๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 4th July 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 04, 2023

๐Ÿ”ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 4th July 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today ๐Ÿคฉ

My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Card #1: Dana, High Priestess. “You have divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.” 

Well this card has its obvious meaning - you’re a spiritual teacher, healer, leader of some sort and you’re here to help and teach people what you are called to share. I am wondering if lately you have felt like what you have to say doesn’t have importance or like you’re not good enough ‘yet’ or that you haven’t known how to say what you want or need to say? Or is it that every time you go to say or do something that you feel frozen or get distracted and wait another day? This is your sign to relative that your uniqueness is needed in the world and your power comes through your purpose and your purpose is unique to you. I feel you’ve been comparisonitising yourself all over the place (yes I just made up a word) and that you’re wasting precious time thinking you’re not ready or can’t or whatever the reason is you’re not - it’s time to just do the thing. Stop trying to be perfect and just do what you’re being called to do. The other message here is that it feels like you’re overthinking it too.. come back into your heart…. And to do that - what are you needing to do that allows you to come back to your heart? It feels like you’re needing to prioritise yourself over other people at this time, sort out your priorities of course, come back to reality, stop living in your head - and this comes from, putting you first. Where are you needing to come back to your self care, putting and choosing what you want to do - now? Coming back to you, is going to release this paralysed feeling and bring you back to your heart full joy… what comes to mind that you’ve been putting off that brings you back to you, not just today, but as a priority, everyday, every week, every month - as part of who you are now? Treat yourself like the divine teacher you are. Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z


Card #2: Sige, Quiet Time. “Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.”  

Notice the rhythms and cycles that are calling you to and recognise when your body needs more rest at different times of the month and day and follow these rhythms. They will change day to day, week to week, month to month. Don’t get stuck on routine and don’t get stuck thinking you can’t do x-y-z because it’s wrong time of day. It’s never the right or wrong time to do something you need or want to do, the perfect time is when you can and want to do it right now. This is different to discipline that which I’m talking about here, I feel you’re good at discipline to what you need to do - but this feels more about care for yourself and your body. It feels like you’ve been pushing or not caring for yourself enough or something along those lines and this is your wake up call to really tune into your heart and what you need before pushing through anymore. This is your wake up to tuning in - what is your soul calling you to take action on? I am sensing it is something that doesn’t seem to make sense, that you feel like it is something that can be put off for another day but… this is soul food for you and I feel you’ll get a lot of information about your next steps in this - non-logical thing your Soul is calling you to do. Yes, it probably involves some kind of quiet time - perhaps it’s meditation, getting more sleep, cleaning something out you thought could wait, turning off all devices and having a few days to yourself.. what is that, that comes to mind about the Quiet Time your Soul is calling for you right now? The answers you are seeking are found here and the last message is, you don’t need to rush this decision… so take time out to listen today. Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z


Card #3: Artemis, Guardian. “You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.” 

Whatever situation you’re going through right now - you’re going to get through this, you’re going to be okay, things are going to work out, the windfall will come through, the opportunity will show up, you are on the right path. You have been getting signs of this - but you… haven’t been trusting them? Or… is it that you think things are meant to be different to what they are right now? And… have you been feeling a lot of grief lately but you haven’t been able to grieve or… there is just… something right?! Something feels unsettled, or not the same or.. something. Whilst change is normal, there is also a piece here where you are going through a huge transformational process right now and there is a big internal change going on. This may make you want to run around and change everything about your life - but.. you do have it pretty good right now yes? And… you know this but forget this and then look deep down inside and realise, you’re not who you used to be, people around you, aren’t who they used to be but also people aren’t around like they used to be and it’s all a bit quiet and different.. but nothing has changed and phew…. It’s okay.. you’re going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, you’ll get through this, you’re getting through this and…. It’s just so important to remember you’re the caterpillar in the cocoon right now, so be okay if you want to hermit, because you’re healing and changing deep inside. It’s normal to feel recluse and like there is nothing to grip onto… but you’re safe here in this cocoon and you’ll soon see ‘why’ this is happening and that you had to go through this to get to the next bit and it’s just… all going to be okay. Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z


Card #4: Brigit, Don’t Back Down. “Stand up for what you believe is right.” 

Hmmm, there is something you’re not saying… that you’re holding back or.. haven’t quite got up off the ground yet. Whilst this is - get up and speak up - I feel that what is going on right now is that you’re going through a process where you’re being very careful in what you’re saying, how and when. And this isn’t in a bad way. In the past you’ve always been outspoken, held your ground and stood up for what you believe in. Whilst this isn’t about you being walked all over and not speaking up… you’re ‘waiting’ for the right moment in ‘how’ to speak up. You’ve being doing a lot of inner work that has enabled you to shift the way you speak, the way you bring things to the table and it’s having positive effects. You’re stepping into the Wise One and know that the best battles are done with the pen. Meaning… you don’t need to come waving your swords around to get the attention and shift the power play in the room. You’ve come into your power and are super aware of how your power moves people in any which way or direction. You’re showing up for yourself in a different way and coming into a place where you can hold your ground with not much effort or energy anymore, you’ve mastered ‘how’ to change your life in the most efficient way and it’s creating space for other things to enter your life. Has there been something on your mind that you need to speak about in some way? It’s time to move forward on this… it’s just the logical next step… but your intuition already knows this right? Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z


Card #5: Athena, Inner Wisdom. “You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action without delay.” 

Hmmm, there is a relationship you either need to walk away from - or you need to be very mindful of the boundaries you’re treading here with this person - or is it a workplace? It feels like, ‘it’s not even worth the fight.’ - and so where are you being called to go at this time? Where is this redirecting you too? Sometimes we can feel so frustrated or upset with what is happening, but we forget that it is actually a redirect to what we really want, where we are really meant to go and where we really need to be focusing on. It’s almost like, ‘don’t get pulled into the drama’ is the message here. There is a very distinct feeling between, I need to walk away for good and I am going through a deep transformation right now that’s really uncomfortable that’s making me want to run away and is hard for me to stay here thought this but I am. You know deep down which one and where you’re at right now. This is a message for you to - trust your intuition. You know what to do and what you have to do, but you also know ‘when’ you have to do it. Maybe it’s on your mind, but you’re confused - confusion comes in, when you’re clear in yourself but someone else’s thoughts and opinion has taken over your mind and heart and what you already knew as truth - meaning - don’t let them talk you out of it! You know what to do, you know the truth. The only reason you let their words overrule you is because you are not confident in yourself and believe you can do this on your own… but come on! You definitely can do this on your own. Sure it’s going to be a massive change but… you know what to do. The other part about confusion is sometimes this means it’s not the right time, because we also know what that YES GO TIME feeling is and so wait until that level of clarity comes of the timing… but stay clear in your truth until then… anything other than that is swallowing someone else’s truth and you’ve done enough of that… so stay clear, true and solid in yourself. Your intuition is correct. Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z


Card #6: Aine, Leap of Faith. “Take a risk and put your hearts true desire into action.” 

I want to say - back yourself THE ENTIRE WAY. You’ve just had a burst of hope, inspiration, setting your Soul free, bringing you alive with a freshness of energy and ideas and I want to say RUN WITH IT. You’ve been waiting for this it feels like and it feels like this is such a time for you to trust this wave right now. It’s leading you somewhere, it’s bringing you inspiration that you’ve been looking for. I am also getting the message that the most grounded, long term gaining route is the answer, is the ‘one to choose’ at this time. The one you’re most nervous and groundedly excited about - is ‘the one to choose’. It feels like lots of inspiration has dropped in and it all feels amazing - these ‘answers’ you’ve been waiting for - but the most grounded sense of achievement one, is definitely the one to go with at this time. You know it’s the right one - and anything else that you choose other than this long term achievement one - is a distraction from where you want to go. It feels so grounded, pure, solid, stable and… anything other than this feeling at this time, is the old paradigm and you don’t play in that realm anymore… or do you? No.. of course not. You’ve chosen a different paradigm and it is important to keep checking in with this because this is all you need focus your attention on now. This path, is the one of your dreams, it reaps dividends and is the one your heart has been longing for you to take, so take it to heart and follow your dreams. Remember, anything else is a distraction at this time. Follow… that grounded heartfelt feeling. It’s leading you all the way home. Love xxx My book… has arrived ๐Ÿคฉ Kindle edition out now!! Paperback… on its way ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“–โœจ Click here to get your Kindle edition today: https://amzn.asia/d/gRBut0Z