🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 23rd July 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 23, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 23rd July 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Oracle of Mermaids for you today 🧜🏻‍♀️ 🧜🏻‍♂️

The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One ❤️https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Wave of Power. ‘A surge of power, upswing in energy, exhilarating movement.’

I feel like you have just had a huge wave come in yes? Of energy, of even annoyance in a way - babe - the next wave has ARRIVED! Are you ready to FLY?? This space feels like this next two weeks is deeply activated, aligned, energised and ON FIRE. Don’t let the energy cripple you - channel it baby! It feels like this is what you have been waiting for!! I am feeling like you have having a zillion ideas at once, so many inputs from so many people even and things are in full swing. Remember, if you’re feeling confused at all, you are fused - meaning, you have taken on someone’s energy, you are fused to them. This isn’t about cutting cords, this is about keeping your energy clear, clean and on point in alignment with where you are headed. That means a FULL BODY practise - not just one thing, this is a huge array of practises, that keep your body and life in alignment. Yet - I feel like you have just picked yourself back up out of this and are clear, focused, determined and you feel this wave of power surging through your body. Remember, deep full bodied breaths - allowing you to stay focused and in alignment with what you are needing to do and get done and channel that creative force into where it is meant to go. You can always write one idea at a time down on post it notes, you can also just do the thing and you can also delegate. You can also gather all these ideas and leave them to the side for a moment, whilst you finish clearing out and organising what you are doing right now - which I feel like is where you are at right now. It feels like you are gathering lots of energy and momentum - you’re definitely moving forward, but you also  don’t have to make any snap final decisions right now. There is a big energy gathering huge momentum in the collective right now and you can deeply feel this in alignment with your life. You are using this power and manifesting abilities - your FOCUS to where and what you need/want to create in your life. Know that you have all the capabilities to manifest every desire you’re needing right now, you don’t need to go without anything in the long term. I am getting the sense too - ‘reassess your reality’ and it feels like you are coming into the reality of things and making a solid plan to change that - perhaps the ‘you don’t have to go without anything’ - is perhaps you have dropped your mindset in some way? You can have it all? Sometimes we drop into fear thinking we can’t or there isn’t enough time - but you also know you are the creator of this reality too - time, having anything and wondering if this is your reminder you CAN? Focus, focus, focus - which you ARE, don’t let anything distract you, no matter how important it seems to be yes? You know what you need to get done, time to DO IT! I am also sensing, there is something that has been tapping you on the shoulder - did you just act on it recently? Something new, something that is leading you into a different direction? Or in an expansive direction? Perhaps you are expanding and delegating and now something new is/has just come in whether idea/place/environment or some other big that will totally shift your reality? I am getting the message to TRUST this - this is leading you where you want to go, it is almost ‘answered prayers’ - so totally trust this space you are expanding into, even if it feels mighty uncomfortable - that is usually a pretty big sign you are on the right path! 😍 Trust, trust, trust, focus, focus, focus - ride this wave beauty, it’s coming in, it’s here, align your energy and go for your DREAMS on YOUR TERMS. Because… you CAN. Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat


Card #2: ‘Vivid Dreaming, Dream Messages, Dream Teaching.’

Oh honey, do you worry about your dreams manifesting? Do you/have you been worrying you won’t be able to do it, have the resources you need for your plans - honey - do you think at times, that Spirit doesn’t have your back, or you sense at times that no one is there supporting you? Oh babe - I feel this card is coming to you today to reassure you that your dreams are soooooo supported by the Universe/your Soul/Intuition - whatever label you put on the thing you believe in that guides you - sooooo has your back! It may seem at times like everything is moving at a rapidly expanding place and you have no one to turn to in times of need or that you are alone on this rapidly expanding journey and that even at times you wonder if your crazy out there - FULL ON LARGE dreams are even possible with spirit and honey - of course the answer is yes. I am feeling like this card is such confirmation that EVERY LITTLE piece of what you are planning is 100% connected and supported by Spirit more than you realise. Go ahead with your plans is such a strong message right now about this. What plans were you ‘almost’ going to put in place? And/or what have you been researching into/about that is part of these plans, but you have held off because you didn’t know if it was right or how the resources will turn up for you? You know, deep down, the resources will turn up - because they always do don’t they beautiful one? You know this, but sometimes it can be scary expanding into a new area of your life a new place a new space and environment, a new level that requires a new capacity of you to let go, trust and deeply dive into the expansion that your Soul has been calling forth within you all along. Of course, here, I have been talking about your Life dreams, your Lifestyle dreams, your Life Purpose and Soul Desire dreams, and this card - with Dreams - also represents your sleeping dreams. Of course, I always say to write your dreams down first thing in the morning when you wake up, with pen and paper - even if they don’t make logical sense, because the simple act of putting physical pen to paper and taking your mind out of your head and into our physical reality - has an alchemising affect. Not in ‘creating your horrid nightmare dreams’ - but the alchemising affect of being able to interpret your dreams and what they are actually trying to convey to you, what you are trying to process in your subconscious sleep state. Even if they don’t make sense writing them down - you are giving yourself/your body/your intuition permission to start trying to figure it out by writing it down - because your mind already goes into trying to figure it out because that is what brains do. Even though it might not come right away that day - the more you practise this process - well, the more we practise anything, the better we become right? No difference here. The more you do this practise of writing them down - the more our dreams make more sense in the sleep state. Your Dreams are deeply connected to your Third Eye and your Clairvoyance and another way to support/enhance this interpretation process is by using the Third Eye Chakra Healing & Clearing Meditation and also the Past Life Meditation to clear out any Past Life Traumas that may also be causing the painful dreams and memories ‘stuck’ in your Third Eye memory. (The link for the Third Eye Chakra - Clairvoyance Healing Meditation can be found by clicking here if you don’t have it: https://www.realityawareness.com/third-eye-chakra-clairvoyance-healing-meditation and the Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation is here if you don’t have that already too: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-integration-healing-meditation ) Perhaps part of the expansion you are feeling too, from the first part of the message of this card here for you today, is the Spiritual Expansion you are feeling. Yum - allow it beautiful - sooo many of us are experiencing shifts, changes and massive expansive growth right now - don’t fear it, allow it. If you fall into the allowance of the expansion you will find your life becoming one beautiful dance through the changes, rather than the pain and drama that once filled your life. Life always happens, things always happen - it is the perception of the things that happen is what shifts you or hinders you beautiful one. Allow the flow, trust the flow, meaning your emotions as well. Honour you, care for you, like you would a small child going through immense change. Your Dreams are real - no matter what anyone says. You may have been shut down as a child with your hopes, dreams and excitement, but you’re not a child anymore. Follow them UNTIL they become your everyday reality. That is, after all, why you were born anyway? To live - your dream life? Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat


Card #3: Sanctuary. ‘Privacy, inviolate personal space, respected boundaries and taboos.’

This one speaks for itself! I am getting a strong sense about your home and/or environment that you spend most of your time. I am feeling/wondering/sensing for you - that - if you honestly asked yourself, if you could do/be/have any living place in the world any environment that you would surround yourself with and who you surround yourself around - would you honestly be living/spending time where you are? If your answer is no, I am getting the sense and message for you that now is not a time for settling anymore. We sometimes think we have to stay where we are because we have no other choice, and maybe right NOW you do - yet - is this where you are staying forever? And are you working towards creating something new and more, ‘you’? I am also getting the message about your own self care rituals, I am hearing ‘the Moon’ and I am wondering if you are connecting wit the Moon Cycles and really honouring the rhythms of your body - do you have sacred boundaries and rituals around your self care levels and what you allow yourself to do and not do? This card is specially around saying no to others, so you can have that sacred time for you. I wonder if you feel like you don’t have enough time for you, or enough sacred space to honour you? Do you even like being alone? This card could also mean if you are not comfortable with STOPPING and being on your own, constantly pining and wanting someone - this is a sign to be comfortable with yourself and your own time - because if you’re not, how can anyone else be comfortable around you? I feel like this is a strong message to reassess boundary lines, where you are feeling depressed, depleted or like nothing is moving forward for you - can you reassess these spaces - where are you giving your time and energy that you simply do not want to be? Maybe it is about dropping tasks/people/meet ups from your life, cutting back how much work you squeeze into your schedule and stronger boundaries around getting more sleep. I am wondering if someone isn’t respecting your boundaries in this space? Who keeps ‘crossing your line’? Or is it you, crossing your own boundary lines? Saying you are going to do something or not going to do the thing anymore, and keep doing it? And then you feel worse and bad because you are going back against the commitments you made and honoured for yourself? Now is a time to really look at what is going on underneath what is it that is making you move back and forth, that is making you not stick to your own commitments. Is it because you don’t trust yourself? That you are afraid of spending time with your own self? That you feel you don’t have the resources to do so? That you are worried what other people will think when you start doing what is right for you? You remember that you are the only one that is ever really there for you? That you’re the only one that can truly meet your own needs? I feel this card has come to you to remind you that you are sacred, beautiful and meant to honour the sacredness of your Soul. This starts, by honouring your boundaries, saying no when you need to and dropping things from your schedule that pull you away from time that is precious that you need to pour and devote into YOU and what YOU are meant to be doing here. Can you look ahead to your schedule and start saying no to things that pull you away from your purposeful tasks - especially the ones you have been putting off but know you need to? Perhaps you have just done that, and this is confirmation for you - that you’ve definitely done the right thing. NOTHING is more scared than honouring YOU right now. Trust this whole heartedly and move forward knowing what you need to do to take care of yourself. The Universe supports you, when you support yourself. Honour the sacredness of your Soul by taking time out for yourself and don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of becoming more important than you, because nothing ever is - more important than your own Sacred Self. Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat


Card #4: Atlantis. ‘Rapid development, excellence, success.’

Fast, rapid changes - but I am wondering if you are feeling stuck or like you are at a standstill? Do you feel like you are sooo full, you have no time for anything else right now? This feels like you are rising - rising from the deep waters, rising and that your gift is rapidly enhancing, rapidly accelerating and almost - a ‘bit too fast’? I am wondering if you are like, woah, I have come soooo far in such a little amount of time - this is to be celebrated beautiful one! You have been working hard about this situation, you have been doing the work, turning up and this is causing you to rise rapidly and allow this unfolding beautiful one - it is what you have been doing the work for in the first place! I am also getting the message that there are some more sacred gifts for you that are about to be uncovered for you. It feels like you have a treasure chest inside of you with your spiritual gifts that you are only just starting to understand and that in these coming months, these are going to grow stronger and I am also sensing for you to ‘learn your gift’. Sometimes when we start opening up, we feel like we are ‘supposed’ to know what the symbols and messages mean, but they may come in shapes/messages/symbols that you don’t actually know what they mean. The most important part is that you ask your intuition for more information about what it means.  I am also getting the message that there are three people around you right now that can offer you more support, help guidance and understanding about what is really going on for you/amplifying your gift - supporting you with your new understanding and allowing the gifts in your treasure chest to open up and unfold. These three people around you, could also symbolise, either the Triple Goddess and the Triune God and a balancing of the Sacred Masculine and Feminine within you. The other message pouring through here is that - right now? You are stripping away SOOOO much of your old self. Your entire reality is getting an entire overhaul right now - soon - you are not even going to recognise your old self in a way - your entire reality will be 100% completely different in every area of your life within the next 3 months - your clothes, your home, your car, your body, your business/career - your relationships, everything as you have ever known it has and is being stripped away right now. You might feel vulnerable, you might feel like you are having moments of freak out when you feel like you have nothing to hold on to in a way - but the key here - get okay with the unknown, be okay with not knowing, be okay with - the unknown reality that is the space where you CREATE your entire reality FROM in the first place - so this space? Is a VERY powerful space. LET everything fall away, LET your emotions flow from feeling this way, LET the uncomfortableness, the unsettledness, these new realities, these new structures, these new ways of being - be okay with them feeling a bit foreign right now, be okay with them in your reality that has been the entire reason you have done all this work in the first place to get to this space and time in this reality here right now. This now becomes your new reality - but - it only get’s better and better from here on in beautiful Soul. THIS is where the Magic of life, really starts to come back, the remembrance of your true sparkly self, the blessing and the magic that you ARE - to BE and do, what you are here to do - in every single breath. I am getting the message to continue to take the steps and also - what, do you need to ground down into reality? What do you need to do, to sort out your physical environment that will enhance the FEELING of your present reality time and space, so you can shift even further, into the person you are becoming? Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat


Card #5: Soul Cage. ‘Rescue, escape from captivity and restriction.’

Ah - release the bars you have created for yourself - free yourself from your own cage! Have you heard this already in the last few days? Where have you put yourself in your own prison? Where have you perhaps even,. Just freed yourself of your own doubts, limitations, pile of buried emotions, that you didn't’ even know were sitting there? I am getting such a strong sense that this is strongly about the limitations that have come through your own doubt in your own powerful abilities- not letting your own potential shine, not letting yourself be powerful on your own - but waiting or pursuing someone or something thinking that you needed this to be able to support yourself? Your life line? Your support line, that thing/person that you used to have in your life, it is like you have been holding yourself back, waiting for them to change, waiting for them to see who you are, waiting for them to rescue you - to be the support person for you so you can finally be who you are meant to be in the world? I am wondering if you have recently felt lost without them in your life? I am sensing that this - is what you are needing to realise that what they represent to you in your life, is actually not what you thought it was? Is this also the realisation you are waking up to this realisation perhaps? That can be heart breaking right? The reality and truth about a situation about a person about.. what you have made them to be in your life - is actually not that? That the reality of the situation is quite different to that and the gap between the reality of the situation and what you thought it was - is so painful right?! Argh! HUGS!! I know this pain!!! So very well! SUPER HUGS!! YET! BIG YET - this? And is probably not what you want to hear right now - yet, this space of PAIN - someone once said to me about heartbreak, it isn’t so much about broken hearted but broken OPEN. The pain of facing reality sucks balls! It isn’t a nice feeling and can sometimes last months - years even - of this pain and what feels like torture! There are many aspects to releasing all this and #1 is releasing past life vows you have to this person - and you may not want to, but gosh honey, what is worse? Being in this reality without being able to have them, or letting go of the past life energetic binds you both have together so you can be free of torture in this lifetime? I know what I would rather choose! (If you don’t have my Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation you can get it by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-integration-healing-meditation) Because this, is where the Soul Cage comes into play with it. When there are energetic binds to your past about people whether one person or many relationships you’ve had together and you’re not willing to do the work to release them OR you think that you have done the work or there is nothing more to do or can be done about this situation or you just think that this is how it is - you put yourself in this cage. No one is coming to rescue you. No one is going to change your schedule for you so you can fit more in - this has to be done by YOU. Yet - that is scary sometimes right? You might think, ‘Oh Hannah - you have NO idea about my life NOTHING can be changed here this is just how it is right now.’ BOOM you have thrown away the KEY babe! Yet, when you have the willingness to RELEASE yourself from these binds and start asking the Universe to show you how you can, don’t try and hold on when things are stripped away from your life. Don’t be surprise if things get worse all of a sudden - it isn’t comfortable shedding your skin - yet that is the thing - you aren’t scared of what you are walking away from - you’re scared about what you’re becoming. You are scared of who you really are. What would your life be like if you TRULY freed yourself from that self imposed prison you have put yourself in? If you feel like you are trying and trying and trying and TRYING to move forward and taking all the steps and NOTHING is working down, but you are breaking down crying and everything is coming out - babe - you are ALMOST there. KEEP GOING. The tears, the breakdowns…. They lead to… the breaking through of those prison bars - YOU’RE SOOOO CLOSE, KEEP GOING. Release, release, release, ask for help, ask for support, cry harder, breathe deeper… you’re soooo close. Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat


Card #6: Falling In Love. ‘Kissing the divine in another, in yourself.’

Have you been pining after a lover? Are you wondering when you will meet your other half? Are you in a relationship currently? I feel like this card is a bit of all 3 of those first questions today. This card also represents The Divine Balance, the deep sense of self that you are, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine - have you been calling in a partner or pining for one? I am wondering if you have ‘prepared/created space’ for a life long lover? Sometimes we think we are ready to call in our lover, yet, there are so many barricades and blocks that we have up - and these are the walls around our heart, so we don’t get hurt again - this Soul Cage in card #5 today, sums this up nicely here! The walls, the self imposed prison that we place ourselves in. I am wondering if this card is coming to you as a sign you are about to break through something in your life because you HAVE been doing a bucket load of work to get to this space and you have been very well clearly out, doing the inner work, working on your energy field, stepping out of unbalance of inner energies that you have been in, perhaps you’ve been too much in your masculine and working on releasing those walls - which doesn’t come without working on feeling safe in the world. If you want to amplify anything - look at where you are feeling scared about something and create safety within this space and watch your entire life change. Perhaps you don’t feel safe, by feeling heard or that whatever you say is taken the wrong way or just not even acknowledged at all by the ones you are closest to. Even though this is both Masculine and Feminine card I am sensing that the messages here today are about the Masculine more so in this moment - do you feel safe with the Masculine? Do you trust the Masculine? Do you feel supported by the Masculine? This card? Representing your career/business/finances too baby! What?!? You may say? The relationship stuff has nothing to do with it! I say - babe, it has EVERYTHING to do with it! If you don’t feel safe with the Masculine, and YOU ARE THE MASCULINE holding it all together, doing everything on your own, feeling and thinking like no one can do the job better than you so you might as well do it, that you don’t have the support around you to even hire people, let people help you (because you end up doing it anyway) - honey, these are all aspects of control. Control comes in - because you don’t feel safe in the world from whatever caused that part of you to freeze up in the first place and ‘take control’ as a form of being able to feel SAFE with this thing that you do, do this task/role for this person, hold onto this, fill in the blank basically with whatever mechanism you use to feel safe. Now - the thing comes in that you need the thing to feel safe, so when that thing is taken away your entire world falls apart and you feel like you have no power or safety/security and so internally there is this unrest going on and that uneasy/unsettled/unsafe feeling going on inside of you? Is vibrating that out into the world. That can turn up in your reality as tight strict routines and schedules that you adhere to by the minute - yet if something throws you out of this - woah lookout world - why? Because you’re sense of security is gone and you wonder why you have no money or the relationship you want? Because you’re not allowing SPACE for the thing to come in - let alone - welcoming it with love and a sense of safety WITHOUT the thing you use to keep you safe - meaning, the outside schedule, routine, the thing you control so tightly in your life? That is an OUTSIDE thing. THAT will NOT change the inside feeling of the lack of safety, love and security you feel within! That is an INSIDE job! I know you’ve heard this stuff before right? UNTIL you shift the feeling WITHIN you and feel SAFE withOUT that outside thing - you simply will not manifest the thing you are wanting/craving/desiring/jealous of that everyone has but YOU. That thing you are working soooo damn hard to manifest but hasn't come in yet!? Shift the control of what you are holding onto on the outside world, your safety mechanism and change the internal sense of feeling scared, alone and in soo much internal unrest fear about and THEN watch, your entire reality COME TO YOU. THIS is what they talk about with the Law of Attraction, THIS is what they talk about you have to BECOME the thing first THEN it comes into your life, not the other way around. What would that version of you be doing, living like, thinking like, dressing like, walking like, speaking like, turning up like - IN that new reality, of having the thing you’re working so hard to create? Flick the switch babe, upgrade and turn on the new upgraded version of you now. Version - 2.0? What version are you stepping into? ‘Be grateful for what you have’ - no - be grateful for Version 2.0 already being your reality - because that focus PLUS the internal safety and FEELINGS of Version 2.0? Hello Law of Attraction amplified beyond measure! Let go of control, step into Version 2.0 and BE and FEEL that WITHIN you now… and watch The Divine Balance come walking into your life, in relationships, in your business/career, in your heart, your entire life? Is about to be upgraded babe - the faster you focus on your internal feelings of FEELING SAFE with your OWN POWER - not the outside thing giving you power, the faster, you will manifest what you’ve been striving for so long for. Trust. Let go. Drop deep. Feel safe… in LIFE. Love xxx The time, to surge into your Divine Power, Divine Life Purpose and propel into the reason you were here is getting closer... Reality Awareness Retreat, Lombok, Indonesia 11th-15th October - Click here for all the details to apply Divine One: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-retreat