🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th April 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 20, 2021

🔮Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th April 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are there from the Goddesses for you. 

Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast.

Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose.

Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society.

This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now.

You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this.

Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Rhiannon. Sorceress. ‘You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality.’

(This can also be the Magician, the Alchemist, the Wizard). This card feels like confirmation that you have passed your initiation. You may still have a huge chunk of organising, sorting things out and creating to do - but the hardest part? It feels like you have passed your initiation. An initiation could also be seen as the Dark Night of the Soul - its one of the hardest times of your life. You feel lost, confused, like there is no footing underneath your feet, that everything is crumbling at once and no matter what you do, you cannot hold on or keep it all together. Your entire reality is transformed, sometimes in the blink of an eye, sometimes over a period of time. You feel this deep sense of loss, but you also feel so strongly deep down underneath that you KNOW that ALL of this is meant to happen. And that almost makes it worse. And gives you strength to get through it all at the same time. You have lived a hard life, been through some of the toughest things that you are not sure how you are even still alive from and have wondered what this life is all about, so many times over. And yet, you know that you are going somewhere. You know you are here for big things even though you’re clear and not clear what they are about.. you are also aware that you have a purpose and that… now.. something is deeply shifting in your life and it feels like that finally, something is becoming clear about what you are meant to do. Like the waters parting in the Ocean, everything is being moved FOR you (in a way) without you needing to do anything but follow the path that is the easiest for once, that is clear… for you take. You may be questioning if that is the right thing to do, for it has been soooo hard all of your life - and yet, you also know that you have been doing the work and are deeply committed to changing your life.. and that one day, of course it was going to be easy… easier, than what you’ve ever experienced before and that day… has arrived. Has there been a decision that you’ve been needing to make? A life changing direction that you know you have to take that has ‘all of a sudden opened up’? It feels like the Sorceress card has come to you today, to remind you of your power, remind you of your purpose and that when opportunities arise - it is important that the path is walked, to feel the fear and do it anyway. You already know you have to take this chance, that you have to open yourself to a realm of possibilities and do things differently this time, this card, has just come to confirm that for you. Right? Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 


Card #2: Aeracura. Blossoming. ‘You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.’ 

You know that feeling, just before Spring breaks after a long cold Winter? That moment in time of the transition as Spring, begins to show itself? That feeling? That… is how close you are to the change you have been creating, moving towards and working towards. You are - that close, to it. You may even be seeing signs of ‘Spring’ around you, from door ways of opportunities, to ‘seeds of expectation’, to huge rapid changes coming out of the blue. I am also getting the message - is there something that you need to grieve or say good bye to? Whenever there is any change what so ever, it is all important to also honour the changes of what you are transitioning away from and out of and into. Rites of Passage have been lost in our time and are so so important for the maturation of a Soul. Is there a ceremony that you can honour yourself with for this transition from your old life to your new? To this old space you used to experience, to what you are now moving into? I feel like too, that there is soooo much resentment… that is dissolving from your life. Have you been working on buried pain, jealously, heavy burden feelings you’ve been carrying all your life - deep down inside - that, you have realised was actually… never yours? That this, is a huge transition for you from the generational burden you’ve carried for so long? It feels like sooo many things are ‘lifting off for you’ right now and with that, the release of the past burdens that you have been working on - have disconnected now. The string has stretched that far, that it has snapped now and you are…. free. Your rising up, is only going to rapidly increase from here, so continue to trust yourself about moving forward and allowing yourself to unfold and unfurl like the beautiful petals on a flower that you are. I am also getting about your Throat Chakra, speaking your truth, owning your truth and actually - these changes are propelling you to LIVE your truth right? Is there someone you need to voice something too as well? Even, admit to yourself? It feels like everything that you have/are transitioning away from and those ‘snapping of the threads’ are actually enabling you to live what you’ve always dreamed of now right? Honour this transition through Sacred Ceremony and watch this accelerate even faster. Such a crucial pivotal time for you. I see you. Keep going. Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. Yes, the replays are available. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 


Card #3: Sarasvati. The Arts. ‘Express yourself through creative activities.’ 

Your creative passion, your creative fire… Hmmm, it feels like something is amplifying in this arena for you and the sense that I am getting is that of leverage, expansion, boundaries and taking it to the next level. I am also getting the message of ‘fire gone out’ - so let’s explore these two, which are almost opposites of the extremes. Of course. I am wondering if you are feeling a stretching, an expansion that you haven’t felt before? Sometimes when we are so deep in our passions - we get to a place where we almost ‘lose ourselves in time with it’ and you come away and it has been hours and hours or no time at all, and you have accomplished soooo much. The sense with the boundaries is I am sensing that you are so deep in your passion that you are putting it first before everything. Whilst this is a good thing - it is important to create YOU time and put YOU first. It feels like you have been chasing something and… nothing is there? (In a way). I am sensing that the ‘thing you are looking for’ - is also going to ‘manifest your desires’ - rapidly too by the way, I am sensing - as soon as you implement these boundaries with your creative passion it is going to hone/channel them into a place where your fire can stay ALIGHT and with that - all the Souls can find you. I feel this ‘boundary’ thing with your work/your passion has actually been tapping you on the shoulder. You’re expanding and need to put boundaries in at the same time. And yet - you already know what boundaries you need to put in place you just… haven’t done it yet, because, well this thing and that thing isn’t done yet right? However, the big sense here that I am getting for you is. So important this one. That time? That will never come. You know the one - when all the jobs, when all the to do lists are done - no. Just no. This needs to change now. I BET you get MORE done when you set these boundaries now, like today and truly commit to the boundaries that you know in your heart you need to expand into, in your work/passion. AND.. those things you have been wondering ‘when’ will happen and manifest? Will arrive, as soon as you commit. Like… almost right away. Like, right away. Try me 😉 So, what is it that you need to implement like today, now? If your creative fire has gone out… the sense I am getting for you is that it’s okay to allow yourself to just be here with this recalibration right now. You may seem like you’re fading away… but you’re actually being… reborn. It is okay to feel blah, meh and just…. don’t want to, frustrated and nothing at the same time. This is the epitome of recalibration and you are safe as you ‘fall into this’ as you are completely being reborn right now. Trust it, know that, there isn’t much longer to go and rest as much as you can. You will thank yourself for the rest you gave yourself now - because… you are have been able to ignite and fly and… keep up with how busy you now are. So allow this space, allow the rebirth… because that is all that is happening right now. Also too, usually in this space we want to give up all our creative endeavours, throw things out, change things and let them all go. It is important to just… don’t touch anything right now. Reassess it all when you emerge from your cocoon, from your birthing canal time. Just… let yourself be here now with all of this. You’re safe. Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 


Card #4: Diana. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark.” 

You know that moment right before you cross the finish line and you speed up as much as you want to give up? That feeling. I am also getting the message - one thing at a time, one step at a time. Yes, we can have ten projects on the go - but finish each of them, finish one of them, then move to the next. They will all get done. Just… one at a time. I am sensing there is back ground distractions happening for you, but ultimately, as Diana says, ‘You will make your mark.’. There are three main pillars behind her on this card - are there three main tasks you really need to work with/focus on? I am sensing that there is another big change on the horizon for you. One you saw coming, but didn’t think it would happen so soon… that one is going to rock your world, in a good way, but it is big change. I am also sensing something about a neighbour, or a close friend. Have they, said something to you or made you realise something recently? It feels like a lot is also opening up for you right now and this bow and arrow that Diana is holding on the card, is ready to launch, ready to aim and reach Her Destiny. I am also sensing for you that there is someone new in your field that has brought a huge relief of fresh, loving powerful energy and… it is like this bow and arrow is also representing this new direction, this uplifting - so much yes - new direction that you are Heart, Body, Mind and Soul saying yes to and it has given you the lease on life that you have needed yes? This direction, is the right direction for you (you already know that!) So don’t let sabotage get the best of you. Stay focused on your dreams, on your hearts desires and keep your thoughts positive and aligned to where you want to go, where you are choosing to go and allow the waves of grief to come as they go to set yourself free. It might have felt like you’ve been halted or that things are taking sooooo long this last few months, but this next 6-8 weeks, things will be flying along in forward motion, so continue to trust, ground and let yourself FLY. Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 


Card #5: Mawu. Mother Earth. ‘You are called upon to help with environmentalism.’ 

Ah, when this card comes up there is a definite message in taking care of our Divine Mother Earth. This card also deeply represents - who is in your energetic environment and are they supportive or draining? Uplifting or depleting? With Mother Earth - has something come into your awareness lately of being able to help Earth more than you’ve done before? Or you’ve learnt about something that you already knew, but has taken it to another level and I wonder if you’ve been wondering well what actually can you do about it? I know you probably know this - but your Life Purpose is the answer yes? Your focus on your Life Purpose, the foundations you’ve built (are building) are what supports you in raising the consciousness of humanity and enabling you to divine support Mother Earth at the same time. Perhaps there is an actual hands on the land project you’ve been working on - or thinking about the garden again and this, I feel is ‘deeper than the Earth’ for you. I feel this is a re-balancing of all that you have been through and is why your Soul has been tap, tap, tapping it on the shoulder for you to take action on, why it has been on your mind. And yet, I know you are listening and taking action. This ‘deeper than the Earth’ I feel is that you are going to receive a lot of information when you connect with the Earth/Land in this way. Even if it is not conscious, I feel there is a ‘grounding of who you are’, a sense of fulfilment - what I am seeing with this, is that the Earth has upgraded and you receive these upgrades codes/energetic frequencies, by you ‘getting your hands dirty’ and working with the land right now. I am also sensing that this ‘brings you back to wholeness’ and it feels like you are able to give your best, feel ‘full’ and ‘nourished’ again and be ready to serve at the highest capacity again. I am also getting something about mud - is it that you need to put your feet in the dirt on the land? Or in the mud on the river’s edge? To receive those Earthen Deeply Embedded Codes? The Land, our Mother, has messages for you - can you hear her call? The other message here about the energetic environment is that of the negativity in your field and the grounding, hands in the dirt message I just shared, will definitely help your system drain out this negativity. However, I feel there is also a message for you that… you know that, ‘If you keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results, is the definition of insanity’ quote? It feels a bit like this here. You will continue to be drained, depleted and tired, if you keep doing the same things, if you continue the environment connections that you keep… returning to. Whether this is an unhealthy patterning of your routine, or… and unhealthy relationship - I am getting the message for you here - who is in your environment, or what is it, that you are doing to yourself (continuing to eat unhealthy food for example) that needs to shift and change? Perhaps it is just a stepping back, so you can reset the boundaries, or perhaps it is a stepping back and away for good. You know which it is for you, regardless, the most important thing right now is your energy, your environment and whether you have uplifting supportive people around you - or not and what you are doing to change that, because… your Soul is calling you to. And yet, I aint telling you nothing you don’t already know 😉 Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time. 


Card #6: Maat. Fairness. ‘This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.’ 

Are you looking for the truth? Has something happened that doesn’t seem right but you have tried/exhausted all options and now you are just…. At a road block of trying to figure it out so to speak? The sense I am getting here is that you will be shown. So if you are all out of options, all out of ideas, so important to just let it go and drop back into the trust that you are… shown everything yes? In the past, you haven’t even looked, because Spirit shows you what you need and want to know right in front of your face. If something or someone is out of integrity - Spirit shows you yes? And you weren’t even looking! I am getting the message that you are needing to remember this level of trust, this level of ‘Spirit has your back’. And walk forward as you do, knowing that you will be shown. The White Dove and White Feathers on this card are jumping out at me - white is purity and I am wondering if you are needing to drop into forgiveness before it is needed? Sometimes that is the forgiveness of self because…. What is happening out there, is the reflection to what is happening in here (in you) and I am sensing you also know this. This huge let go that you are moving through a huge transitory phase right now and just let go, take care of yourself and know that you will be shown the truth. It might come a bit down the track, but you will be shown. I keep hearing March for you too - what happened in March for you? Was there something significant that happened (or was it everything at once?? 🙃) Or did you implement or start something then? It feels like you are so close to realising your dreams, so close to whatever began back in March, whatever shifted in March, whatever ‘dropped into’ or halted you back in March, is going to see some full forward movement, some clarity, some ideas, some physical landing of what you are here to do, of the ‘pay off’ of what shifted in March for you. I am also wondering if you have been worried about this and how it is going to work? The message here is clear. Now is the time for Faith, not worry. It has ALWAYS worked out in the past and now, today, is no different. The question isn’t if it is going to work. The question is - whether you TRUST enough. And you do, right? Love xxx Humanity is at a crucial tipping point. Many, many humans are awakening by the masses and… fast. Some are confused at the mess they find themselves and the world in, others are clear about what they have to do to move forward and are ready to help the others transition in the person they are meant to be, whilst continuing their own evolution of their Soul, living their Life Purpose. Tomorrow, we commence our first training in Transcendence Reality Society. This power place, where you receive powerful channeling straight from the divine, Chakra Portal Activations that integrate your spirituality into reality seamlessly so you can get on track with your Life Purpose faster and with ease, grace and joy, rather than pain, you’re done with that now. You learn how to intricately understand your intuition and navigate all the pieces that arise, because you are an Intuitive Empath, a Sensitive Soul, an Empowered Leader, a Phoenix Healer and KNOW that you were always… born for this. Click Here for all the details, doors will be closing soon. It’s time.