🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th April 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 27, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th April 2021

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle for you today. 

Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. 

WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. 

The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... 

TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. 

So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. 

I am here to Serve and that... I shall. 

SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Adrift in Shallow Water. ‘Take a few deep breaths and reconnect to your inner peace. Notice the small things and appreciate them.’ 

Ah, have you been through one of the biggest whirlwinds of change ever recently? This card, has come to you to… let go and adrift….in a sense of - allowing the Universe/Spirit/God to guide you, to take you on the current, let God take you for now. You have been through so much recently and it is okay to not know the direction to take next, it is okay to stop for a moment and just let the Universe have your back. It is okay to just let yourself drift… and catch up and just… recuperate from what you have just walked through in the last few weeks. I am also hearing about gratitude… have you been too busy to acknowledge the gifts that this change has brought in? I am also getting that this ‘Adrift in Shallow Water’ is also acknowledging how clear and ‘to the surface’ a huge wide range of emotions are surfacing right now for you. It feels like you are being given a chance to stop, slow down, be okay with not knowing the next step, next direction - God/Universe/Spirit - has got you and is carrying you, so gently, so deeply held and loved in the current of Universal Energy/Water right now and is allowing you a change in pace, allowing you a space to let yourself feel all these emotions that have reached the surface for you right now. I am sensing that - you have been diving deep - you always do, deep is normal for you right? And yet, what is happening right now is that all those ‘deep diving’ emotions that you have uncovered in the subconscious - those are at the surface now. So if you’ve been feeling out of sorts, if you’ve been feeling like sooo many old behaviours and old emotional patterns - you’ve been living them again in a way, and you haven’t been like this for YEARS in a way, this is why - because you have deep dived so much, those are clearing OUT of your system now. If you’ve just not been feeling yourself, this is those subconscious, dark, old paradigms of who you used to be - the subconscious has ‘surfaced to the shallow waters of your consciousness’ and when they are shifting out, you may not feel yourself, feel like you have back tracked to the old emotional self you used to be, you may be feeling/experiencing PTSD symptoms - even though you’ve never actually been diagnosed with this before. But, if you have had any trauma in your lifetime, usually, unless you had very conscious parents growing up, it has been stuck in your body. This PTSD style symptoms and not feeling yourself - especially this last few months? Is it all surfacing from the deep subconscious. It may not feel good, but it is to be celebrated in a way - give you underlying Peace in a way - because it is shifting OUT of your system. Doesn’t feel nice - no, not usually! Hence, why… Spirit has your back right now. Adrift. Let Go. Give yourself this time to float in the current, knowing that when Spirit knows you’re ready for your next adventure, the next leg of your journey, the next evolution of your Life Purpose, you will indeed, gently be guided to the shore or the river bank and indeed be ready for where your Life Purpose is taking you next. You’re recalibrating to a higher vibration, which is why you did all the work in the first place right? This is the ‘let go’ and ‘dissolving’ of the old paradigm, the old web that you’ve been entangled in, your entire life. Trust, you are safe and supported as you heal and move to a higher frequency, as your normal - subconscious and all. Love xxx Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #2: Amble with Contentment. ‘Waiting, rather than acting is going to be most advantageous right now.’

The Seahorse, clings to it’s anchor, that is the solid footing as it allows it’s next turn to be shown to him/her, before it gets the instinctual, intuitive nudge to let go and move to the next destination. As Seahorse is sharing - ‘waiting’ is going to be your best option. It feels like you were going to take a big leap into something or big leap ‘letting go’ of something and yet, Seahorse has come to you to just let you know to just.. wait a moment. Well, roughly 2-3 weeks I am getting the sense of for you. It feels like 2 things - 1 - you will be shown more information about a situation that is going to help give you guidance and explain things for you, and 2 - you still have things to sort out and organise right? I am getting the message of patience for you (have you been seeing Frogs or Rabbits lately?!), patience in divine timing it feels like. It feels like there has been state of ‘hurried flow’ or something for you and right now it is just about waiting until that instinctual nudge - you will know when you know when you know when you know, yes? No need to try and force the knowingness, because you know - that when you know - you know that feeling and you don’t even think about it really, you just do it, because it feels right - in that moment. That feeling - you know when you need to take action and you TRUST IT AND FLY. There are two pieces here - this is about a relationship. And the relationship with you trusting yourself on this ‘when’. And I feel that there has needed space, for you to get clear on all the pieces of your life - sorting things out, releasing things and allow all the unaligned things, the things from the old paradigm of your life - to shift out and away. I feel you have already felt this drop away and then the forward movement. You are noticing some of the effects of positive change already and shifting this into your life before you are saying yes to anything else. This ‘footing’ this, ‘solid foundations’ - this is what you have been building all a long and this ‘Amble with Contentment’ I feel is the footing, the solid grounding, the ‘waiting’ is about finishing this final stage of the foundations as you ground into everything you have become, know about yourself and your mission in the world. Divine Timing. Patience. Everything that is meant to be yours - is yours. Always has been. It is your Destiny after all. Now… finish those foundations precious Soul! Love xxx Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #3: Break Through to New Dimensions. ‘A new endeavour is on the horizon. Innovative energy wants to bust forth into your consciousness.’ 

Are you listening to your SOUL??? Are you TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION on this one?? It feels like you are or have been feeling a tad lost? And yet, the conflicting information is that I feel for you that you have been trying to figure out - is because your Soul already knows the answer… and yet, you kept looking outside of yourself to make the choice and that… isn’t aligned with your Soul - what is aligned with your Soul is a BIG BIG YES and this BIG BIG YES is the one you need to follow. You’re still good enough if you trust your own intuition on this one. I feel you have been putting someone on a pedestal - thinking that they know how to run your life, business and personal life and yet… it is always good to listen open-mindedly to expand your awareness, grow your life to the next level, however, you have also always known what to do too - and I feel this card is coming to remind yourself of this. You could also ask yourself the question, have you been nervous about something? Because whilst it is a fine line between pushing and break through barriers (dimensions) I also feel it is important to listen to your intuition - because your intuition has always allowed you to break all limiting beliefs and barriers. You should feel nervous and EXCITED and a great big YES - not nervous and anxious when making the decision. Your anxiety is showing you that that direction is not of the highest self life path for you and is a distraction and dead end that you need not travel down any farther right now. You’ve walked that path before and your anxious nervousness is showing you this is too familiar territory and not the highest aligned designated path for you right now. Sure you could choose it, but it isn’t of the highest. The easiest, most ALIVE, most EXCITED path IS the one to choose - THIS is the busting through, the breaking through to the New Dimension as Whale says (isn’t this card just gorgeous?! It is so my personal favourite!). When you block out the world, when you block out all the doubts, when you allow yourself to choose what YOU want to choose, not because of someone else’s judgements from you - it is here, that you allow yourself to completely follow your SOUL LED CALLING and your SOUL is how you bust through to New Dimensions - nothing from anyone outside of yourself ever. So, what is it that your Soul is calling you to make a decision on - not your mind telling you, you can’t, not someone else telling you to do it a certain way - what and how, is your Soul guiding you to do the thing? Love xxx Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #4: Mutually Beneficial Venture. ‘There is an extraordinary connection at the forefront of your life at this moment. Utilise this relationship to benefit everyone involved.’

Ah, this card feels similar to Card Number 3, in a sense of trusting your decision based on what your Soul, your Heart and Soul is calling you to do, not what someone else’s influence is having you do - or your mind, telling you, you can’t. I am getting the message to remember your vision, remember your calling, remember why you began in the first place. Do you even remember what that is? I am also hearing ‘community’ - is there a community that you want to be a part of? Are you part of a community that enables you to step into a leadership role, or teaches you how to? This ‘Mutually Beneficial Venture’ - feels like it is a big core of who you are, in a sense of - you are here to support the consciousness of humanity to awaken in some way shape or form right? So, is what you are doing, in alignment with supporting the consciousness of humanity to awaken in some way shape or form? Does it, light your heart up? Are you surrounded by those who are of ‘mutually beneficial venture’ building attire - or are you surrounded by people who bring you down and drain you? If you have been having ideas about a pathway that is aligned with your passion know that it WILL support you (and perhaps you have already started this joint venture/project/passion career) then this is the correct choice for you. I am also getting the message - what were the ideas that you were having back in January? It feels like there is a clear correlation, between something you wanted to do or something you realised back in January - that is important you continue on and say yes to those ideas/change/realisations or whatever shifted for you in January - time to ground that down now. It is almost like this has been a big portal of change for you and you may be feeling a bit delirious in a way and yet - what is going on here, is that you are just about to land all that you’ve worked for all this time. So, what person or group or people - comes to mind with this ‘Mutually Beneficial Venture’? The anemone and the clown fish have a deep relationship, the clown is protected by it’s sting, whereas it would sting other fish…. If there is someone who has a ‘sting’ to other people - but you know that it is right for you - this is a time to trust the path unwalked, trust the path that isn’t for everyone, because you are protected by this path, there is no sting for you - just a safe haven to fall, just a gentle space where you can completely surrender and be yourself. There is a path that most don’t dare to walk… or that it hasn’t ever been walked before. This path, is the Mutually Beneficial Venture that your Soul calls forth to you now. Trust it, like the Clown Fish trusts the anemone for protection and safety. What is meant for you - is, nothing can stop that. Love xxx Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #5: Enjoy the Journey. ‘Stay present and flexible. Many changes are going on for you and around you. These changes are not only good, but necessary. Bring your awareness into the now, rather than focusing on the past or future.’

Hmmm, have you been overanalysing something?? Ia m getting the message - LET IT GO - and just stop trying to figure it out. I feel you already know, but you are doubting yourself something fierce right now. I am sensing that what you have made the decision of is correct for you, so drop into the deep surrendered TRUST that you are so good at doing and BE HERE NOW. Much of your concern is because you are worried about your past and future. So - antidote to the worry is to be here now. Where do you need to put your focus on figuring out the right now? It feels like you’ve been a bit too concerned about your past or your future. What do you need to tend to and bring focus back to the now to ‘clear your body/mind/soul’ to allow yourself the ‘freedom’ in the now to create? I am also getting the message - what is/was your original goal? And ‘where do you need to come back into reality’ about your current goal? It feels like you’ve jumped steps ahead or something that has caused you to disappear out of the now or something and that has thrown you a bit… the right now is where your gold is - are you able to stay here a while? Keep your focus on your hands is an awesome tool to stay present in the now, so you can allow yourself to bring yourself back to this moment now. ‘Enjoy the Journey’ - has travel also been on your mind? (Not taking you out of the now) - however, I wonder if you are too caught up in things, because you simply need a break as well? What can you plan, that enables you to have a break like you would go overseas, where can you bring that back to now, to your current environment, but ‘holiday’ here? Also, what routines in your everyday life can you implement? Do you have one? It feels like adding something to your days (if not everyday, every other day) - will bring you back into the now? Exercise is brilliant at this - have you been exercising to keep you present and grounded through this enormous change you are going through? Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society


Card #6: Push to the Surface. ‘You may have become complacent. You might be stalling or in need or a new surge of energy. Become aware of the dynamics of your life.’

Okay! Rest time is over! Time to break out of the cocoon - for real - precious Soul. ‘Push to Surface’ a few things here.. #1 - what is your big picture vision/goal? #2 - 2006 - what was going on here? It feels there was a time of great change for you in 2006 (that is having ripple effects in your right now) and in 2006, amongst all the change, you also began something that was actually really supportive. Whether you continued it until now or you have stoped and started it over the years, it feels that 2006 - 2007 even, has something significant in this ‘Push to Surface’ for you. Push to Surface, Break Out of Cocoon, Time to Shine Your Light, Remember who you are and all that you have worked for from day dot… it feels like you’ve come full circle. Your Soul, has returned home. You don’t need to run away anymore, you don’t need to hide anymore, you don’t need to carry the burdens of the world that are not yours anymore. You can be your divine light, the fullness of self… because you’ve chosen you. You’ve chosen your Souls path and everything that is not in alignment with the full expression of your Soul, has completely dropped away. Its been a rough few months for you, but you’re here, you’re back and you’re free now. No longer do you need to carry the chains of your past.. you’ve healed them now. I am feeling the ‘stalling’ is because I feel you ‘hit rock bottom’ - or - you dove deep into the darkness of the abyss, beyond the ocean floor of your subconscious, because you were told, more than once, you were crazy, or life showed you where you’re not good enough (yes, your own beliefs systems), that you didn’t belong, that your Heart got so tattered and shattered from life’s experiences wearing you down time and time again and you heard. You stopped. You listened. You did the work. You dove deep. And now you have been ‘free’ for some time.. you just… it’s taken you a while to realise this. To release the chains of a slave, it takes them a while to realise they are free and can move away from their current movements they are so behaviourally accustomed to. I feel honey, this is where you’re at. Push to the Surface - you’re ready to break out of that. Perhaps you have begun that in momentary bursts, however, I feel that you’re preparing - you can feel… that you’re ready to break through this new paradigm that you have dived so deep to transform - the light, the gold, the platinum light - has arrived. This is your normal now. You’ve arrived. Your freedom is here. You can live the life you’ve imagined, you’ve… created it. Now… it is ready to receive, to take.. to feel the life force pulsating through your system once more - just like you always used to - that alive, full of fun loving freedom OPEN HEARTED you… has arrived back. Live Her/Him. Be Her/Him. Its… time. Love xxx  Sooo..... after my huge recalibration this last 4 months... and then last week with Woochy unexpectedly choosing to leave at this time (more on that soon, thank you for all your kind comments and care), this last week, it was like the Earth dropped out from underneath me. WHICH is the same feeling back in this time in 2018 - when the exact same thing happened - and changed my entire reality. The same 'Earth dropping out beneath my feet' happened again with so much more depth and meaning that I will share on livestream soon.... that... TRANSCENDENCE REALITY SOCIETY had a huge recalibration and feels AMAZING. So, thank you Wooch, thank you Universe for this unexpected dramatic (yes, I love the chaos, it is my name to change things) and I LOVE what this is about now. I am here to Serve and that... I shall. SOOOO much just got released in there today... it is HUGE and I am soooo grateful to be of Service this way.  Are you ready to receive the gift of recalibration that enables the World to shift beneath your feet, to enable your Life Purpose to become - your normal reality? Click here for all the details, this won't... be here forever, doors closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society