
energy update Sep 29, 2020
~ waves of dropping so low, or that it feels like everything is falling apart and the world just dropped out from underneath your feet
~ you can't seem to understand why that person is angry at you, but you won't leave either
~ you may be struggling with a loss of identity and struggling with who you are, what you stand for (because you don't know anymore!), or what you are meant to be doing right now 🤔
~ you had it all together and all planned out and it seems that every time this happens, everything changes - yet again 😢
~ you are questioning why one moment you felt on top of the world and another minute you are lower than you've been in MONTHS if not years and questioning everything again
~ you are fed up with your current situation but you feel sooo damn stuck at how to change it, but can feel this entrapment 'loop' that is going on for you and feel like screaming your lungs out at the 'stuckness' but... you don't even have the energy for that because you are so damn exhausted and just... want to give up.
~ you suddenly eat things you said you wouldn't again, or just know you are emotionally eating but can't stop it....or choose not to right now
~ you wonder why THEY are doing great and you are just down again and are so tired of it because you've tried EVERYTHING you know! 😉
Beautiful Soul, breathe deeper.... we have just stepped into the 3 day window of our Full Moon, however, it is more like a 5 day window - because we are already feeling it and something 'switched' just in this past 24 hours yes? After all was feeling good again?
Full Moon Peaks Friday morning AEST/Thursday evening depending on where you are in the world.
These last 2 Full Moons have been POTENT in the Full Moon Ceremony and now more than ever are soooo tuned into current world energies and shifting the direction of where Humanity is being led - to robot land, or to Freedom Land?
If you're struggling, or feeling like the world has been ripped out from underneath your feet, when you JUST got back on track after feeling wiped out these last 6-8 months and then today even thinking - like WHERE has the last 2 YEARS gone, not just these last few months right?
That's because we have been a direct portal line since December 2018 where the Heart of Humanity was reactivated into the Consciousness of Humans and the Awakening Portal to conscious communication, deep trauma release and a massive reintegration/transformation of abuse, neglect, betrayal and horrid deaths - are now being integrated - meaning - they are not here on this timeline anymore.
As soon as you get your footing and it 'disappears again' or what you thought was going to happen, goes the direct opposite direction or what used to work, doesn't work for you anymore - that is because you have stepped into the conscious alignment of the 'Freedom Land' reality that we are all waking up to and consciously co-creating.
Yes, the things that used to work for you - don't anymore.
Or the things that have been sitting in your lap for YEARS and you haven't fucking used them and they've been there ALL ALONG - are the GOLD MINE TOOLS you've been searching for.
Perhaps it is just time.
Regardless, this Full Moon is potent in allowing your Full Potential to SHINE - but to Embody this, not just it be a thought in your mind anymore.
Last Full Moon, we released the Satan hooks that have been sucking the life force out of Humanity, this one, coming up on Friday I can feel is deep in the embedding of a new energy force, now that we are free of the blood sucking vampires that energetically kept us asleep.
Not anymore.
These are the energies playing out right now.
They are bigger than Humanity has experienced since the dawning of time... and it is why the 'footing is taken out from under you' - because literally, the old reality is no longer valid anymore.
Your Mission comes into to create the reality you want.
Be around those that are working consistently and dedicatedly on this, for these grid lines ARE your footing, but you have to know how to use them!
Send me a message if you are struggling with this.
Hang in there - these energies will only be amplifying until well into the New Year, with the end of October seeing and feeling energies and life changing world events, that no body has ever witness before.
If you are not in a supportive environment, you will be pulled down frequency waves so much easier and get 'sucked dry' faster than you've ever experienced.
The portals are open in both directions. Who you are spending your time with, online, in person and otherwise is having a dramatic effect in the path you are choosing.
Don't be pulled in by them.
Choose your own path.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want to join in our powerful Ceremony that allows these frequencies of these higher realms to actually be of service to your body and life, rather than being floored by them - this is exactly what we do in Ceremony and much more.