๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 23rd January 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 23, 2024

๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 23rd January 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there today from the the Archangel Oracle for you today.

Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create.

If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one.

This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Card #1: Archangel Chamuel. Beloved One. “I am helping you with your Spiritual Soulmate Relationship.”

Have your sleeping dreams been strong for you? Were you ‘sleeping within a dream’? This is a strong sign to wake up and dream a little bigger - um - come on! Dream your BIGGEST DREAMS! You have a huge soul purpose here and to think you are settling for less than you are worthy of - because this… is what the real issue is - you have somehow fallen asleep within a dream (yes, dreams within dreams 10 are a thing) and you’re being strongly guided to wake up and live your dreams! The other strong potent message here is that we are on a huge transition and shift - to Aquarius and solidifying such a potent power planet of Pluto that by the end of this year (yes it is a long transition) locks in the next 20 years - DID YOU HEAR ME? So, when you look back and think - fuck I wish I did that - or FUCK I AM SOOOOOO GLAD I CHOSE THIS LIFE - what are you choosing? This year is no time to fuck around with this - you only get one life so choose it! Now, given this potent power timelines at this time - I almost said powerlines (who are you plugged into and need to cut the cords from?) - there is a bit of ‘cross wire’ if you may - like the jump between timelines is like stone pebble pathways and you’re jumping back and forth or people are jumping back into your world from your past or old memories are purging from your  physical body - you’re releasing these old memories. You know how like they talk about reality splitting or 3D and 5D for example - it is literally like the split between these two realities/realms is ‘pulling us all apart’ - judgement day if you will (ha!) - is like the higher vibrational people are going higher and others are staying where they are. Now - this all sounds super judgemental but hear me out and let me explain like this for a moment whilst I try to articulate what I am seeing here for you. Like - two different subways - you’re simply not a vibrational match anymore and so you are just simply on two different timelines. Or - as the shift to higher realms ‘to’ 5D - all the 3D vibrations ‘stuck’ or that were living in your body are purging out (are you sick?!) of your body - or need to. What would you call into your life - if you could choose anything you want? If you had absolutely no responsibilities, no restrictions or anything - what would you close? It is here - you must play. No more sleeping on your dreams - come back and live baby - you have a dream to live! It is here in this higher playground of your dreams - you are being asked to transform your current relationship or cut the cords and stay committed to your highest vision - you won’t be happy with anything else anyway, so not even any point entertaining anything less than your highest dreams. Be someone of value - hold your standards and live the life you dream of - soulmate love and all. Love xxx Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create. If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one. This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #2: Archangel Haniel. Sensitivity. “You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings. 

You’ve felt something off in your body - yes - because you’re sensitive. And your body is full. It needs a break and/or purging from your system needs help to clean out. You’ve been holding a lot and it is time to clean up your diet, change your way of treating your body, clean your body and/or receive regular support for your body - what comes to mind when you read that? There is a message here for some - your body is full of chemicals and needs a specific detox to remove chemicals. Some people want to go for magic pills or quick fixes - but switching over to organic foods for 30 days (or life) can be a huge detox and rest for your body in itself! If you choose to do this - make sure you are supporting your body to specifically purge out the chemicals as well. You might think you’re not ingesting chemicals - but in todays world - they are EVERYWHERE. In your kettle you make your ‘herbal’ tea in, in the skies that fall down with the rain and wind, in the car fumes you drive through, in the water you wash and shower in, in the foods you eat that are not organic, they are soaked in chemicals before they reach the store, let alone as they are grown in the ‘farms’. You get the picture - your body needs a break - in whichever way, shape or form - it is going to support you immensely right now. The other thing here is about the Cycles. Archangel Haniel is deeply connected to the Moon and this message is about connecting with the cycles - of life, of the seasons, of day night, or your hormonal cycles during the day, of - what other cycles are there? And to ‘first check here’ when you’re ‘sensing something is off’ = because knowing where all these cycles are at and ‘how’ they are affecting you first is always number 1 to go to. Archangel Haniel is coming to let you know that you are extremely sensitive to - everything - but you probably already know this lol What this means is that it is okay for you to be gentle on yourself and when you are feeling all out of sorts - remember - you are so sensitive - there is nothing wrong with you - you are sensitive and it is to be honoured. Instead of beating yourself up or wondering ‘why you’re like this’ - ask yourself instead - how can I treat myself better? What do I need to support myself right now? How can I be more gentle to myself at this time? And watch how things turn around for you - it begins with you. You’re not in a paradigm of abuse and heavy old shit anymore - so the habits of treating yourself like that - especially when you’re tender - are out for 2024. Love xxx Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create. If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one. This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #3: Archangel Ariel. Prosperity. “Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.” 

You’re being asked to trust in your higher calling supporting you in every which way and form. Have you been wanting to invest in yourself, but haven’t because you’ve been waiting for - what? You are provided for as you follow your intuition - sooooo, what are you waiting for? The flow - is created by choosing where to go - namely - your intuition guiding you to go. The Universe is waiting for you - not the other way around. I am also hearing that ‘you’re provided for’ - and I know that this is the message of this card, but it feels like you’re in a place where your relationship to money, wealth and finances are very different to what it was say 5 years ago and now you understand the deeper energetics with money, you are choosing where you place your money - based on where you know this amplifies, rather than hoarding or taking it home (not literally - if you know, you know - you get this vibe) - for money is a frequency and you’re understanding this power play of energetics and what you’re choosing to elevate to with this. I am also hearing the disciplined routines ‘to create the money’ and also - if there was a shadow side to money/wealth for you - what is that? Also - what trauma do you have around money - and isn’t it time to let that go and take action to break that cycle that has been holding you back? I don’t think you need to bring that into this future reality with you anymore - just cut the cords and be done with it - it’s done now (was a while ago, but you’ve insisted on carrying it through - no more). So, if you are choosing from this new slate for yourself around money now and elevating to the life you want to live now - what do you choose to do with money now? What is the relationship you have with money now? (remember, don’t let past come in!) I am also sensing there is something that needs to be looked at - if you’re wanting to increase your wealth, sure there are a zillion things to do and work on - but this is - what is your daily relationship with money? Do you shun it, ignore it, shove it in your pocket or scrunch it in your purse? Are you looking at your bank balance daily, are you tracking your income and expenses - daily? If you are not tending to your money daily - how can you expect money to show up for you daily? It is a RELATIONSHIP and it goes both ways - that is what you’ve been knowing and wanting right? On so many levels that applies - but today, is the day you take your relationship with money seriously - just like you would your relationship with your loved ones - yes? The key to unlocking the cornucopia of abundance, starts with your daily relationship to money, what you have and what you want - all of it begins - daily. Love xxx Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create. If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one. This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #4: Archangel Uriel. You Know What To Do. “Trust your inner knowledge and act upon it without delay.”

Something just dropped in - you have been thinking about something - just before you read this card! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO - can it really be any clearer?! There is something inside of you unlocking right now. You are awakening to your true self - it is like - you used to be this and then life and trauma happened and now you’re coming back to this - but on a full embodiment piece. Like the gap between your physical human and your soul - there is no gap. I feel that the next 6-12 months is going to bring an entirely huge rebirth of who you are and the entire world is going to notice (in a good way) and there is something elevating your life right now - to follow this. If things you thought were going to work out - don’t - trust this is your Soul’s path being pulled forth into fast trajectory - simply because this is the way it was always meant to be. With the energies of the cosmic planetary lineups right now - are supporting this change. If the thing you truly LOVE that makes you sooo happy - that may have felt at a standstill for way longer than you ever anticipated - has ‘been at a standstill’ because of the trauma of the last few years (even like 18 years ago?!) - has suddenly ‘fallen’ away - you may feel trepidation ‘in following what you love’ again - because of ‘what happened because you did’ - and yet - the strong message here is, you’ve been heartbroken, you’ve been betrayed, you’ve been abandoned ‘when you followed your heart’ - but you know what the truth of the matter is? You’ve got such a huge fucking heart - that you let that derail you. The Universe was only stripping away that which was out of alignment BECAUSE you were following your heart. You just let the pain, trauma and hurt and loss of it all - distract you from where you ARE/WERE going! And yet - that path of where you ARE/WERE going - is STILL available for you! And that.. is why right now, everything is happening for you like it is - things are crumbling whilst other things are rapidly increasing and you’re sooo clear on this path - the doors are open and waiting for you to walk through - but I think you have already chosen it and ARE. Hence.. it happening lol but - this is also like a second chance yes? Another level, another game and you know how to play this baby. You fucking know. You are a master at this - so ACT LIKE ONE! The reality is - ‘be okay in the gap’ - let your ‘nervous system adjust to the gap’ (tricky to describe - but those that get it understand here - this is deep energetics and where the masters play. This is normal) - so normalise it. This… space here - this is the frequency and reality you’ve been attuning to all along and now you know to not let the past derail you - the gold here is that - your dreams will flood in SOOO fast now because of this level of frequency you are holding, playing at like the best master around and you also now know that what is meant for you - shows up - that includes all that is required for and what you choose for your purpose. And - strong message - manifestation is instant from here on in, so choose wisely and consciously and train yourself to do so all. the. time. So, that thing you’re choosing after all? That’s why all that was unaligned fell away - you just thought they were all coming with you and honey, not everyone is ready to play in the big league game - but also honey? There are plenty that already are and they are waiting for you to take your place at the table with them, they know how to play, you’re not alone at the top, you just haven’t arrived at the table yet - but you can easily pull out that chair and sit down! Or dance on top of it with them. Love xxx Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create. If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one. This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy


Card #5: Archangel Azrael. Counsellor. “You are a natural born counsellor and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.” 

Honey - where have you forgotten who you are and what you do? OR you’re coming into/can feel sooo much self love it is amazing and crazy. All this time, all this love that you thought you were devoid of - is actually untrue… you’ve been realising the truth lately; realising you’re ‘sharp in your words’ - honey own it, this your gift; or that you are someone who cuts straight through to the truth, that you see it, speak it and is so darn clear to you, you are not sure why no one else can’t see it this way, that this - is your gift. That the magic of the dawning cycles of time, of the secrets of the Universe, of the language of the animal kingdom, of the wisdom of your life experience and all the moments that have brought you to this one right now? Is a gift. You are remembering your power. Sure, it can be a bit wobbly as you choose your power - but honey - do not retract it! You are here to lead others, to serve a higher purpose - not everyone is born for this role! That is why you have been chosen and no, I don’t mean in some delusional way and yet I DO! You’re born for this and you’re only just now realising it! You’ve come back around in a huge loop and you’re now OUT of that loop - so you’re cycling up to the higher planes of where you’re remembering what it is that you do - with great self love and reverence for self, like you could’ve never imagined. Those feelings of hopelessness, low self worth and self doubt are a thing of the past. You are realising how much of those feelings - weren’t even yours! **insert eye roll! Of course, they’ll wave up and of course some of it was yours but geez the majority definitely wasn’t and now you’re clear on it, when it does wave over you, because you know it comes in waves, you’ll know what is yours and what isn’t and you also know they do not have power over you like you have felt in the past and know what to do to support yourself through it and fast. Something has changed and it is time to recognise this change and operate from this place now. When we’ve shifted, it is good to remind yourself this - ‘I am healed’ is a good mantra to work with as you re-wire your brain neural pathways and step into living life from this space now. Practise makes perfect and practise embeds new neural pathways. Now that you’re remembering who you are, realising your gift and what you even do - what do you choose and do - every single day, from this divine place of confidence, self assurance, trust and so much love for self that feels like heaven… what a place to live life from. Love xxx Magical dream lives are created by choosing you and choosing you first. Sure, you have responsibilities to tend to - but no one said you can’t dedicate yourself to living a healed life with standards, unrealistic dreams to ground to Earth and Empires to create. If your dreams don’t scare you - you aren’t living! Your dreams give you LIFE and are the motivation for the reason you’re even alive. 2024 is a very different energy and these energies are here for the entire year - dismantling and old way of being and creating an entirely new one. This year is the time for implementing new structures, routines, new ideologies and lifestyles you truly want to live, not a repeat of what you have been. If you are ready for personal growth, ready to transform your life, ready to embark and discover your Purpose, ground down physical structures on how to do that and come out of 2024 - heading into 2025 with your dream life implemented and living the way you’ve always imagined - no matter what gets turned upside down in the world this year, then Legacy is for you - we start on the 8th February, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy 


Card #6: Archangel Haniel. Moon Cycles. “Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalise upon these cycles.” 

Ah - so amazing, Haniel has come out twice (Card #2) and I talked about how important the cycles are for you with what you are working with and going through in your life and here She is turning up at Card #6 WITH the cycles! Did you pick both cards I wonder?! And - we start Full Moon Ceremonies - THIS WEEK! I am sooo happy to be holding these again.. my heart! The strong message here is - you are no longer bound by the cycles. You have stepped out of the cycles into your OWN cycle and are in a period of heightened manifestation at this time - you’ve honed your gift and your energy is articulately clear and very distinct - your intuition is profound and whatever you’ve worked through in the last 12 months - you’ve passed test, crossed the finish line and gosh I wish there was better terminology to describe the passing of the initiation you have undergone! it is like you have stepped into your own vortex - you have left the matrix and are in your own bubble of creation - you are more connected to the world and everything around it than ever before (your gift!) and yet - you’re not affected by any of the 3D human things, intergenerational traumas, woundings or timelines that have previously - literally held you captive - in other dimensions and time and space. I am also getting the message - you have released yourself from the self imposed prison - you thought others had imprisoned you and yet, you had imprisoned yourself by thinking they had power of you to even do that! About 2-3 weeks ago - you literally broke yourself out of that captivity bubble and this last 2-3 weeks have felt extremely different for you - yes? Yes… you did it. You are no longer bound by anything holding you back. What a freedom! The limitless reality you have been so aware of exists - you’re now… in it. what an extremely powerful place to be operating from - like you just got an upgrade - because you did! Extreme computer chip alert! Create until your heart is content - limitless life, I welcome you. Love xxx If you are ready to deeply connect back into who you are and reset the tone for your 2024 and beyond, join us for our first Full Moon Ceremony of 2024, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony