🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th June 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 27, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th June 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩

My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Ace of Gabriel. “A gift of passion, opportunity and inspiration! The change to do something amazing! A sense of wonder.” 

There is magic in the air, you can feel it! Whatever it is, it is divine. And this honey? You’ve tapped into the higher frequencies that are downloading through the atmosphere from the cosmos. This… can be channeled into whatever you are working on at this time and allow these frequencies to not only expand and activate you, your body and your own vibration - but to lift the project/work you are doing in the world. This feels like a very wonderful ‘time to be alive’ for you and that you are/have moved through some pretty low times, coming into a ‘lighter’ state of you life, but you’ve had to walk through fire to get here! Archangel Gabriel’s wings are jumping out at me on this card - has something happened to your wings? Or have you felt like you ‘have your wings back’? Or, that you are deep space of wonder and awe and that life is wonderful? Are - getting this back? It feels like your wings have healed, or you’re learning about your fairy/angel wings (or any other wings - dragon wings perhaps?!) that you have… these are the back of your heart (obviously!) and can be damaged, cut or chained due to many factors in dimensional realms or this lifetime. Work with your heart chakra and healing wing/intuitive healing sessions to heal your wings. You can also ask your team of Spirit Guides to help heal your wings. This will help heal your heart from past pain that is holding you down like an anchor and release the trauma that has been surfacing recently for you. You have been feeling good and like you’re heading in the right direction, just, things have been shifting quickly for you with lots of ‘rugs pulled out from under your feet’. Whilst you are getting savvy at allowing the rugs to be ‘taken’… sometimes it is just a lot! The mountains are also jumping out at me in this card - what do mountains mean to you? And then also, do you feel like you’re climbing a mountain? Do you even need to? Can you take a different path? Or… once at the top - can you fly from here? With your healed wings? Are you ready to take flight? I am also getting the message that you’re birthing something here it is going to change the entire course of your life (for the better). Your heart is healing and you are coming into a greater sense of self. Honour your journey, step forward with a sense of beautiful magic, let people be drawn to your magnetism and know that you’re 100% on the right path… but… you can feel it right? The more Peace you feel, the more on path you are. Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled 👀🤩


Card #2: Two of Raphael. “Two hearts dedicated to creating something wonderful. Kindred spirits. Don’t give up on those you love.”

Hmmm, this card is a ‘positive’ sign of lovers/relationships… but I am not sure you’re entirely happy with the relationship status you are in? Something is weighing heavy on your heart and mind - are you in physical pain even? If you are in physical pain, this is relational to the deepness of the issues you are releasing in your life - like ‘bone deep’ tissues and issues- maybe quite literally for you. It feels like huge structural changes are going on. You’ve chosen to shift your life and ‘choose a better life’ - but you ‘didn’t see this clear out coming!’. It can sometimes knock us for six and some as we figure out what on earth is going on and it can be quite excruciatingly painful. The fastest way to move through physical pain (that is deeply buried emotional pain) is to cry. Nothing can compare to releasing through the natural means your body is designed (stress hormone cortisol releases through your tears). This is old, old relationship issues. First love issues, first parental relationship issues. Even stemming through past life - but perhaps more when you were around 8, 12 (or even 8 through to 12) is a strong message coming though. If you do not tend to your inner child and release the hurt she/he is carrying from these times in your life the physical pain won’t completely heal and will come back in waves on the timeline that it originally happened to you throughout the year. Now, I don’t expect you to ‘know precisely the timeline’ things happened to you as a child - simply going in and spending time healing and working with your inner child can profoundly shift issues you thought were immovable! I know you know ‘how to heal’, but this is a strong message coming through and hey, you’re here reading this soooo…. Now, this message of ‘don’t give up on those you love’ I feel is the letting go, surrendering, healing deep within you and you’ve stepped back, focusing on you and allowing it all to ‘fall into place’ - whatever that looks like you yet don’t know… but you’ve dropped into a place of deep surrender, trust in the outcome ‘what does God want for me?’ and this.. is allowing the light to come back into the space. It is allowing healing to occur, and you’re noticing the signs, teeny bit by teeny bit, it seems like something is shifting. Keep the faith, hold the faith and continue to do you… because it is working. ‘Don’t give up on those you love’ - is you… coming back to you, with full faith that what ‘the other person is doing’ isn’t in your control - God is in charge and you’re surrendering to ‘Him’…this, is creating miracles and magic. ‘Creating something wonderful’. Move forward with faith in your heart and love in your life. You’ve got this. Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©


Card #3: The Magician. Archangel Raziel. “You can manifest the life you want. What you need will magically appear! Successful beginnings.”

Rainbows, Pegasus, Messages in Clouds, Light fractals catching your eyes, Archangels, Sunflowers, shimmering water or fascination with water, or can’t drink enough water lately, Merlin and the Priestesses of Avalon magic - all of these pieces - have you been seeing them, have they been ‘in your face’ with signs everywhere?? This is a sign that MAGIC IS IN THE AIR for you AND you are creating a very magical life right now. it felt like miracles abound in your life - I am also sensing that you have/are receiving information and activation of your dormant psychic abilities and this… is exciting. You may feel a new lease on life, even though much has been shed from your life and rainbows of colour are being birthed. It is like you have cleared so much and there is such a fresh energy about you, around you and you can choose from the rainbow of life that is being served up on a platter to you. It is important at this time to understand that you are literally manifesting your life at a much higher rate than you’ve ever experienced. It is a good reminder to truly commit and anchor into your higher positive mindset and choose to rapidly rise higher through any situation. That doesn’t mean you don’t feel normal human emotions, it just means that at this rate, you are vibrating much higher than you’ve ever done before. Thus, you move through things quickly and it is like a magical door key that unlocks situations faster and you seem to find the fastest flow and are being guided each step of the way and you… really feel that lately right? All the signs, the deep level feeling of connection that you’re feeling it is all right there for you - tangible magic let’s call it. With this tangible magic you are able to manifest helpful people that will go out of their way to help you, situations that seem like doors are opening like magic - that is.. because they are. The more you notice these, the more this magic continues to amplify. There is also a message of, whilst you’re savvy at doing ten things at once, your magic is best used channeled into one thing at a time at this time. Yes, you can do all the things and there is still an element that you are doing that right now - but also, focus - this is the time to bring all the things to completion, so if that requires you to focus on one thing to completion - blinkers on baby! This card comes to you today to realise how powerful you are and how you are taking tangible steps to change your reality and so the Universe is deeply stepping into to help in what seems miraculous ways - because…. it is. Honour your power, honour your magic and…. own it King/Queen!! Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©


Card #4: Solutions. Archangel Zadkiel. “Success that comes from objective compromise. Self-control and patience. Forgiving and healing energy.”
I feel that you have been receiving lots of ideas as ‘new solutions’ to once what you thought were previously stuck situations? I also feel that within the next week you will have an entirely new range of solutions again and that life is about to move very quickly from here too. (hmm, are you moving house now/soon?) Archangel Zadkiel is all about the FLOW - are you connected to the flow of life, or do you feel disconnected to it? I feel like you are shifting through stuff and you’ve had a shift. There is a lot of purple through these cards today and that is symbolic of the Crown Chakra - of plugging into your own source, of cutting away old ties that no longer feel aligned or serve you and birthing entirely new realities. This could come as amazing aha moments and flashes of insight out of the blue that you hadn’t thought of something like that before. I also want to say - be okay with being wrong, meaning even if you know deep inside you are right - release the need to ‘prove that you are right’ - what for? That comes from a deep insecurity within yourself, that… has trauma stemmed into the fact that the situation you are in (or a situation in your past) you didn’t trust yourself, your life fell to shit and you are still picking up the pieces from that #ouch. That is the only reason you will ‘fight’ and find the need to prove yourself with whatever you’re triggered about at this time. This also comes from the fact that you’re in a situation you want to and don’t want to be in at the same time. It is a very HARD one. It is okay to be angry and frustrated at this time as this… is part of the letting go process - on all levels. There will be waves of this: ‘Self-control and patience’ - which is easier said than done when you are in it! Impatience means… you don’t trust the Universe… but.. you do right?? I am also getting the message about divine timing here for you too and whilst there is no fast track to healing or making things go faster (unless you’re sitting around waiting for things to magically fall in your lap when you’re not showing up doing your part, well that is an entirely different conversation) I do believe that the things that are unfolding, meant for you, happening and you’re working on creating - now - at this time - you’ve stepped into this Life Purpose Divine flow - meaning - you’re on path, and… there is no rushing, pushing or forcing things to happen in this space. You are being divinely led and there is an articulate divine time to everything unfolding. So if things seem delayed or you’re frustrated at the timing or it seems like it is not working - drop into divine timing surrendered flow. Move onto the next thing and come back to it, because it all IS happening - in divine timing… in flow. You are in flow, on path and everything is working out for you - it is all going to be okay. Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©


Card #5: The Moon. Archangel Haniel. “The opportunity to improve your plans. Listen to your intuition for accurate guidance. Face your fears and grow stronger.” 

You are a magical person who can manifest their reality into existence… but honey.. have you forgotten this?! If a huge pile of grief has surfaced (or trying to) - you’re birthing an entirely new reality…. or… perhaps it feels like you’re… waiting for something…. but this waiting energy - it is you who must go first. But… with “The opportunity to improve your plans. Listen to your intuition for accurate guidance.” - perhaps this isn’t about you ‘waiting’ but you are waiting in essence, that it hasn’t felt right yet to move forward, you are waiting for the next step - all the ideas, you are putting on the table at this time and allowing the luminescent scent of your intuition guide you to the ‘right choice’ at the right time. You will know that feeling of YES this is it! This is a time to tune into your intuition and if it seems confusing to do that - know that - it is just that you haven’t received all the information you need to make a clear decision and so - you put that information on the metaphorical table. I am also getting the message to meditate more and do your rituals/practises that strengthen your psychic gifts, as I feel they are deeply increasing at this time and now is the time to really focus your energy on them as you will amplify the skills you are learning from others and your own intuition about your psychic abilities. With this ‘face your fears and grow stronger’ I feel like you feel like things just haven’t been moving forward at all recently and that something has ‘let go’ and now you can? I am sensing that you feel like a huge weight has lifted from you and that you are clear now and like you have a plan moving forward even though some sections you’re still waiting on that YES feeling and the clarity in which decision to make, but there is also a lot of forward movement that you’re feeling too. The luminescent light that is jumping off this card is connected to Throat Chakra and higher frequency energies that you’re picking up. This can sometimes feel like a ‘frying’ of the nervous system as it filters down to your body. Speaking of body - is that cleanse you’ve been thinking of - is it time for it? Face your fears and move forward. Seriously though, what have you got to lose except for maybe some weight? Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©


Card #6: Seven of Gabriel. “Stand up for what you believe in! Have confidence. Claim your personal power.” 

Definitely speak up and stand up for your truth! However, there is way to ‘deliver truth in tact’ - in a way that is heard. Remember, what is the energy you bring to the table to deliver said truth? And… after a time of sitting with said truth, does it even need to be spoken? If someone ‘comes at you’ - stand your ground of course. Abuse is not okay! And there is also a time for your sage wisdom to know when to stay silent and not say a word, pick your battles here. I feel that this card has come to you to show your level of maturity in the situation that just unfolded for you. You have reached a place in your life where you are not wasting time on petty things, on situations that take your attention away from what is important to you and you know where you are being called to go. The rainbows on this card I feel have ties into card #3 message for you today too. I also feel that you may be being guided to channel your energy into a different project you haven’t thought of yet or ‘it has all just become clear for you’. Not only does channeling your energy into your project ‘take you out of drama’ it also accelerates your growth because you are… too busy for drama! You have energy flowing through you and it doesn’t need to go there! The ones who ‘push the fight’ are… bored! They have nothing better to do with their time (now - that is of course, one teeny reason!). I feel this is your message to ‘let it go’ and know that what is going on, has nothing to do with you and that you’re being guided to share your message anyway, channel your energy into your project and not fight this battle so to speak. You can look at this drama and chaos trying to ‘pull you down’ as a sabotage and distraction to what you’re really meant to do. If you’re having trouble letting it go, maybe you need to cry to release the stress of the situation (normal healing process!) and also it may be triggering a deeper masculine wounding from when you were little and vulnerable and no one was there covering your back and standing up for you when you needed it most.. that.. is what needs healing if you ‘can’t let this go easily’. That’s all. These situations come to show us where we have dropped our power along the timeline of our life and reclaim it via healing and conscious awareness to bring ourselves back to wholeness in the now, which activates our power and allows us to get on the Pegasus back and soar up high - or perhaps with your own wings. I am getting the message too with ‘Have Confidence’ - you are correct in this situation, but sometimes the ones ‘coming at you’ will never understand, especially keyboard warriors, so pick your battles, focus your energy, reclaim your power and spread your wings and soar precious one, this is a very special and life changing time for you. Love xxx My long awaited book… is daysssss away…. Keep your eyes peeled ðŸ‘€ðŸ¤©