🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 31st March 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 31, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 31st March 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of Mermaids Deck today 🔮🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️🔮

FINAL HOURS for Trust Your Intuition! Click on the link here to for all the details to jump in before this closes in just a few hours: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Divination. ‘Prophecy, fate, destiny, future, fortune.’

Beautiful one, this is not a time to doubt your intuition. Know what is fear and what is trust - that FEELING is very different. Know you are safe and protected, no matter what choices you make, no matter what destination you arrive at, no matter what predicament you find yourself in - know that you are exactly where you are meant to be during this huge time of Awakening on our Planet right now. The Age of Aquarius is the Light Years - the Light Bearer, the Golden Age is upon us - however, right now - it might seem like a lot of us are ‘in the dark’ about what is really going on. There are so many rumours, theories and then there is the reality of choosing that is also playing in the mix with that. The sense I am getting for this card for you dear beautiful Soul - is that now is not a time to doubt yourself AT ALL. Now is a time for deep, deep trust and I am hearing sacrifice - in a sense of - sacrificing your own needs for that of others. Now - that might sound VERY contradictory to what I teach - oxygen mask first (quite ironic seeing the times we are in! #saidwithlove) But this - getting out of your own way - this sacrifice is STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF - STOP second guessing your intuition STOP just STOP this over analysing of what you are going to say, how you are going to say it and more - just damn well do the thing! This is not the time to do this! You’ve had enough preparation and your intuition - you know that you are meant to do this work in the world - so why are you analytically planning things when the world just needs to hear your voice - your SOUL TRIBE are waiting for you to just go live and speak? I feel you are deeply in tune and if something on the outside world, no matter the trusted source - doesn’t sit right with you? Then trust yourself over what they say! The core of trusting your intuition, doesn’t need analytical planning, it doesn’t need proof - it just needs you to turn up and allow spirit to flow through you - that is all that is required - is you, turning up for you - that is all. Sharing your heart and soul speak - that is all. And now - the world needs you more than ever - THIS is the Sacrifice - push all your doubts, push all the fears aside and just turn up and do what you are being called to do. Your intuition won’t let you down - it only seems that way - because you didn’t trust and act on it in the start. Your intuition is a muscle and it gets stronger the more you use it and act on it - just like going to the gym - you get stronger muscles the more you use them - same with your intuition. You are deeply connected to Spirit dear beautiful Soul - but you already know this. You are the Oracle, you are the Prophecy - don’t hide your voice, don’t hide your Soul anymore - now, more than ever the world is awaiting you to rise to the call - share your wisdom, share your Soul - you are the Saviour the world is waiting for. Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this intuitive life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #2: Reflections. ‘What you contemplate can actualise.’

Ah, now this is a tricky one - between what is my intuition, what is the truth, what is fear and what am I creating? Phew, a big one right? This is deeply ingrained in the Sacred 4 too. Intuition (child), Truth (maiden/youth/teenager), Fear (adult), Creating (sage/wise one/elder) - of course there are all the extremes and possible outcomes for each of these - the fear or the truth in each reality right? The bad could happen or the good could happen and what actually happens - just happens - it is only our human judgement and perception that either makes it right or wrong, good or bad. When we take the judgment out of it - we come from a much more balanced place of ‘Things happen and we act accordingly’ OR ‘We receive intuition and we act accordingly’ - we either listen and act on it, or we don’t. Usually we don’t because our mind has told us all the reason’s why we shouldn’t and in the over analysing of our intuition, the opportunity for change has been missed. This ‘Reflections - what you contemplate can actualise’ - I feel is deep in the centre of your creation right now - what are you focusing on? There is SOOOO much going on in the world that is tricky to process at times yet - this card I feel for you is REMINDING YOU OF YOUR POWER! Don’t get caught up in the what if’s of what can happen - for you - this card is a reminder that NOTHING has changed in your reality. Now - you might be like ‘Er, Hannah, no! Haven’t you seen the world?!’ - but honey, #saidwithlove - this isn’t what I am talking about! Before this world crisis - were you NOT creating your own reality? Were you NOT journaling your reality into existence? Were you NOT creating every aspect of your existence the way you wanted it - OUTSIDE of the ‘reality’ of what 99% of everyone else does? May I ask you - why has this changed for you? I can already hear you start rattling off all the reasons why because of this and this and this and DIDN’T YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD HANNAH?! And getting mighty angry at me! HOLDING YOU!!! Beautiful one - stay with me here - you know, you are the creator of your reality right? You know, you have the power to rise through the ashes, time and time again right? You know, that you are the one who decides whether your business dies or thrives through this awakening right? You know that you are the one that holds the key to your destiny, your fate and what comes out of this right? Just like any other time before this ‘world crisis’ right? If it is to be - it is up to you right? This is the perfect time for blocking out the world (as well as keeping in the loop of what’s going on, but you know what I mean!) - and GETTING YOUR PURPOSE WORK DONE! NOT drop into fear and worry and - seriously beautiful one - straighten your Crown, get back on track with your mindset, your energy alignment and your PURPOSE WORK - your TRIBE are waiting for you - just like they always were - nothing has changed there. YOU are the creator of your reality and your own little bubble right? This has always been the way - so why would that change now - NO - not because of world events… Honey - YOU ARE THE WORLD! Stand up and act accordingly. #saidwithlove Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this intuitive life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #3: Honour the Masculine. ‘Respecting Men, Embracing the Masculine Divine’

I Honour the light that I see you in, that is within me, that is all one Divine spark of the infinite source of the light that we are in truth. Ah - sooo much crumbling around this card - has something just fallen away in your life recently? (I know that is like well der Hannah the whole world just fell apart!) - but I am speaking more on structural terms, yes this may be a job or career that is in limbo - but - what I am also speaking of here is the way you used to be - it is like I can see layers and layers and layers of hard outer shell being stripped away from you - like layers of skin peeling off - but from your Aura. I am sensing so strongly for you that it is like you don’t need these hard outer casing’s of shells on anymore - that this, is no longer the time for these hard layers. You have and are - shifting into a more grounded sense of self, and that is the only protection you need - not the hard outer casings of shells you have layered yourself upon for all of time due to old past hurts. Have you been noticing that your behaviour patterns have changed - or are deeply different to what they used to be? Have you noticed that - the things that once bothered you - don’t so much anymore - that the things you used to react to - you just don’t anymore right? This is the layers I can see shedding from you - and you are emerging into a different you, a stronger version of you - that isn’t ‘hard’ - but deeply grounded. Have people been saying recently (over these last few months) how much you’ve changed or ‘found you’ or are different? Have many friendships you once had and thought would be there forever - have dropped away? These ‘outer shells’ are collapsing right now and this is the shift you have been waiting for. Has there been a significant male in your life that has just ‘dropped away’ and seemingly disappeared? Or you have said NO MORE and set strong boundaries? This is you OWNING your masculine and like I say about ‘we do and act our intuition before we’ve even realised we have done it/conscious that this was our intuition’ this - you setting these strong boundaries is the masculine within you. So - what this means, is you don’t ‘attract a weak masculine’ energy in someone in your reality anymore. You’ve integrated that part of you and are now rising to embrace your own Inner Masculine - you honour the Divine Masculine within you - by doing this. This changes your reality immensely - from behaviour patterns, to the things you do, say and show up to in the world, to the structures in your life - to the way you respond, rather than react. You’ve ‘grown up’ emotionally and with these shifts? You’ve changed your vibration and now will attract those that too, have ‘grown up emotionally’ and can meet you there. I feel you have been getting ideas recently about moving or shifting careers and it would be wise to follow these (when world events permit!). These are signs that your structural reality is ready to embrace the shifts you’ve been working deep down to change - the work works! This may be a celebration card for you too - even if you have just ‘lost’ something recently - this is due to your vibration shift and no longer needing that in your energy field, because you have ‘integrated the lesson’ - and… are ready for your next level energetic match and by following your intuition with those thoughts of moving or career change - beautiful one - all lines up when you follow your intuition. So don’t look back - you’re not going that way. Cry, grieve and know that… ‘you will realise why it didn’t work out’ very soon, you’ve done the work, now let the Universe show you just how much, by what starts turning up in your reality. IF you are not feeling this - then what Masculine in your life - is it, that you need to walk away from and close that door your intuition has been telling you for ages that you’ve consistently ignored/shutdown? Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this intuitive life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #4: Water Flight. ‘Heaviness Lifts, Burdens are Cast Away, Weightlessness’

Ah - coming up for air - the shifts have happened, you can breathe again - is this how you feel? What was worrying you, doesn’t need to be worried about anymore - your burdens have lifted - what you thought was going to happen, didn’t - what you were worrying about, didn’t… I am wondering if there is still something on your mind though? Something to do with your children or a child? I am getting the message to TRUST - that wherever they will be during lockdown - they also chose this as their sacred birth contract when they came in - always remember this, even though of course as a parent, naturally you’d be worried about this! However, I feel that you’re more concerned about something else - but, that burden has been lifted in a sense? I am wondering too - what other things are making you feel like you can’t breathe? What is ‘suffocating you’ - on an energetic level, on a - what is in your Heart that you haven’t felt? What grief? Are you grief stricken? Is there something you saw the other day that… floored you with grief perhaps? I feel that even though some worries have been lifted, the burden lifted - you can breathe again - that there is a different form of ‘suffocation’ of the grief happening though - in your heart - what has made you heart broken? Who do you keep dreaming of, wondering, wishing, thinking about? This person - we don’t let go of someone fully until we feel the depths of grief about the break up and it makes me wonder - this card, yes, the burdens have been lifted - coming up for air - but at the same time, still fully submersed in the reality of what was (the underwater mermaid on the image). However, the Whales are also swimming around her and this is Diamond in The Liquid Crystals - Activating Your Light Body. I am wondering that even though something has lifted and you feel lighter - this, deep grief stricken place - is also - letting in more light. We can’t fill a sink up with fresh water (light) until the sink is empty and drained out. Hmmm - I am also getting the message that your children - may need to have a big cry too! If you, don’t have children - your inner child - this inner crying - has your nose been running lately? This is the inner crying that is wanting to come out. Of course, your children can reflect this crying too - however, going through the stressful world events - they too feel this. So if they are ‘hyperactive’ or losing it - be present with them. Drop down to their eye level on your knees. Tell them it is okay to feel weird and scared about what is happening in the world because it is a big change and that even you are freaking out at times, but you are also calling on your Angels and Guides and mentor support (if you have one), to help you through this time and it is deeply helping you and that you are here for them too. Water colour painting (or any colours/paints/crayons) are SUPER helpful for starting to shift the emotions and to help ground yourself and your children, so working with these tools as well. Remember - we are all coming up for air with gaining some sort of clarity of what is going on, but at the same time, from the depths of darkness - the light gets in where it cracks open and the floodgates of emotions pour out. Be gentle on yourself beautiful one, things are shifting, keep riding the waves as you are - the Whales are right beside you, supporting you to Activate Your Brightest Light through this phase. Trust. Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this intuitive life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #5: Air. ‘Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life-bringing energies’

“Switching Roles” is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this card for you! Do you feel like you have ‘switched roles’ recently in your relationship - or in a position in your life? Where have you changed behaviours - but you have ‘switched’ to how you used to be? In relationship, it can be common to switch roles of the way you both have been behaving in relationship. This switch can be when one person has done personal development work and then the behaviour change happens. This can also occur - in not intimate relationships, but relationships in general and what happens during this change is that I have noticed - when we have integrated a part within us - a behaviour pattern, a shadow part, what can happen is that then, the ‘shadow’ part appears in another person very clearly. What I have found with this - is that we don’t have a trigger reaction to it, but we are deeply conscious of it - we see it so clearly in this person, but have a very neutral tone to it. This is the confirmation of the integration of your shadow part and the work you have just done. It is like - it is no longer within you - or more so, that you have integrated this, now you are no longer separate from it - you are it - so it no longer needs to be in you, so it shifts out. Bit tricky to describe/explain - yet, I am wondering if it makes sense? The only time you would still need to do work with this shadow part, is if you are still deeply triggered by the situation/person/event or if you are still nurturing the integration phase. This ‘Air’ card, I also feel is a reflection of our current world events and this need for fresh air and all being cooped up in our homes with the ‘thick’ air - the oxygen being taken out of our air with the technology they are amping up. Yep, not nice right! However, deep breathing can be done to increase oxygen levels, I intuitively received the other day that mineral supplements help oxygen in the body (even though I am not a nutritionist nor know if that is true - it came intuitively!), also the Archangel Metatron Sacred Geonemetrics Activation - is purely designed to increase the Oxygen in your system too. Yoga, moves the blood and that transports the oxygen around our system too. With this ‘Air’ - it also says - ‘Entering into life’ and I feel that you’ve just ‘stepped into a new life’ (and yet of course with world events!) - however, I felt this began before the Earth events where really relevant today and this change was already upon you before it. I feel like this ‘entering into life’ - is something you’ve been wanting for some time, yet, it was like you let go of it ever occurring and now - you’ve entered this new life - it is like a breath of fresh air for you right? A bit of an adjustment - but ultimately what you’ve wanted yes? I feel that this current situation is a deep sense of energy exchange for you that has been ‘the breath of fresh air’ - how you’ve always known it could be and should be and now… it is… are you - actually letting this be your reality now? Letting yourself actually take that deep breath of air of your new reality that is now your new normal? Consciously let it into all of your cells beautiful one - you deserve every piece of this, breathe deeper, and know that it only gets better from here on in. Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #6: The Unseen. ‘Too much is hidden from you’

Ah - have you felt a bit off recently? Like, of course the world events are going on, but you have felt pretty good although all that external stuff? And something hit you in the past 48 hours or so? A different sort of energy, something else going on/has been stirred up, but you still can’t quite put your finger on it yet? This card - showing you - more is to be revealed and I feel that by Friday you’ll be super clear what that is! Deep in your womb space - have your hormones changed? Are you birthing a new life in your womb? Or in the metaphoric sense of a new life reality you are creating? I am getting the message that you are the ‘eye in the centre of the storm’ right now and that things are moving around you - however - you are safe - yet, you are deeply feeling the energy of other people as you have become increasingly sensitive in the past 48 hours especially - has something changed for you that you’ve become more sensitive? Yes, we are moving into higher frequencies as our reality is shifting and our solar system moving through space into places we haven’t experienced before as a collective. However, I feel that something has made you even more sensitive recently. Perhaps you’ve ‘landed’ somewhere, perhaps you are catching up on much needed rest and your body is tuning back into the deeply sensitive you because you have slowed down and allowed your body to return to the natural attunement through not having to work and normal life routine due to world event disruption. Regardless, you’ve become more sensitive, are feeling more things and… you must remember - it is not you honey! Breathe deeper and let it go. Feel it - but don’t get caught up in trying to figure it out - I feel that clarity is coming to you very soon and that you may have already gained a fair bit of clarity on what that is, however more is coming. I am also getting the message about boundaries for you which may need to be looked at, refined - or even new system structures in place that enable you to have stronger energetic boundaries for yourself? Have you expanded in some way recently in your business or life? Are there boundaries you are needing to reassess there too? It might seem like a dark cave that you can’t see in right now - but that clarity is on it’s way. Stay deeply aligned to what you are creating in your life, don’t let distractions distract you and remember that you’re the one creating your reality. Do you still have those committed manifestation practises? If you have dropped them in the crazy chaos of the world - perhaps it is time to pick them back up to support the realignment of your energy and life? Love xxx There is only a few more hours to get into Trust Your Intuition! Taking your intuitive skills to the next level, it is in here that I share everything I teach, every skill I have gained over my 16 years of living this life and career since my original training back in 2005. If you struggle with confusion, doubt and are ready to release all fears holding you back to not only live the life you’ve dreamed of, but shift into your career and purpose - the entire reason you have been put on this planet, click here for all the details, there are only a few more hours before this closes: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition