🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th July 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 25, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th July 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Beyond Lumeria Oracle Cards 🤩

MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑


Card #1: Balanced Forces. “Yin and Yang. Productive Flow. Masculine & Feminine Energy. The balance of duality. patriarchal paradigm being re-balanced. Equality. Balance in perspective.”

You are at a crossroads - or you’ve just stepped into a balanced flow, or are choosing it, or your life is falling apart BECAUSE you choose stability, safety, security and a good fucking life. Not a life of chaos, drama and ridiculousness! You’re OVER that #yawn. Tired of it and just sooo done. No more, nup! Not for me! Balance baby. Your balance. YOUR LIFE, YOU. You’re choosing YOU (finally!) but it is also just time. Whether your kids have grown up, whether you’re entering into a rite of passageway with your age and the age of your business (businesses have rite’s of passages too you know, did you not click until now about that?! Your entire reality just shifted right?!). Balanced Forces are at work in your life and you’re deeply riding this stability wave that is coming in to take you by the hand and hold you for the rest of time. Gone of the days of chaotic unknowns and riding on pure faith and holding on, hoping that everything is going to work out okay - because ultimately it is and of course you still walk in deep faith whilst taking massive aligned action in the direction of your dreams - of COURSE - because that is just who you are, but you are also… at a place where you don’t have to stress deep down underneath. You’ve reached a peak and timeline in your life where you’ve lived this way for so long now that it has stabilised into this way of being. Having a ‘Balanced Life’ - doesn’t mean there won’t be real life things to deal with, but you don’t see them as a drama anymore, you don’t see them as a big deal or ‘something is wrong’ - just… life happens and you just deal with it. This ‘Balanced Forces’ is that you have healed something deep within you that this deeply balanced stabilised place is coming to a state of being where you have matured, where you don’t blame others, where you don’t talk drama or create it anymore, you are dealing with life differently and you are coming into your own. You’re putting yourself and your life first and are deeply aligning to who you’re meant to be. You’re in alignment… and you won’t tolerate anything that pulls you away from that anymore. ‘When things are falling apart, it means things are actually falling into place.’ I know, such a cliche saying, but there for a reason. ‘When people show you who they really are - believe them.’ Important things for you… You’ve matured and it can be confronting reality in realising those around you have not grown with you. Know that with this stabilised balanced internal state you are being guided right now in and on the right path for YOU. Trust it, and follow it all the way, this stabilised, balanced state is what you’ve asked for… now that it is here, jump on this opportunity, this path way of light… Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N 


Card #2: Earth. Nurture Nature. “Looking after the planet. The eb and flow of life. The loving embrace of mother nature. the natural beautify of death and decay. The macro-microcosm, time in nature, ancestors, growth through weathering storms, nurturing self and heart so you may flourish.”

This card has a strong message in allowing Mother Earth to hold, nurture, cleanse and ground you. Perhaps you are needing some time at the ocean, in nature or just being outside in general. Take this card as a sign you’ve been working too much and are in need of a break! I am getting a strong message for you that ‘the roots are firmly planted’ so there is no need to worry about…. what you’re worrying about. But taking a break, immersing yourself in nature or at your favourite location that lights up your Soul is going to be greatly beneficial for you at this time. It feels like you have been working on something very solidly or just… non-stop and now it is not only time to put yourself first but a strong message here, to drop deep into trust. Umm… you would not believe what just happened writing this card… it started pouring rain ‘out of the blue’ (it had been on and off, but looked like it was clearing up) and then I turned around to look out the window and a huge rainbow - perfect rainbow was right outside my window (I’ll put the photo on my social media stories so you can see it!). If you needed a sign that everything is going to be okay (right after I was speaking of trust!) then… well, you couldn’t have gotten anymore of a clearer sign! Right?! You have felt the Earth shifting beneath your feet, you know you’re on the precipice of huge change and you know that everything is going to be okay, deep down, you do - so, take this as a sign, to get in nature to clear, cleanse and ground your energy until you feel better - stay outside! I feel like you kinda have no excuse on this one! Now, any Earth or environmentalism cards can also be your guide post and sign to deeply check in with your energy field - who is in your energy, who is around you, what needs cleansing. Also, getting something about your Mother - are you cutting generational lineage ties with your Mother - or the lineage that you’ve been ‘carrying’ - well, the buck stops here - you’re the cycle breaker and no one said it would be easy, but with rainbows and unicorns, well, it is already happening and on it’s way precious one. You can do this, and the true Mother has your back. Follow your Heart - your true Mother is calling - that’s you btw, nurturing yourself, feeding your Soul and lighting up your life in your divine feminine power (and if you’re a man reading this, igniting your intuitive side to deeply own who the fuck you truly are with your gift). You don’t need to carry your Mother’s crap anymore - clear and release baby! (this may involve physical cutting ties for a while too!) Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N


Card #3: Root Chakra. Ground and Centre. “Foundations, grounding, basic needs, survival, physical identity, responsibilities, the place where we build our lives, time in nature.” 

Soooo… everything is changing for you - everything. Nothing is the same, nothing is as it seems and everything you once knew, is just no more. If you look back six months ago - things are very different and in another six months? Where do you want to be? What do you want to be ‘complaining about’ - or more so celebrating? Complaining meaning…. there are things that nee changing and as my dear mentor says, ‘get bigger problems!’. Why complain about the small stuff when there are bigger fish to fry so to speak. Speaking of complaining the strong message here is why the FUCK are you STILL complaining about the same issues as 2 years ago? OMG #yawn. How long are you going to keep complaining about this? #tiredalready. BASE CHAKRA SHAKE UP. You have KNOWN you need to make this change for sooo long and seriously - you’ve seen it time and time again and probably even experienced it yourself - if you don’t make the changes you know you need to when you keep getting the message, to make the changes… God and the Universe make them for you and we all know how messy and hard that can be! The Moth on the bottom of this card, feels to me there are some skeletons in the closet, the Moths are a symbol of light and transformation and I am not the first one to tell you it is time to make the changes you’ve been thinking of. Yes, that might mean that your entire reality crumbles. It will mean a big hard look deep down in the closet inside of you, that place where it is pitch black and a bottomless pit that you can’t see anything - that dark you can’t even see your hand in front of you.. is quite… confronting. That. Is how deep this goes. But in there… when you stand there long enough… your eyes adjust - eventually they do and you begin to see…. all the things that were once important to you, things that you once loved, things that… made you who you were before the cloak of darkness took you into a space you have forgotten who you are and honey…. your Base Chakra is awakening… meaning… your Soul has reconnected - even through this dark time and it has ignited a spark that has allowed the glowing embers to bring more and more light and this Phoenix has awoken and this fire… is lighting up the sky….. this baby is being reborn…. you… I am talking about you. And all is going to be okay. I truly, truly is. Soon, very soon, you will see. Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N


Card #4: The Violet Flame. “Your psychic toolkit, re-centreing practises, depending your energetic awareness, clearing your aura, healthy energetic boundaries, protection, removing trauma from your field, maintaining a high vibration, rebalancing after times of raised frequency.” 

The Violet Flame is a powerful protectant, clearer of stagnant negative energy and sealer of leaky energy. The Violet Flame can be directed out of your finger to seal up the hair line cracks in anything, whether your energy field, energetic auras, heal cuts on your hands or skin, or seal the leaking petroleum drums under the petrol stations all over the world. Seriously though. The Violet Flame has called your attention - where can you use it today? You may think you are not qualified for this - but you are, all you need do is imagine the a purple/Violet light coming out of your hand/fingers and direct it wherever you want it to go. Play with it, ask it where it wants to show you where to go. This card comes in direct - time to cleanse your energy and keep your spiritual practises at this time. Have you dropped them off? Pick them back up again. Even when it is ‘good times’ it is important to cleanse and amplify your spiritual gifts. The old adage, why wait until something is bad to change it, when it is good it amplifies. This is the differentiation between learning through pain or learning through joy - which do you choose? This, I feel is such a choice point for you right now. Sometimes the easiest path is the right choice for you! Meaning - you’ve been there and done that pushing harder, working harder and no, that is not how you’re choosing to do it right now. Use the Violet Flame to clear off any of those old paradigms that are still clinging on, even in your brain, so that you can be free of those threads and truly allow the ease and grace to come through and flood your life in the way that you know is meant for you. I am getting the message that you’re seeing the truth about this situation - the mentors, the courses, the technology, the tools, spiritual and physical that are catching your attention right now - pay attention. Books might have come into your life, new teachers, new technology that you previously shunned before that now feels aligned - trust you’re ready for this new level, because this is what you’ve walked through the shadow of the valley of death before because… you’ve gone through it. Now is not only time to heal, but to elevate to your next level, your frequency, your vibration, your joy, your heart… it is just… the ‘of course’ right choice for you. Trust it. You’re being shown the way and you’re seeing the truth accurately at this time. Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N


Card #5: Awakened Awareness. “Beyond the veil, clearing distortion and illusion. Awareness of what is running us subconsciously, communing with our God force, Energetic sovereignty, growth outside your comfort zone, the collective awakening.” 

Ah, so interesting the end of Card #4 I was speaking about seeing the truth and trusting it! This one - well, the Eye is almost all you can see! Have you been seeing things in your reality that is confronting? What has triggered you - or should I say who?? I feel like you’ve been peering in over the shoulder trying to stay away but you can’t help yourself haha - you come back time and time again and now this card - god damn right?! Soooo…. instead of peering in, reach out. There is a reason why you’re peering in - it is time to step up your game honey. No more peering in like some stalker on the edges. You’re seeing what you’re seeing because it is a path lit up for you or you wouldn’t be looking like this! Plus, not only does it seem they/the thing is appearing in your face and feed all the time - random people you don’t even know are talking about it to you and just wtf! Signs anyone?! Signs that your path is being shown to you but you are resisting it ten fold. But seriously…. facing your own demons about the shunning of your own Soul is the ONLY reason you’re feeling and experiencing this, because you know that it is time, but you’ve been too scared to face you as a person to go to this next level. The only thing you’ve been scared of is YOU! Because that means that you’ll have to face the fallout of the change you’ll experience of everyone around you and gosh… what is more Soul draining? Peering in, crushing and pushing your Soul down and pretending to be happy in your reality or actually taking the damn leap, growing those wings (and balls) and jumping in head first, arms outstretched with full faith and deep knowingness that this is going to trigger you and grow you as a person? You’ve been wanting to jump in - but you’ve held back, thinking this or that or that you can’t be like that or charge like that and yet your SOUL keeps coming back to this… time and time again because… for you to rise and truly serve who you are meant to - are you really continuing to stay in the paradigm that you are? Do you realise that the ones who are meant to be by your side will rise with you like no tomorrow? I feel like this card is showing you the truth but only you can go deeper with this one (or course!) I feel that this strong message is for you to really own your truth and realise that… someone and certain people WILL be by your side when you make these changes and to not delay living your life anymore because of it. It feels like you choosing this… is going to attract and maintain new people on this higher vibration… but the old must be released - but this… ain’t anything you don’t know. There are new things catching your attention as mentioned… it is time to move in these directions. You are ‘free now’ - your path is clear - you have cleared a lot of distortion and you are seeing the truth… so trust it. Trust YOU. Only you can do this and only you are going to be by your side for the rest of time, become your own best friend. Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N


Card #6: Loving Compassion. “Unconditional love, empathy, compassion, care, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, beyond duality, safe space, forgiveness through expanded perspectives, open-hearted joy.” 

Have a bit of tenderness for yourself! Have a bit of compassion for yourself! Have a bit of faith in yourself at the same time precious one! I know right now everything seems soooo unknown, the level of faith you have had to stretch and walk and stretch and walk some more is seriously - no one does this. Well, of course there is the 1% within the 1% within the 1% that does this… but no one you know walks half as close to what you do. Have a bit of Loving Compassion for yourself precious… this card says so.. your guides, your angels that have led you here today, your Soul - has this message for you - you can do this. You can think bigger than you’ve ever done and you know what about this? Is that right now - it is REQUIRED. You have done this work for YEARS - do not give up now! You are soooo close to your biggest break through yet and yet, more faith is required, more stretching beyond what you ever considered before - is required. You know this is the key right? Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs. It is darkest before the dawn. It feels like all is at a loss and then the breakthrough. You’re sooo close to manifesting something you’ve been wanting for… such a long time and the magical ingredient right now is your faith. You’ve held it this long what is a bit longer. And no, this isn’t a hold it, freak out, contract manifestation ply, this is a surrendered, hold faith, stretch faith, of course it is done and some more expansion thrown in the mix of course it’s done and already happened faith and manifestation ply - yes? This is you, knowing how to work this ‘game’ - because you’ve been walking this path for so long now it has become who you are. Any agitation, contraction or doubt is only coming up because honey.. you’re tired… you’re done - this situation that you’ve been smiling at the forefront of the facade when deep down you’re done… is tiring and your Soul is longing for you to leap, jump and FLY with this faith. You’ve ALWAYS created reality with this level of faith and this Loving Compassion has come to you to wrap it’s loving wings around you and let you know that everything you’ve ever asked for is yours.. is on it’s way and is just the medicine you’ve been asking for. You may need to make some huge changes, but right now… you know what to do - be gentle, kind, love yourself and know that faith, faith, faith is going to allow this to appear magically. If you’re struggling with reaching this place of pure surrender - then cry. Howl. Get your tears out… recalibrate and soar. Love xxx MY PAPERBACK BOOK HAS ARRIVED!!!! 🤩 Do you have your copy?! I am celebrating this so much right now - this celebration will go on for weeks ha! And so it should, it is the birth of my book and I couldn't be happier! You can grab your copy from the Amazon store, simply search Ancient Blooded Healer and you will find it, or you can click here and make sure you're on the Amazon store for your country and wallah! Click here to grab your copy now: https://a.co/d/cygga6N