🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th March 2024
Mar 05, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th March 2024 🍂 🌷 Edging the Equinox as both hemispheres experience the shift in seasons 🍂 🌷
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there today from the White Light Oracle 🤍
You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born.
And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose.
If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Deer Of Delta
Hold those you love close, and make precious moments last, the go so fast and you’ll never know when it’s your last. Hmmm, have you lost a loved one recently? Or someone is on the verge? There has been a heavy wave of darkness and many people have passed just recently. I am also feeling this is a card for you to really bring yourself back to this moment and remember what is important. I almost want to say, what you’re stressing about is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Of course you need to take radical responsibility, but it feels like to bring yourself and all that matters back into focus. All the things you’re worrying about will still be there tomorrow, but this moment in time won’t be and right now, when you can’t do anything about it - let it go for now. Pick it up tomorrow. Your skills and gift in navigating the hard situations, the dark times and the waves that want to take you out and some - are definitely a skill yes - but the more you can hold your natural frequency THROUGH it, honey the hurricanes will always come, but you can stand through it, you truly can… let the hurricane blow through… but don’t let it swoop you up in the process. Hurricane meaning - anything that’s stressing you out… just let it pass and become the eye in the centre witnessing it all and not dropping what is most important to you. This card is about finding your strength within. It is about allowing your emotions to flood your soul when they wave through - not burying them - but feel them consciously and by consciously feeling them you are shifting them - which allows you to come back to being present again - that eye in the centre of the hurricane - and the presence with what is most important to you right in front of your face, where your hands are in your life, is all that matters right now. You’re being asked to become grounded, centred and strong and not let the waves take you down so much that you lose yourself, but asking for help where help is required and training your skills to shift frequency so you can be here, right now - because so much is being asked if you - because you’re a person that can - but you need support too. Make sure you have it. Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #2: Bastet of 174Hz
Cat. What does cat mean to you? Car tried to auto spell - what does car mean to you? I feel like you’re being asked to listen to your intuition and your heart more than ever right now. You’re being influenced by people that are only serving to keep you small because they are triggered by someone that is - are they bitching?! Gossiping?! Are you.. you’re not are you? Still hanging around them?! You’re in the midst of a huge frequency shift right now and you’re being asked to be super mindful who you’re listening to, who you’re hanging around, what you’re absorbing, what you’re agreeing to and your focus. It feels like such a pivotal time of transition for you that you are needing to protect this transition space more than you usually protect your energy, mindset and aura right now. You can feel the shift, you’ve been feeling weird, having weird body sensations, feeling estranged or different to people ‘you’re usually close to’ and feel like you’re walking in another plane already - or actually travelling in a plane? You’re definitely shifting frequency that is for sure - or you already have. You’re stepping into a new reality of lifestyle, energy and the way you live your life in all areas. ‘You’ve had enough of your present situation and you’re taking your power back about this’ - whilst it feels like you’re very ‘past’ this stage, this message just poured through - so obviously it is relevant. With Bastet, you’re also being asked and reminded of the power deep in your heart and to allow your heart to open again (was a strong message in my Telegram Broadcast Intuitive Channel the other day!) - open your heart, remember, you’ve healed. You don’t need to be scared or worried anymore, you’ve healed and you’ve learnt so you’re safe to move forward with this. You know what red flags are and you’re not ignoring them - there isn’t any. And this message is about trusting your heart and your intuition- regardless of what anyone else says, this is between you and God, you and your intuition, you and your own life. Only you can decide on this and you… can trust this situation and what your open heart is calling you to do. Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #3: Shaktipat of Seahorse
You’re being asked to or perhaps you are - coming into a deep acceptance of who you are. You’re understanding and realising parts of your past - healing them - and feeling completely different about everything - about yourself. It’s almost like, the skin has finally shed, the cloak is finally off and you’re in a space where you’re truly FEELING - not just thinking - of this self love business of living yourself - like, you can feel it. You’re feeling different about who you are and what you bring to the world and are taking next steps with that. It’s like FUCK THE WORLD! This is who I am if you don’t like it, well I’m simply not for you. You’re taking your power back - and it feels good. You’ve come into your own. You’ve released the shackles and are free to be who you are. This card has come to you to give you even more permission to be your full, true authentic self. It is safe for you to feel this much power and when you are in this place, you attract all the resources and desires that you need. You are in alignment with your Life Purpose. If you don’t feel this power or these energies I’m putting down - this is your signal to come back to your true authentic heart felt ed self because you’re trying to fit into a mould and a box society wants you to fit in, but this is your reminder that you’re not the box, you’re not society - never were were you?! So snap out of it and do it your way and I promise you - you’ll sky rocket… but you got to remove the tape and get out of the box honey! Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #4: Dakini of Infinite Light
Well, just the sound of that is delicious! Infinite light?! Yes pleaseeeeee! This - is your reminder to remember that - you ARE LIGHT! And there is infinite abundance of it - but - you hold the master key, the switch and you’re the only one that can access your own light! I feel you’ve shut down just recently either you got sick or you got triggered and ‘left the door open’ but walked away out of spite or envy or jealously or something got you and honey - this is only showing you what you can have and be and do too - it feels like you want it but you’re not even letting yourself have the mindset of possibility that you can - now - also have this reality and the ONLY person stopping you with this - is you! Sure, focus on things, other things even - but that open door, you never closed it for a reason. No, this isn’t about going back to unhealthy toxic bad detrimental relationships - I’m talking about the triggers of your LIGHT that you shut down again and again and your soul is trying to show you there is an entire world through that door that you walked out of but left the door open to! What does that mean to you? Who and what came to mind about this? Dakini of Infinite Light signifies a huge shift in positive change for you - the light at the end of the tunnel, you’re coming out of a dark cycle of your life, but you.. are still the one holding the key and only you can choose but Dakini also comes with a don’t give up, hold onto hope, you’re almost there message that is your signal - it’s time to embody your light, own it and live it. Stop shunning it, it is knocking at your door, will you answer? Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #5: Garuda Suparna
It feels like you’re at the end of a cycle, but you’re still holding onto to a way of being in your lifestyle that is not serving you anymore. What is that? And - what are you using the excuse that you don’t have time for? Yeah, stop doing that. The more you use that excuse, the more you just better replace with, I don’t want to do it instead. Because you do have time for it and I am sensing such a strong message that you must make time for it now. Stop using that excuse because you do have time - you create time #simple - you know that old adage - if you don’t make time for it, it will stop you in our tracks and force you to make time for it? Sooooo better listen to this message that is something you’ve already been receiving without me telling you! Garuda comes with a message of protection, but doing what is right for you and also to honour the need for staying true to your course of procession. It feels like the task at hand may seem overwhelming at times, but that you have the strength to get through this and make it happen. It feels an important message of blocking out what you need to go be able to focus on your energy and tasks at hand, whilst some people around you may see this as selfish, if you can’t ’sell a fish’ then you won’t be able to eat.. sel - fish - you’re doing what is right for you ‘to eat’ so to speak and at this time it is more important for you to be discerning who you have around you in your energy field and discern what needs to stay or go or be ignored whilst you just complete this task. This feels all you need to worry about at this time. You’re definitely protected through this passage, but your focus is your best protection so heed to this and allow no distractions - don’t let the past pull you back, you’re not going that way. Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #6: Dvara Patra
There is a huge coming together right now for you - I almost wrote collaboration - so maybe there is, but it feels more of a space in coming into who you truly are - the masculine and feminine sides of you are balanced but you’re still adjusting to your power - or there is something here with this…. Hmm, because it feels like a part of you has fallen away and a new rebirth has occurred but also - similar message to card #4 - you’re so close to a goal/dream being realised… to hang in there - hold it until it comes to fruition - it’s a lot closer than you think - but there is something else here trying to come through… ah - I’m not clear because you’re not! There is confusion around you - but a bit like a storm passing - it is hectic, and then it clears and the blue skies come… clarity is coming for you… “A prayer is now being answered in a beautiful way.” It says in the book. You’re entering into a time of plenty and with the plenty is where the abundance is. Hmmm, have you been working on your abundance mindset and reality? I am hearing tipping point and the edge of the new reality has been felt in your soul right?! Soooo hold it. If you ‘needed a sign’ you just got it. This card is your hope, your faith and the more you hold this reality it ‘snaps’ into your reality and it can happen in a moment in time, but you just have to hold it. Continue to hold it. Not out of fear. Not with control. But with precisional conscious awareness, dedication, faith and relaxed deep knowing energy aka enjoying the fuck out of your life and watching it all manifest before your very eyes. You’re magical - don’t ever forget that. This is the Holy Grail and it is yours - your dream is being realised and your dream is yours TO be realised, so know how close this is - your feelings are correct. Love xxx You know you're here for more, born for more and live a life that IS more. You're savvy, you're dedicated, you're committed and know that the long term game is where the success of your Life Purpose is born. And you're here for it. You know you're here to serve and impact humanity in a great big way - you feel it in your Soul, you feel it in your bones and - you're already doing it to a level, but you know there is something more calling you to step up and out in a bigger way, increasing your psychic skills, understanding the powerful healer you are and how to make the income you desire to support your lifestyle - and your Purpose. If this sounds like you, Life Purpose Legacy is where to be, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy