I may seem quiet out here... but...

reality awareness Oct 21, 2018

I may seem quiet out here... but - there is soooo much behind the scenes work going on over here to make all of what I have to offer you sooo much more user friendly for you!! 

I may seem 'quiet' - but I am about to amplify what I offer for you ten-fold! I am deeply passionate about shifting you and if you actually use the tools I offer in all my free content, let alone my paid trainings and offerings, you WILL shift your life! 

Feeling stuck today? Tired? Have you got my free meditation pack with 6 free meditations? They are all quite different and there is one in there that even activates your Life Purpose Blueprint (yep! Not sure why they told me to give you that for free, but I listen, trust and follow through!) You can grab that here: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/essentials-free-meditation-pack 

~ My website is being revamped (yes already! But this was only ever 2% done when I released it to you at the end of July)

~ I am very active in my private groups with livestream supports and free trainings (we are heading into Base Chakra week this week, are you in my free Reality Awareness Support Group for that? A training is being released a day, and 8 Chakras are already in there awaiting to transform and heal you. Click here to join my free group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/realityawareness1111)

~ I am almost finished filming Crown Chakra Consciousness in the Life Purpose Mentorship and so begins Third Eye Chakra Consciousness โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธThis is 4 down, and 8 to go. Rapid Ascension Awakening is HUGE, combined with Lightfilled Yoga.... ready to change the world? ๐Ÿ•Š๐ŸŒโค๏ธ

~ Trust Your Intuition is about to be Practitioner Certified, meaning you can take your skills to a whole other level and turn your passion into profit, leave your 'normal' job, attract your tribe and live your dreams, doing what you love, every single day. Taking this to Practitioner Certification for me personally is a game changer in my life, business and for my entire tribe in Trust Your Intuition, something massive is shifting and evolving here with this and it is amazing what is pouring out of me at the moment through this intense change and deep stepping up to serve not only my tribe, but the world, on a much bigger scale and impact. If you want to be one of the founding members in the Trust Your Intuition Tribe and not only grow your skills, but create a life out of being a Healer with huge impact, Early Bird is open now. Click here for all the details: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition 

~ Changing all my systems over on the backend side of tech stuff has been HUGE that began in March. I can feel in my bones, this huge restructure is ALMOST done and this journey this past 7-8 months has been... something that feels like and can only be described as.... 'I've made it.' 

~ And of course... my book writing to get published for you... oh this lights up my Soul.. .

Doing everything at once? Yah.. that's how I roll ๐Ÿ’ฅ

This journey of this online gig has been a journey alright. After 11 years of teaching and living this spiritual stuff in person, the online pull was there for quite some time. After letting go of all in person things almost 2 years ago to date to solely focus on mastering this online gig, it was always in the plan I guess! When I was 22 living in Brisbane, I remember getting this reading from an astrologer and all she kept saying in the reading was 'online, online, online'... back 12 years ago, when I was 22, online was there, but not so much like it is today... however, it was always in the divine plan I now see. I love this online gig! And... the in person stuff is coming back very soon too ๐Ÿ˜That's always been in the plan too. I just knew I had to stop in person stuff for a while, to solely focus my energy and that is what I have done. And grateful, I deeply listened to my Soul. 

I have lost more than I thought... yet, it has deeply aligned me with who I really am and what I am here to do in the world. 

I have stepped up more than I thought I was capable of. 

I have walked in deep faith and trust. 

I continue to walk in deep faith and trust, in ways that... I didn't think I could cultivate that much faith and trust - I didn't know that much was possible... it IS the only thing that has gotten me thus far... Oh, and trusting my intuition of course! 

My current business coach? Is my intuition. 

I was only sharing yesterday in the Life Purpose Mentorship Support call, that EVERYTHING I do in my business - EVERYTHING is via my intuition. 

Of course I have had tech training, worked with coaches and mentors that have walked this online gig before me... it's a bit like learning to drive a car, of course, you take lessons... 

My intuition has grown so much in this past 8 months of building what I have online. I have gone into groups that I was guided to and walked away after 3 months realising it isn't aligned at my core. Learn something from them? Phew, more than I thought I would. On all levels. 

Give up? Gosh, there was a time there for about 8 months solid I wanted to walk away... goodness, probably longer than that. The first 6 months of this year was the hardest time in my business I had ever known... yet.. I kept turning up, pushing through and moving forward. I know where I am supposed to be. And it is this, that enables me to keep going. 

As I shared this week in the Reality Awareness Support Group, through our Sacral Chakra Free Training, is that most people don't succeed in their dreams... because they give up before the miracle happens. 

And sometimes, that miracle takes MONTHS and YEARS of deep faith walking. Most people, are not in it for the long haul. Most people, don't do whatever it takes. Most people, don't have their big picture vision clear. Most people aren't working with the right mentors. Most people are in constant comparison to what others are doing. Most people want overnight success. Most people, give up the moment someone says something negative to them. Most people won't sacrifice the things they care about the most, to make their dreams happen. Most people won't work 18-20 hour days for 2 years straight to make their dreams happen. Most people... just won't. 

Yet... I am not most people. 

I have walked through fire to get where I am. The literal Blood, Sweat & Tears... gosh... oh yes.. my book will have it all... 

The callings of my Soul are strong. 

And the more I let go of in deep trust and usually with a pile of grief to accompany the letting go process, the faster and stronger my intuition steps in with what to do next. 

And.. the faster my manifestations occur. 

I am grateful for my team now helping me.

I am grateful for my on point intuition that is guiding me to build this empire. 

I am grateful for my trusting of my intuition, time and time again, even when I am shit scared of 'how it is going to work out' - I do it anyway. And go against any advice that anyone gives me - especially when my intuition is guiding me somewhere else. 

I am grateful for all the trustworthy, caring and dedicated people I have surrounding me that have stepped up as I have, every single time deeply alongside me. 

I am grateful for trusting myself enough to let go of the people that weren't aligned and walked alone for quite some time in deep SPACE, so that those aligned and supportive people can come IN. 

I am deeply grateful for..... LIFE. 

I am deeply grateful for.... my LIFE PURPOSE deeply supporting me, honouring me and for myself, heeding that call. 

I love you. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

P.S. If you want to amplify your intuition, get on path of your Life Purpose and deeply bring your manifestations into reality - this weeks Full Moon Ceremony? Phew - we are on Base Chakra Week, the place where we manifest our reality. This week's Full Moon, is also on the dates I intuitively received last month, that the Star Being Souls are coming IN and onto the planet... this week is a power week - ready to join us to amplify, focus and put into action your divine guidance in an amplified way? Click here for all the details of our live, online Full Moon Ceremony: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/full-moon-ceremony