🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th September 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 19, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th September 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards today 🔮🌊

There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in 💫💎💫

There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released.

This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time.

I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Moon. “You deserve to achieve your innermost desires.”

You have made some hard choices lately - butt hey are LIBERATING at the same time. Or perhaps you have just been doing your thing and have been TESTED and you have chosen you over and over again, no matter how hard, no matter how much it seems things try and pull you down, you are holding firm in your beliefs, holding firm in what you know to be true and holding dear to your heart - your inner desires. It is like your beliefs in knowing the life that is meant for you - has never ceased in your heart and that you won’t settle for anything less than this. You won’t let anything pull you down - but when it does, you let the wave take you and you ride it, for you know it is the fastest way to pull yourself back on track again. Timelines have shifted and changed so rapidly the last month and solidified this last week and it is here - what you thought was going to happen and where you thought you were headed is now completely different - but - way more solidifying and way more stable for you. It feels like you’ve chosen your Life Purpose over everything else and that is you choosing your Soul and what you’re truly meant to do on this Earth. “You deserve to achieve your innermost desires.” This also feels like a clean slate for you and like you are starting all over again - things might have suddenly dropped away - but with a whole new frequency, a whole new energy that you did not have before. It may even feel like you are living in a different world to a lot of people at the moment, you are seeing a lot of ‘hard or bad’ things but it is so not what you are experiencing. You are in a place where you’ve chosen you and because of that, after the hard things you’ve been through - you’re just not experiencing that anymore. This…. is to be celebrated. You are to acknowledge how far you’ve come, what you’ve witnessed and the wisdom you’ve come out the other side for. With this clean slate, it is time to get clear on what you truly want - well, maybe you’re clear, but the sense here is - that there is more. There are things you didn’t consider or think about that are coming into your sphere of awareness that you are realising is more and more possible today than it ever has been. That you’ve always held your ground, stood up for what you believed in and known you can have in your life, but it is here, at this time, that what was once just a dream or thoughts…. is actually tangibly here and normal for you. That you are deeply aware of what you’ve built, created and walked through to get here and this deep sense of fierce ‘protect that which you’ve created’ is deeply anchoring in more as you realise just how solid and stable you have become. This is what you did the work for in the first place. So, this is your sign - go beyond what you thought was possible at this time - go for bigger dreams, dream bigger and to a breadth you hadn’t thought of before. Open your mind to things you are not yet conscious of because right now, with this level of self worth, self love and deeply aligned heartfelt desires - honey, your dreams are MORE than coming true, you’re on the path for greater things in your destiny that you didn’t even conceive of before now. I want to say - you’ll be unrecognisable in the next 12 months (in a good way) as you’ve created the life you always said you would. “You deserve to achieve your innermost desires.” - More truer than could ever be. Dream bigger than big and take bigger action that action requires, because this, is what dreams are made of. Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter


Card #2: Breathe. “”Embracing the present moment and evaluating my life from an outside perspective.” 

It’s okay to stop. It’s okay to slow down. It is okay to re-evaluate your life. It is okay to put the brakes on and reassess everything you’re doing. It is okay to say no to demands on your time and energy and carve out special time for yourself every night before bed or every morning or when you drop the kids off to school. Make time for yourself and do it without guilt. The first times you do this you probably will feel guilt if you’re used to being there for everyone but yourself. But this card comes as confirmation for you because you’ve already been thinking about taking time out for yourself. Whether that be time to meditate daily or time to go away on a holiday or time to do… what do you want to do? It feels like you’re being asked to make this time for yourself a priority and your Soul has been tugging away at you for this anyway, so it is just time. When we are go go go and don’t make this sacred time for ourselves, we lose connection to ourself and we get caught up and pulled along in other people’s lives thinking it is our own and then we ‘hit a wall’ and wonder wtf just happened with our life. I am sensing that there is a solid disciplined routine of some sort that you need to set for yourself - in what could be any particular area of your life - but don’t stress about changing EVERYTHING at once - just pick one thing and work with that for now, because if you try and change everything at the same time, it usually doesn’t stick, so just pick one thing to add in and work with this until it becomes such a habit as showering or brushing your teeth - that it has become part of who you are. I am also getting the message that yes, anything you are being called to make a disciplined routine is required for you at this time, could be health related, relationship related, work/career related or anything else, but there is a strong sense here that you are being asked to up your meditation practise and routine at this time with this card. If you can stargaze, even for several minutes before bed is also going to be beneficial for you it feels because there feels like a strong connection to the stars and messages, coding, energy coming through for you too. I feel that you’re being asked to step up your connection to your higher self/soul/spirit and life, because very soon, you are going to embark on a journey of deep self discovery that will see you stretch yourself through growth, personal development and new experiences for you and this practise you set for yourself now is going to support this next phase. You simply wouldn’t have been getting these soul nudges lately if this wasn’t in the plan for you. You may receive insight about your life of other things that also need to change in the way you are doing things as well, that insight will only come through quiet contemplation time and, you might hear it repeated through people around you ‘randomly’ so pay attention when someone says something that sends shivers down your spine or that feels like Spirit is speaking through them (which can feel like time stands still for a moment whilst they talk - you’re not crazy - your intuition is real, that’s all). So, what reflection time do you need to carve out for yourself, make non-negotiable and plan it in? Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter


Card #3: Womb. “Spiritual eyes are upon you, waiting for you to step into your power.”

You’re being asked to step into the next evolution of your Leadership. You’ve already been getting the signs through things you’re constantly thinking about that you KNOW will take your social media marketing to the next level, or your wardrobe and the way you dress and present yourself to the world, or the mentor you’ve had your eye on, or the location of where you live or the way you treat your body, mind and spirit or all of the above! I do feel there is one strong thing - but this… feels like a life overhaul for you. You have deeply outgrown something and perhaps you’ve already just committed to something and stretched yourself outside of your comfort zone, but what is coming through so strongly here is that this next level, is something you can feel in your Soul and there are certain actions you need to take to bring this to fruition at this time. You have been seeing sparkles of light, or fascinated with light or light codes or sounds that heal your soul or crystals themselves, but you are… it is like you are still hiding in the shadows. Your voice wants to be heard (writing a book perhaps?!) and this is calling from deep inside your Soul. You have a deep well of knowledge and spiritual wisdom that is being asked to be shared with the world. What comes to mind for you here? The Womb, is deeply related to the Sacral Chakra, so even if you are male, you have a womb - the Sacral Chakra is where we gestate a baby, a new project, relationship and our Life Purpose and then we ‘birth’ it through our Base Chakra (as I teach from the Chakras coming down to Earth). This card may be coming to you as a sign to clean out your Womb. If you haven’t done my Sacred Clearing Every Se&ual Partner Ritual - that clears every partner you’ve ever been with in this lifetime or previous lifetimes, then just comment WOMB below and I will send the ritual to you (it’s free). Clearing and cleansing our Womb space, is a sacred and powerful act that creates space, clears out old trauma and grief that is stored in the large intestine. The clearer your womb, the more space there is for the true manifestation and gestation of your Life Purpose without any interference or ‘debris’ from partners or life experiences you’re still holding onto messing the creation of what you’re trying to create in your life. This can also signify a physical detox cleanse that you’ve been putting off or waiting for the perfect time, there really isn’t, so just pick a day and commit. I also feel this is a big vibration shift for you - to step up in all areas of your life ‘all at once’ and this can definitely come with a tonne of grief or joy as deep ancestral patterns are released from your body as they are definitely stored in the Sacral Chakra/Womb. Know that as you rise into your power, people will fall away, but to truly stand in your power, you don’t tend to notice the ones falling away, for to be in your power, is to face where you’re headed and don’t look back. You’re clear about what you need to do, so no more hiding and time to come out and play. It is the joy in life you’ve been seeking anyway right? Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter


Card #4: Ceremonial Cup. “I embrace the role of spirituality in my life.” 

Treat your life as a walking ceremony - are you? Are you treating yourself with deep love, respect, reverence and sacred understanding? It feels like you’re being asked to deeply come into review of how you are treating your body, mind, spirit, the way you live and the way you speak to yourself and take care of yourself. This Ceremonial Cup is asking reverence of you and your life. If you are looking for love or ‘want someone to pay attention to you’ the last thing that is attractive is sitting there and pining after them! To be IN life, is to be living your life, filling your own cup up and doing what you say you will in life. Yes, life happens and shit things happen to us. You know I am the FIRST person that will tell you to sit there and grieve your heart out for as long as it takes to heal what you are walking through. But I will ALSO tell you when it is time to get up off the couch and start moving shit in your life. I am getting the message strongly here for you about Boundaries. Where do you need to stop being someone’s doormat? Where are you letting other people lead your life and ‘going with the flow’ when your Life Purpose is demanding you to take charge of your own life, stop waiting around for others to ‘right themselves’ and ‘waiting for that thing to be finished’ - especially when you’re waiting on other people? Here’s a Life Purpose Hack - it’s not about waiting for other people! You gave your heart and soul away when you said yes to them and now you’re in limbo with literally no soft place to land or call your own and you’re sitting there waiting for what? Life to come and save you? No. Doesn’t work like that. This Ceremonial Cup is asking you to take back your power and stop waiting on other people to do shit for you. No one can take charge of your own life and if you’re waiting for something to be finished - you’re wasting precious time! Imagine what you can do in six months if you knuckle down and step into the person you saying you’re going to be?! And if you simply don’t want to because you’re waiting on the thing - well, when the six months comes around don’t be disappointed and definitely don’t cry about it when you’ve just wasted six months of your life tip toeing around waiting on other people and you’re still in the same situation and have passed up 10 opportunities that you could be living a very different life right now! But… if you are happy with where you’re at, then great, but my sense is that deep down, something is off, something is deeply out of alignment and you’re agitated - you’re waking up at night, not being able to sleep and feeling shitty in the day and you’re blaming it on lack of sleep - when really it’s you not listening to your intuition, taking your power back and doing something about changing your damn life. Yikes! Strong message here for you today, but you know I am good for the truth and will always speak what comes through no matter the messages. Do you LOVE your life? Are you truly happy with what you have? Who you have? The relationships around you? What is missing in your life that you are pretending it is okay, but really you know you want a different life? That mis-alignment and talking yourself out of making the changes that will fulfil your heart will eat you up inside until you do something about it. As SOON as you take even the smallest step to creating the life you say you want and/or deep down KNOW you can have - you will instantly feel better and the Universe will step in to help you - but you have to be serious about it and stick to it for the long haul. “I embrace the role of spirituality in my life.” - are you truly, listening, trusting and taking action on your intuition? That… is what is calling you forth here. As soon as you move in the direction your intuition is calling you to - everything will be bestowed upon you in abundance… but you have to move first for this to take place. But hey, maybe you’re okay staying where you are and that’s okay too… just don’t regret it, that’s all. Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter


Card #5: Soul Recognition. “There are souls moving towards you while will divinely help you on your path.” 

Big changes coming right up for you! Or - there are people who have come into your life recently who have ‘changed the course of your life’ who are truly helping you more than anyone has before - this is Soul Recognition beautiful one! Trust the people who are appearing your on your path, no matter how long or short they stay. There are a lot of karmic contracts ending around this time (this last 3-6 weeks) and so big changes may be happening in your life from this. I also feel that the people who are showing up and you can feel deeply, this Soul Recognition and it is a huge part of your awakening, soul and human healing and awakening parts of yourself and your life that you didn’t think were possible, let alone blowing your mind at the synchronicities that just keep happening with these people - honey - these people are keepers! Meaning trust the people showing up to help you. Also - know when it is okay to put your boundaries into place and say no to certain people. The reaction you receive from them will show you, you were right to put said boundaries in place and that you… might have just dodged a bullet or two as the saying goes. So definitely trust your intuition and I feel that at this time you’re learning strongly who you are, like you’re more confident to put your boundaries in place, you hold your ground well, you are learning from the mentors around you and are implementing what is right and it is having a hugely positive effect on your life. You are seeing growth in areas that has taken others years to accomplish and it is because you are open, but discerning and knowing who to trust and what to take on and not. It is new for you, but deeply empowering and I feel that you’re truly grateful for the Soul Recognition Souls that have shown up in your life - correction - that you have called into your life to help you align to your true Heart and Soul’s Life Purpose in this lifetime that… is why they are here. This… gratitude you’re feeling, this deep gratitude for your  life, for your choices and for where you are and what you’re moving forward into - even if it seems like the path is not what you thought it would be - but you know it is is better, is you honey - you also - seeing yourself. Recognising who you are. As you see who you truly are, you develop a self love that is deeper than any love you’ve ever felt before and when you feel these waves and deep Soul Recognition for yourself, and feeling the gratitude for your life, even though it is like, “I have no idea what is going to unfold but I trust my intuition and higher self to lead each and every step of the way.” this is the way of your Soul, this is the way of your intuition, this is the way of your Life Purpose unfolding in magical ways that usually - 100% of the time, when we commit to our own Soul 100% of the time our life will go through the deepest transformation that you didn’t see coming, but makes total Soul sense and so you drop deeper into trust, deeper into self love and that… was also a by-product you didn’t see coming as you chose to trust yourself over anyone else, chose to put yourself first and chose your higher self path. Hence… why there are divine souls in your life helping you through this crucial phase of your life right now that is awakening your Life Purpose on such a deep level. There are other people that will show up in your life between now and the end of the year - use the same level of discernment as you have been doing, they are definitely godsend angels to help solidify this path you’ve chosen, but trust the ones you don’t need to tell every little detail to and the ones you need to set boundaries with and just say no, because been there and done that and that is why godsend angels are showing up, because you’re able to say to the ones that may appear angels, but something is off and so you trust that instead. The more you say no, the more you refine the yes path and then one day, the yes path is the strongest and you rarely get the no paths. Deeply acknowledge your growth precious one - it is leading you somewhere magical. Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter


Card #6: Sea Snake. “You are in the space of embracing your psychic senses.”

When snake physical appears to me, it can mean several things. I live on 250 acres, so they are quite common out here. However, in the 3 years I have lived here they have come to have a very different meaning when they cross my path, given that I rarely see them compared to when I first moved here and this has to do with the energetic boundary that I have with my body, energy, life and area of land that I most reside on, on this property. The reason I share this with you as it feels a strong message here for you on this particular day, pulling this card - two messages here, that are ultimately interwoven (interesting given the two snakes on the card itself). Two - the divine number of balance… so where are you out of balance with your own Soul? The snake… back to my story for a moment - I came to learn that the level of snakes crossing my path, was a deep warning that someone was entangled in my energy that was not of my highest good. I was deeply enmeshed in a relationship that wasn’t serving my highest good anymore and I needed to seperate from it to claim my energy and psychic senses, coding and awareness of self back. Are you feeling entangled? Do you have someone on a pedestal? Are you constantly speaking to them, trying to get their approval, validation or waiting for them to tell you, you’re good enough and can do the thing now? Do you trust them, more than they trust you? Does the relationship feel more draining than it does empowering and supportive? These are key questions for you to realise that you are enmeshed and are needing to step back and away for a time, or for good as this situation is currently unhealthy and is not serving anyone at this time. We can do all the psychic protection, past life clearing, AI Draco tech removal we like, but if our Soul and intuition is telling us to leave a situation that is no longer good for our life path, none of those tools will work, well, they will for a moment and then be right back in it. When something is done, it is done. The question is, do you trust your intuition and psychic awareness enough to know that something in your physical environment has become unhealthy and it is time to leave? The other part of this is that not only when we start embracing our psychic senses, doing our personal development work and working on our Life Purpose - the truth about the situations will surface in our life. They will either shift, grow and evolve with you, or you will know that it is time to step away - even just for a time, because what is happening right now is not serving anyone. It is interesting the two snakes are like a mirror reflection of each other and sometimes in the same space we can’t tell whose energy is ours or someone else’s, let alone when we are trying to clear our energy all the time and it isn’t working it is just that it is not up to us to clear and the fastest and most powerful way of clearing energy is actually leaving a situation that is no longer serving us. Snakes are a wake up call to who is enmeshed, entangled and infiltrating your energy? Who comes to mind when you read that? Snake, is Lapis Lazuli in The Liquid Crystals and it’s purpose is ‘Realisation’. Realisation of the Truth. I am Lapis Lazuli, hence why my words and energy feels strong and cuts to the core - because this is who I am. I have had to learn to hone my sharp ‘cutting to the truth’ energy over the years, in realising who I am and my purpose here on Earth, but sometimes, cutting through to the truth is the wake up call we need because we tend to go blind thinking that just clearing energy all the time will shift things, when actually it is time for physical action to happen. This.. .is also a very strong message today, so know what truth is surfacing for you (or triggers) as you read this. This card can definitely come as a sign to hone your intuition, psychic senses and take your skills to the next level, that would be through 1:1 mentoring or a course that calls your attention - or dedicated discipline of tools you already have, so trust your nudge to take your skills to the next level, because it feels like that is actually what has been tapping you on the shoulder to learn a deeper skill in this area right? Love xxx There is a potent magic in the air, there is a crystalline frequency pouring in. There is a mystical element pouring through the ethers and it can transform stuck, unhealed and stubborn traumas and patterns and it is here that the 21 Day Trauma Shifter has finally given permission to be released. This powerful 21 Day Trauma Shifter will unlock hidden desires amongst dismantling things that have held you imprisoned for a long, long time. I am so honoured to hold this powerful and deeply transformative space over this 21 Days with you, click here for all the details, I have been waiting for this to pour through to you: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter