🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 21st January 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 21, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 21st January 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you today from the Work Your Light Oracle Deck ðŸ•Š

The Archangels saved me back in 2005, when I was in the darkest of my depths of despair.

Humanity is undergoing huge change right now and not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder to record 'Messages for Humanity' to help guide, heal your heart and shift you to deeper levels of faith and divine intuition to exponentially guide you on your Life Purpose, just like they have done for me ever since 2005. Click here for this Free Audio, to listen to 'Conversation with the Archangels': https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Dance. Do something to shift your vibration.

What wants to come out here right away is old hobby, something you used to love, something you used to do all the time or - learn a new skill/hobby - take up that new skill that you love and it has been on your mind to learn about. Do something new. Are all the things that flowed out as soon as I read this card for you and I feel like this information is no surprise to you. It has been on your mind right? You’ve been feeling like you are breaking out of an old skin, dropping the masks - it is almost like you are sick and tired of serving and being there for everyone else but yourself and have broken out and it is like I can see you breaking out of an egg shell or something. All the pieces are falling off, falling away and you can’t not be you anymore. I am wondering if you are feeling like this? Or you are feeling angry and frustrated that it is ‘working for everyone and not you?’ - this deeply taps into what is really going on… the key here? Is that they have remembered to put themselves first! There is a reason why the plane companies in their safety demonstration, tell you to put on your oxygen mask first! If you can’t breathe - you definitely can’t save anyone else right?! Apply this analogy for everything in your life and it will be as if magic changed your life. Yes, this means having some really uncomfortable conversations and saying NO to people who are pulling at you, or you are constantly putting them first over you. This includes children, family and loved ones. If you are feeling frustrated or like you don’t have enough time or that things aren’t going your way - change something. Sometimes we don’t have enough time because the most important things for our purpose work are on the back burner and are last priority. This can cause deep frustration - because you’re not listening to your Soul. Disciplined routines are good - but when they are stopping you from following FLOW - which means sometimes leaving that strict daily exercise routine and using that time to write your book instead, can shift your entire day let alone week and pull you ONTO path instead off it - look at what you are ‘looking at’ that makes you feel frustrated and then look at your day and look where you are regimented that ‘has to get done’ - that isn’t your Soul calling purpose work and try, even just for two days a week and dedicating that space and time to your purpose work instead and see how your world changes. ‘Do something to shift your vibration’ - sometimes we need to change what we think is good for us and ‘do the most important task first’ and THEN do the other things we know we need to do that keep us in alignment (exercise for example) and this shifts our vibration alone. It may not be something you need to do - but to change what you currently do. The thing about change, is that humans don’t like change generally and so stick to routines which… ‘Don’t confuse routine with discipline. Routine is a Soul killer, whilst discipline changes our life.’ Discipline yourself to listen to Soul first - what is your Soul calling you to do for your purpose work in the world FIRST? And then catch what your head kicks in and THINKS you SHOULD do and then do Soul work later? No, do Soul work first. Because when you do - everything else will feel amazing for your day. Someone wise once told me, ‘Do the most important task first.’ I have this printed out in large print on my office wall. I don’t have a strict routine in the morning. I get up and listen to what the most important task is FOR THAT DAY and then do that - FIRST. EVEN when I don’t feel like it. Why? Because this is discipline for my Soul calling. This changes everyday. Whether it is writing a blog, doing my journalling, going to the gym, walking my dogs or live-streaming on the beach at sunrise - it changes everyday - but I LISTEN and acting on this Soul work/calling first? ‘I do the most important tasks first.’ - then I feel like a weight and a burden has been lifted from my day first thing in the morning and I can relax and enjoy the rest of my flow of my day, knowing that he most important thing is done. Most people think Soul work is about serving others first. Maybe that is true if you are called to get up and write a blog post FIRST before anything in the morning. However, the real skill comes in listening to your Soul is TRUSTING what you are being guided to do and when you realise that you are actually serving your Soul - by trusting it and acting on it - you realise, you have only ever been serving yourself first all along. TRUST what you are being called to do. Including when your Soul calls you to take a break and go do that old hobby that brought you so much joy. SHIFT your vibration by LISTENING TO YOUR SOUL - not what you THINK you should do to create the life you dream about. Your Soul already knows the blueprint, so why aren’t you trusting that? Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most. Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels


Card #2: Inner Temple. Devotion. Tune into the portal of your Heart.

Ah, this card - I feel like this is… a year for you! This is time for you, this is… time to listen to you - which I feel like you are and you have and you have made a dedicated commitment to CHOOSE YOU all over again - to fall in love with you if you may and deeply devote yourself… to you! No one else - just you - right? And if you haven’t been feeling this way, but you are wondering what your block is? It is about choosing you first! This devotion, inner temple - I feel like you have really committed to something and/or yourself especially for this year and beyond 2020. It is like something has switched inside of you and no longer will you put anyone else first over you and your Soul’s calling. However, I am wondering if you are feeling confused about what that is? Perhaps you have stepped up and then are like, okay, but now what? Or you are trying to figure it out, or a name or what to call yourself or… argh - so frustrating right? The biggest piece about Devotion to following your Soul’s calling is trusting and being okay in the space of not knowing all the details! You don’t need to know how - you just need to take the first step. Don’t stress about trying to figure out ‘what to call yourself’ for example, as turning up with who you are now - takes you to your next step. Don’t let the not knowing stop you from stepping up and out into sharing and doing what you do know now. If you don’t share what you do know now, how can the next thing come through you? You’ve heard that saying, ‘Your purpose is to find your gift and then give that gift to others’ - meaning - share what you know like the back of your hand now and watch yourself evolve into the Master you are. The other message coming up here is Boundaries. Where are you needing to set stronger boundaries with yourself, your life and what you do on a daily basis? I am also getting the message about your thoughts - how are you talking and speaking to yourself? Do you recognise how you talk to yourself? When you look at yourself in the mirror - what are the thoughts that run through your head? Would you talk to a friend like this? Would you say those words to them, that you say to yourself? I am getting the message about stronger boundaries with the way you talk to yourself, as well as first deciding right now that you are not going to let your negative self talk or energies that you feel from others dictate how you feel. Say you are feeling fine, then all of a sudden you start feeling blah energies and this spurs on your negative thinking and sends you into a spiral. You can 1. Choose to continue to let them have power over you and how it ‘overtakes your thoughts and energy too’ - or you can 2. Decide that no more, are you going to let someone else’s energy send you into a negative spiral and simply observe without the negative talk of the energies take you further into the abyss. Practise? Yes, it does take practise - however, it also takes a decision that you step into the version of yourself that is no longer affected by people’s energy! Of course you still feel it - but you don’t let it control your thoughts which then feeds the way you feel. See the separation here? You can still feel it, but not let it overtake your thoughts and therefore the way you feel inside. You can feel energies, but they don’t affect your internal sate of being - do you sense that difference? Play around with this and grow these energy boundaries stronger. This - is you, devoting yourself to your Inner Temple. This is you, tuning into the portal of your Heart - feeling energies - but not letting them overtake or control or change your own internal state. This is Mastery of your Heart. This is Devotion to your Heart. This is deep centred, present moment, grounded awareness. This is, where your true power lays. Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most. Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels


Card #3: Awakening. Energetic Upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.

Well, the obvious question - you’ve been going through upgrades right?! But.. I bet they don’t feel comfortable most of the time right?? I want to say first, that - when you can train yourself to be comfortable in change - these upgrades, will become a welcome change rather than hard work or deeply upsetting because everything is changing. When I first ever experienced these upgrades, I was bawling my eyes out, freaking out, didn’t know what was happening and it all felt very foreign. Nowadays, I deeply welcome them and allow everything to fall away that does. That doesn’t mean that at times, I feel disheartened or sad - no, I let myself grieve and because I do allow myself this when the wave comes, it doesn’t last long and I move through it and then feel amazing from the upgrades - which is what they are trying to do for you. They are trying to make your life better - we are ascending as Humans and when we resist the changes that is when it all feels bad and worse and like hell is on Earth, not Heaven! However, when you start to recognise these changes - you will start to learn what to do. For example - let yourself sleep more, talk gently to yourself, like you would be talking to a scared child in a dark room, drink more water, say no to catch ups and say yes to nature time to reset your energy field. Ask the Archangels of 100% Light to help you through these changes and to feel safe in the energetic upgrades that are taking place. When you feel agitated - move your body. If you feel so tired you don’t have energy to exercise - sit outside in nature instead or let yourself sleep! Moving your body - MOVES the stagnant energy meaning - movement gives you energy! So when you feel too tired to go for that walk around the block force yourself to exercise THEN go to sleep if you still feel you need to AFTER you have moved your body. Trust me - you’ll sleep better this way - otherwise that stagnant energy will wake you up in the night and you’ll wish you had listened to this message 😉 ESPECIALLY when these upgrades are going on and you are shifting to your next level - which all that means - is releasing what is no longer in alignment with your true self, with what makes your heart happy. So tell me, you want this new life, you want - something other than what you have in your life - you have been trying to make your life better and different - so - wouldn’t it make sense to shake off the old energy by moving your body to support that stagnant energy to shift? Let me put it another way for you, the garbage in your kitchen bin - when you are making a new dish - do you pull out your garbage from the bin? The old stagnant bits? And put it on the dinner table? Sounds ridiculous right? Yet - there is a strong visual for you that when you don’t move your body - you are there fore keeping the old trash and serving it up all over again. And you’re wondering why life isn’t changing the way you see everyone else’s life change? So are you ready to support the energetic upgrades that are taking place, by moving the stagnant energy out of your body? If you are tired of upgrades - as yourself if you are tired of eating? Again, might sound silly - but ultimately we have to eat everyday (well, not really but for ease of explaining sake) most of society eats everyday - so changes and energetic fuel/support/upgrades are taking place via eating. Energetic upgrades - are only going to AMPLIFY not just in 2020 - but this is the new normal. So when you adjust to these energetic shifts and changes and become the Master at eating 😉 so to, do you shift and amplify your life with these changes of the energetic shifts you are being gifted of this time of rapid ascension on the planet. Let yourself be okay with these changes and know, that the life you are asking for - requires massive change to what you are currently living. So are you going to keep halting these changes by not taking the actions to support the changes you are ‘being forced’ to make anyway? Are you still wanting to choose suffering and pain and victimhood? Or are you going to CHOOSE to step into a life of ease and happiness? The choice, is yours. Nothing is easy in the start, but with consistent dedicated practise - it DOES become ease, flow and happiness. You just have to push through the hardest part to hold the babe in your arms. Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most. Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels


Card 4: Trust The Niggle. What is the feeling trying to tell you?

Ah, I am hearing distractions, distractions, distractions! What is distracting you from your intuitive knowing and feeling and what you are being guided to do in your life? What is your intuition telling/guiding you to do - but it seems like everything is getting in the way - or you don’t have time for it = distractions! Honestly - EVERYTHING can be and usually does seem like a distraction - or more important than your purpose work! This card, feels like it has a similar message to Card #1 today! The message here, also feels that, it isn’t that you don’t trust your intuition - you know it feels right and you have to do it - yet, the niggle you are ignoring is because you don’t know HOW to do the thing. Perhaps you think you don’t have the money or you don’t have the resources or how would you even find the time to do the thing. The reality is that we are never ready to do the thing, we never have the resources to start doing the thing. The part about it is that people who just do the thing and continue doing the things that work, who push through the hardest parts, who get around the right people to guide them - are the ones who succeed. If I let the reality of my money story be the guiding factor when I first began committing to building my business online  there is not way I would’ve began! Money needs a purpose - think about it, when there is something you have really wanted or needed to travel or eat - money always turns up somehow right? The part about FOLLOWING your intuition - is that you have to make the changes FIRST before you ‘see how it is all going to work’. Some people think this is crazy talk, yet, the ones who have ‘made it’ - will all tell you they took a risk, will all tell you that people told them not to do it, that if they thought too much about it, they would’ve stopped themselves (well, not really I imagine!). The point here - is that when you are meant to do something and you have this drive to do it, when the fear is walked THROUGH and you TRUST harder than you fear - everything always works out in the end. ESPECIALLY when you are following the guidance of your Heart. So, the question here is more - where are you letting your fears and your ‘how’ be the blocker to the callings of your Heart? Where are you being guided to go? What lights your Heart up when you feel into it - but where do you shut down your own Heart, because of what your mind steps in and says you cannot do? Do you feel shut down by others? Do you feel like they are not hearing you or seeing the reality of your situation and ‘its all well and fine for them!’ = does this go through your mind? Do you realise that you are not hearing your own Heart? And this is why you feel shut down? Because you mind is ever so strong and this rules your decisions - not your Heart? And deep, Soul founded trust in the Universe? Perhaps you have been bogged down and the Universe Spiritual Bullshit is driving you to insanity quite literally right? So… I ask you - where are you not listening to your Heart? This spiritual bullshit drives you to insanity because you’re still not listening to your Heart. Your mind is talking to you with the ‘spiritual bullshit’ that you need to live? Do you see how strong your mind is? Isn’t it time - to strengthen your Heart muscle instead and let your Heart do the guiding, no matter what your mind says is the logical thing to do? Do you even realise this is what is going on? When you are angry at someone for ‘shutting you down’ - it is this that is going on - your own mind blocking the deep fulfilment of your Heart’s guidance. Are you ready, to put your Heart first - from this moment forth? Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most.Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels


Card #5: Trust Your Path. If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?

Ah, I am hearing about - thinking way bigger than what you currently are! Whatever your current goals are - I am getting the message to make then ten times bigger. Now you might be afraid of thinking that big, or why on Earth would I do that Hannah when I need to just concentrate on this right now, I don’t want my energy scattered or distract me from what I am currently doing. My response to that is that if you are not energetically expanding into that next level - you won’t get to where you even want to go - and even if you do, you may sabotage what you have, because you have no goal to move forward to. I am not asking you to ‘spend all your time here’ and this does the opposite of distract you from your current goals - this SUPPORTS your current goals - especially energetically. If you are not already thinking about what ten times your current goals are and then ten times beyond that - then you will stay stuck and stagnant and slow. Perhaps that is where you want to be, but more than likely if you are reading this I doubt it! So, expand out - ten times beyond your current goals? What are they? What would you be doing in that next level layer of your goals? What sort of lifestyle would you be living? Where would you be living? What house, what country, what clothes? What would you be doing most of your time? ALL the details. ALL of it. Get super clear on it. And now - pull this into your now. What would that ten times version of you be doing? Living into? Seeing? Thinking? Would you be worrying about the same things you are today? No. Didn’t think so. So let it go. And BE as though your ten times version of you would be. This is a training, a practise and a place that shows you into reality what you are here to do, be and the ‘super version’ of yourself would be. I am also getting the message of your Purpose - that there is something trying to birth through you and I am wondering if you are taking conscious time out to bring this creation to Earth? It feels like you already know what it is, what just came to mind then? This is calling you to bring this down to Earth now and to make conscious time aside to get this done as priority. It feels like something is ‘lifting off’ and there is big change coming for you soon - and that this is a strong message for you to get majority of this purpose work, this thing that is trying to birth through you right now done before then. Pick a date? What date just came to mind? Use this as your guidelines right now - set a schedule and focus majority of your time and energy on this project that is birthing through you. Whatever it is - whether you are clear and can almost finish it, or whether it is dusting off that old equipment and get energy in there again - this is the calling of your path that is calling to you to bring energy to. If you have been asking ‘what’ - you just got your answer. Yet, priority is to make conscious time for this as this is going to support your next steps into that ten times place that has given you life and energy expansion into. This current step that you just set a date for - IS the stepping stones there. Don’t delay, get organised, discipline your time and energy and start now. Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most.Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels


Card #6: The Great Gathering. It’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.

Ah, I feel like you are on the precipice of HUGE change beautiful one! I feel like you have been working for quite some time at projects and deep internal work and now you are going out in the world with your unique offerings and something BIG is coming for you! I am hearing the message ‘stay grounded’ and ‘stay centred’ - remember in big change we can be ungrounded and not even realise this. I am getting the message that this is part of the change coming up for you in around staying centred in the eye of the hurricane, but I don’t feel at all this change is bad! It is deeply supportive, loving, kind and… deeply worth celebrating! It is all of your intuition coming to fruition. It is all your of your dreams solidifying into form. When changes occur from dream state and are filtering into physical reality into physical form out of the ethers - it can feel mighty uncomfortable UNTIL we realise this is what is going on and super important to remember this through the changes - yes? It is like you are going thorough a huge recalibration right now that IS the path of your destiny, it IS the path of what you are wanting to do right now - of what you’ve always wanted to do. It is like the ‘rush’ has gone, the ‘push’ has gone and you’ve stepped into a whole new reality. You feel this deep sense of undertone of EVERYTHING - the energy is just… Peace. Even though things are going on, there is this ‘it’s all okay’. It is like you don’t stress anymore almost, just.. you know everything is working out and it is ALL COMING TOGETHER. I also feel like there are some new people about to enter your field soon too. I feel that these have been Soul led and Soul called into your space. These people or one particular person - is taking your life to a whole new reality. It is like - everything has dropped away - where you were and who you were 6 months ago - 7 months ago - is… what seems like lifetimes ago to the sense of who you are now and this person/these people that are about to walk into your reality, or perhaps they have already arrived, are deeply being guided to you and through you from your Spirit Guides. They will/are playing a significant role in your Life Purpose unfolding and definitely taking it to the next level. There is a new found sense of who you are deeply beaming out from inside you, a deep grounded sense of who you are and this, is your super power - this is what they are attracted to and you are deeply being their shining light in the darkness right now. I am also getting the message about ‘green’ - is it more greens in your diet? Is it more nature time? Is it more work with Archangel Raphael (as he is associated with the colour green) to tidy up the last bits of healing that are required as you deeply energetically - and physically shift to your new reality that you are already stepping into. I am getting the message too - that if you haven’t received your physical reality newness that you’ve been working on - I am getting the message that you have been getting strong signs that you are? That… it is all so close and that it is so important to recognise these and continue to walk in faith with all these confirmation signs that it is all okay, that it is all working, even when it doesn’t feel like it, or you wonder if it is going to happen - the signs - are so strongly there right? Continue to trust in this - ‘It’s all coming together’ - IS your sign - don’t give up hope or faith now beautiful one, so important to embody these signs - not just notice them, but embody them, feel them in your heart, your soul, your deep, deep gratitude for this already being done = that the signs are showing you, it already is. It is done, it is done, it is done. Love xxx When I was at my darkest, lowest point - the Archangels saved me. They changed me, they helped me and have guided me ever since 2005 when I was on the brink of death, hitting the darkest rock bottom through high risk drug taking and co-dependence. The guided me every step of the way and continue to do so, guide me on my Life Purpose, with every step I take, with every breath. Not long ago, they tapped me on the shoulder to sit down and record messages from them - for Humanity to hear. In this Free Audio, they have guided me to share these messages with you, to shift you, heal you and give you the faith, courage and strength to listen to your divine guidance to get you onto your Life Purpose. In a time when everyone on Earth can feel immense change knocking on our doorstep and a deep sense of unease at the same time of deep Peace that everything is in divine and perfect order, these messages are for you, to strengthen and guide your powerful, sensitive and loving Heart back to pure, utter health and alignment of your Soul’s Purpose to birth at at time, when Humanity needs it the most.Click here to listen to these divine messages from the 16 Archangels for Free now: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels