atlantis how to trust your intuition Dec 28, 2018
When I walked upon the top of the cliff, I saw this, and knew why I walked up here in the first place. All I saw, heard and felt, was 'Atlantis'.
The healing activation beds in Atlantis are beyond this time - yet they still deeply exist - I didn't want to move out of this pool once I was in it! I stayed here for ages!
The past 3 days, Atlantis energy has been strong and VERY present.
A deep remembering of your skills from this Ancient City that is deeply active, alive and very, very real.
You may hold deep pain your heart, from being cast out as the civilisation disappeared - deep into our subconscious and what is happening now - with your intuitive skills - is you are becoming aware of yours and other people's subconscious stuff, well before they are even conscious of it. (If you need to reactivate your skills on this, please watch this livestream here on it: )
With Atlantis rising - these past 3 days have been a frequency shift, an upgrade a divine energetic alignment that has enabled us to shift frequency and fast.
The past 6-8 months have been cathartic release for many people and in June I received a message that 'we are no longer linear' and I describe our 'living' like spider webs - we are all on the same web, yet, there are many webs at the same time all co-existing together.
You may have felt a pull to be outside in Nature, to be close to the Earth, as we reconnect to our Divine Soul the Heart of our Mother, THE SHAMANS HAVE RETURNED.
Enough of being cast out, enough of being held captive, enough of our limbs being torn apart and kept as prized treasures - we are reclaiming all that we are and we are gathering... in droves.
You may be being pulled to certain geographical locations and leaving everything you ever knew behind and embarking on this voyage that you know in your heart has been calling you for some time. You are leaving all that has been familiar and stepping into a new dimension, energetically and physically.
You may have felt the cast out from your family of origins, with a lot grief in letting go of that - yet, there is this deep sense of reprieve, relief and you are seeing the clarity of it in a way that you haven't quite seen before. The patterns, the family of origin stems so clearly, like day and night. You knew it before, but now it is so clear you can't be a part of it.
Even though the casting out hurts, of course, you also feel a deep internal sense of calm about this. Something just feels so right about it, even though the logical mind is still trying to figure it out, you feel that underneath the deep sadness, is a part of you that knows this is right.
That is because you are part of collective that is remembering, deeply remembering and the consciousness of your true origins awakening, your cells highly active with this opened pores in your skin, but they are in the cells of your being open.
Empaths are receiving upgrades that are different to anything felt before - yet, this, is the remembering and opening, the reawakening of the Lumerian and Atlantian gifts.
You may be 'cast out' - that is because your true Home is being found, the web you are on, is exactly where you are meant to be for a reason, because you are one of us, the ones that have walked this Earth, since Her origins began.
The dimensional shifts, the collective shifts are real and you can feel them in your bones... or cells, or Soul DNA - or all of the above 😉
It is now, more than ever you must:
severe yourself from those patterns that keep you bound
remove yourself from those that no longer are in alignment
nourish your Soul, your body, your mind with only that and those that your Soul aligns to
replenish yourself daily with what you have given out, make it priority to receive just as much if not more
honour your light and your dark and choose what you feed aka choose your thoughts, energy and the way you treat yourself very, very wisely
become super, super aware at how deeply intuitive you are
honour, fine tune and amplify your intuition and empathic gifts
find your tribe and connect with those that resonate with your Soul (join my free Reality Awareness Support Group on facebook if you don't have a tribe like this! )
The activations, the rememberings and who you really are will be coming in thick and fast over this coming days - stay deeply aware, deeply connected to your intuition and Soul and listen for the messages that you are receiving, as they are a key grounding points to align you for your 2019.
I received the message just before, to share the Embodying Atlantis Energy Activation Meditation 💫with you for free, but you have to be a member of my Reality Awareness Support Group on facebook (free), which you can find and do right now by clicking here to join:
I wasn't going to share this yet except with my Trust Your Intuition Tribe, which is where it channeled through me this morning, yet, when I receive the messages, I trust. It needs to get to you now. Click here to experience this Embodying Atlantis Energy Activation:
Are you ready to embody your Light in 2019?
Comment below if you've been feeling the shift and the internal 'quietness' or if you are still removing and untangling yourself from the old web - let me know below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. FINAL HOURS for Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings 🔮 to have me as your personal guide throughout this power year of setting up your Divine Life Purpose, ready for the Age of Aquarius, to concrete in what you are here to do on Earth, click here before this closes at midnight tonight: