🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th March 2024
Mar 26, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th March 2024
Scroll down to find what number is awaiting you there today from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle as reading results are now IN! 🐋
Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose?
Holding on to hope that those around you will finally see and support your vision?
Sharing your deepest dreams and passions, only to be met with dismissal or ridicule?
Realising you're alone in a crowd, surrounded by friends who no longer understand you?
Dealing with heartache over long-time relationships that fail to support your journey?
Facing skepticism from those closest to you, leading to self-doubt and dimming dreams?
Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place?
Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance?
Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you?
Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: In The Light Of The Moon. ‘A Full Moon can shine light on what you have been resisting. This can be anything from your fears to your soul’s beauty.’
What have you realised this past few days? Not only the light of the Full Moon, but deep in the start of the Eclipses - what has just eclipsed out of your life? What have you realised? What is it - that you have been holding onto that needs to be let go of. This could of course be something physical, like a relationship or environment, but this can also be a behaviour, thought pattern or something from your past that has been taking up mental space that needs to be - done with. This is the 20 year critical shift into Aquarius and so we are being asked to take a good hard look at our life and what we are here to achieve. I am also getting the message - what do you need to do that pushes you out of your comfort zone? You’ve been receiving guidance about something that perhaps has been there for a while and has ‘come back around again’ (in a good way) and this will not only help ‘eclipse the old out of your life’ - but also, shift you to the next iteration of yourself and perhaps that is why it is ‘scary’ for you or you’ve been holding back and ultimately the ‘scary’ is just change… and it’s uncomfortably breaking patterns that you’ve held - these are way past their due date. Right now - you’re being given another opportunity to release yourself from something that has helped you in the past, but it is done now and it is also time to move forward now. This ‘from your fears to your soul’s beauty’ - I think this message IS about coming into your power and owning exactly that - your Soul’s beauty… it is time to let it shine.. for real…so… what is that thing that is going to make you mighty uncomfortable, but… you know you’re ready for? That one. That’s all. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #2: Where you need to be. ‘Acknowledge how you are feeling. Have faith that the Universe will take care of a current concern by providing the best possible outcome for all involved.’
With what you’re going through right now - the last thing someone needs to tell you is that ‘you’re exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to be doing, learning exactly what you need to be and everything is going to be okay’ - okay, maybe the last bit you needed to hear. During this time, it is so important to be aware of how much is going on for you and around you. We are in HUGE energies right now - eclipse season has arrived, we are closing out a 20 year cycle astrologically and the change of season - let alone your own change of season in your life. #huge. Give yourself some credit! You’ve walked away from a lot, you’ve left a lot behind and are also working towards a lot and… you will get there! Because you already have achieved so much and this piece you are in right now, will also pass and you will be on the other side of this and then… there is always more. You’ve so got this. I am also sensing something about the ocean for you - yes, this is the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle - but what is it about the ocean for you? I am also sensing a lot of Unicorn energy around you - this beautiful sea creature on this card is far from a Unicorn (or is it!?) but - sensing a lot of Unicorn energy around you - which is magic, faith, miracles and the unseen manifesting to the seen world - you are being asked to stretch your faith more than you have ever done before right now. You feel at the end of your tether, you feel done, you can’t keep going anymore and yet, I am here to tell you that you are just on the verge of one of the biggest breakthroughs of your entire life. For now, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be and if you were to be anywhere else, you will miss the miracles meant for you. Everything is lining up for you - hold the faith, stay steadfast in the conviction of the life you know is meant for you and know that… you’re worth every breath of it… Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #3: Safe & Surrounded by Love. ‘Keep your heart open and know you are being protected. Listen to what you know to be true and allow yourself to see and understand what is going on around you.’
Hmmm, you’re being asked to truly notice what is happening around you. Have you lost touch with the reality around you - or… what is it that you are needing to pay closer attention to it in the reality around you at this time? Are you needing to slow down or speed up pace or clean up the environment around you? It could be your physical home or environment/location you live in - do you need to change up your environment or shift your energy to receive that which you are asking for? Something needs changing… or perhaps you are in that space of changing things to match the new you you’re birthing right now. What has changed in your relationships? Is there something that has healed, resolved or now been moved on from? How are you interacting with people differently? Have you shifted your mindset, or the way you speak recently? The way you hold yourself, the way you dress, the way you show up in the world? These are all having very profound effects on your mind, body, soul and life right now. It is like it is ‘popping’ you out of an old life and into a new, but you are in this - well, wtf do I do now phase and this….. can be a very daunting cycle in your life. And yet… it is just that. ‘This too shall pass’ they say. Because that… is the truth. And yet, when you are in it, you are not feeling like it will ever end. You are the end of a major cycle and it will feel like something is just OFF - because you are releasing so much at once. It is also a strong time for parallel timelines to be inter melding and it will feel like you are flying around in a zillion pieces and feeling all over the place but you’re here, but you can’t quite place it, but something is deeply shifting out of your body and life. Surround yourself with people that support you during this time and take extra care of yourself, take extra rest, extra nurturing, massages or whatever you need to do to stay grounded and feeling yourself during this time. In this entire process… keep your heart open, it is your guiding beacon of light, through this tunnel of darkness as you walk out the other side. Your heart knows the way, let your healed open heart, continue to guide you and trust it - more than you have ever done before. It is correct, true and… guiding you home. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #4: Distinctive Potential. ‘Rely on your faith and the knowledge that nothing is impossible. Use your determination to hang in there until you realise a goal.'
Ah - in Card #2 - I spoke of sensing Unicorn vibes around you - that is the magic around you - you are surrounded by opportunities right now, this is a very important portal of your life where you are literally manifesting material items into your life - something you have been working towards for a long time is making manifest into your life right now. This card, specifically - IS the Unicorn. They say the Narwhal is the Unicorn of the sea - well, they say the Unicorns went into the sea until humans become conscious of what they are doing to the Earth again. I wonder - what you are needing to wake up to? Is it your magic? Your Distinctive Potential? Where have you given up on yourself and you need to ‘smack yourself back into action’ and realise that nothing is impossible? That you’ve always been someone and can be someone who creates worlds out of nothing - because you always have and always can and somewhere along the way forgot this? I feel you’re being asked to put down your weapons and pick up your magic wand and remember your power about this situation - there is a situation in particularly that you have forgotten who you are. You are being divinely supported right now and it is imperative that you tap into this innate magic and wisdom within you and around you and draw on this ‘invisible’ strength right now. Also, do you need to meditate more? I am getting the strong message that this practise (still mind specifically) is going to support you in not only strengthening your intuition - but the deep core connection to self and this practise is going to ‘connect you to the next dimension - the next iteration of yourself’. Think about the times throughout your life when you’ve made these disciplined rituals a non-negotiable - not just meditating - but whatever disciplined ritual that has been for you - for whatever length of time that has been - has accelerated and shifted your life right? I am wondering that, if this time when you commit to it… you don’t stop it… and.. imagine where that will take you? This disciplined ritual is allowing you to put you first, to commit to you and no one else (so to speak) because the thing that is ‘missing’ in your life right now? Is YOU. And YOU are the only one that can take it to the next level and bring this to life… this connection to yourself.. is where the magic is. As soon as you do this - everything will shift. It is the magical ingredient that completes the recipe of all you have been doing. Your ‘Use your determination to hang in there until you realise a goal.’ - is this ‘magical’ ingredient of you and you connect to you - by this disciplined ritual - perhaps you have just committed to this or need to, but regardless, this is a sign that.. you don’t need, you already knew what to do - now you can just go do it, because all your ‘real answers’ are waiting ‘there’ for you…. in you. In your magic, in the deep connection to you. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #5: Inner Desires. ‘Set some intentions. You are entering a phase of plenty or may have a sudden windfall. Goals are within your grasp.’
What you’re asking for is coming true. I feel like all I ever talk about is holding the faith for your dreams to come to true, to shift to your next level and this card - ‘goals are within your grasp’ - is literally saying this for you. I am also sensing for you - what do you need to streamline and I am hearing - don’t lose your focus. Like you are so close to a big breakthrough in your life, but it feels there is something here about this not getting distracted, don’t lose sight of the big picture, stay clear on what you are aiming for - shoot and you will hit your target so to speak. It feels like there is something you COULD do, but you’ve learnt from your past and you don’t want to do that again and you are right to listen to your intuition - because there is a bigger fish to catch or something - does this make sense to you? It is like, you CAN do something, but you’ve learnt from your past and so you are exactly that - learning from your past and sticking out the way you have learnt from your past to move forward in the direction you REALLY want to go. This may feel like excruciatingly painful as you extract yourself from the old vibrations, the old reality, the old cyclic treadmill, because I feel that you’re definitely being ‘tested in your resolve’ by the Universe right now (I don’t like the word or concept of being tested by the Universe) but to explain the energies - it does feel like this - like you are being pushed and tested about what you TRULY want in your life. it feels like you are taking deep responsibility of your reality and shifting to new heights with a long term goal and project rather than a short term gratification process that… that shininess wears off after not long and you’re back down on the treadmill where you began - that isn’t why you began! RIGHT?! You might be feeling physically sick and having waves of nausea - this is the ‘signs’ you are shifting out of a very old vibration - you are no longer in it, but you are not quite in the new one yet, so let the purging begin so you can hold more physical light in your body and elevate to this new level of consciousness. Your new life, awaits you. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
Card #6: Diving to New Depths. ‘There is a deeper meaning to what is happening. You might be looking at this from the surface and missing what is really going on. Take a moment to pause and breathe. Allow yourself to dive deeper into what it is you are feeling about your current situation.’
This message is clear. There is a deeper issue to what you are facing right now. It has roots in your ancient past - not just your current bloodline soul ancestry, but it feels like you are being released from a huge timeline right now that ‘was the wrong path’ (is there ever any wrong path?!) - but what you’re being released from on such a core level, is a path that was set in stone when you first began, but humans have shifted that much ‘in the plan’ of what ‘was’ to be for your life path - and now, your purpose is being recalibrated to the ‘new plan’ of where you’re meant to go. Sounds a bit full on - and it is…. it is DEEP - hence the ‘diving to new depths’. You’re being shown something in your life right now that deeply needs tending to - the first thing that comes to mind is correct and must have immediate action take for yourself to be free of this situation/issue and be able to move forward in your life again… because - lately you’ve been feeling pretty stuck with this issue and yet - you have also dissevered (I wanted to write discovered - but it auto spelled to dissevered! Which means to leave something in the past - to sever or detach - quite appropriate really!) you actually have everything at your fingertips yes? You have everything you need right now to deal with this situation and this card come as a beacon to not put it off anymore. Now is the time. No more excuses - at all, to deal with it, to book the help and support you need, to make it happen. The only thing getting in the way of it and you - is you, so get to it! You literally have all you need right now, to get started, to make it happen. You can always upgrade and get better along the way, but right now, you’re being asked to take this matter into your own hands, take the bull by the horns, the horse by the reigns and take charge of your life once more. Because you have been swayed by other people’s opinion in the past and it has not been helpful for you. But now you can allow yourself to truly come back into who you are - and completely dissever from the rest… you might be diving deep… but this unlock is where your gold mine awaits… but it’s not something you don’t already know and no amount of just knowing this information will change your situation…. only you can put that knowledge into action, for then it becomes wisdom and you’re living the life you really want to live. Love xxx Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose? Tempted to shrink back into old, familiar patterns to avoid feeling out of place? Ignoring the call of your true purpose for the comfort of conformity and acceptance? Deep down, knowing your true potential and the life of joy, abundance, and fulfilment waiting for you? Your soul's relentless whisper, urging you to break free and live your dreams, Unhook Me is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me