🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th March 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 07, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th March 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Souls Journey Oracle ðŸ¤©

I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated

It was The Soul's Journey Oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3L1Edq0

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Relationships. I am attracted to those people who serve my higher good. 

However - if you are continually ‘looking back’ and ‘holding onto what was’ and not paying attention to red flags - then you won’t ever experience the love, care and relationship that you truly want. This card has come to you today, to cut ties to past relationships that are draining you, keeping you hostage with anxiety and making you feel like a mess. Perhaps it is physically cutting ties and walking away. Perhaps this is an analogy for the old ‘style and paradigm’ of the relationship falling away and a new paradigm ‘of how the relationship is now’ is birthing. Perhaps this is literally cutting cords, cutting ties and physically having no more contact. Perhaps you hadn’t had contact and then there was contact again - this? Is healing. Whatever happened in the past ‘the air needed to be cleared’ and this? is done now. Have you…. been calling in a healthy soulmate relationship? Have you been wanting to improve your current relationship if you’re already in one? Don’t think that ‘going back to old relationships’ in whatever capacity that was - was ‘you going back’. This? Has healed something, cleared the air and allowed whatever was still ‘left a mess’ to be done now and this has given room for a ‘breathe of fresh air’ to come in. Plus there has been intense solar flare affecting the ‘anger’ and ‘anxiety’ which hasn’t been a helpful contribution, BUT - also? Oh yes, too - Full Moon Peaking in just an hour so to go! ALL the feels! But - also? These energies? Are sooo good for cleaning out the shit! We are edging on Equinox March 21st - we have just gone the technical turn of a season, and we are edging on the eclipse in April which will be in here in a minute! Phew! The energies are strong, be gentle on yourself - and how is that… relationship with yourself? That.. is what is going to get you through all the parts of which ever part you’re walking through right now, whether you’re single cleaning up your past, clearing the slate and preparing for your future or whether you’re in a relationship wanting a deeper, cleaner, clearer and healthier relationship. The relationship with yourself? Needs tending to too. When was the last time you got away? When was the last time you TRULY took good care of yourself? When was the last time you truly stood your ground and said, “No, that is not how this plays out, this is what I am going to do about this and this is the outcome?” No more looking to others to rescue you - you’re the one who can truly turn this around right now, but you must have a loving kind relationship with yourself too - so, do you? You might be incredible at taking care of others - but if you cannot take care of nor WANT to take care of yourself, because THAT brings up too many past painful memories of just what you’ve had to go through to get where you are and better to not look at it and feel that and just keep going - BUT the problem with that, is you’re looping back around to something that is… well, keeping you stuck right? If you don’t change what you’re doing, nothing will change. I also feel that this card has come to you to let you know that you’re on the right path - yes, it is time for change and you know what that is. But what you have been doing is creating the huge changes coming up for you and that, is the change in relationships, you’ve been asking for, including yourself. Shift, grow, change and Be the change you wish to see in your relationships. Come back to YOU. Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #2: Denial. I acknowledge my fear, but I replace it with the insight of awareness. 

Ah, as much as this is Denial - I am sensing you’re VERY aware of this issue, this fear, this thing that is stopping you right now. I think you’re very consciously working on it and facing the very uncomfortable and painful reality that is ‘in your face’ you can’t really not not face it! But it’s been… excruciating to say the least. Perhaps someone pointed it out to your face, perhaps someone mentioned it that sent you into a spiral, perhaps it’s just become clear to you and it’s quite annoying to you because you also feel VERY stuck with it. And I feel that this is the part about this ‘Denial’ card is that you are very much so - acknowledging and facing it but it’s almost like this ‘changing it’ is ‘out of your hands’. Sure you doing all you can and not taking responsibility for what isn’t yours but you are taking responsibility for what is yours and amongst that - you are facing it. I am also getting the message for you to get organised? What if, you could take action on what you needed to ‘get out of denial of’ - what needs to be organised? What is the thing that just came to mind then about getting organised? As this is where you can channel and focus your energy at this time that will help propel you forward and ‘get through this hands tied’ part right now. Not an easy space you’re in right now! HUGS! But know, you will, eventually come out the other side of it, it is just that right now, it definitely doesn’t feel like it. But you will. Also, what is it about your health that you need to take better care of and even, stop being in Denial about? Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #3: Peace. I am a being of love and I release all negative energy. 

Where are you needing to step back and lean back into trust in everything that you do? In every thing that you say? In everything that you are? I feel like you’ve lost your way, or… lost yourself in this situation and this, is your moment, your time, ready to get this back. Does that involve you taking a break from what you are doing? Does that mean prioritising yourself for this next few days (and always) but especially these next few days? Is there something you need to take care of so you can have more time for you? This card has come as a strong sign for you - it is Peace - and it is light sky blue - it is a very Throat Chakra Colour Card. Throat Chakra is not just about speaking your truth but living your truth - this is about alignment. What is something that you keep saying you’re going to do, but you keep putting off time and time again? What is it that you keep putting off until you have more time or more money or - no. Today. Make it happen today. And if you can’t make it happen today - actually put into plans the course of actually making happen what you keep saying you’re going to do. No more just talking about it, time to live it. You can start off small, sure - but you know what it is that you have been putting off that you just can’t anymore. Trust that these ‘very small steps’ in the big picture of where you’re going will shift and propel you forward. Remember, success is not some massive huge action - it is 99.9% of the time every little CONSISTENT piece of action in the direction of your dreams. It is a small amount of effort daily, built up over a long period of time, that compounds and builds momentum that it is so big it cannot be stopped! (in a way!). Where are you needing to shift your mindset to see how much you are ACTUALLY doing? Where are you needing to shift your way of thinking to see just how you CAN make something small happen today - rather than waiting until x-y-z - no. You can do it now. You can do it today. What is that? When you are living in alignment with what you are saying you are going to do, not only does it make things happen for you, not only do you sleep better at night, but do you know what also happens? You feel Peace. You have this undertone energy of your entire life, even when ‘bad’ things are going on, that you are doing the right thing. That you are on track. That you’re showing up doing what you can with what you have and that you are making progress. In the start, it will not be noticeable. Then, when you look back over the amount of time you’ve been working on something, you will start to see signs. Then, one day, you will ‘tip the scales’ and there will be a monumental shift and ‘all of a sudden’ your reality will be - different. And it wouldn’t have been any HUGE MASSIVE ONE thing that you did… because every day, you are doing what you can with what you have, you are showing up LIVING your truth, the best you can with what you have and making and taking action that is alignment with the life you want to create and all those little pieces start to add up and BOOM! NEW LIFE ALERT. Remember, shit falls apart once you start working on things - you can’t clean and organise a cupboard without pulling out everything and without making a mess first. An unhealthy relationship doesn’t become healthy without an uncomfortable and somewhat heated conversation with truths that need to be spoken on both sides. Be okay with the ‘mess’ knowing that the Peace, comes from taking the next aligned actionable step today, by doing what you can with what you have, no matter how little or big. Just do it. Today. Now. #lifepurposerules Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #4: Abundance. I am a limitless being, and I can manifest whatever I desire in this physical reality. 

Ah honey? You’re about to have one of the biggest quantum leaps and financial success breakthroughs you’ve ever experienced and this card, kinda leads on from Card #3 in a way that this big breakthrough? Comes from ALL the things you have diligently and consistently done for a long period of time! This breakthrough, this quantum leap - is something you’ve been working on for a long time, it is a culmination of all the little alignment pieces that you have disciplined yourself to become a habit, perhaps it is that you sold a house and a windfall of cash is about to hit your account, perhaps it is an income increase for you that stabilises a new level of consistent  income for you - whatever it is - this is a shift UP to the next level that you’ve been consciously working on and that conscious diligent connection to it is - working! So keep going! That tangible feeling is real and it showing you how close it is - that, “Oh, it’s not in my bank account, and yet, it was so real.” And you’re double checking because - yes - that. Hold that thought! Stay with that feeling, because it is tangibly here - well, it’s here! Hmmm, this card also might be coming to you because this is your signal and sign post TO become more consciously connected to your finances. Sometimes when things are hard - it is easier to turn a blind eye and start to contract even further down the hole than you already are! However, the fastest way to turn your financial situation around is to LOOK AT IT 👀 Look. At. It. Every. Single. Day. Get super clear on ‘the mess’. Get clear on all the pieces, do it up in a spreadsheet or something else - whatever you need to do to get super organised with it and diligently stay connected to it every single day knowing that God is your true Source of income, you are not fixed on one income ‘just from your job’, because the Universe is limitless and there are limitless ways of receiving money and income from multiple sources. Take notice who you are listening to, take notice of the words you are speaking to in your mind and out allowed to people every single day about your financial situation, remove the word ‘I can’t’ from your vocabulary and listen to money affirmations on repeat until you take the earphones out and it’s all you hear your mind playing over and over back to you. Seriously. You want to shift? I just gave you the golden keys. But there ain’t going to be no large shift, if you’re not looking where you want the energy to shift! Blind eyes, create more blindspots and you’re already there so, no more of that. Get super clear, get organised and know that you CAN shift this. So, whether you’re in a mess and cleaning it up or you’ve been diligently been working on this - there IS a shift coming so - get to it - or - stay with the diligent connection you’ve created because the Universe has been working in your favour and you’re about to experience the biggest change in your reality you’ve experienced to date. Abundance baby. It’s a state of mind. Stay here a while. Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #5: Change. I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement. 

Ah - enough sitting around! Enough waiting on the world to shift shit for you! Only you can do that! Ah - have you felt constipated recently? That will come from - sitting around! AND that comes from eating the wrong foods, but mainly? Constipation is from FEAR. What has scared you recently? What past are you clinging onto with dear life, because you don’t want it to change? What change in your reality is just too big to comprehend right now, so you’ve thrown it in the too hard basket and not tending to it? Um, warning, warning, warning! Take notice and tend to it before you are forced to do it! Fear is overcome by facing it and you do that by looking at it, sitting with yourself, letting yourself cry instead of holding onto control because your environment is shifting that much that you’re scared about what ‘could’ happen - but you know what? The warning light is ON - meaning - you have a chance to change your situation and the direction you’re heading in and this card has come to give you that  confirmation that it is not too late to change what you’re doing, you DO have time to get on the right path and change the mistakes you’ve made in the past. You do have a CHOICE to not let it get any worse, you can pull up the anchor now and allow yourself to steer the boat again, before it gets to a situation where the boat is dragged across the reef and becomes irreparable. Of course, anything can be fixed, anything can be repaired but the point of this card coming to you today is that you don’t ‘need’ it to become so bad before you make changes. There doesn’t need to be some great debacle before you actually make the changes that have been tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder to make for… quite some time! So, what are those changes? What are you so scared about changing in your reality that you’re hanging onto. What if, you saw the changes as freedom? As an adventure into the unknown that you’re supported every step of the way? That….. reality opens up pathways, doorways and the very ground you walk on as you go because you are THAT supported as you make changes ‘before it gets bad’? Is there something to do with your feet, the earth, the floor, you need to tend to? Sure, the ‘floor’ is Base Chakra - and associated with the colour red, but this card is Orange and ‘Change’ and you know what happens before the Earth is met? There is a womb of transformation that happens - eg, in the Sacral Chakra there is a gestation period where there is a deep inner transformative process that takes place. As I teach the Chakras coming ‘down’ to Earth from the Crown Chakra - the Sacral Chakra is just before the Base Chakra and is where your womb of creation is. Women literally grow babies here and Men also have a Sacral Chakra and is where both genders gestate their Life Purpose. Then it moves into the Base Chakra where birthing a new reality and/or paradigm of reality happens. Think back to 9-10 months ago, where were you? What was going on? What happened? What actions did you take? As you may just be starting to see and sense the changes/the fallout and the birthing of a new reality from that which you began back then. It is safe to experience this change. This is… what you’ve been working on. Embrace it. Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #6: Humor. I choose to focus on the lighter side of life. 

Laughter, play, joy - your Heart Chakra. Honey - you deserve this peace, this love, this joy, this laughter that you are now experiencing AND - this has come in pretty fast right? YAY! Choosing to learn through joy and at rapid speed, because this is how you work with manifestation and reality anyway! Through joy, through fast manifestation that is how you work! That is who you are! Embrace the level of new life you are experiencing right now and in those ‘pinch yourself’ moments, this is your new normal baby! Let’s be real, you’ve been doing the work for years, and you’ve reached a tipping point where you are just in the fun of it now, where sure, things still happen, life is still very much happening - but YOU’VE changed. YOU’VE shifted and you’ve come into a place where you’re handling things differently. You’re seeing things differently. Things that would’ve bothered you or you would’ve ‘taken the bait’ - you just don’t anymore. You’re not only just seeing through the bullshit, you’ve learnt how to navigate it. You have set boundaries. You’re feeling more peace. You’re speaking up where as in the past you just would’ve tolerated it - but you’re not tolerating that shit anymore and you know what? The universe is listening. The Universe sees the shift in your internal vibration and what you’re tolerating and not tolerating and the Universe? Is right now, responding to this. You have even had moments of peace that you haven’t felt in a long time and these are your signs that your manifestation is here - it is soo important to remember this1 Not just when it arrives in the physical, but when it is in the ethers, when it is what you’ve been holding in your thoughts, in your energy, in your heart and in your mind. It is the work of the vibration and energy you’re holding on a day to day basis. You’ve shifted and the Universe has responded in kind. And yes, this is your new normal. So what now? What is next? What it the next level? As Melanie Ann Layer, so wonderfully said, One foot in gratitude (in the present moment with what is) and one foot in desire (in your dreams, desires, what goals you’re working on) and it is brilliant in being in both worlds, and how we can create what we are here to do with our heart and soul AND live in the present moment enjoying what we have because that… is what life is for right? The Mastery comes from and is about living in both. So, yes, enjoy your life. This is your new normal. This is normal. What is your next steps and stay presently absorbing having fun and consciously bringing more joy into your life. Keeping your heart open, keeps you in abundance, in expansion and that, is where the miracles are found and that… is what you’ve been praying for yes? More happiness, more love, more, just more? Yes. New Normal. And… you deserve this. Love xxx I... extended DEDICATED. There is only a certain amount of time left, before big shifts happen on this Earth and you will not be wanting to think you've been sitting there in indecision waiting until the perfect moment because we both know that moment doesn't come. We create the time, we create the life. We heal and create the life we know our HEART is calling forth for us - the loving relationships, the business success, the financial stability, the best health, the incredible body, the life you KNOW you are born for. DEDICATED our 8 Week Deep Dive through the Chakras as I work with you privately, 1:1 - where the most potent shifts occur, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated