You know who you are. 

You’re clear. 

You’re fire. 

You’re the one you’ve been waiting for. 

You don’t wait around for things to happen - you make them happen. 

You're self-led.

You’re a Leader, an Entrepreneur, a Coach, a Healer and you’re established in what you do. 

You’re ready for the next stage of revolution for your Life Purpose and can feel it bubbling up from deep below and are ready to take the deep dive into the evolutionary conscious quantum leap of the next stage of your Becoming.

You’re healed, but know there is always layers. You’ve done the work. You do the work. It is not even something you think about - it is second nature to you - it is WHO YOU ARE. 

You’re gifted, multi-talented and know you’re here to change the world. You ARE changing the world.

You’re a rule breaker, a rebel and you stand for truth - you live for it and in it - YOU LIVE IT. 

You create your own reality and are here to fulfil your destiny - no matter what it takes. You ARE living your Destiny. 

You know the basis of your personal power and you ain't scared to own your magical, solid, grounded truth in who you are, no matter who or what tries to knock you. 

You Trust Yourself. 

You Trust Your Purpose and what your Soul is calling you to do.

You take radical responsibility for your reality, your circumstances and know as a Leader what it takes to stretch and expand and move to the next level and you jump in and commit whole heartedly the entire way - because why would ANYONE live any other way? That is just not who you are. 

YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR DESTINY and you know it. You live it - every single day. 

For the Rule Breakers.

The Rebels. The ChangeMakers. The Trailblazers.

The True Leading Lightworkers (not someone who walks around loving and lighting but won’t stand up when push comes to shove - the dark-light polarity worker is WHO YOU ARE - you hold the entire spectrum and won’t stand for anything less).

For the Wildly Wealthy Witches who do whatever it takes to live their destiny.

For the Ancient Blooded Healers who have walked this Earth since the dawning of time. 


It is in your Blood. 

To live your Destiny. 

You are already doing it. 

You are already living it. 

You know who the fuck you are and you can feel right now - the next level is calling you.

THAT is why you know you are here. 

For the Rule Breakers.

The Rebels.

The True Leading Lightworkers (not someone who walks around loving and lighting but won’t stand up when push comes to shove - the dark-light polarity worker is WHO YOU ARE - you hold the entire spectrum and won’t stand for anything less).

For the Wildly Wealthy Witches who do whatever it takes to live their destiny.

For the Ancient Blooded Healers who have walked this Earth since the dawning of time.

Welcome, my name is Hannah. 

I am a Healer to the Healers, a Leader to the Leaders and a Teacher to the Teachers.

I am here for the Psychic Entrepreneurs who are here to change the World.

Self-Made Millionaire, Author, Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor of almost twenty years experience, I am here to guide those ready to go the entire way and birth your Purpose, that is not yet on the planet.

There is MORE for you - and it is my duty to hold this deep space for you to travel with intuitive guidance and birth your Purpose to the world.

This is for you if you've been feeling that: 

~ niggling feeling won't go away, there is more for you to uncover and activate in this world

~ your next level has been calling you and you can't put it off any longer 

~ you're looking for a grounded, real and deeply connected intuitive healer, psychic medium that can help navigate the deep subconscious and not get lost, but uncover the next layer of your Purpose that.. just hasn't gone away

~ you were going a long good - like REALLY good and then all of sudden it is like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet, almost the feeling of living in two different realities at once and you're not sure what is going on, yet you're usually pretty savvy with this stuff... but not today (or for a bit of time now!). You've been waiting for it to pass, doing your usual things, but nothing... seems to work like it used to anymore. 

I get it. You are clear, strong, grounded and pure hearted. You stay positive and hold so much, yet achieve so much, it is just who you are. 

You've travelled the realms of reality on your own for a bit, cleaning up your life and sorting out your soul. 

And yet, something just isn't sticking. This double reality thing is weird and you're ready to let in support again, keep your heart open this time - as you've been burnt before, but not willing to continue to bring your past into your forward and have elevated to this next frequency of open-hearted joy, where you know this is a realm to stay and play in. Creating from joy has called your Soul and it's what you're here for. 

It is a big one and I am so glad you're here. I am the Queen of Life Purpose Acceleration and work with clients who are at the double mission awakening of their Soul's Purpose. 

You may be someone who is deeply on mission, yet life has thrown curveballs you didn't see coming and now you're questioning everything and are just ready for support through this passage, transition and acceleration for this double mission. 

For the past nine-teen years, I have recalibrated and activated double missions for myself at points in my purpose that I didn't think I would get through. And yet, this wisdom has brought me to Self-Made Millionaire with Reality Awareness's Life Purpose mission well underway. 

I have Queen Codes in deeply accelerating your mission, aligning the Purpose for who you - and society - has evolved to now - not the one still stuck from the time point of your entry into this world. Whether birth, or a birth point through the timeline. 

My passion and purpose is to help you accelerate your Life Purpose, creating a life you love and changing the world with your mission.

Life Purpose Accelerator has lead you here to:

~ Awaken dormant aspects of your psyche that you are unaware of but can feel your Soul calling you to go deeper. 

~ Awaken, Shift and Impact human consciousness on a global level. 

~ To be a leader on this Earth - the world has not yet seen - or in ways they haven't seen you before. 

~ To show the world what true heart centred conscious leadership looks like. 

~ To impact humanity and change the world. 

~ To create highly impactful financial success with create new avenues of income and expand existing ones in heart centred ways that support human consciousness growth and distribute abundance for those ready to RISE. 


Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Private Mentorship. 


Life Purpose Accelerator Private Mentoring with Hannah includes: 

~ Voice & Text Message Access via Telegram
~ Regular & Emergency Call Access when required
~ Psychic Readings via Telegram


Life Purpose Accelerator Inner Circle Access which allows you Lifetime access to all content, courses and meditations that is released in your 12 Months Mentorship time. 

This includes Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator plus the Advanced Certification and all trainings. Life Purpose Accelerator also grants you access to Life Purpose Legacy.  

All courses, all meditations plus, private mentorship with me for 12 months.


What is the investment?


Payment Plans Available, click on the button to see options. 


You're here to Impact & Change the World

You use crystals, talk to your guides, meditate, have incredible health rituals and are onto it. You're psychic, sense things, but know there is more. You have a good life, but something is changing and you're ready for support with that.

These things are in built into you, you've done a lot of work to create the life you have right now - even though you know there are skills you’re ready to learn that have been out of your conscious awareness - that is why you’ve been looking for the Healer & Mentor that lives and breathes this… that is why you’ve found yourself here, because you know without a doubt these skills are ready for your fine tuning - to go deeper and unlock layers you can feel are ready to break through to the next dimension of your consciousness and create an entirely new reality from the vantage point you now sit on your throne from. 

You’re not here to compete - you’re here to rule - your own reality.

You’ve got a purpose to live and you won’t let anything come in between you and what you're born to do. 

You’re highly creative - you're an artist and you get depressed if you’re not channeling your highest creative mission to Earth. 

You’re ready to dive deep and are looking for someone who can hold a level of space that you’ve not known anyone can hold for you before. 

You know, expansion requires the deepest recalibration and you’re here for it all. 

You know... this, is what you've been called to.