🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st May 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 31, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 31st May 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Work Your Light Oracle Cards for you. ✨🕊

Where will you be in 12 months time?

Where do you want to be in 12 months time?

Do you even think about that? Consider that?

Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are.

Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course!

If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘ 


Card #1: Boundaries. ‘Where do you need to establish better boundaries?’

Boundaries with people you text day in day out, boundaries with people who take up all your day time (and night time) phone chats - where do you need to set boundaries around people you help whether you are paid or not - where do you need to reclaim your time back so you can work on the things that truly mean the world to you? Because let’s be real, at the end of the day when you go to bed exhausted, it isn’t because you have accomplished what you know your heart wants to get done right? It is because you continued to be there for everyone else except yourself. It is because that to do list is STILL staring you in the face, that just annoys you underneath - but what is most annoying you is you not putting you first. You see, we can help others, we can be there for others definitely - but not at the expense of your own life. For example someone who is constantly texting or calling you - simply set a boundary within yourself that you won’t answer or reply unless you get your own work done first - or at 3pm, then you will tend to the outside world of emails and texts and calls. That way, you can be more present with them, because you are not ‘full’ with your own stuff too, you will feel more relaxed, calm, present and open, because you have accomplished what you need to do for your own life to get it where you need to be. Of course, this also means that you may not accomplish all or the entire task you want to do - but you will be chipping away at it and you won’t go to bed exhausted anymore, you will be going to be Soul fed, Heart led and deep sleep occurs, because you are doing what you are called to do. I am also getting there message that it is okay to put yourself first, you are worthy of having what you truly desire in your life - whether better intimacy with your partner, attracting a new healthy relationship (finally!) or better career. You matter. You better start treating yourself like you do too yes? Because your life won’t change unless you put these boundaries in place. When you first set boundaries, you will feel guilty - set them anyway. Start small, like not answering phone calls or text messages around certain times (eg not before 8am and not after 5pm) - the world - including your ‘best friend’ - can wait until tomorrow. You’re your own best friend. I am also getting the message to LET IT GO. Just STOP doing the same damn thing expecting different results - you know that is what they call the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over expecting the same results. LET IT GO. Set boundaries with yourself and your life - because it is about YOUR life not anyone else’s and if you don’t ‘have a life’ because you ‘don’t have that person anymore’ - well, it’s time to find your own damn life isn’t it then? Love xxx Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #2: Pleiades. 'Double Mission. Channeling and Uplifting Humanity.'

This card stems off Card #1 - relational in a sense of having boundaries in place that enable you to work on your Life’s Mission, because it feels like it has been ‘a lot’ recently for you. On a collective level we had the ‘merging’ of worlds leading up to the Blood Moon Eclipse recently and just this last few days, feels like a ‘separation’ of worlds, which has caused a ‘static’ and a ‘graty’ and a ‘discord’ between people and family members, or within yourself being pulled in ’50 directions’ and not sure how you’re going to get it all done - feeling behind, feeling overwhelmed - just know that your mission is important, needs prioritising but also - you are doing it - you are working on it, it sin’t like you’re not - it isn’t like you’re waiting for 6 months before you do anything - you ARE working on it, another day when you ARE working on it (opposed to putting it off for 6 months) is happening yes? Put it into perspective and take the pressure off yourself because on weeks like this when it is intense hard (as opposed to intense crying emotional turmoil mess) it is okay - you are doing it - you are ‘facing your true north’ as they say. I am getting the message about your garden or outside nature time is your solace at this time and to make a dedicated practise of being out there. Under the stars too - have the stars been strong for you? Have you found yourself looking at them too? Or have they been in your awareness or showing up on social media for you? The Stars - you have a strong affinity to the stars and connecting with them, either physically outside at night or during the day (they are still there during the day!) Is helping to activate your Life Purpose. I know, you might be wondering how - but there is something special about stargazing and being able to ‘see beyond’ what is right in front of you. I am getting the message they are not only activating you right now, but helping you heal and to feel connected - even on Soul level, to something more than where you are right now. It might not be a conscious feeling/sense or awareness, but the message here is that it is showing you much more than you realise right now, like you will be subconsciously doing things that activate, support, expand and show you the way - so continue to star gaze as it calls to you. I am also getting the message that you may have been triggering people around you recently and this is your sign that you’re about to have a big break through with your mission. So don’t let them stop you, allow yourself to cry and grieve and straighten your Crown and keep going. I believe in you, and so does all your Star Cousins. Your Double Mission awaits you. Love xxx Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #3: Mintakan. ‘Longing for Home. Belonging. The Original Lightworkers.’ 

Have you been looking for your place in the world? Have you come into a realisation recently that - something deeper is calling you? It feels like you’ve ‘come full circle’ and you are at a place where you are looking for something deeper, more meaningful and lets be real - you’ve created a pretty deep, amazing and meaningful life! However, you are shifting, you are rising and you are moving up the spiral because as more is grounding in for you, you are finding that you are grounding in a new level at the same time. This can feel slightly confusing, almost like you’re not sure what you’re doing anymore or why bother and this is just you recalibrating because you have built solid foundations and are now about to anchor in the ‘next stage’ of your Purpose. Always remember this! Whether you are leaving unhealthy relationships and moving into your Purpose career, whether you are moving into a deeper layer of your current relationship, whether you are moving into a deeper, more solid and stable layer of your current foundational relationship, what is important to remember is that you are going through a transition and no body likes change! Well, we do at times, it is exhilarating I mean who doesn't like traveling - that is change!n But when it is change that relates to moving from an old life or relationship to a new in some area of your life, it can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet, you lose your footing for a while, wonder if any of it is worth it but you don’t know what else to do, because you want to do it but don’t and you just have to come back to, time and time again, that it is just change. Sometimes excruciating, sometimes exhilarating - it is all change. When you can remember this, it can help understand that the ‘longing for home’ or ‘longing for something you do not have’ is just number one - trying to take you out of this present moment and number two reminding you that you are going through immense change because your Life Purpose is shifting you to a new phase of your current Purpose. Where is Home for you? Sometimes this card also comes up because you don’t actually know, because Home, well, doesn’t and didn’t feel like it used to or hasn’t ever really felt like Home. You don’t even know what ‘Home’ is and the word can have a ‘bad’ connotation to it. This card can also show up when it is about rewriting your ‘story of Home’ and of ‘what Home means to you’ and ‘creating your own Home’ of the Home you truly want. This card can also be an invitation to moving house or location or state or country - to truly find and be in your version and your reality of what Home you truly want. Love xxx Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #4: No. ‘Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no.’

Whilst this card is about the obvious, I also feel you are in a huge transition phase of your life right now and everything is about ‘pausing’. Number one there isn’t any need to force, push, rush or hurry anymore, but also you are almost being ‘forced’ to stop and deal with what is right in front of you, deal with what is in front of your hands and also being able to only handle what your hands can touch and hold. Whilst in the past you may very well have been and have done a zillion things at once and some and held it all together, right now you are being shown another way of life - a place of stillness WHILST still getting things done, but your nervous system has calmed now. You are safe now. You no longer need to run or carry that cloak around with you anymore that was dimming your light because others stole your light because they were just not situations you were meant to continue down anymore, that is all. Right now, if you are feeling like you WANT to get everything done, whilst also not being sure what that is, but you are at the same time and then get angry because you can’t but then you just want to stop but know you have to pick it all up again too - argh - then No. Just stop. Postpone. Pause. Say no - to the old way you have been used to doing things over and over again and just stop time and time again and remember you’re recalibrating and you can get what you need/want to get done, in this new phase of your life, without the push and without the cost of your mental and physical sanity and health. You can do it this new way - but it is a choice and a reminder to self time and time again to gently come back to the now, drop into deep trust and surrender that you are doing it, you are on the right path no matter how argh it is at times for you. I am also getting the message for you that this is a time of deeply finding yourself, deeply arriving a such a different place than you’ve ever been before. You’re putting yourself first and that is a huge recalibration to your entire system yes? And, also, keep coming back to this, keep coming back to you, keep coming back to this space that is ‘forcing’ you to look at you, do you and do only what you can handle with your two hands. This is called, landing and grounding into reality all that you’ve worked for - let it be here, let yourself receive this moment and know, that, no matter how tricky and confusing it can be at times, I know, deep down you also know that you are - right where you are meant to be. Chaos and all. Love xxx Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #5: Trust Your Path. ‘If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?’

I am getting this message specifically about business for you with this card. Do you have a business? Are you wanting to start one? This card can also be confirmation for the business you dream of and/or that you have just committed to a path of growth, expansion and have taken a leap of faith for. I am also sensing that this card may be the sign to actually take the leap instead of sitting on the fence line about it. Nothing changes in your life until you go first, until you leap first, until you ‘bite the bullet’ and just do it. Horses are also coming to mind - have Horses been present for you recently? Horses are always such divine signs and also deep, DEEP Heart healing too. Also Dragons - are same, magic, divine signs and Heart Healing - have Dragons also been strong for you lately? You are waking up to another layer of your Heart’s Healing and this is taking you deeper into your Soul led journey of life - trusting your intuition, accelerating your psychic development so you can even hear your intuition clearly and make sure you’re listening to it, not being ‘led astray’ and actually knowing you’re hearing your intuition, not some made up thing that is keeping you in the same patterns and path time and time again right? Also, your intuition, personal development, mindset mastery and deep inner work are the key building blocks of building a successful business, no matter what field you are in - you know this right? I know you know, but it takes time - but you are dedicated too right? You know you have nothing else to lose, that this is your time and in time, you will align, choose, create and take action daily - to ‘one day wake up’ and it is all here in reality too right? I know you know this deep down and is why - you have received this card today because well, what else would you be doing right? If you knew you would be supported, what would you do? The answer is a no brainer and whether you physically ‘can’ or ‘not’ the answer is clear - of course you will do it. Money shows up. Resources show up. Time shows up. Because you go first AND you create it yes? You also know this, that is why.. it is a yes and your sign to just do it. Or continue you - if this card is confirmation for what you are doing already - but do it - daily. Day in, day out. Because, well why wouldn’t you? You know where you want to be and daily is how you get there - you make the time and you make it happen. The Universe has your back. Love xxx Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #6: ‘Play. Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.’

Got it! Yes? This is the answer to all your problems, all your depression and unlocks ALLLLL the blocks you perceivable think you have! Play shifts ALL of it! It doesn’t mean you throw all caution and responsibility to the wind - but you can for a day or longer and have some damn fun! You may need to be recalibrating to a new sense of what fun even is for you these days and that is something this card is asking you to do. Now, are you stepping out of the workaholic mindset? Are you coming into a space of actually receiving all of what life has to offer you? Are you coming into a place of being present with your life and knowing that your business still runs in the background because no matter what? Yes, thought so! Has play been on your mind lately? And not even ‘play’ just - taking breaks, getaways and visiting friends or family? You know that work will always be there, you know that memories last forever and when you’re on your death bed dying you’re not thinking and wishing you did more work haha! Didn’t think so! Maybe your Purpose work right? But even then? That is your legacy and something you are creating for sure, but… the fun - this is what elevates your legacy. This is where memories are created and the other reality is that we never have time for anything - except for what we create. We only pursue things that are heart desires and even when we don’t know how we MAKE it happen (you’re an Ancient Blooded Healer aren’t you ;) ) And so right now, I feel you ARE doing your legacy work, even if it is a couple of times a week because you are prioritising these memories first and being present with your life, I feel that play is your solution to all things right now and it is going to give you the gift of LIFE that you have been so craving and wondering where life has gone - especially after the last 2 years of world stuff crazy. I feel that for you PLANNING fun in, is important, because you know, life happens and then we wind up in the middle of 2022 and you’re wondering where time has gone again right?! Planning even the little things in, like something on Saturdays or Sundays or whatever day works for you as a non-negotiable, gives your Soul something to look forward to, breaks routine and also keeps you grounded whilst you keep creating your Legacy. You are creating a Legacy right? What is the mark you’re leaving on the planet? What is it, that requires more fun? Also, you will find that as you create more fun, the Universe sees you having fun and gives you more things to have fun about and be grateful for - you see how this works right? Time to create more playtime then yes? Also, this is where your ideas come in, your creativity comes from and the floodgates open to your destiny. It is where EVERYTHING opens, including the love of your life to come in. But you’ll want to be having fun first right? No one like a sour puss! ;) Love xxx  Where will you be in 12 months time? Where do you want to be in 12 months time? Do you even think about that? Consider that? Is that something you’re ready to fully dive into, to ignite, accelerate and open to the life you want instead of… where you are. Unless you’re content with the life you already have that is of course! If you’re ready to accentuate, hone, understand and exponentially fine tune your intuition to let the petals of your Life Purpose open like a flower, in the divine unfolding of your Life Purpose, turn your passion into profit and build your online empire as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, these are the final hours before doors close, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator