🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th February 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 20, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th February 2024 

Scroll down to find what messages are awaiting you there today from the Starseed Oracle for you âœ¨ðŸŒŸðŸ”®ðŸŒŸâœ¨

You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed.

You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future.

You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Wait. ‘It’s not yet time. Things are being woven.’

Ah - the very first thing that dropped in is - there is something you need to finish before you can start - what is that for you? Finish what and start what? I feel you know what this is talking about. I am all for doing 10 things at once and working non-stop deep immersion style to get something done and then there comes a moment where you are needing to just focus on the one thing until completion so you can achieve it and get it done. I feel that this is such an important message for you, because if you keep flicking over to the other thing that ‘comes after’ finishing the other thing first - you’ll only be wasting time and precious energy - because the thing needs finishing first - does that make sense? Like the thing is happening - but you need to finish this other thing first. So with the deep soul knowing that it IS happening - stop wasting time with that thing because you can’t physically do anything about it yet anyway right? So train yourself to focus and channel your energy into finishing this thing first, so you can have full power into what you are doing right now. This is going to speed things up and amplify what you do with your full power into the thing - I am also getting the message, that that is why you are doing what you are doing in the first place for anyway?! Like you wanted to do it this way right? You are AWESOME at getting things done - this right now for you, is about channeling your energy into this ONE thing - so you can make it awesome then the next thing will come effortlessly - BECAUSE - you channeled into this ONE thing and made it amazing right!? This. Is what Wait means for you today. This could be in relational to a project, life goal, project goal, or relationship. You may need to be focused in saving money for a house, then move to the next project. You may be finishing the completion of a relationship energetically and unhooking from it (join unhook me at the end of the month if this is you) - before creating space for a new one. You may be needing to finish a project before moving to the next one. You may turn around and say you’re not good at one single focus or that you can’t focus - well, you need to start telling yourself that you’re training yourself to focus on one thing until completion - you are training yourself. You can literally train yourself to do anything - so this is what you’re doing now - you’re in training. So, hop to it! Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #2: Star Keeper. ‘Cosmic Ancestor. Seed the Light by Staying Grounded.’

When was the last time you looked at the stars? There is deep activation that happens from star gazing, just like watching the sunrise and sunset and grounding techniques - star gazing has it’s own activation for your Crown Chakra, star ancestral home memory, deep healing of things you can’t seem to shift any other way - message is clear - make time to star gaze for a period of time - if you only get few minutes in, it is better than none. This grounding is really important for you at the moment too - whatever situation you are in - spend time in your grounding practises - again, if you’re flat out busy, only takes a moment to put your feet on the grass every hour or so or place your hand on a tree or plant. Doesn’t have to be hard. I am all for making it work in our busy everyday reality so there are no excuses and a lot of little things add up over time - always remember this. Of course spending big chunks of time in nature or on your grounding practises is deeply supportive healing and needed, but I don’t want you using the excuse right now, because you don’t have time - that’s a lie and continuing to say such will bring you less time. But the more you can focus on the little snippets - these greatly add up. The moment you watch the dawn cracking and the night sky turning to day sky - even if you’re driving to work - you realise you just watched the sunrise right?! I feel a big strong message in this card for you today too - is shift your mindset. Focus on what you ARE doing and what you CAN do. You will be focusing on lack because you are burnt out and probably need a week laying on a tropical island somewhere - so go ahead, book that holiday cause no one going to do it for you - but in the mean time, the little things and what you ARE doing and CAN do. Shift your mindset and watch your world change. I ain’t telling you anything you don’t know - so go on then! This card and the bubble/portal around the Star Keeper - feels like you’re transitioning into a new era of your life right now, with the relationships around you and in your career - so take a moment (or a few weeks!) to truly acknowledge this deep change that you’re going through - because you know your life will never look the same and you’re also moving into territory you haven’t been before and you know what? You’re going to be more than okay because you wouldn’t be here if your Soul wasn’t guiding you to this… you’re travelling through time and space, through this reality we call life and you’ve got this, you’ve so got this - so move your mindset to match it and watch magic really start to happen for you! Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #3: Portal. ‘Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild Card.’

You’ve been on this big upswing of energy - don’t stop now! This message for you isn’t about stopping but taking breaks along the way. You’re someone who doesn’t really honour that you need a break so much - you just keep going until the job is done and although you’re working on this right now (giving to yourself more in all ways) this is also your sign to take longer breaks. Perhaps it is the whole day off or goodness me - the entire weekend! #shockhorror! Remember this doesn’t have to be a permanent thing - but there is a strong message here in this Portal card of taking more breaks. What exactly is it that you need to take breaks from? This is also a strong message for you of you literally have the world in your hands right now. It might not seem like it - but it is so important to keep your faith strong at this time as you’re being shown a whole new pathway, doorway and I feel that with this Portal - it is about keeping the ‘portal of your mind open’ - to new ways of doing things, of making money, of living your life. We are in 2024, we are not in the 1980’s way of making money and living life anymore. I feel that this is a message for you to ‘catch up’ - what do you need to catch up on? Yes, it can be on tasks, but this is more on - you’ve moved through something or are opening to a new way of doing something - but are needing to catch up with the way it is done now in 2024? What comes to mind for you about that? This is the new era of technology and your life so what are you waiting for? The permission slip? You just got it. I feel that with this Portal card and the ‘Rewards’ - the ‘risk’ and the ‘fear’ that you’re feeling about this new avenue you’ve just committed to or are about to - the fear you’re feeling is that you’re breaking out of VERY old patterns and THAT - is scary. But the thing is - you know when it is a red flag NO scary fear feeling or when it is a YES BREAK OUT freedom fear of your new life awaiting you on the other side - those two ‘fears’  are a very different feeling and I feel, from this card - is that you’re stepping into a new realm - you’re elevating your life and that is a FUCK YES doing it anyway fear - so, welcome the freedom rebels club who are creating their life, leaving their legacy and creating their best life! Wild Card - Rewards. When you follow your intuition before it makes sense - this… is what awaits on the other side - your best life. FUCK YES. Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #4: Star Family. ‘You’re part of a team of Souls. Call in Support.’

Lots of Star messages today! Well, both star cards have come out - but hey, we are in the Starseed Oracle! Lots of activations, lots of rapid shifts, rapid movement, rapid development and changes to your life can occur at great speed. And IS happening at great speed for you. It feels like there is a part of you that is doubting something even though you KNOW it is working out IS working out and this part of you - is only afraid of change and - running off old experiences, so know that you are in a new space now, you’ve done a lot of work, you’ve shifted the old stuff (or just stepping into a place of doing so now and consciously working on your stuff!) and you can wrap that part of you up like a scared little child and tell them it is all going to be okay and that you’re just shifting to a new paradigm and that is why things are moving fast, plus you’ve let go of a lot so of course this is going to shift fast for you! I am also getting the message about a  deceased loved one - a grandmother/Nanna in particular - or grandfather - grandparents? Of course could be anyone who is close to you - but this feels like a strong message that they have been guiding you in some way - you’ve been listening but are you FULLY paying attention? Perhaps they have been the guiding strength in the spirit world giving you that confidence that it is going to be okay - but also I feel that there is support they are asking you to take/book/move forward with? ‘Call in Support’ - there is something you’ve been seeing on your mind or just keeps showing up - or something like this - that you’re needing to attend? Even a hobby group or something?! I feel that you’re being guided very strongly at this time, via your intuition of course, but also with the Star Family and the Stars themselves, so make sure to heed their advice at this time (using discernment with your own of course - don’t hand all your power over to them!) there is a time and a place, but it just feels this moment, there is something standing out to you that this is where and what they are guiding you on. Whether something to do or faith to stretch, know that you’re being fully supported right now and even if you don’t have evidence of it - this card and message for you today is. Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #5: Earth School. ‘Life Lessons. Soul Growth. Study. Higher Learning.’

You’re learning valuable lessons where you are right now - gah. Don’t you hate it hearing that?! Life lessons, spiritual lessons gah. When we are deep in our stuff - it can be something we roll our eyes in and just don’t want to hear it! And yet, I feel you’re getting through it - but you’re also deep down in the thick of it and when we are here - it feels never ending…. because it is! A big deep black bottomless pit of darkness and nothingness… can be scary to travel - because you feel you can’t come up from it and the reality is hun, you’re not meant to - meaning - as on the image in this card, she is ‘diving to earth’ through the clouds - you’re not meant to ‘come up from it’ - the thing is - when you keep travelling the ‘bottomless pit of darkness’ what happens is that you ‘pop’ back through to the light… and you’re reborn. A bit like how a baby travels through and then pops into the light and it can be hard when you’re in it because it feels never ending, and yet, ever night has a dawn, every rainstorm has sunshine after it, it just feels like we will never get through something when we are smack in the middle of it. Know that by continuing to ‘travel’ as I call it aka FEEL - the bottomless pit of darkness - you WILL pop back through to the light eventually. The more you travel these waves that comes, the ‘faster’ you will be at moving through them and they won’t seem so overwhelming, but just something you do. Bonus by-product of travelling said waves is that you become highly acute in your intuition. Because we are highly sensitive and feel everything and yes there are more aspects to your intuition, your emotions either cloud your intuition or enhance it and knowing what is what comes from travelling the emotions as they wave up. You’re human, let yourself feel it all - that is why you dove here in the first place. There is nothing wrong with you - you’re human. It’s okay, you’re learning so much through this and this aspect of honing your intuition I feel is a big piece for you right now as when you ride these waves, you’re understanding who you are in it, what is transient, what is coming from where, what is yours and what is someone else’s and so in this ‘mess’ you’re learning sooo much about yourself which is giving you the strength and preparing you for the next stage of your life purpose - that is why you’re in this right now - you’re being initiated to the next iteration of you… ride it and ride it well (even though it won’t seem like you are at times!). Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #6: Loosen Your Grip. ‘Coping Mechanisms. Density. Addiction. Let God In.’

LIGHTEN UP! Shake it up - literally shake your body - but not out of obligation - out of JOY! Two very different intentions/feelings here and they will have a significant effect on your body and energy. One will make you resentful and envious (sure you might move a little bit of energy) and the other will literally lighten your mood, make your energy glow and move mountains of the ‘issue’ you are currently dealing with right now. Hmmm, another strong message here is about experience for your body. If you’re right into fitness - where has this become an addiction/coping mechanism? Of course, it is a good thing (exercise) - but check what are you covering up from this mechanism? I am not saying stop it - but perhaps the break out of routine is important for something here. Exercise on the other message is ‘replace exercise with your addiction of choice’ - now, this is not the ‘best’ advice, because well, you’re just replacing one addiction with another and that isn’t something that I recommend but this isn’t ultimately about ‘focusing on your addiction’ as so much as it is about adding exercise into your daily routine - yes, I said daily - because this is going to change your brain and body chemicals from the exercise that you do and that is going to help shift your addiction, because it will start changing neural pathways in your body, let alone move stagnant energy out and shift mountains that seemed unsurpassable before. This body movement is important for you at this time - whether ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ you will know which one will apply to you at this moment right now. Also - you’ve reached a point in your life where enough is enough! Whether that is setting boundaries with yourself with said addiction of choice (dealing with the emotions underneath - if you haven’t watched my addiction replay comment addiction and I will send it to you to help you with this) and this ‘enough’ phase is where you man the fuck up or emotion babe own and sort out of your shit - this cleaning up phase - WILL - reward you with dividends, but facing it right now will be hard, I will not lie about that - mentors in this space, is where you save time, emotional turmoil and money so seriously consider it if you’re serous about cleaning up your life (and anyone who wants to better their life has a mentor, not just business people or celebrities, anyone who is changing their life does) - because this I ENOUGH feeling is you taking the fuck your power back and changing your god damn life and OMG I can’t celebrate you enough for this phase, because I promise you the grass IS greener on the other side and it is fucking wonderful - aka - best life dream life and you know that, that is why ENOUGH (screaming that so fucking loud saying that!) right now - you have reached this point now DO IT! So proud of you xx Love xxx You know you’re dedicated, you know you’re committed. You love psychic development, you love the freedom of being able to do what you want when you want, you love freedom of life itself and healing from the past to free your future. You are passionate about spirituality and would like to understand more of it, you know that you’re ready for the long game, because that is what life is all about, let alone the tribe you make along the way, the friendships, the inspiration that comes from committing to something and being in it for the long haul and shifting your entire reality because your Life Purpose is LIFE and you’re ready to do what no one else is done because you can feel that under the trauma of your past is some reason you went through all that for whatever reason you do not know, but you also know you don’t want to carry that around anymore and want to be free to live life on your terms, the way you’ve always dreamed of, click here, Life Purpose Legacy doors close in the next 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy