🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 23rd June 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 23, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 23rd June 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you from the Work Your Light Oracle Card Deck today.  

This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! 

You know you are a Mystic

You know you have an Ancient Humble Heart 

You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. 

This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. 

This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. 

if you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIME

If you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. 

When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘


Card #1: Starseed. ‘What Lights You Up?’

Ah - DON’T SETTLE!!! Nope! Now is not the time to be available for anything less than your FULL dreams beautiful Soul! This is such a strong message right now - the portals are open, the time is now and your Soul is ready to step up and out and lead like you were born to. Are you scared? Are you not sure which route to go down? There is answer awaiting you - but you must be willing to take the steps to put yourself first and get the correct support and help for you to be guided along the way - there is resonance with some Souls and not with others trust who you are guided to work with to support you in your confidence and skills. Of course, we can do it on our own, but how long do you want to be fumbling around for I guess is the question you need to ask yourself. The other message I am getting here with this Starseed card for you is - travel - have you been wanting to travel, to move, to get out? Well, that could be seen as a silly question with al the world events going on right now, however, I am sensing so strongly about being able to move house if you can or travel somewhere that is like Home for you. There is something calling you from within your Soul - ‘What Lights You Up?’ And it is this Soul longing - or - hmmm, have you been feeling lost recently and then you’ve been starting to feel like things are getting back on track but the next steps are a bit… elusive to you? I feel like you’ve had clarity but are doubting the direction your guides/Soul is leading you to go in and again, the message of reaching out for support to guide the direction to ‘fast track you to your dreams’ - because I feel this is what is the ‘pivoting’ point for you right now or something. It is like… are you going to take that leap of faith and jump into the direction of your dreams, or ‘miss’ this portal of powerful energy right now and then 6 months later wish you had begun back then?! (in a way) is the energies I am feeling for you. So, if you are unsure of ‘how’ - that is the ‘wrong’ question… the question is you already know you have to, you jump and the Universe catches you - ‘you go first’ as they say. So, if you knew you were totally supported, what would you do? When I first began online in mid 2016, I was teaching yoga classes and facilitating Yoga Teacher Training, plus doing the online gig… towards the end of 2016 I knew I had to stop all outside sources of work and purely devote and jump into Reality Awareness and I did. In January 2017 I purely dove into Reality Awareness online and have been building it ever since. Was it easy? No! Would I recommend it? Probably not ðŸ¤£ At the same time - I would! How much do you back yourself? How much do you believe you can do it or more so - KNOW you have to do this thing? What portal, what window of opportunity is being presented to you right now? Does it - LIGHT YOU UP? Thinking about fully devoting yourself to your mission, your path, your purpose the - place that LIGHTS YOU UP? Yes we need to take radical responsibility for our reality, however we also need to take that leap of faith in the direction of our dreams, turning them into reality no matter what it takes. The question is not how, but - just following each step that feels right because that path - that LIGHTS YOU UP - even though scary at times, it is that exhilarating feeling going down that big slide and feeling grateful you stepped outside your comfort zone and FLEW with flying colours. So, what does, LIGHT YOU UP? Love xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition



Card #2: Imrama. ‘Where are you being called to journey to?’

Ah, you’re on a journey, and you can hear it calling you - are you paying attention to what is actually calling you? I feel like you are being distracted in some way from what you are really meant to be doing? Are you doing something then let it go or leave the most important Soul work until the end of the day and then you don’t do it because, well other things happened? I feel that you need to prioritise and change the schedule of doing things. I once heard someone say, do the hardest task first thing in the morning, as then it it done and you are ‘free’ for the rest of the day. You feel better because the biggest mission is done - and it doesn’t even have to be ‘big’ - it might be tedious or you are learning something new and that can feel big - but do it first thing in the morning and then - you can have all the distractions you want ðŸ˜‰ I am also wondering if you are getting the nudge to go somewhere, travel somewhere, but you are holding yourself back - your mind is talking your heart out of it because of - any reason it comes up with. You see the mind is oh so mighty powerful about talking the Heart out of why it shouldn’t be doing a certain thing. The mind will ALWAYS find a reason why you can’t or shouldn’t or can’t (oh yeah I said that) that's how strong the mind is. Or should I say how negative the mind is and will shut your Heart down of any idea that feels good, let alone which direction to go! And so.. this now brings me to - are you feeling shut down by someone around you? Someone close to you? Someone you know even? It is like.. they don’t see you right?! They shut you down, don’ even listen to you and then you feel… well, deflated to say the least. However, I feel like you have reached a point where you have had enough of that! And this - ‘Where are you being called to journey to’ - is stepping you outside of your comfort zone, because it is also pushing you to make a big, life changing decision right?! Do I stay in this, or do I go?! Ah, its a HUGE one right?! The woman on this card is staring out into the distance - starting at the pillars up ahead, the light, shining on the path ahead - gazing at it.. oh it is so…peaceful and feels sooo aligned up there she says…that… feeling. And yet, you keep turning back, turning away from it, from the path, from your SOUL’s path - and staying in the ‘shut down’ energy. And this shut down energy and what is being reflected in your reality is only a cold reflection of the shut down of your own heart. Have your arms been hurting lately? Have you cut your finger or grazed your hand recently? Your Heart beautiful one! Your heart - is calling you on a journey that may seem scary and and ‘unknown’ path… and yet... you know it is one you need to journey on. Love xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition



Card #3: Don’t Dim To Fit In. ‘How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?’

What is shutting you out? Where have you shut your own light out? Where do you give your light away to make others feel better? Where do you carry everyone else’s weight and your light has gone out you wonder why you’re exhausted all the time? I wonder if you feel up and down most of the time lately? I am sensing a recalibration going on for you and yet at the same time, there is some baggage some weight, some unspoken words that haven’t been voiced that you are needing to voice to someone - what has been left unsaid? I feel you are wanting to say these words to this person, but you are holding back… because? Maybe yes, you don’t need to speak to the person, you can always write a Soul letter and safely burn it as a way of ‘speaking’ to them and releasing the entire situation to the Universe to take care of. But, I am sensing this ‘Don’t dim to fit in’ - is also you squelching your voice - which then squeezes and shuts down your Heart and I feel that at this time you do need to voice words to someone? From your Heart space? What have you locked away in your Heart and are scared to let this out? Because in this, being afraid to share your true heart with someone - you are dimming your light, you are shutting down your Heart. If you are feeling like you’ve been shut down by someone else - this, is only a dear reflection of where you have shut your own Heart down and you may have done that a long, long time ago. Where, did you stop sharing your Heart along the way? What was said that made you scared to share ever again? Honey, there is a strong message here. #1 - It is time to let that past go - whether that be walking away from that relationship, and/or clearing the energetics out of your body that are still causing the traumatic effects of the past to play influence in your current reality. #2 - You are safe as you move forward into your new life, of being able to share your light, share your Heart and be who you really are in your world, your life and serve your vision and mission on this planet. So, are you? Are you in a supportive environment? In your life, with the people that are around you, with the location you are in? If not, time to release the cloak from your life and shift to where you can, shine your light and share your Heart, no holding back anymore? Because - your Soul is already calling this forth right? Have you felt ‘locked up’/‘stuck in a cage’/‘like you can’t move’ recently? This is - your LIGHT busting to come out… it’s time isn’t it? Love xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition



Card #4: Yes. Just say yes.

Well, this card is pretty clear right? I don’t think I need to say anymore to this card ðŸ˜‰ If you have been on the fence about something - beautiful Soul, don’t let anything hold you back! Just go for it. Figure out the how later on, figure out the how as you go - that is how all the successful people operate and you… are DONE with being less than who you really are, you are DONE with settling for less than your dreams, you are DONE with worrying about things that keep you stuck going around in circles over and over again right?! DONE with it all yes?? Sooooo it is TIME TO ACT! This Yes card - I feel that whatever you have been waiting for, the right time, the money, the sign - well, you just got it! Money always shows up - money needs a purpose before it comes in, so that is why when you leap - the Universe has your back and it comes in. The other piece here is, ‘What is it costing you?’ - What is it costing you to not say 100% yes to the thing you really want? What is, staying in your current situation, doing for your mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, physical health - what is it costing you to stay where you are? Is it conducive to where you want to go, where you want to be? No, didn’t think so! And saying yes to this thing, fast forward 12 months, 2 years - 10 years - do you wish you had said yes to the thing now? So, the answer is yes, yes? Taking that leap of faith, isn’t easy, whether that be walking away from a stagnant relationship that you know is holding you back and is the root cause of the last thing you need to let go of to FLY! Or taking that risk and joining that environment that is going to take you to the next level with the people you will be around that are supportive to your Dreams and actually help you reach them - saying yes, may be scary, but.. it is that answer - you already knew deep inside right? So, the answer is yes beautiful Soul, don’t doubt anymore, don’t wait anymore - you already know what you have to do. Trust it. Your Soul is speaking to you. I am also getting the message that this card may also be coming in confirmation of a decision you made recently - about 2-3 weeks ago, something changed for you and it has set you on a different life path than you could’ve expected compared to the start of the year - and yet,  this card, is coming to you in confirmation that you are exactly where you are meant to be, so trust it also, you made the right decision, you’ve been listening to your Soul and if there is something that is calling you - yes, the yes card, is also confirming your continued correct decisions and direction for your life. Continue to trust yourself, you’re right on path. Love xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition



Card #5: Align Your Life. ‘What is no longer in alignment with who you truly are?’

Hmmm, what are you hanging on to? I feel like you know you need to walk away from something, you need to give up something or work on what is going on, but you are not… doing so? I feel like you’re waiting for it to shift, maybe it will change, things will be different when… no. No honey. This card has come in answer to your questions about what should you do with this situation - and, deep down? You already know you need to walk away and do this next leg on your own for a bit yes? I am also getting the message this is related to a house move or work environment too - not just an intimate relationship, it could be either of those three things - you will know which one relates to in your own life. It feels like this has been your safety net and has actually supported you to do some incredible things in your life over these last years that, without it, you wouldn’t have been able to achieve what you have or become who you are today without it. And I feel that this, is what part of the ‘hard to let go’ piece is, because it has gotten you this far, then well.. you’ve also out grown it. And I am hearing - ‘Don’t you trust in us to support you? Don’t you trust your Soul already has a plan that you chose to enact at this time that enables you to move in the direction of your Destiny?’ I am also getting the message to remind you that recently our Solar System, moving through space, went into a portal type space in space and I received the message that Humanities timelines changed, timelines collapsed and where we WERE heading, is no longer, we have shifted directions and in that - many people’s contracts with each other also changed. People had huge opportunities literally on their doorstep about a month ago and people chose, what they chose and I feel that everyone has almost come out of this washing machine in a way and many are lost and confused at this time, simply because of this timeline collapse and shift that happened quite rapidly (in the scale of all of time!) And with this, many people who thought they were coming with you or going in this direction ion your life - are suddenly changed and are on a different path, have dropped out of your field/life and this… is causing you to hang on to them in a way. You were certain you were doing it together/needing to stay in this job/house/place/environment and now ‘all of a sudden’ - THIS WAY! So this, ‘Align Your Life’ - what is it, that you are needing to move away from, let go of, shift to and out of? Whatever you have to let go of - if you are struggling to, the grief, is the thing that tis holding you there. Until we feel the grief which can be MIGHTY uncomfortable, we hold on in fear, because well, we ain’t see no path without that person or thing/job and gosh that is scary! However, it is where you know you need to go and to let go of ‘what is no longer in alignment with who you truly are’ - because you know this deep in your Soul yes, and it… brings up grief and sadness right? Please reach out for support to someone you trust and that you know gets it that you can move through this, for you know, that this is holding you back, is the last piece for you stepping into who you are truly are. I know you already know this. Holding you!! It ain’t easy to let go of what we thought was meant to be nor the reality that now they have chosen this other path that… in itself can be a harsh reality to face too. However, when you are truly honest with yourself and your Soul - where you will be in 5 years time? Ah, you will be glad you walked through this now and let go of the thing, not in 5 years. Right? LOVE xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition



Card #6: The Initiation. ‘Rite of Passage. You’re going somewhere sacred.’

Ooooh, this is what the last 6-8 weeks have felt like for you right? HUGE recalibration and what is really going and knowing it is sooo deep whatever you are shifting out of and through but this - has been your initiation into your next journey of your life, but I feel this has been extraordinarily big for you because this particular initiation is one that is setting the tone for the rest of your life right now. This has been the deepest, biggest, single most life transforming past few weeks, because you are shifting into the life you have been born to live. All those dreams, all those visions, all those words you constantly spoke to others about how your life is supposed to be and them, perhaps feeling inadequate and intimidated by your clarity and unable to give you what you want (even though you never asked them for it you were just sharing your heart and soul with them) and everyone looking at you like you were crazy - honey, this past few months? Has been the initiation into your BIRTHRIGHT, into the life you were always meant to live. And now, this past few months of initiation have put you right on path for the full alignment of your Destiny. It may have been hard, but gosh - worth it, because this is Dreams coming true material - the etheric manifesting into form. I feel that around the last Full Moon, you got glimmers into this, decisions and things you chose to do back around the Full Moon, set the magical tone and now, in the coming months, you are going to shift into even more of that reality coming to physical form yes? You’ve already made plans for such too right? I am also getting the message something bout your throat, your voice, are you meant to write a book? Are you meant to sing? Are there sounds that are wanting to come out that you need to record? I feel like this voice aspect for you, is a huge part of your dreams coming true space - like, the future you on this path you know you’ve always been born to live - this voice aspect is a huge piece about that person you’re becoming and stepping into now right? So, to make this manifest even more rapidly = then, the voice aspect needs to be lived now yes? Start the voice thing now and watch how fast your reality pulls into even more alignment and turns up right before your very eyes. This has always been the path for you and now, now it is happening. Celebrate this achievement beautiful one for you deserve every piece of this, you’ve been through a lot to get here, now, enjoy the ‘fruits of your labour’ and the pure aspect of yourself birthing into physical manifestation. Celebrating YOU! ðŸ‘‘🤩🥰 Love xxx This is the FINAL WEEK for Trust Your Intuition and the Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator! You know you are a MysticYou know you have an Ancient Humble Heart. You know you hold a very strong energy that people feel when you walk into a crowded room and you also know you transform the room at the same time, just by simply being who you are. This is the place where you can exude your confidence in who you are, rather than shy away in the corner of the room. This is where you can shine your Light BRIGHT and be who you were truly here to be on this planet right now. If you want to fine tune your gift and sensitivity, rather than be floored by the energies you feel ALL THE TIMEIf you want to step into the version of you that is super clear about your Life Purpose and is ready to learn the skills required to do what it takes to birth the Unique version of you in the World - then Trust Your Intuition is calling you. When this reopens in the next round, the investment will be more than double, so click here to join us before doors close and this increases at the end of this week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition