (learning your spiritual organs and psychic development) strengthens your ability to decipher and understand the language of your intuition that your dreams are communicating to you. It takes time and practise - it is a skill. You’ve heard me a zillion times before, but remember to write your dreams down, no matter what you write down, nor if you understand it. This process over time, allows you to interpret your dreams in the long term game because you have taken that information from the etheric plane and brought it to this reality and in the translation - you are start to hear the language. Dejavu is also very strong for you at this time. It is like you are living in a double timeline most of the time (you’ve been working to shift timelines so of course you’re going to feel this extra strongly as you shift) - let alone what the world, cosmic rays and solar sun is doing. The Dejavu is lasting for longer than you have experienced before - it is strong right?! Like you have ‘space’ in it to look at your hands and look around and ‘see’ the timelines - the matrix right up in reality. No honey, you’re not going crazy or losing your mind. But you ARE experiencing a significant shift in your psychic abilities and it definitely feels like you are going crazy as you adjust to these energies of understanding this LEVEL of psychic awareness that you have and what you can now do with your new found senses. You’ve upleveled massively in your gift, that’s why everything has dropped away. Your true self is shining through. If you are not training them - do it. (this is what I teach in Life Purpose Legacy, in Trust Your Intuition). You are sensing so many things and I want to remind you again - you’re way more psychic than you give yourself credit for, you’re becoming more psychic because you are born for this, you’re a leader and you’re here to guide others to do the same. Simple. Own it. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me


Card #3: Gold Age of Aquarius. Embracing your inner light to show others the way.

Ah - the end of Card #2 - rolled off into this one, the last part of Card #2 - was about - you are this because it is what you are born to do - to teach and show others the same. I feel like you’ve walked through a portal recently that has found yourself in a whole new world - perhaps for the first time in your life. Have you started a new job? New business? Moved house? New relationship? New diet life-style? Something in your life has changed significantly and you’re not in the world you used to be in anymore! I am getting the message to deeply celebrate and honour this through ritual or ceremony. We are on the Equinox - a pivotal portal in change - that you can use to deeply honour this period of change you are in right now. It feels so important to be honouring and deeply sinking into a place where you are acknowledging this transition - what you have been through to get here, who you are becoming to get where you are going and it feels like there is another significant change on your horizon that is going to enable you to step into the ‘person you’re truly meant to be’ - like another layer is about to shed so you can truly come into full alignment. It feels like you have been letting go of so much and unravelling so much that you can now come to a place of who you are really meant to be. You are meant to guide others and you are being strongly guided to this now. You have the space to move through this ‘last’ transition - you have the time to do it, so don’t waste it! It feels like relationships have dropped out of your field this last two weeks that you didn’t expect and that.. is okay - meaning, you may be heartbroken or shocked, but… of course right?! With the level you’ve been stepping up to the plate and expanding to the place where you are being soul guided to go? Of course this going to shift for you. Let it. You’re a leader, that means you will be triggered by those who are doing less than you - remember, you will only be criticised by those doing less than you - you’ll never be criticised by someone doing more than you. It is time to assume your Leadership position, say what you really want to say and come into alignment with your true unique purpose driven soul path that has been calling you - since the dawning of time. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me


Card #4: Blue Crab. Allowing new experiences into your life, takes great strength. 

Are they new experiences? Or are they who you’ve always been - but the guise of who you’ve been hiding under has fallen away and you are now just honouring who you truly are without needing to hide yourself under the cloak of who you thought you had to be to… receive approval from those around you to try and fill the mother wound of her never seeing you and being emotionally unavailable hence the crazy chaotic life you’ve lived trying to get those needs met? Phew. Huge. Now you can just be who you truly are. How freeing?! These new experiences - sure of course they are - but deep down - they are soul aligned with who you truly are and the only part about it is that you’ve been hiding who you are - because as a child you weren’t accepted for who you are - but you are you and you can now express that freely because whatever has shifted recently is you - letting go of the cover who you needed to try and be to gain that love and approval that… you feel sooooo far from now, because you realise it will never come (well you knew this before) - but you have been holding onto hope, that it would shift or something would change.. and you’ve reached point where it won’t and so you can truly move on now. This is - HUGE. And… will change your life. On the card - the Blue Crab is literally about to walk through a portal. I feel you’ve shed so much that you have no attachment to the past that has held you captive anymore and feel truly free to do what you want and be who you truly are. No longer waiting that approval (even though you let go of that ages ago), it is like something was still waiting.. or something. But you have felt, this last week, something snapped, the tether broken, something has truly let go. And now you can feel this portal - you feel completely different, you are in the same lands, but something has deeply changed and if you are not already, you can feel the Earth beneath your feet different - meaning, you can feel you are about to move house - whether this is already a done deal and it’s happening, you have just moved recently or you can feel it but no physical signs happening yet - this is the changes of the portal reality shifting - life will never be the same after this feeling in your heart you can feel. Your new life awaits - on the Equinox no less dear Mystic, welcome home. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me


Card #5: Sea of Glass. Embracing the beauty of stillness and inner peace. 

You are the creator of your reality. You can literally create anything. Anything you want. Yet, why is it sometimes, the things we want, don’t seem to happen - now when we want them - or ever? #1 - you gave up TOO SOON. Never - EVER give up on your dreams. It cannot happen - if you give up! #2 - you have to BELIEVE it is going to happen - that it is even possible. And anchor in this belief. This belief is like a cord, a rope, a piece of light from heaven that when you focus on it, grows wider and becomes you inside your body and so now you literally are emanating the possibility that this is reality - that it IS reality and the KEY ‘to it manifesting’ - is you must LIVE this belief - to many think and ‘hold it’ for a second.. or two and then get back to normal life - no, do not stop living this new belief vibration that is… just normal now… this - you may know, have heard a zillion times and needed to be said before this next piece - ‘Embracing the beauty of stillness and inner peace’ - you may not have felt peace lately (more like a hurricane that you feel isn’t stopping anytime soon!) - it has been huge energies and continues to be, however, what is coming through for this card for you today - that needed to be prefaced with that ‘how to do manifestation’ reminder - is that inside of you - deep inside your heart, is a way of being, a lifestyle, an unlived dream, that even with all the success you have created - isn’t quite it I mean it definitely is of course, but - there is MORE - and this deep internal stillness and peaceful pond, deep inside of your heart and soul - something you have not yet let out to the world…. but you KNOW this is your next avenue, you have just not yet…. let it out yet - this… is what is being asked of you from this peaceful pond deep inside of your heart ‘the lady of the lake’ - must surface. She must come out. He must rise. This.. you already know. To truly shift the hurricane - tap into this deep peaceful pond inside your heart and listen, to what is being asked of you… then go surface. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me


Card #6: Birth of Venus. You are worthy of divine love. 

You - have shifted into a whole new frequency lately. You’ve shifted into a new way of being. You have arrived at a place where you are feeling whole - perhaps for the first time in your life. And even if you don’t ‘feel’ like it as such, you are definitely noticing a shift in your physical environment, through different friendships, thought patterns and situations and opportunities that are opening to you. Life - is changing. And sometimes we notice it on the outside before we truly ‘realise’ the work we have done on the inside to actually get here. The water on this card that she is standing in, is standing out to me and feels like there is a huge piece about the water with you - do you live near water, need to, need to drink more water or clean the water that you do drink? What is it about the water for you? This can also be the emotional release that comes before a big breakthrough or a significant shift inside your body - have you felt it? Like a breakdown even… something inside your body feels like it is breaking down even? Something to do with your body. I feel that there is something emotionally breaking and that is why it feels like it is breaking you so to speak - because also - I feel that you have cut ties with something or someone or - tricky to place this feeling I am sensing there trying to articulate it - it is like you are bored - ah - this the energy coming in - rising up out of the water - the birth of a new you, and that - feels messy, all over the place, water everywhere (so to speak) emotions everywhere. If you have been having strong clear dreams with people you had ‘long forgotten about’ it may be time to do an emotional cleansing to them - or work with them - or there is something about the connection with them that you had from that time in your life. Are you holding onto guilt or a longing for that time or - what is that? This, is ‘blocking this next layer of love’ - so either work with them - or work on releasing the guilt from this time - you have held onto it for far too long and it is time to free yourself - and them - from this guilt so you can truly shift to the stage of your life. This feels very significant and the message and underlying energy feels stronger than I can articulate here - but who needs to hear this - will feel it and it is an energy that is stronger than words, that shifts you and moves you - greater than words ever can. You’ve been activated. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me