Activating Your True Source Code
A 6 Week Journey of Unplugging from the Dark Source Grid and Activating Your True Source Code Frequency. Are you ready to Quantum Leap?
Are you ready to rise and Quantum Leap into the next Spiral Code that has been calling you through the Platinum Portal Glow?
You can feel the shift and you're ready to take the extra ordinary steps that fulfils your Souls Destiny taking you beyond the capacity that has held you stuck before?
Are you ready to Step into Feminine Flow and reclaim all that you ARE?
Are you ready to release the heavy burdensome structures Masculine that has burnt you out and held you back.... until now?
Are you worried about what AI is doing to our planet, how it is tracking you EVERYWHERE - not even just 'Siri listening'… but watching your screen and what actions you take on your device? Let alone not being able to walk in the shop without facial recognition just from you walking around?! Or even just your local street anymore?!
Maybe you're not worried as such, but a bit... hmmm, not really sure what to do with it all either?
Have you been shown all the heavy, super dark underground world, that seemingly the big corporations and elite are deeply involved, controlled by Beings not led from the Heart, that has led you in a place of shock, rage, anger and then powerlessness about how on Earth do we really shift this? What am I really to do?!
Yes, you know, work on yourself - but it really doesn't feel ENOUGH does it?!
You have tried to distance yourself from it and then get pulled back in, time and time again and even though you know that you need to step away, you just can't seem to figure out what the next steps are?
Activating Your True Source Code
Have you felt stuck, blocked and like the tears won’t stop falling from your eyes, but it feels like your Heart is crying this deep well of tears?
Have you been feeling bloated and just 'off' lately?
Have you become or been sick 'all of a sudden' and you haven't been sick for AGES?!?
Are you sleeping but not waking rested, even quite.. restless?
Are you wondering how you can trust again after all the betrayal even through the spiritual stuff?
Which Angel do you even talk to anymore when all this has surfaced and you are feeling sooo alone because of it?
You trust and then you second guess yourself again and that NEVER used to be you - EVER!
The Metatronic Code, the Anunnaki and all the bad guys infiltrating our planet, and don't even mention the reptillians!
Maybe you do or don't know of this very, old Human History, but bits and pieces of Aliens and other Beings are coming to you and you're wondering what to even do with these things. So you have just been a blank limbo with it all.
Going about your day to day, but not really sure what to do anymore either.
Activating Your True Source Code
In 2020, our world has been turned upside-down. In 2021 we were trying to understand what is happening on our World and almost... 2022 and 2023 - wait, did they even happen?!Â
2024 - a blur right?! A blip in time that you're not sure if you're really back from at all?
This transformational period of extreme change, is about creation of the Highest Version of Your Life, of Your True Source Code Life.
From lockdowns to truths surfacing about spirituality that was the life blood of your entire life - and now you don’t know who to trust, let alone how much heart break and grief that is surfacing or trying to surface because your entire life has been built upon this stuff and now it has all been ripped out from underneath you.
The core of what saved you from committing suicide on SEVERAL occasions over your life - you feel betrayed by now - how can they?
How can the dark really be…. that dark?
How can they have brainwashed us - through the Spiritual Gods?!?! Really?!?
You are confused, but HAVE to get back up and keep going, but have lost your footing in your confidence of who you are with it all.
“And don’t even mention the narcissistic relationships that have been dragged up in front of my face right now Hannah - I have to deal with this right now and I can’t even think about that other stuff because THIS is enough right now… and I am struggling!!!” #helpme!

Release The Old
Release the old frequency that is keeping you trapped, time to remove yourself from the Dark Mother Grid & energies that recycle our emotions.

Remember Who You Are
Coming through 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 has made us turn deeply inward, Activating Your True Source Code, 2024 moving into 2025 it is time to truly live all you've become and some 💎

Activate Your True Source Code
Let yourself receive the New Frequency that is readily available to you right now. This can't be done when you are still plugged into the old.
What if, there was a way to turn your world up on the right path you actually want to be experiencing?
What if, I told you it could be simple and not full of constant pain and torture?
What if, there was a way to shift the level of darkness you are experiencing and/or witnessing on the planet?
What if, there is a specific divine portal open right now, that is only increasing in super high frequency AND that means, in this polarised dimension we currently exist in - the darkness polarity has been increasing - BUT SO HAS THE LIGHT and you now have a way to Activate Your True Source Code that allows you to breeze right on pass all the stuff that is pulling you down?
Are you ready to join us to Activate Your True Source Code?
Activating Your True Source Code
How Does It Work?
Over 6 Weeks, we will dive deep together, through our exclusive Facebook Members Only Group, with Livestream Activations & Support, and bi-weekly meditations, activations, ritual releases and regeneration coding systems that bring your body, mind, spirit, and life into the True Source Code Frequency.
I hold Transcendence every 9 months - the birthing cycle of manifestations. A potent layering of all you are creating to living your life purpose and leaving the legacy that the stuff dreams are made of.
Right now, there is a multi-dimensional shift activating deep in the Earth's Core - yes, through the portal there.Â
This is causing much turbulence on the surface, as the activation of the higher realms is re-coded, re-activated, opened and implemented on our Earth's surface - namely - within those Angelic Humans, The Ancient Blooded Healers that are awakening and choosing to receive this.Â
This is causing turbulence on the surface as the dark scrambles to grip on, hence the extra tiredness, rage, fire and walking around like you are in between worlds right now.Â
We are live - join us!
YES! There are always replays for you.
Takes you on a 6 Week Journey to release the old matrix from your body, life & system, to allow yourself to receive the dimensional shift we are moving into, so you don't get left behind and stuck in the old matrix!Â
I have felt for a long time now, that 2020-2027 is going to be one bumpy ride it is the VERY reason I was guided to hold this powerful space ofÂ
So that we can RISE through this frequency - not get pulled down, into further unconsciousness and being floored energetically, physically and emotionally by it all.
Transcendence is held, every 9 months on the 9-10 birthing cycle, layering down all that you are into the crystalline energetic activation, as our bodies and lives undergo the deepest transformation our lifetime has ever seen. Once you're in, you gain lifetime access, so every round, you're already there to join us to ground the crystalline through your life anchoring another potent magic through your life.Â
Gain new perspectives, increase your intuition and activate your highest life path - the one, your spirit soul is so familiar with on this crystalline timeline 💎
YES I AM READYWhat We Cover Week By Week:
Click Here to See Week 1 Content
Click Here to See Week 2 Content
Click Here to See Week 3 Content
Click Here to See Week 4 Content
Click Here to See Week 5 Content
Click Here to See Week 6 Content
âś… Accelerated Manifestation Coding - that isn't available ANYWHERE, except in my Inner Circle! Get ready to shift RAPIDLY into the next dimension of your life (Priceless)
âś… Two months access to our powerful Full Moon Ceremonies ($94 Value)
This Is For You If You Are Ready To:
âś… Completely shift your frequency and come into deep alignment with the truest fullest version of yourself now
âś… Ready to be uplifted out of the dredge, sludge and lockdown feeling whether you're in lockdown or not
âś… Understand and learn how you can thrive during AI overtaking our world and being able to support your family, children and those you care about through this challenging time
âś… Understand and learn how to stop 'them' from recycling your Soul in lifetime after lifetime with all the karmic crap, heart break, pain and trauma that keeps dragging you down in this lifetime, let alone for the eons you have been dragged through cycle after cycle
âś… Understand and learn how to stop them from looshing your energy, keeping you drained and extra depleted
âś… If you are ready to receive Scrying lessons, activating your True Source Code Clairvoyant Gifts to read the new energy that is available to you right now
âś… If you are ready to Activate your Telepathy Gifts and being able to trust the Source of where it is coming from
âś… Understand the magical healing power of water, activating your Priestess & Druid True Nature & Gifts
This is not for you if:
❌ You're not ready to face the truth
❌ You're not ready for your reality to truly change in the way you want it to change
❌ You want someone to do the work for you
❌ You're not open to or willing to change
Are you ready for:
Activating Your True Source Code
What is the Investment?
What My Clients Are Saying About Transcendence...

Christin Ewald
I totally love the work you do Hannah. Just the last round of transcendence alone has changed me and my life so much. I feel so grateful. I am in awe of how you can hold space, your precise Intuition and how it all helped to feel some deep painful stuff and shift it into super excitement. Thank you.
What a journey this had been... could almost describe it as being on a magic carpet - not knowing exactly how the universe is going to deliver my missions. From feelings of utter anxiety to relaxed and composed. I lost/found a new job which works better for me in so many ways. I'm away from a person who I was constantly protecting my energy from, I'm at home more but earning a similar amount, I'm allowed to talk to the customers/other staff members which is helping me to 'learn' to have conversations again. Hoping to begin my practical hours for TYI this week. A bit of a juggling act to get times to sync. All will happen as it's meant to. I'm feeling there are quite a few big changes yet to come... almost like I'm going to be picked up from where I am and put down wherever I'm meant to be. Thank you.
Hello Beautiful Soul, My Name is Hannah
I have created my heart and soul led million dollar online company, teaching you to Trust Your Intuition so you can receive all that you are asking for 💎🕊
It is here, that your Life Purpose is born, from Soul, from you - being completely you, free to roam and do as you please...
If you would only trust, that innate wisdom that comes from all that you are.Â
Are you coming on this transformational journey to Activate Your True Source Code? 💎🕊