🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th February 2024
Feb 27, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th February 2024
Bit late today - but we made it! Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle 🐋💎👇🏻
When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you.
When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you.
When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Love Where You Are. ‘Use your sensitivity to know when to act. Connect your heart to your head when determining what you would like.’
It can be tricky to ‘love where you are’ - when things are not going the way you want them to. And yet - at some point in the past, you were loving where you are, you were happy and loved every part of what you have. Now, I will be getting all Abraham Hicks on you here - or Louise Hay - but the reality of this point is - you need to come back to your heart and the love of what and where you are - it IS the solution of your problems right now and the HARDEST part about that is that you might be in a situation you are wondering WTF and HOW did I get here?! This isn’t how it was/is supposed to be right now and with that, it is looking at where do you need to take radical responsibility ‘for the mess you find yourself in’ and pull yourself out of it? You’ve done it before (pulled yourself out of mess that is) and all this is - is expansion to the next point. And yet - I know, more than anyone - that it won’t feel like it! You’ll want to or be walking away from it all and as I said to a client, just this morning - it is okay to walk away from it all and sit in I give up energy - but don’t touch your work, don’t touch your content - still show up and tend to your responsibilities of course, but this space is not the time to change anything, yet let YOURSELF recalibrate to the highest order of what is trying to birth through you. Sure, you’ve got physical responsibilities to tend to and this - is the basis of what is needing your immediate attention right now - sooooo go do that! Do whatever you need to do to clean up your environment, your finances, move and change things around you - but don’t touch your purpose work - leave that whilst you tend to other things, because I guarantee there are other pressing things on your mind and the entirety of trying to birth through a new world - is you kinda have to tend to the ‘real world’ at times too. It is easy to get lost in our purpose work, but if the next iteration of you is busting through and you’re not taking time to stop and clean up your energetic and physical environment and take radical responsibility of what is a great big mess right now, you will be running around in circles wondering why the darkness is suffocating you. As soon as you make the decision to do something about what you’re frustrated about instead of relying on outside sources to do it for you - you will instantly feel the darkness lift, your energy will come back, solutions will start showing up and your synchronistic magic will shine back through giving you the life force and next level you’ve been recalibrating to the entire time. You can do it, I know you can or you wouldn’t have found this message. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #2: Blend Into The Environment. ‘You have many skills and can fit into any situation. Take time to assess what is going on around you and adapt accordingly.’
Right now, is a time for just being quiet and doing your thing - meaning - observer more than you speak. This does not mean ‘don’t speak in your business or relationship’ - but there is part here of ‘over explaining’ or sharing more than you need to or - something here around directing your time, energy and speech into more productive places at this time. You may need to turn away from something to ‘bury yourself in your work’ to bring it to completion and in this I am hearing focus - focus - focus on what you know is going to get you ahead. For example - you know where you want to be in 12 months right? (could be a massive goal, could be simply living in a cleaner environment) - and so, everything you do today, needs to be focused and directed about that - even 30mins a day goes a long way! Or a day a week - depends where you want to be in 12 months? With this - it is about just doing it. For you, at this point, no more talking about it is going to change things - you’ve done enough of that, you’ve done enough healing and the reality is that no one can bring this to fruition but you - so this dedicated time and focus is important for you. And this? This really important piece here - get a pen and paper and write it in big words - on several bits of paper around your house - or set reminders on your phone - when you are starting something - say you block out time to do something - you WILL procrastinate for 10-15 mins before you find out and figure out what you are doing, or find your flow. Sooooo set that timer for 30mins and expect the first 10 or so mins to you being distracted, twiddling your thumbs not knowing what you are doing or being frustrated with tech or something else you’re trying to figure out or cleaning when you should be writing or something - just… expect it. The piece here is that you WILL be distracted. Now, I am not impeding on your reality or creating it for you - but tell me it ain’t true lol! You just thought you were avoiding the thing completely - nope! It is sooo normal to take bit to get into something and do it. That is why a timer is amazing because there is something psychological that happens in the brain and energy when you ‘know it is only 30mins’ and once the timer goes off you can feel accomplished because you stuck to your discipline of what you said you were going to do - or - the timer goes off and you set another 30mins and keep extending the time BECAUSE YOU FOUND THE FLOW - or moreso, plugged into it - the thing is, it is always available to you - but you have to sit there or do your thing until the plug/connection happens - yes? YESSSS. So, about that 30mins then…. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #3: Shared Inspiration. ‘Throw yourself into a new project. Be willing to let go of time constraints and rules and really be aware of whatever fulfils your heart.’
Follow your heart - like, for real right now. This, for you is about reconnecting to your dreams, to your joy, to the inspiration of who you are and this can mean protecting your energy, your time, your life - with strong boundaries. If you keep saying yes when you really mean no - you’re going to feel drained let alone not make any progress in your life - which… leads me into this bit - two parts here: Where can you find solace from other people right now? It’s feel that you’re being asked to step outside your comfort zone and be in locations, break out of moulds and pre-conceived ideas about who you should be or what they told you to be - and be who you want to be. Part 2 of this is - who do you keep hanging around that you just shouldn’t anymore? If they don’t inspire you or ‘force’ you to be a better person (force meaning; strong boundaries and integrity of word and who they are btw) if it isn’t growing you - if you’re the leader in the pack, it is time to find a new pack! This can also be a message for you to become the leader you wish you had and/or people are asking you things that are soooo normal to you and it is time for you to shift, grow, heal and move in ways that you didn’t think about before - or they’ve been on your mind and it stretches you and makes you slightly scared about the investment, the circle or the place where your Soul is calling you to be. If the people you are consistently turning to - are not lifting you up and stretching you to your next level, if you’re teaching them instead of learning from them and not getting paid for it - honey, you’re in the wrong circles. I am also getting this message of a circle that was once alive for you but ins’t anymore - even though they are good and high profile flying people - did you know it’s possible to outgrow them too? Own it - you’re a leader and leaders, lions and wolves walk alone for at time until they find the next iteration of themselves. Don’t be afraid to walk alone, be faired to stay where you are. I am not saying leave all your friends behind - but actually you need to - especially if they are not friends that have the same values, aligned goals and belief systems about life - they will only suck you dry and you’ll wind up feeling exhausted and disappointed in yourself because you… didn’t do it yet. Don’t let 5 years pass you by again. You know what you have to do. Get comfortable being uncomfortable - it’s not only the growth zone, but also the acceleration of your money zone. What are you choosing? Because not choosing - is also a choice. And only you can choose. Now. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #4: Enjoy The Journey. “Stay present and flexible. Many changes are going on for you and around you. These changes are not only good, but necessary. Bring your awareness into the now, rather than focusing on the past or the future.”
You have… so much in front of you right now. Look around. You have plenty. You have abundance. You have so much of everything you’ve ever wanted right in front of you. Just a few months ago - you had less and now - now - you’re abundant. And now - is the time to completely immerse, absorb and be with - exactly what you have right now. You’ve reached a point, a space, where you are coming into even more and now - is where you need to be to open, to expand even more - because the right now, where everything is - is the abundant opening and rewards that you needed - in front of you - here. This is such a special time - how are you celebrating it? Something that tis coming through so strongly right now - this message - is that - when we are manifesting and ‘calling in our biggest dreams’ - we often tend to imagine it, think about it and think we know what that is - or imagine it - but do we? How often have you wound up imagining your biggest dreams to manifest things in front of you that you are not happy with? Because you had some big imaginary picture of what it was supposed to be? Or worse? You didn’t have a picture at all? You just… arrived and now you’re here and… you’re super feeling good about where you are, what you’ve achieved, what you’re creating and all of this.. abundance. You know how they say (who is they?!) that - it is the feeling to be achieved of ‘to manifest your dreams’? Take a look around - right now - this feeling… is it right!? This feeling - is it. ‘You’ve made it’ - let yourself soak in it. Make your life a walking sanctuary meditation. This feeling. Is it. You could have all the most fancy ritz glamour and marble bathed floors - but if you haven’t got this deep fulfilled abundant of love feeling - then you ain’t made it. it is not that it is 100% of the time constantly of course, ( or you prob would’t be in this reality haha) - but the deep undertone is that you are at peace… and most of the time, you are in deep gratitude and grace of everything around you, where you’ve arrived and where you’re heading - fully in the moment, enjoying the moment. You may have just arrived here - this is your time to mantraing - this is normal for me now, loving all parts of this and making it normal - whilst still living the bliss of it of course. I am getting the message you may be reading this message and you had this - and now it isn’t here at the moment - this… is your recalibration and deep inner work time, reach out if you need support, you’re not meant to submerse so deep on your own when you’ve fallen from so high. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #5: Dancing in the Rainbow. ‘Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back. Express happiness. Find out what you truly desire.’
What… is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear: that thing you’re pissed about is what you need to tend to - what do you need to do to make it happen and come out the other side of this? Sometimes the most mundane ‘not the logical thing to make it happen’ is what makes it happen! Sometimes it is the energy shift, sometimes it is the timeline switch, sometimes it it is the focus switch - either way - you’re being guided to get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and follow your heart the whole way there and I am getting the message that - you might think it isn’t what your heart wants to do (the thing you’re avoiding) but once you break out of the mould/pattern/break free from whatever is holding you back - it IS actually the thing your heart wants but you didn’t logically think that would be the case! That logical thing ain’t the way honey! Also - the ‘pattern break’ - doing the out of the norm/out of the box/thing that you’re resisting piece won’t go away until you act on it… but this isn’t something you don’t already know! That little intuitive drop in, the one that is light as a feather that you entertain in your mind and think how fun or adventurous or YESSS it would be - but then you brush it off again in your mind because you don’t know how.. but then, you know, every now and then it comes back again and you entertain it for a bit and then same - brush it off again.. yeah, you know the one and you know what I am going to say - it is time to take steps towards it. Even if you ‘don’t have the how or the means’ move in that direction and find out about it - put energy in that direction and start making it happen - because that ‘little’ intuitive idea that keeps gentle coming back, is the answer to the next step in your prayers and is just gently sliding down the beautiful rainbow - are you going to open your heart and receive it? It would truly break open a huge new reality for you right? And that.. is what you’ve been craving when you really think about it, yes? Break free honey - the magic, rainbows, dolphins and unicorns are awaiting you to join them dancing in the rainbows with bells and all. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #6: Let Your Personality Shine. ‘You have something no one else has that makes you who you are. Stop comparing yourself to others and allow your uniqueness to shine through.’
You are amazing. You are brilliant. You are wild. You are free. You are unique. You light up any room you walk into. And.. you’re doing what YOU’RE born to do. No one else can do it like you can do and - you’re a leader - you’re ahead of your time and you’re not meant to fit in, you’re meant to stand out. I know it might seem like no one is seeing you - but they are - they truly are. You have to remember when you’re ahead of your time, you will work for years like no one is looking - but they are - but they aren’t ready - but they are - and soon, the world will be ready for this level of consciousness and you’ll be super busy - so enjoy this ‘quiet’ time, knowing that what you’re doing is right. Number 33 this card is - 33 - Ascended Master Number. Spirit Guides - even the jellyfish I feel you have a lot of spiritual support and protection around you at this time, even if it doesn’t feel like it and they are guiding you - to do you! When you find yourself comparing to what they are doing - if you’re not analysing ‘why’ - but instead feeling inferior and feeling like shit after your scroll - get off and go ride a horse or something - shift the energy, shift your mood and come back. But if you’re looking at others success and studying what they’re doing, then that is a different story! The other message here is ‘your person’ - wants you - they don’t want a carbon copy of someone else - they want you - purely you. And you know what else? When you’re fully in your own energy, when you’re confident wild and free - you’re the most magnetic, attractive, glowing and radiating - exactly who you are. So always, always, energy and alignment first - then come back and see if you’re still comparing yourself to others. You could also look at it as though - when you start ‘negatively’ comparing yourself, it just your sign to go and do something you love, focus on you and fill your cup up. Because the reality is - when we are full of love in and of ourself, comparison doesn’t even come into it, we are not even worried about others.. we are just focused on what we are doing.. and that, is all you need to worry about right now… you. Love xxx When you’re ready for the next iteration of your Purpose, when you’re ready to create incredible psychic and energetic foundations that birth the ideas, structure and formation of your Unique and only given to you specifically Life Purpose, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to become who you were born to be, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to enter the vortex of radical transformation, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. When you’re ready to do what you love and get paid for it, Life Purpose Legacy is for you. Click here, doors are open, Trust Your Intuition has just begun, waiting for you precious one, the teacher in you, is being called: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy