I’ve finally found happiness where I am
May 10, 2023
I’ve finally found happiness where I am. What a ride. And what a journey to get here.
In the last 2.5 years of being in isolation away from civilisation, I had to grieve a man that said we’d be together forever.
I had to grieve my family that I have been estranged from for 20 years and didn’t even realise the impact that has had on me until being on this property faced with complete isolation and all my self care mechanisms ‘taken away from me’ - I had to face what was really going on under the surface.
That big black dark hole that was covered up by self care, gym, exercise, healthy eating and living and doing all the things that made me feel good - was a cover up.
I kept people at arms lengths, I held control of a lot of things, people, places and events, because if I didn’t have that to hold onto - well, that big black hole would’ve surfaced and that… is not something many EVER face in their lifetime. They just simply don’t.
For whatever reason I am curious why I have had to go to this level of darkness to hold the capacity for what I am to do on the planet perhaps.
I tell you what, ‘missing out’ on 20 years of family gatherings, birthdays, calling in for a cuppa, Christmas, Mother’s and Fathers Days - the list goes on - will change you.
I have lived on this property out of civilisation for 2.5 years, but you could say that I have lived in isolation for 20 years.
It has changed me. Not being a part of society will teach you many things. The wisdom that comes from being alone in isolation with nothing but Spirit, your Spirit and that’s it… will show you things people never see in their lifetime.
The dog attack took it to another level whilst losing control of all my mobility and having no one to care for me - that… was another level.
All this darkness… all this pain… all this trauma… all these lessons… for what?
Fuck knows.
But I do know, my heart… my poor heart was so broken, hurt, closed, shut down and just… at a loss. I did so well at covering it up and hiding behind a masculine shield of armour that enabled me to get to where I am today… in survival mode. Sure… I found happiness in pockets along the way but overall I wasn’t.
2022 the year of recovery from the dog attack, was so much more. It brought up and made me face what I had buried all these years. I had no where to run and hide from it. I couldn’t go to the beach, I couldn’t even walk for some of it, let alone drive anywhere. I could barely breathe most of the time with the floods, constant rain and mould that many on the East Coast of Australia endured last year.
It changed me.
It all changed me.
And yet, change is the only constant thing.
I just didn’t realise how much my heart was black with resentment, unspoken pain and buried deep core emotions, even though I am sooo emotional at the best of times and cry sooo much the grief I felt last year was second to none.
When I howl, when I heal… I feel the collective in me.
The dissonance of what and where society currently is.
So many are awake, but many don’t know what to do with what they are facing when they are awake now… many realise they are in a narcissistic relationship with the powers that control our lands and ways of living, but they have no idea what to do with that information… but it is coming.
When I howl, I howl for the collective.
At the confusion of wtf is happening in the world when parades, charades and theatres are playing world stages of gold swords, cloaks and crowns… but many awakening to WHY… WHY when the world is falling down, is not that wealth distributed to the many who NEED it - isn’t that what powers to be are supposed to do - help and care for us, but leave us to fend for ourselves??
When I howl, I howl for the collective… healing threads of past lives that have held myself and others in entrapment and bound by timelines that are keeping us stuck on the hamster wheels with no where to go…. that… change? Is coming…..
I saw just before: “Grief hacks the matrix, it’s the emotion that propels you into the highest timeline. Humanity avoids grief because we cannot control it or process it, and be done with it, it will continue to come in waves. Waves of profound heart opening, if we let it, if we feel it. Grief is letting go and we are afraid of the unknown. Grief, is love with nowhere to go.” - Ram Dass.
I am so emotional, I cry and howl OFTEN.
Because humanity does not know how to do this yet…. I lead the way. I feel sooo deeply and people consistently ask and wonder why my intuition is soooooo on point.
We are 70-90% water… we KNOW and HAVE SEEN that water is affected by words and emotions and probably a zillion other things…. Water… IS emotion. It holds memory, messages and is a conduit for our Spirit.
And yet, so many are frozen stiff with their emotions and do not know what is intuition or why they can’t cry, stuck in fear mode or even create the life they want and end up with the same shit over and over again….
“Grief hacks the matrix.” - an interesting concept don’t you think?
Makes COMPLETE sense to me…
How about you?
From all this grief... I finally found the light... THROUGH the grief... THROUGH the darkness... because there is light underneath it all and once you hit that...... there is nothing BUT that.... suddenly the lens of darkness, is shrouded by the lense of LIGHT and you have become a powerful beacon of your own power, not a shroud of what life has produced to date for you...
Now you can produce... LIGHT.
From this place... everything exists... from this place... Love is found. From this place... happiness ensues... from this place.. everything is created with higher timelines, healing frequencies that people can FEEL, and a power that overrides all that could ever try to take you down again... because when you've reached the darkest points... there is only one way up.. and it comes.. I tell you - it comes honey. With time, consistency, willingness and dedication, it comes.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I am sooooo excited about my book that is about to be released VERY SOON! Keep your eyes PEELED!!!!
P.P.S. I would literally not be where I am today in my consciousness, my evolutional growth, my Life Purpose, my business, or the level of understanding I have about running all the above with my life in general if I was not in long term mentorship. This is where relationships are built, where deep core issues that you constantly run from and don’t even realised you’re doing it are there, surface come up and heal to shift you into deep alignment of your Soul's reason on Earth. If you want to up level your game, change your life and really understand your unique Life Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator my 12 Month Mentorship doors are closing very soon! Click here for all the details if you’re ready to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and cultivate your Unique Life Purpose guided and mentored by myself of 17 years of living my Unique Life Purpose, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator