🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th April 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 26, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th April 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids and Dolphins for you.

You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way.

With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Wait. “Don’t rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.”

This card feels like - why are you settling for less? Or I feel you have ‘chosen to wait’ because actually you’re not willing to settle for less!  I also wonder if you’ve just had a big ‘stop and reassess’ or ‘pause’ or you’ve been cleaning and organising and ‘getting everything in order’ for your next phase/mission of your life? And/or creating space for your next/new thing? I am getting the message about your highest vision - the highest version of yourself - and - and this is the biggest part - about your Heart. What is it that your Heart truly desires? It feels like your Heart is guiding you - or more so, that recently, you’ve recalibrated to your Heart. You’ve had to push, you had to go through the shit, through learning and shifting through what you did. And now you’re here you’re definitely not going to settle for anything less than what your Heart truly desires. I am also wondering if there is something in your life that you’ve been contemplating and had some big aha moments just in the last 24hrs or so? It’s like you haven’t been able to put your finger on it and then boom it just dawned on you? It feels like this has confirmed your waiting, wondering and questioning what you’re doing - because you know this is a new version of yourself and you can have what you want - not what you settle for and this aha confirmed it. It feels like you’re ‘living the dream’, and your physical reality hasn’t caught up. This card? Is your sign - keep holding this vision, keep doing what you’re doing this - because one day, you’ll wake up and you’ll pinch yourself that… you truly are living the dream, it’s finally arrived and you’re ‘here now’. Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday. 


Card #2: Have Faith. “Your prayers are manifesting. Remain positive and follow your guidance!” 

What is that thing you’ve been doubting? The thing you really want in your heart, but have resided to the fact that you just… maybe it’s not meant for you this lifetime? This card is obvious - Have Faith! It just hasn’t been time yet, if you REALLY think about it - it just hasn’t been time. Sometimes in life there is a time for pushing and striving to make things happen and other times it is a divine timing that has to fall into place with it at the same time yes? This card, I feel has come to you to Have Faith - keep holding the Faith, because what you want can and is coming true, but - are you truly ready yet? That thing you really want? You might say you are but I am sensing that there are some things you want to have organised/in place/structured or something changed before it happens to right? It’s not that you’ve been holding it back because you haven’t organised or done said things yet, because I feel you’ve been diligently working on it and are just plain and simply ready for the next thing. Although some wouldn’t agree with me, it is also reality of change, reality of manifesting desires and reality of life. There are some things that need to align, fall into place and for you to be in a place ready to receive them. I even think that you’ve been having these kind of realisations recently too. In a sense of reflecting where you were 5 years ago (or more) and how you just wouldn’t have been ready to receive such a place before. And now… maybe you’ve been losing hope at moments, but I also feel you’ve been ‘snapping yourself out of it’ because you know better than that, you know how this manifestation stuff works and you know… you’re not the kind of person to give up. So you dust off your crown and take the next step, that was calling you anyway and you know, you keep going until. Because there is no other option, other than your dreams anyway right? And you trust that the life you see inside of your Heart, is the only one available to you and won’t stop… until and then some. Of course. Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.


Card #3: Alchemy. “You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold.”

That project - that’s been on your mind! What is it? Projects only turn to gold when you dedicate time aside and work on them honey!! Of course, you’re an alchemist, a go getter, someone who makes shit happen - out of nothing by the way! You’re a star, a manifestor, a creator and the ruler of your life because you’re a Queen/King! That’s why! However, I feel this card is about you taking dedicated time to actually work on the project, maybe you’ve been up until this point rearranging your life so you CAN work on this project - however, this card has come to your to confirm it’s time to do so (as if you didn’t already know!). I am getting the sense to set timelines, deadlines to also get these projects done. It feels like you’ve had this on your mind for some time and yet, now it is just time. This project is also going to take you to the next evolution of yourself, to accelerate your Purpose and move you to the next level - but you also, already know this! I am also getting the message to remind you that the closer you are to starting and finishing a project will bring about so many distractions to actually get started and then also finish! As long as you’re aware of this, you’ll let the distractions be the distractions and ignore them anyway, and…. Get the task done! And awesome tool is setting a timer for 25mins and not letting yourself do anything else, not answer calls or text messages or anything for 25mins and just get as much done as you can, having a 5min break and then starting it again for another 25mins. Sometimes you’ll keep going, sometimes the 5mins breaks helps you keep going! Setting a timer is powerful as your brain, mind and energy knows where ‘the end’ is and we can focus - sometimes even with distractions - and get it done. You know what to do - make this your only priority right now - it’s just time honey. Turn it to gold! It’s your time to wear that shiny bling and SHINE! 😍 Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.


Card #4: Time to Move On. “It’s time to let go of the old and worn out, so that the new can come in.”

This card is clear. It’s time to walk away from the old, toxic, stale, worn out and stagnant situation. What just came to mind as you read that? You know what it is you’re letting go of and walking away from, it’s been on your mind for a WHILE now. And yet, it feels like there is a part of you still holding onto that. Or is it just time? The reason we can’t walk away from things or let go of things, is because we haven’t dealt with the grief, trauma, hurt and pain buried deep inside. The thing you’re trying to let go of and walk away from is not necessarily what you need to grieve - but of course that is also there - however, underneath is a deeper issue that is going on here for you and is the ‘reason’ if you may, you have ended up in this ‘toxic’ situation in the first place. I am getting the message about physical health detox too. Has this been on your mind? Is your body and health toxic, in need of a clean, or perhaps you have been getting fitter, stronger and healthier? I am also getting the message of new structures in your life. Does it feel like a new year, a new shift a big recalibration going on for you? It feels like you’re leaving anything behind in your life that no longer serves you and it is almost as though EVERYTHING is becoming new for you. Almost as if you picked up and moved country - that kind of clean slate everything is new kind of place it feels like right? (Or did you literally do that?!) or maybe that has been on your mind too. And even if you haven’t physically done that but you feel like that - this can represent the level of deep internal and external shifts you are having. It is almost as if everything has changed, but everything is still the same kind of feeling yes? This… is how greatly you’ve shifted. Things that once excited you, don’t anymore. And it’s only because you’re realising the depth of your worth, the meaning of life… and want someone to meet you at your level. It’s coming babe, don’t worry about that… just keep letting go, trusting and preparing… oh and don’t forget to live and have fun in there too. Because the life that you’re walking away from isn’t as fun as the one you’re walking towards and that, is all you need focus yourself attention on right now. Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.


Card #5: Stay Optimistic. “Your dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.”

Hmmm, two main things here - have you been wondering where the fun has gone in your life? Like you remember a few years ago or such that it was quite fun and life was very different and now it just seems bogged down and monotonous and you wonder how on Earth others that I’ve walked this before you have ever done it and you’re also feeling slightly bad for judging them like you did back then because now you’re in their shoes and just, well you’re like better off than they were and now you have more compassion for them and some because you see what they’ve gone through because now you’re witnessing it first hand - walking through it and just…. No words. Right? Phew. Huge. Life has changed huh? When things change and you grow older, it’s not that life isn’t fun anymore, it’s that the sense of what fun even is changes. Sure, some things you’ve outgrown and it is a matter of recalibrating to what is now fun for you in this stage of life but also appreciating things that you didn’t care for or think were a thing back then. Also, alongside this change, your brain neural pathways and chemistry also changes. What once was adrenaline rush so to speak, isn’t so much anymore, hence the ‘fun’ style has gone. This, is also the chemistry recalibration and can feel like such a slump until you realise these things and then slowly and what feels like forever find the new things that bring you alive again. It takes time with this, be okay with this, be gentle with yourself and - Stay Optimistic - through this change. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs, the Mermaids and Dolphins are telling you. Btw, maybe you need to go to the beach? The other part is it may feel like you’re plodding along and that things are taking time, because let’s be real, things do and anything that happens ‘overnight’ has had a huge portion of time - years - working up to this ‘overnight’. Keep ‘plodding’ along, know and trust you’re recalibrating because the miracle - is about to occur. This ‘plodding’ along is building strong foundations right now. People will ‘see you’ soon enough. Keep going, it is your only option after all 😉 Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.


Card #6: Protection. “You, your loved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven.” 

Have you made some massive life changes recently and are just settling down into it now? I am wondering if you feel this ‘good luck’ or the ‘wealth and happiness’ you’ve created now is going to continue? Are you scared it is going to go backwards or worry if it will continue or argh! Stop. Stop. These are just fears surfacing because this is now your reality and you can just do your thing now! You’ve worked hard to get here and are sitting in such a different frequency to what you have ever done before. This is the only thing that is ‘scary’ but it’s not scary it’s just a new feeling and frequency that has landed in your lap so to speak - it is just here now that’s all. You can use words and language like, it’s okay, this is how it is now, it’s just new, this is normal now, it’s my reality now because I created it so, I am safe in this change and I am safe in my new life. Your nervous system will be going through an entirely new way of life right now, it is resetting to this new frequency, it’s okay to feel off and unsettled in waves as you come into this new state of being. You’re safe and the Universe/God will continue to provide - just as it always has. You’re just in an easier phase and state of your life now, that’s all, so relax - tell your body and nervous system to relax, you’re safe now and things will continue to get easier so ya better get used to it! Remember this is what you did all the work for in the first place, now you can just relax and receive it. Hmmm, are you afraid of someone taking it all away from you? Or losing it or 🤔 If any of these ‘stories’ are coming up, it is just a thread from past tugging on your consciousness and this is just a thread, a memory, a trigger to release, that’s all. In this ‘relaxed’ state, these are going to surface because they are no longer vibrating in the density of your body anymore. That, is why they are coming up and out. Witness them, remember them, cry if you need to and release. And then ask yourself, and what do I get to believe about my reality now? And write that down until your hearts content, realising that you’re literally writing your reality into existence and can create anything your heart desires now - not in the future - but now. Yes? Of course. And you’re definitely safe to do so, with more abundance, supplies, opportunities and love, to do so. Love xxx You’ve reached a place, where you see yourself…. As the Badass, Rebel White Witch, Queen Goddess, Wild Woman who is here to set the world of fire with your passion, your purpose and you won’t take anything less than the best life you’ve dreamt of for sooo long - you know this so the only way. With everything you’ve been through and are about to tip into, you know that even though it’s been hard and you’ve questioned things along the way, you’re ready now, to come into a place of receiving, that just is, because well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Send me a message for all the details, Goddess Codes, closes this Friday.