🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Christmas Day 2018 🎄🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 25, 2018

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Christmas Day 2018 🎄🔮

The Magical Messages from the Fairies have some powerful messages on this day of rebirth for you today. Scroll down to find the number that you chose earlier today, to see what message they have for you on this rebirth day. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘


Card #1: Ask For What You Want. “Let the Universe and other people know what you need.”

Well, this card has a very definitive and easy to understand meaning. Have you asked for what you want? I am getting the message that there is a part of you that feels like you cannot have what you want, nor get what you want/need. Yet - there is a part of you that knows you can too, ah, this contradictory world we live in right? There is a part of you that knows you can have exactly what you want, because - you wouldn’t be thinking about it, dreaming about it - it wouldn’t be in your awareness, your consciousness, your dreams, your ambition, your drive, your motivation if that weren’t the case right? I am getting the message for you to let go of the how. Let go of trying to figure out how and let that go, because right now? Your worrying about the how and not moving forward, taking action or otherwise is simply because of you are trying to figure out how - that is your only block. And then from that, you don’t even ‘ask’. You might know that you need or want or can on some level, but have you actually asked? A bit like ordering a meal at a restaurant, you do have to ask, or the meal won’t be served. So, have you asked for what you want? Yes, place your order. And let the chef (Universe) do what he/she does best and prepare the best meal ever. I am also getting the message here, to be very, very, VERY clear about what you want. Like, down to the minute detail. I am getting the message and hearing ‘planning, planning, planning’ and it feels like to be meticulously clear in not just what you want and asking for it, but in your making it happen. Plan your time. Plan your energy. Plan and get clear on everything. Get super clear on your boundaries on what you say yes to and what you say no to and what you leave in the past for good. Christmas Day - is the birth of a new era, a new life. There has been huge let go this past 1-2 weeks, with paradigms shifting and allowing the old to completely fall away. This clean and clear slate that is appearing, it feels like ‘is not to be wasted’. This is a potent time for starting new routines, getting clear in yourself and in your life on and in all levels, physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and to up your worth something fierce. It is your time to shine, ask and you shall receive your dinner - but clear the table, so you can receive and be prepared and open to receive it, with space, to receive it. Get super clear - are you? Love xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings


Card #2: Daughter. “The answer to your question involves your daughter.”

This card is also quite self-explanatory! But what if you don’t have a daughter? This can mean Inner Child, or someone who is like a daughter to you is needing support from you right now - can you turn your attention, your full presence to them now? Yet, the main message I am getting from this card for you today, is that you are going to have a Daughter. Are you pregnant? Or your partner is pregnant? Or you are trying to fall pregnant, or are almost pregnant - can you feel the Soul of your baby around you? I am getting the sense that this is the main message for this card for you today. I am wondering if you have connected with the Soul of your baby? I am hearing September, are you pregnant now, or about to fall pregnant, and September is when they will be born? I am sensing this really quite strongly for you and of course if you are a male reading this it will be your partner or someone you know that is about to fall pregnant. I am sensing though, that you already know this, you already have been trying, or hmmm, not so much trying, you’ve been waiting for the right time, and are ready now - or have been for about 3-4 months especially and are super ready now. I am hearing ‘stop’ - meaning stop trying, let it come, let it flow - this little girl, this powerful Soul - has her own life path to follow too! Remember this, as it seems you have forgotten slightly - She has been waiting for astrological line ups to occur and something significant about September 2019, late September, early October that is important for Her Life Purpose. I am also getting the message that if you are an Uncle reading this, there is a niece that is needing your support, care, attention or just connection too. The flowers on this card - you are flowering and just getting started, I wouldn’t close those buds back down! Keep your Heart and Base open, trust, because it all just IS. Trust. How are you needing to connect to your inner child, the soul of your unborn baby, a niece or your daughter? Love xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive and stay open yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings


Card #3: Spiritual Teacher. Your Life Purpose involves teaching others about healing and spirituality.

Oooooh - you already know this though don’t you? Isn’t it amazing? The cards always reflect what we already know, it is just confirming of our intuition for us isn’t it? Because you feel this deep in your bones - that you are here to teach spirituality? They always say, those with the darkest pasts, are the biggest spiritual teachers here to do big things. It just depends, whether you can transform your darkest parts back to the light, or whether the dark, keeps you running through the storms. It is a choice whether we stay in the dark, stay in the storms, stay hiding our light in the dark - or whether we weather those storms and actually stand in our light, not our dark - so the world can actually see us. Where are you hiding your light? Where are you not being truthful, even to yourself? Bit tricky to even see where we are hiding ourselves - so when you look around you, at people in your life and/or people you admire - where are you not stepping up? Where are you hiding behind a cloak of your own light? I am wondering what it is, that you are most afraid of, about your Light? If you replied ‘nothing’ straight away, then what is it, that you are not taking action on to support your Light? As Marianne Williamson states, “It isn’t our Darkness we are afraid of, it is our Light.” I am also getting the message about September, what was going on in September that you didn’t pay attention to? What was in your heart and mind, that something slipped? And/or - do you have something planned in this coming September? Spiritual Teacher - is there a course that has been on your mind? Are you able to step into your Light in 2019 and become the Spiritual Teacher you are in your Heart, but live it in the world? That is stepping into your Light, being your Light, not hiding behind the cloak of your own Darkness anymore. The fastest way to transform your fear - your darkness - is to step right on through it. You know this though don’t you? I am also getting the message something about a book, is there something you have been meaning to read recently? Also, the Rabbits are jumping out at me on this card, this isn’t the time for shouting things to the World, which may sound contradictory to what these messages about ‘being your Light’ - yet, you don’t need to speak it to be it. Rabbit in The Liquid Crystals is Silence, where are you needing to keep your mouth closed for at time? Your Spiritual Teacher is within you - but are you listening to it? Where are you needing to take action instead of just speak words all the time? Chrysocolla is speaking to you, but are you listening? Silence your mind, Silence your words, and just do it as Nike would say. Are you ready to listen and action instead? Show them, don’t tell them. Your Inner Spiritual Teacher, your Light, is calling you? Are you ready to BE your Light? What, is your Light, calling you to DO, not say? Love xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive and stay open yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings


Card #4: Be Yourself. “This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power.”

Ah, straight away I kept hearing ‘Something is wanting to come out of you!’ What is that? What is wanting to come out of you? Did you pull two cards today?! I am hearing ‘Let yourself be free’! Something is deeply wanting to come out of you - almost like the butterfly is super ready to come out of the cocoon, but you are not letting it out! You have undergone major transformation not just this year, but I am hearing this past 3 years in particular and it feels like you are holding back, holding onto the old you, there is a shedded skin, like a snake does, shed it’s skin, but you are holding onto this - what is that part of your life you are still holding onto? What just came to mind for you? This Magical Fairy is riding a Unicorn - Unicorns are associated with Magik and Power - where are you hiding your true self? What part of your magical self is busting to come out - that you are not letting? Have you been feeling drained or tired in a particular area of your life? What is it, that you are not letting the plug out on this and trying to hold back all the water? THAT is draining! What are you pushing away? It doesn’t mean you have to cross your own boundaries or drop your standards, but what this is saying, is what are you unnecessarily holding onto that is taking so much of your energy and time that every time it ‘comes back around again’ you’re like ‘omg again? really?’ - what can you just drop out your life? Let go of, stop pushing against, or thinking that it needs to be a certain way so you can do your thing? Can you just, ‘drop it’? Can you let go of how you think things should be and just allow what is? WITHOUT dropping your standards and boundaries? I am getting the message for you to think, ‘outside the box’ with what you are thinking and forcing something to be that has just been tiring you out. In other words - where can you let go of control? Ooooh, did that word make you cringe?! Letting go of control, releases who we think we SHOULD be, to a certain group, crowd, family, people and allows our TRUE SELF to shine through - this is where your Magik really is - the question is - do you trust the Magik of your own Soul? What is it you are scared of? Hmmm, this is similar to another card of today, of hiding or fearing your own Magik and Soul and I am wondering what Past Life fear is sitting in your Soul Memory DNA? You can do a Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation here, to help release that and shift that: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/past-life-integration-healing-meditation I am getting the message for you, that this is quite big - this is shifting old family karmic patterns, not just your family, but collective family. I am sensing that this Be Yourself card has come to you to confirm that the intense grief, pain and suffering your Empath Heart has been enduring recently - is because of the hugest patterns you are shifting out of - and it isn’t even like patterns, you and your Soul have chosen to step up a level, gah, not able to find the words of the energy I am sensing of this for you, yet this shift you are expereincing, this is paradigm shift of energy - this is huge for you, this you and a part of the collective that have Soul chosen this, to step up in this way and you and a selective group of individuals are feeling the call, cannot not respond to the call and you are. If you have been grieving intensely this last 1-2 weeks - oh, you are right here with us. It will feel like death moving away from these things you are - yet, know and trust and I am sensing too, this holding onto this last part, almost feels like actually more timing that fear, yet, your Soul has been through this before - so draw upon this strength. This is your lifetime to rise - you feel this in your bones yes? Find your tribe beautiful Soul, cause we right here with you. You’re not alone, even though it intensely feels like you are. Paradigm shifts will feel like this, you are stepping into a whole new dimension on this Earth - those people that see you, won’t for much longer, you’ll be there, but they won’t see the new you, you are. Invisible to them perhaps, but not to what your Soul’s Purpose is calling forth out of you. This thing, that you cannot not do. Trust. There are others like you that are doing and going through this. Trust. Find us. Love you xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive and stay open yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings


Card #5: Debt Paid Off. “The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life.”

All I am hearing is ‘Contracts done, contracts done, contracts done.’ - you have shifted out of an old era of your life and a new one is beginning. What has just unfolded for you that you realise, actually, I am NOT aligned with that person, place or thing anymore? Like it has become blatantly obvious? You may have ‘gone back in’ just to test the waters or to see if you could do both, be both - or just be normal and be in there. Nup. Not at all. YOU WEREN’T BORN TO FIT IN - AT ALL. This pulls your Heart strings a little? It does and it doesn’t right? Because you already knew, before you ‘went back in there’, you already knew. But perhaps you were just following the ‘right’ thing to do by society. But you, are just not made for this current society. Your views, your beliefs, your intuition? They are way beyond our current time. So no wonder you feel like you don’t fit in - you aren’t from this time dear Soul! But you came here create the systems that are going to support the new consciousness and currency that is ahead for planet Earth. Even if it is 4 centuries away yet, you are here, planting deep Oak Tree roots and your mission is important. It feels like you just don’t have ANYONE right now right? Like, just, totally alone with what you believe, what you feel, what you know and you may be alone, but you are also deeply aware that it is a choice you are making. Because the depth of what you are here to do? You don’t want to be around anyone either, because they just don’t get it. It’s weird right?! This Debt Paid Off - yep, you don’t need to hang around them anymore either. But they all have their back energetically turned to you anyway right? They might seem like their face is all nicey nice to you, but fark, lookout when you are away from them - you feel them talking behind your back like needles in the stinging nettle right? OUCH. It feels like though, that this, Debt Paid Off, it feels like this time, you are facing the reality about it. Almost like, this time you have the courage and balls to face it for what it is. They may think you are not paying attention or that you are not hurt - yet, the truth? You are deeply hurt beyond measure. Yet this time, you are facing the pain of the destruction that they have no idea they are causing by being this ‘throwing you into the stinging nettle bush’ right now yes? Oh if they only knew yes? Yet, this Debt Paid Off, I feel like you are owning it, in a sense, hmmm, not owning it - you are taking back your power and channeling and charging your power - into the reason they have dissed you in the first place. Your Life Purpose. It feels like this time, you get it. You walked back in there, deep down knowing, but still, it happened. Exactly as you thought it would. Yet this time, you are not giving them the same reaction as you have done in the past. This time you are silent, very, very silent. And focused. Farking hurt to no end and dropping balls of tears in between, but you are getting the fuck up and channeling this energy, this power, into… what you are here to do. You. And your Life Purpose. Because, it is time yes? That Debt is Paid Off. Soul contracts, finally done. YOU ARE FREE. And you’d be damned if you’re walking back into that Lion’s Den again right? You may have tried again, but you already deep down know. Allow your Wings to stay free dear one, don’t let them clip them from you again. You’ve got this and in 5 years time, they will be turning to you for advice. And then you’ll be wondering who on Earth those people even are claiming to know you 😉 Love xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive and stay open yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings


Card #6: Spring. “Your desires fully manifest as the flowers begin to bloom.”

Mmmmm, I am sensing such a deep - Winter is over! The Winter of your life is over and Spring is JUST starting to bloom. I am getting the message that this is not a time for you to give up, but to tend to this project even more carefully, diligently and committed than ever before. I am also getting the message that this is not the time to stop tending to your health and wellbeing right now either. Your physical health is more important than anything right now - in a sense - that it is what is going to fuel you to allow the flowers of the dawning spring to manifest into FULL bloom. It feels like you have let your physical health/exercise/wellbeing go a bit recently? This is your sign to up your game and get that back into shape asap. No more wasted time on not putting your physical health first. What physical health changes have you been thinking about? Or even, started to already do to start to get back into the swing of things? I am sensing that you have already started to tend to this and this is your sign, that yes, your intuition is correct about these things. This ‘Spring time of your Life’ feels deeply significant, for something that has been on your mind, some project that you have been working on, this past 8-9 months (child/baby even?!) and what began about 3.5 years ago - is coming to deep fruition. I am getting the sense and message, you may be tired, worn out - for you have been ‘asleep’ in hibernation/winter for sometime now. You’re not tired from the just woken up sleep, that would account for hibernating in winter, yet, I am sensing you are tired from everything you have been through to get to this point, you’ve been through the wringer right? And like, gosh, will this ever end? I am getting the message too, that you kinda ‘fell’ about 3-4 weeks ago - realising - actually that this is only just beginning this ‘you’ve got to keep going’ - you can’t give up, like you kinda have no choice now and I am wondering if that ‘floored you’ a bit - this realisation alone, let alone the mammoth task you have ahead of you? This physical health, physical body taking care of this now - IS what is going to get you through this, keep you sane and keep you…. well, going! It might feel like you are trudging through the deep snow right now, but I am sensing within 6-12 months, your situation will be significantly different to right now, the snow would have significantly melted and your full Spring, will indeed be that, full bloom - in ALL areas of your life. It feels like what you have been through this incredible long winter’s night, will - all be worth it. Because you’ve even been asking that at times in your despair recently? If it has all been worth it? All the sacrifices? This card has come to let you know, oh honey, they sure have. Don’t stop now, the bees are just starting to smell your flowers that the petals are just about to open. Tend to them, they need extra love and care right now, just when you are exhausted and thought you just can’t anymore… you can. Compared to the past 3.5 years of Winter, you haven’t got much longer to go. Love xxx Only 4 more days to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings, so you can be meticulously planned and aware of what energy is coming up to navigate, support and strengthen your intuition for 2019 - it’s time to receive and stay open yes? Click here for all the details before this closes now: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings